Power Play (33 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“I think Ivanka would’ve contacted you if something’s bad, mate; least that’s what he told me,” Davy answered.


“Maybe you’re right. No news should be good news.”


“Try calling Alex after the game. I’m sure she’s all right. No point getting worked up before, especially if we plan to kick some Western arse tonight.”











Chapter 63



“Good thing I brought extra clothes,” Alex said after her tennis game with Jax concluded. “I’m sweaty and smell like a pig. Mind if I use your shower?”


“Don’t bother, since you’ll get wet again anyway. My indoor pool’s repaired, so how about a swim?”


“Jax! You should’ve said something before we left my place. I don’t have a bathing suit.”


“No worry; I have everything covered.”


She looked at him with disbelief. “You actually
women’s bathing suits on hand?”


“A few former girlfriends left some behind. I tried to return them, but couldn’t find any of the owners. Anyway, I’m sure there’s something you can wear. What are you, American size ten?”




“Hmmm, nice. I shall return.”




Alex shook her head and chuckled.
He has to be the strangest yet most interesting person I’ve met since Troy.


She pulled the phone from her bag and checked for calls. No incoming numbers appeared on the Caller ID and her voice mail box remained empty.


Well, it’s not quite noon in California and Troy’s probably still at practice. I could call later tonight if he has no time to contact me.


Jax returned several minutes later wearing swim shorts and holding a plum-colored garment trimmed in pink. “Here, try on this.”


Alex gingerly held and studied a skimpy bikini. “You didn’t find anything that covers more skin?”


“Sorry, but your only other option is skinny dipping.”


“I might as well be naked with so little material.”


“I bet you’ll look great in that suit.”


“Okay, but this better not be another one of your jokes.”





“I learned my lesson after you raised hell about the rubber snake in your locker. Meet me downstairs in the pool.”





Alex studied her reflection in the full-length mirror anchored on a bedroom door.
Oh God, why did I agree to wear something leaving little to the imagination? Troy would shit bricks if he saw me like this, let alone in Jax’s house.


She grabbed a robe, wrapped it around her body, and plodded downstairs to where Jax waited in the gargantuan indoor pool.


“I thought you got lost,” he greeted her. “Drop the robe and let’s see how that suit fits.”


She clutched the terry fabric around her neck. “I look awful.”





“Come on, don't get shy on me,” Jax teased.


She reluctantly shed the robe. “Fine, but If I hear one laugh, I’ll come in there and drown you.”


An approving wolf whistle escaped his lips. “Damn, Galloway, I had no idea you had a killer body.”


“Save it, Jax; I’ve seen pictures of your past women. I’m a fat ass in comparison.”


“More like athletic. You’re a
Now are you joining me or not?”


Alex gave him a shy smile and descended the pool’s ladder, still uneasy about the near-miniscule material barely covering her breasts and ass. Once inside, she pushed off the wall and swam backwards, her chest protruding from the water.


Jax secretly wished at that point he’d worn goggles so he could view her underwater without having chlorine seep into his eyes. He kept a towel near the pool’s edge to wipe his eyes, and then became content to swim and float around with her for a while.





Alex’s chest was large and wet enough to keep her afloat. Jax secretly prayed she didn’t see him eyeing her, but she made no comment either way. They swam and then kneeled in the shallow end, wordlessly staring up at the skylights while remaining mostly submerged in the warm water.


Jax teasingly pinched her rear and braced himself to be slapped at any moment. She instead giggled, smacked the water, and splashed him.


“So that's what you want to do?” he asked with a laugh and flecked a little water into her face.


Undeterred, Alex moved forward and again sent water towards him. He responded in kind, but she grabbed his wrist before he beat her to a third attempt.


Jax pulled her against him so neither could do anything but kiss. With the switch on, their lips and tongues went fast and furious.


Before long, Alex was sandwiched between him and the pool’s wall while he gave seductive kisses and hands slid into her bikini bottom.




She pushed him away. “Jax…stop. We’re teammates; we shouldn’t be doing things like this.”


“I don’t recall seeing anything in our contracts to that effect, sweetheart.” He released her and climbed out of the pool. “Stay here; I have another little surprise.”


Alex gazed at him quizzically, wondering what else he had in mind.
Maybe I shouldn’t resist Jax. Troy runs hot and cold so it’s hard to tell where I stand with
It’s time to consider my other options, and can’t help but think about how experienced Jax must be. Aren’t older men allegedly the best lovers?


Jax returned with two glasses and a bottle of Moet & Chandon Brut nestled in an ice bucket, his voice bouncing off the walls. He set everything poolside, immersed himself back in the water, filled both glasses, and handed one to Alex.


“A little celebration for your quick recovery progress is in order.”


She glowed from his thoughtfulness. “How sweet, but I’m a long way from being one hundred percent, and isn’t it swimming and drinking kind of a dangerous combination?”





“Live a little, sweetheart; don’t let Talmadge’s boring vanilla image rub off on you.”


Hmmm, perhaps a ‘bad boy’ type could make my life spicier.
“I suppose one glass wouldn’t hurt.”






Troy lay awake with his mind more focused on failing to contact Alex than basking in the Eastern team’s shutout victory over Western in All-Star Week’s Game 1.


He glanced at the bedside clock, which read 12:30 a.m., and dialed his phone with intent on leaving Alex a voice mail to call him the next day.


A giddy voice picked up on the other end. “Hiiiii…talk to me!”


“Al, where the fuck have you been? I’ve tried calling since noon and kept getting the voice mail.”




“Hey, baby! Just having a little fun with Jax over here!”


“Have you been drinking?”


Troy heard Jax’s inebriated laugh in the background.
I’m killing his ass once back in Pittsburgh.
He’s supposed to look after Al, not feed her booze and God knows what else.


“I had…I had…I had…a little champagne,” she giggled. “Jax got good stuff.”


“Sounds more like a little too much. Al, you can’t drink alcohol while healing from a concussion even if you considerably improved since the injury. We discussed that, remember?”


“You know what, Troy? You know what you are? “Boring. You’re boring, no fun, and embarrassed to be seen with me. You never take me out anymore except to practices and games. You suck!”


“For the last time, I’m not ashamed of you. You’re still recovering from a serious injury and shouldn’t exert yourself. I promise to make up everything once you’re cleared for full workouts and contact.”


“Uh, uh…I saw pictures of you on the Internet with a couple blonde models. How come…how come you don’t have pictures with me in a bathing suit?”





“That was taken after a charity Battle of the Sexes volleyball game yesterday, Al. There’s more happening than just hockey during All-Star Week.”


“Yeah…whatever. Party with the pretty girls but leave me at home. Jax thinks I look good in a bikini, so fuck you.”


“You don’t even own one!”


Alex giggled again. “I do now, but it’s on the floor.”


Oh shit, things are worse than I thought. You’re so dead when I get home, Ivanka.


“Look, Al, I’m tired from a rough game, you’re drunk out of your mind, and neither of us is in position for a rational discussion. Go to sleep and I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon before heading to the arena.”


“Only boring people sleep. Nighty night, dull little man.”


She hung up before Troy could respond. He stared at the phone for a few moments, wondering what the hell had gotten into her the last couple days.


Maybe having Ivanka check on her wasn’t such a good idea after all. Something tells me I’ll regret making that decision…













Chapter 64



Alex woke up nude the next morning in an unfamiliar bed. She started to rise, but strong arms wrapped around her waist prevented any free movement. She turned, saw Jax and spooned against her, and felt one sudden movement away from hurling.


Oh God, I will never drink again even if last night was the hottest sex I’ve had in ages.


She jabbed his sleeping figure with her elbow. “Jax.


“Hmmmm?” he groaned.


“Move over. I want to get up.”


He began kissing her neck and caressed her breasts. “What’s the hurry, sweetheart? Neither of us has to be anywhere today. How about some morning loving?”





Alex pushed away his hands. “Behave yourself.” She got up and scanned the room. “Where are my clothes? I need a shower.”


“Probably in the bathroom where you left them. Want to share a shower? No point wasting water by using separate bathrooms.”


She smiled and declined the offer. “I should go alone and then head home. Troy’s probably ready to pop an artery because I missed his call yesterday.”


“Why should you care? He knows I’m checking on you while he’s out of town. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if Talmadge and his All-Star buddies are too busy chasing blondes or pulling pranks on one another to give you a single thought.”


Alex shook her head. “Doubtful; you and I know how Troy has strict routines. Wouldn't it be something if he was still a virgin because he didn't want to throw off his game by having sex?”


“Talmadge is one odd duck, but hardly a virgin.”


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