Power Play (34 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Heaven help any girl who sleeps with him before a losing game. I can almost imagine the break-up call: ‘Umm, baby? It’s not you…it’s....you really fucked up my hockey game.’ It’s like Troy’s whole life is focused on hockey. Kind of like present company.”


He sat up in bed and tossed aside the covers. “Guilty as charged.”


“For the love of God, Jax, put some clothes on!”


“You didn’t say that last night,” he leered.


She turned to head towards the bathroom. “I probably didn’t say lots of things, but too much champagne clouded my judgment.”


“By the way, nice white lace panties and matching bra you wore under that tennis dress yesterday. Put them on again the next time we visit.”


Alex laughed and tossed Jax his clothes. “Get dressed, you old fool. I’ll come downstairs in twenty minutes.”




He lay back on the bed and smiled.
Talmadge and I may now be on the same page about Alex, but if only he knew how much a little wildcat she is in bed as a hockey goddess on the ice…
















Chapter 65


Alex’s stomach churned as she listened to the near-endless messages from Troy on her voice mail. She vaguely remembered some of their conversation the previous night but didn’t want Jax to know she recalled speaking with Troy.


She sensed some jealousies existed between the two men despite their newfound civility and didn’t want to contribute any additional aggravation.


Alex dialed Troy’s number.
I better pray I didn’t say anything last night I’ll regret.


“Good morning,” he answered coldly.


“Hey…I heard your messages and wanted to let you know I’m okay.”


His tone remained frosty. “Good.”






“Troy, about last night…”


“You were drunk with a bikini on the floor.”


“What are you talking about?”


“You went on about Ivanka saying how great you looked in a bikini. I reminded you that you never owned one and you told me something to the effect of ‘I do now, but it’s on the floor.’ Then you called me dull and boring before hanging up in my ear.”


“Troy, I’m swearing off drinking anything stronger than Diet Pepsi as of today. I don’t want wake up somewhere else naked and–”


He cut her off. “Did you sleep with Ivanka?”




“You fucked him, didn’t you?”


“I…I’m not sure what happened,” she lied.


“Christ, Al, the PR team is marketing you as a positive role model for girls; meanwhile, you’re sleeping around and drinking while on injured reserve. What are you thinking?”




“Cut the white bread act; I’m well aware of your past frolics of bedding a few puck bunnies. I’ve also heard other stories, but not rude enough to rehash them. As for ‘sleeping around and drinking,’ I had a few glasses of champagne and Jax is the only guy I’ve shared a bed with overnight. Don’t try to paint me as a slut, Troy.”


“I have to wonder after the way you behaved last night. Did you bother to use protection?”




“So you
fuck him. Keep in mind Ivanka doesn’t exactly have a clean and saintly history.”


“Neither does anyone else on the team – save Byron, Johann, and Pierre – for that matter.”


“You’re missing the point! What if you get something not cured by a pill?”


“I’m fine but will get tested anyway.”


“Probably the smartest thing you’ve said since calling.”




“Why does my sex life concern you, especially when you’ve posed shirtless on California beaches with big boob, half-naked models?”


“Al, I said that photo was taken after a charity volleyball game. I’ve mostly hung out with Davy and Boris when not at practice or games. Ask either of them if you don’t believe me.”


“Perhaps I will.”


Troy changed the subject to extinguish their argument. “When are your next appointments?”


“I see my neurologist on Tuesday and regular doctor in a few weeks. Chances look good I could play by end of next month.”


“Then aim for that target date by not doing any more stupid shit like last night. Keep up your recommended workouts; lay off the alcohol, no overloading on junk food, and for the love Christ, use protection if you’re going to fuck anyone else.”


“I’ll make many efforts as possible, but can’t guarantee anything.”





“That’s my little star; I want you in optimum condition before hitting the rink again.”


“I’m still your ‘little star?’ Oh, Troy, now I really feel terrible for acting like an ass last night. I’m sorry for saying anything that may have been out of line.”


“No more apologies needed; let’s chalk up everything to you having too much champagne and move forward. What are your plans for today?”


“I want to get in a short nap and maybe do some laundry before Donna comes this afternoon for work on the documentary.”


“Awesome! Has she shown any edited parts?”


“Not yet; we’ll probably watch some today. No, I’m not giving you any spoilers.”


“I never asked!” he said with merry laughter. “I need to go, shorty. I’m meeting Boris and Davy for breakfast before we head to practice. Have a nice nap and I’ll check back with you after tonight’s game. Hope you’ll watch!”


“I will,” Alex promised. “Go Eastern team!”





“No more trouble you’re getting a spanking when I come home.”


“You’ll have to catch me first, goober!”


“I always welcome a challenge. Talk to you tonight.”


“Take care and tell the others I said hello.”
















Chapter 66



Davy jabbed Troy’s ribs. “Earth to Captain.”


Troy almost jumped out of his seat. “Oh…sorry; I have a lot on my mind.”


“I figured that much, mate. Anything you wish to share?”


“You be distracted all morning,” Boris said. “You okay?”


“I talked to Al again before meeting up with you guys.”


“She good?”


“Yeah, the doctors think she could be back by end of next month.”


“So why your mind all over the place?” Boris asked.




Troy took a deep breath. “Before I say anything, you guys have to promise to keep things between the three of us.”


Boris nodded. “Can do.”


“Sure, mate,” Davy said. “Why so gutted?”


Troy’s eyes swept the dining room to make sure anyone they knew was out of earshot. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Al and Ivanka slept together last night.”


“What!” Davy exclaimed. “She dropped her knickers for the old sod?”


“Shit, Davy, quiet down. I don’t need the whole universe to know.”


“What I tell you?” Boris asked with a frown. “I say you need tell Alex how you feel. Now you lose her to Jax. This what happen when you no listen to people.”


“We don’t know for sure, Boris. Al only slept with the guy once, at least according to her.”


“That all it take, Troy.”




“What in the Queen’s name made Alex give her end away to Ivanka?” Davy asked.


“I’ll say the combination of too much champagne and his smooth talk.”


“He had to get her blotto before they shagged? That should tell you something.”


“Al and I talked several times about drinking while recovering from a concussion–”


“Talk or argue?” Boris interjected. “You argue lots with Alex.”


Boris. I know she’s improved over the last several weeks, but drinking could hide other symptoms. What if she’s not ready by end of next month?”


“We’ll have to take things one day at a time like the staff does,” Davy answered. “When we get back to Pittsburgh, I suggest you try spending more time with the lass. She probably feels ignored and neglected, hence another reason she shagged Ivanka.”


“Come to think of it, Al’s convinced I’m ashamed to be seen with her outside of games and practices.”




“That’s a bunch of bollocks! You’re nothing but a good chap to her.”


“All Al had to do is see one picture of me with a couple of females after a volleyball game and she was all but ready to slit my throat.”


“Yet you have fit because she sex with Jax,” Boris said.


“That’s a whole different scenario!”


“No, no, does not work two ways. You either get act together or Alex gone forever.”


“Boris has a point, mate,” Davy said. “You mess around, miss every opportunity to make your true feelings known before some other bloke sweeps Alex off her feet, and you’re going to be mad at yourself.”


“Both of you are right. While part of me wants to kick Jax’s ass, I’ll take some of the blame for Al’s recent actions. I wanted to dismiss her strange behavior since the last benefit to earlier concussion symptoms, but…”


“Better hope not too late,” Boris advised.





“I think we need to have a really long talk after All-Star Week ends. It’s now or never, guys; I can’t take the risk of Al moving on with someone else, especially the likes of Ivanka.”


“Go the distance, mate,” Davy encouraged. “I’ll always have your back.”


“Same,” Boris added. “Alex belong to
. Not Jax.”
















Chapter 67



The foggy sensation in Alex’s head finally cleared when she woke from a nap. She peeped at the clock, noted Donna was due in an hour, and leaped from the sofa.


She caught her reflection in a nearby window, awed by what stared back at her.
Wow, I expected to look like microwaved shit after a night of drinking, unexpected sex, and near-lack of sleep, but I’m absolutely


Her mind drifted to the previous night while preparing for Donna’s visit. Alex wondered if she should’ve regretted the previous night’s events yet felt little remorse for what happened between her and Jax.


If guys can fuck random women they barely met, why should
feel guilty about spending one passionate night with someone I


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