Power Play (29 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“You’re probably one of few women outside my family who does.”


“Do any live nearby?”


“No, my parents and sister are back in the Czech Republic. I see them during the offseason. What about your family?”


“I’m an only child and my father suddenly died four years ago.”


“Where’s your mother?”


“She disappeared when I was three months old. I have no idea if she’s still alive or dead.”


“Jesus, no wonder you’re hardcore at times.”


“Papa gave me a good life the best he could. He sacrificed a lot so I could take lessons and go into acting. Little did I know playing hockey as a child would evolve into an actual career.”


“I’m sure hockey’s not glamorous as acting,” Jax said.


“Neither is really, though I find hockey a lot more fun and challenging.” Alex gave him a warm smile. “The people I’ve met aren’t bad either.”




“You just need to be aware of ‘strange’ fans, to put things in nicer terms.”


“Now you sound like Troy. Neither should worry; the front office and PR department schooled me on dealing with any precarious situations.”


motivate you to play in a men’s league?”


“Joining the Rebels wasn’t my idea. Troy tried to convince Glenn Collins to have me signed to a team in either the Women’s Hockey League or the Ladies Hockey League of Canada, but Glenn decided I’d have a better shot on an AHC team. Mr. Halloran agreed and here I am.”


“You’ve brought us a lot of newfound attention.”


“You haven’t done badly yourself. I remember reading the story about a certain Czech teenager who became an AHC Draft fifth overall pick in the early 1990’s, spoke practically no English, and struggled during the first few months of his rookie year. Looks like you and I have more in common than most people think.”


“Your English is perfect,” Jax replied in jest.





His cheery nature made her laugh. “I hope so! Yours has come a long way.”


“Well, it’s no longer the early 1990’s and I’m not exclusively in Czechoslovakia anymore.”


Their limo stopped at the arena’s talent entrance, a door of which both Jax and Alex were well familiar.


Blue eyes met violet ones. “We’ve arrived at our destination, Miss Galloway. Are you ready to charm the masses?”


“Sure, let’s go give those people something to talk about!”










Gasps, open-mouthed stares, and whispers filled the room when Alex entered on Jax’s arm.


“Is this some kind of bad joke?” Marty asked no one in particular. “I remember when Galloway all but castrated Ivanka for his snake prank, and now they’re appearing at benefits together?”


Byron smiled and waved at the pair. “Alexandra’s looking much better. Medical leave suits her well.”


“She and Jax look cute,” Kelly commented and poked Troy. “What do you think?”


He cleared his throat. “Uh…Ivanka and Al make an interesting pair, to say the least.”


“Troy still jealous,” Boris knowingly commented.


“Not tonight, Boris.”


“Why? You are.”


“I am not; matter of fact, I’m getting along better with Ivanka.”


“Yeah, because you want Alex and he has her.”




Lulu nudged him. “No tease Troy, Boris. Not funny.”


“He pick on me sometimes.”


“Still no excuse. You behave.”


Vince laughed as Marty made whip-cracking gestures and


Troy glowered at them. “Can you two at least make the effort to act your ages for a whole evening?”


“Two chances for that happening,” Marty replied.


“Slim and none,” Vince added.


“Christ, why you two got placed at our table remains a mystery.”


“Live a little, Troy,” Reggie joshed. “You have to admit O’Freel and Beaumont make a cute couple.”


Vince whacked his head. “Shut up, Hebert! You brought your sister.”


“What’s wrong with that?” Troy wondered. “I took Louise to the AHC awards last year. Besides, Donna’s filming a documentary about Al.”




Marty’s ears perked. “Wait, what? I could see a why a DVD set for Ivanka is on the market since he’s future Hall of Fame material, but what’s so special about Galloway? She’s only a rookie.”


“News flash, Marty,” Donna said. “She’s the first woman to succeed in an all-men’s league. I’d say that’s
something special.”


Reggie agreed with his older sister. “Not to mention Alex makes a great role model for young girls.”


“How has she been feeling since her injury?” Kelly asked.


“Al’s tough,” Troy answered. “She’s bouncing back faster than anyone expected.”


Vince jerked his head toward another table where Alex and Jax sat hand in hand among other guests. “Galloway’s bouncing back all right. Looks like she and Ivanka are quite cozy.”


“No dirty thoughts, Vince,” Boris scolded him. “Alex nice girl.”





“Unlike two certain bozos in our presence,” Brian replied.


“Love you too, Donahue,” Vince quipped.


Troy craned his head in the direction of Alex’s table with a frown, but remained silent.


“Everything okay, Captain?” Byron asked.


“Uh, yeah, sure.”
Al and Jax hand in hand? What the hell?


“Oh, isn’t that cute?” Marty taunted. “Talmadge’s girl and Ivanka holding hands and wearing coordinated outfits.”


“She isn’t my girl, O’Freel,” Troy groused.


“Then why the look as if you’re ready to pop an artery?”




“Ooookay then.”


“Marty, knock it off,” Byron interjected. “Let’s just enjoy dinner and meet some good-hearted people who bought tickets. A lot of kids will benefit from tonight, thanks to lots of generous souls.”




Reggie raised his glass. “Amen to that, Preacher!”


Brian spotted Greise enter with his fiancée. “Looks like Faust and Aunt Granny are sitting at the same table as Alex and Ivanka.”


Hannah elbowed her husband in the ribs. “Stop with the name calling. Her name’s


“Whatever; for allegedly being twenty five, the woman looks a month older than water and like she had a ten-century start on Faust.”


“Brenda must possess some endearing qualities for Greise to give her an engagement ring.”


“Yeah, Aunt Granny must be some wild piece of ass,” Marty cracked.


Troy hissed. “Stop with the crude remarks.”


“I’m only stating an opinion. Aren’t some German dudes kinky anyway?”


Troy shot him a warning glare. “I wouldn’t know.”





“That table should spring some interest,” Brian said. “Ivanka isn’t one of Faust’s favorite people and Aunt Granny gives Alex nasty looks if she and Faust much as say hello to one another.”


“Brenda has no reason for concern. Alexandra’s hardly a threat; she and Greise are only good friends,” Byron replied.


“Plus the Germaines are here,” Troy added. “Pierre will run interference if anyone steps out of line, and Al and Patti will be too busy catching up on gossip to care what’s happening around them.”


“Sure, between times Ivanka undresses her with his eyes on the dance floor,” Vince said.


“You and O’Freel are fucking hopeless, Beaumont.”


“Lighten up, Talmadge; I doubt dude could get it up at his age without a little ‘help,’ if you know what I mean.”


Marty snickered at Vince’s comments, sat back on the chair, gulped his remaining drink, and let go a loud belch.


Troy, Reggie, Brian, Byron, and guests at nearby tables glared in his direction.






Marty stared at his teammates. “What?”


“Remind us once more why you’re single,” Reggie answered.


“Were you raised in a zoo or something?” Brian asked. “Jesus, Marty; you burped in my good ear. Are you trying to make me deaf in that one too?”


“Be thankful O’Freel didn’t fart,” Reggie said. “Trust me; I’ve shared rooms with him on the road.”


Marty threw a wadded napkin at him. “Fuck you, Hebert!”


“Sorry, bro; you have the wrong equipment and are way too white for me.”


“Settle down,” Byron chastised them. “Good grief, y’all need Jesus.”


“I think a few people at this table are beyond the Lord’s help, Preacher,” Brian replied.





“Speak for yourself, Donahue,” Marty growled.


“Do you want to go outside and discuss this further, O’Freel?”


“Bring it on; it’s your funeral.”


Troy uttered a frustrated groan. “Guys, may I remind you that we’re at a formal event? Try to act like gentlemen for once.”


Brian laughed. “Yeah, good luck with Beaumont and O’Freel ever making that effort.”


“What the hell are ‘gentlemen’?” Vince jokingly asked.


Troy shook his head. “You and O’Freel need professional help. Both of you are seriously fucked in the head.”


GM Bright appeared at their table. “Gentlemen, we have photographers setting up for photos in the locker room. Everyone should meet there in twenty minutes.”









“Let me fix your tie,” Alex said. “We don’t need our captain looking like he chugged too many drinks before picture night.”


“I could use a few,” Troy replied. “I not only have the misfortune of Marty and Vince sitting at my table, but also had to deal with Brian and Marty almost coming to fisticuffs; some ‘come to Jesus’ lectures from Preacher and Babs, and more of Boris’ dumb jokes, all before nine o’clock.”


“Sounds like you’re having much fun as I am. I’ve lost count of both how many death stares I’ve received from Greise’s fiancée and attempts to keep Jax’s hand off my leg.”


“You looked quite content holding hands under the table and slow dancing.”


“We’re not again going through your displeasure of Jax being my date, Troy. This is an evening to benefit several good causes; think of all the inner-city kids that will be helped from proceeds raised.”


He gave her a slight smile. “You’re right, Al. Tonight isn’t about the team or how everyone should behave. Let’s get these pictures taken and then enjoy ourselves.”

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