Power Play (35 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Be honest, Alex,” she told herself in the bedroom mirror. “You’d given in to Jax drunk or sober. Look at the guy! Forty years old, yet has stamina of  some guys half his age. Jax Ivanka could give lessons in what really turns on a woman!”


She peeled off her now-rumpled clothes, changed into jeans and a simple white sweater, and brushed her hair with brisk strokes until it gleamed. She planned to forego using any makeup – except a little mascara and lip stain – until she noticed the blue-purple spot where Jax had bitten her during sex.


Alex picked up a cosmetic sponge and carefully daubed on pancake foundation to conceal the discoloration.
There are some things better off excluded from on and off-camera situations.


The phone rang as she finished changing. “Hey, Donna! I’m looking forward to working with you today.”


“I can’t make it, Alex. I got summoned for a priority assignment in Montreal and won’t come back to Pittsburgh for a while.”


“Things happen; take much time as you need. Have a safe flight and thanks for everything you’ve done. I look forward to working with you again.”







“The pleasure’s mine. I want to have this documentary filmed and final edits completed by festival entry deadlines, so I’ll have Reggie edit what’s finished and shoot related footage between his games and appearances to prevent us from falling behind in the production timeline.”


“Always good to have a film school degree-holding brother on hand, huh?”


“You’re not kidding, girl! He’s been more than a lifesaver for me many times.”


“I can say the same about him during some of our most critical games,” Alex replied.


“That’s my baby brother, Mr. Reggie Reliable. Talk to you soon!”


“Thanks again, Donna. Have Reggie get in touch if he needs anything else.”


“Damn,” Alex murmured after she hung up the phone. “I could’ve napped longer if I’d known she needed to cancel. Now I’m wide awake. This is a good time to do the laundry I’ve put off for almost a week.”








The first load of clothes began washing when her phone rang a second time.


“Dobré odpoledne, krásná dáma,”
Jax’s voice greeted her.


“Well hello, sexy Czech man. What do I owe the pleasure?”


“I’m doing my daily job of checking on you. What’s happening?”


“My day so far consisted of having a long nap and doing laundry. I planned to work on the documentary with Donna, but she got called for an assignment in Montreal.”


“So you’re all alone?”


“Only me and a humongous pile of laundry.”


“How about some company? I can see you later. Marty borrowed my car to pick up his from the mechanic. Vince is returning mine and I want to make sure both kept my car in one piece and filled the gas tank.”




“Sure, the afternoon is now wide open and I’m bored silly. Stop by when you can. Oh, and don’t bother bringing anything to drink. I want us to enjoy the rest of today sober.”


Alex hung up and carefully transferred a clean load of delicates into their special mesh bag to dry with exception of the white lace panties and bra Jax liked.


These should be ready by the time he arrives. I have a feeling rest of today is about to take a turn for the better.














Chapter 68



Jax yearned to have more of Alex yet wanted each sexual encounter to be pleasurable for both of them. When he spotted the mark on her neck - despite her diligent application of makeup - feelings of guilt about biting her so hard the night before overcame him and he vowed to be gentler next time.


She now moved atop him with a slow, teasing pace, focused on enjoying the sensation with her eyes shut before again opening them and focused on his. Every moment of passion reflected from both sets of eyes, violet onto blue.


“Damn, baby, I can’t get enough of you,” he grunted as Alex gradually increased her pace.


“I noticed. Now isn’t this much more fun sober?”


“Hell yes; much easier to appreciate how fucking sexy you look on top. You’re one hot little woman.”




“Hmmm, if you thought last night made you walk crooked, I’ll ride you today until your old man ass can’t move at all.”


“You’ll never hear any complaints, baby.”


Their mouths locked as her movements sped, tongues exploring one another’s mouths, groans and intense breathing sealing their connection as Alex yanked a tuft of his hair. Jax yelped and ran his large hands over her waist, under the curve of her ass, and lifted her slightly to increase his leverage. He was now too far gone to turn back.


Alex found herself becoming sexually addicted to him. She couldn’t distinguish between pure lust or need to be viewed as a woman in the sense Troy seemed to lack. She reveled in ways Jax looked at her as if only the two of them existed in the world.


She loved the feeling of every inch of him moving inside her, the light slaps, caresses, kneading, kissing, licking, pinching, and nipping. Jax could get a bit rough at times, but Alex nevertheless enjoyed every minute of intimacy with him.




Now I understand why some women my age like older men. They sure know their stuff in
out of the bedroom!


Jax grabbed Alex and turned until he was on top of her, kissing, sucking, and uttering dirty things in Czech into her ear before his tongue possessed her mouth.


“Jax...don’t stop,” she moaned after they broke the kiss.


Tensions spread through her, tightening everything, her body alight with desire. Both absorbed senses of extravagant pleasure until they evolved into mutual shattering climaxes.


“Oh God, Alex!” he gasped and nipped her neck.


Wrapped in each other’s arms sated and spent, they lay together several minutes with no words exchanged before slowly returning to reality.


Alex propped her head on one hand and grinned. “The game will be on in half an hour. Want to order dinner?”




“After the workout you gave me, that may be a great idea.”


She scurried out of bed to search through a cache of takeout menus. “Good, you’re buying.”
















Chapter 69



Alex and Jax dozed before the second period of All-Star Week’s Game 2 began. A loud commercial woke both of them with a start towards the end of second period. Alex detested commercial breaks during hockey games, but she and Jax would have missed two hat tricks – Troy hitting the first and Davy following with a second just as time expired – had it not been for the distraction.


“Holy shit!” Jax bellowed. “We don’t see hat tricks often enough as it is, let alone two in one period!”


“Troy and Davy must again be battling for most season goals scored,” Alex replied. “They’re so competitive.”


“They’re going to have some stiff competition among a few other guys in the AHC.” Jax patted her leg. “The Rebels couldn’t have sent a better replacement for you than St. Cloud. He’s a pain in the ass sometimes with all his English bullshit, but
with a hockey stick. That kid and Talmadge could make the Hall of Fame someday.”




“Wow, the world must be ending. You’re actually complimenting Troy instead of poking fun at him.”


“We may have mended our strife, but he’s still an easy target. You’re a woman, Alex; tell me why so many are attracted to Talmadge aside from his fame and a bank account larger than his dick.”


Alex punched him.


“I know he’s your mentor and all, but Talmadge has too much of a ‘good boy’ image. I thought you American women went for the bad ass types.”


“Some are,” she said. “Troy can be a geek but has his fun moments. I owe most of my hockey career to him.”


“I wouldn’t figure such the way you two fight every other day.”


“We’re not
bad, Jax.”


“Weren’t you and he again going at it on the phone last night?”




“He was tired and I had too much to drink, not a good combination for anyone.”


“Does he know that you and me…?”


“Had sex last night? Yes, and seemed fixated on whether or not I used protection. What he doesn’t know is I was abstinent before you and I hooked up.”


“Wait…wait! You didn’t fuck anyone for…?


“Two years.”


“Jesus, no wonder you’re a wild woman in bed. Didn’t you get horny during those couple of years?”


“Not really. I was too busy trying to get an acting career off the ground. I had one-night stands not long after arriving in New York which started with one male stripper/model after losing a bet, but casual sex got boring after a while and I didn’t want to risk getting a disease. No, I’m not saying the model’s name, because he’s now famous.”


“None of my business anyway; is it safe to ask what the bet was?”





“I found him sexy but he had a huge ego and convinced he would land some major job within two months of arriving in New York. He’d take me to dinner if I won the bet, but had to have sex with him if I lost. Not the best way for a girl to lose her virginity.”


“You gave up your cherry to pay a bet?”


“I was eighteen, fresh from West Virginia, and infatuated.”


“Yeah, we all made mistakes at that age.” He rubbed her back. “You ever think about getting Talmadge between the sheets?”


“Jax! I can’t believe you asked such a question.”


“Well, have you? Lots of women and girls do. I read on some confession blog one woman had more orgasms thinking about Talmadge while masturbating than she did fucking her husband.”


Alex’s face felt hot. “Too much information, but no, I never viewed Troy in a sexual manner. I should add that he hasn’t much as hit on me long as we’ve known one another.”




“His damn loss.” Jax grabbed and pulled her towards him. “There are still ten minutes left. How about another intermission quickie?”


“You are one insatiable man, Jax Ivanka,” Alex purred and pulled the bed covers over the two of them.





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