Pretty Baby [Wolf Creek Pack 7]

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Authors: Stormy Glenn

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BOOK: Pretty Baby [Wolf Creek Pack 7]
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Wolf Creek Pack 7

Pretty Baby

Elliot Spencer has spent his entire life trying to live up to his father's strict ideals and make him proud. When he meets a sexy man at a bar, he decides that for once in his life, he's going to live by his rules, and that includes going home with Tommy Nash. He just doesn't know until it's too late that going home with Tommy will mean changing the way he sees the world.

Tommy Nash is captivated by the chatty little man he meets at the bar where he works. Taking the man home for a night of wild sex is a no-brainer, especially when he recognizes that Elliot is his mate. What Tommy doesn't realize until it's too late, however, is that Elliot is a wolf-shifter like him, and Elliot doesn't know it. By the time Tommy is able to get Elliot calmed down, it's too late. He's attacked someone, and Tommy's family doesn't want him to become involved with Elliot.

Together, they have to fight his family, Elliot's family, and a few people in between who believe they shouldn't be together. Tommy's biggest obstacle is proving to Elliot that they belong together, and by the time he does, it may be too late. Someone is after Elliot, and Tommy doesn't know if he can save his mate, even with his pack's help.

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
59,997 words


Wolf Creek Pack 7

Stormy Glenn


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2011 by Stormy Glenn

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-183-X

First E-book Publication: January 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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With deep gratitude,

Stormy Glenn


Wolf Creek Pack 7


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

“Well, aren’t you just the cutest damn thing.”

Elliot Spencer turned to see the biggest, baldest, sexiest man he’d ever seen smiling down at him. He couldn’t believe a man so gorgeous was speaking to him, but Elliot wasn’t stupid. He thrust out a hip and gave one of his carefully practiced poses and he winked at the man.

“I can be very cute but you’ll have to make it worth my while. Can you make it worth my while? I can make it worth yours. I’m really good at that, you know, making it worth your while. I can do that.”

One dark eyebrow arched on the man’s forehead. Elliot felt his skin tingle when a large hand curled around his wrist and pulled him closer. He was suddenly pressed up against a hard wall of male muscles. Elliot’s toes curled, his cock hardened behind his zipper. He almost purred. He wanted to purr, but that would mean giving up the game before the chase even began.

Elliot trailed his finger down cotton covered abs. He looked up at the impressive man through the soft fall of his bangs. “How cute would you like me to be because I can be really cute when I need to be. I’ll bet I can be even cuter than you can imagine.” Elliot’s head cocked to one side. “Although sexier is better than cute, don’t you think?”

He couldn’t stop his purr this time. It just slipped out of his lips, pulled by something beyond his control—lust, pure and simple lust. “Would you like to see me do sexy?” he asked as he pressed closer to the man. “I think I do sexy much better than cute, although I can still do cute if you really want me to. Cute is good. Cute is great, in fact.” Elliot frowned as he looked at the handsome man. He shook his head. “You couldn’t do cute. You just wouldn’t be able to pull it off. You’re too sexy. I’m cute, but you’re downright drool worthy. No, sexy is more your line. Maybe I should just stick to cute?”

The amount of hard body he pushed up against was impressive, but not as much as the hard shaft he could feel against his abdomen. The finger that pressed against his lips stopped Elliot from speaking, but just barely. Elliot was a talker. He knew that, especially when he was nervous.

“Do you ever stop talking?”

Elliot shook his head, his eyes wide. He hoped he hadn’t turned the man off by talking too much. It had happened before. Elliot always talked too much. He tried to stop, but then he opened his mouth and all bets were off.

“What if I gave you something else to do with your mouth?” He paused, gazing at Elliot speculatively. “Would you stop talking then?”

Elliot blinked. He nodded quickly then thought about it. Staying quiet just wasn’t something he could do, not without a gag in his mouth and he didn’t want to lie to the gorgeous man in front of him. Elliot’s lower lip slipped out into a pout when he shook his head.

The man chuckled deeply. His deep dark silver eyes twinkled as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across Elliot’s lower lip. “You have the fullest, plushest lips I’ve ever seen on a man but I’ll bet you hear that a lot, don’t you?”

Elliot nodded. What else could he do? He did hear it a lot. He had full, sexy, plush lips and long, girly eyelashes. He was often referred to as pretty, never handsome. The delicate bone structure and soft curves of his body didn’t help. He looked like a girl. He even had what he heard referred to as a bubble butt.

The feeling of the man’s thumb grazing his lips sent shots of electricity zinging through his body. Unable to stop himself, Elliot stuck his tongue out and licked the man’s thumb tentatively. Hot, masculine flavor exploded across his tongue, drowning his senses.

Elliot groaned. Damn! He really wanted to taste the man. He wanted to stop thinking of him as the man. He wanted a name, a relationship status, and then he wanted a flat surface…maybe a wall.

Yeah, a wall would be good, Elliot thought. The big man could push him up against the wall and…a sharp grip on his chin had Elliot’s eyes snapping up to meet the man’s.

“Where’d ya go, pretty baby?”

Elliot dropped his eyes as his face heated up, both because he had been envisioning the man fucking him against the wall and Elliot didn’t even know his name, and because the man called him pretty baby. Elliot liked that.

“Uh-uh.” A hand under his chin made Elliot look back up. “I want to see those beautiful baby blue eyes,” the man drawled. Elliot opened his mouth and gently bit down on the thumb pressing against his lips. He watched the man to see his reaction.

The man’s eyes grew openly amused. “You’re very oral, aren’t you?”

Elliot flushed again but remained silent. It was almost killing him not to talk. He had so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to ask, but the man seemed to want him to remain silent, and Elliot wasn’t going to do anything to fuck this up.

It wasn’t often that Elliot got the chance to be held up against a body of this man’s caliber. Men like him didn’t go for men like Elliot. He was too pretty, too feminine, too giggly. If it took him keeping his mouth shut to get the man to hold him a little longer, he’d staple his lips together.

“My name is Nash, Thomas Nash. Most people call me Tommy, but you can call me lover.” When Tommy tried to pull his thumb out of his mouth, Elliot protested, refusing to let go until the man arched an eyebrow at him again. Tommy chuckled. “What’s your name, pretty baby?”

Elliot opened his mouth to answer then stopped. He stared at Tommy until the man nodded and smiled. “My name is Elliot, Elliot Spencer, but I really like it when you call me pretty baby so if you just wanted to call me that, well…” Elliot shrugged. “I really like it and it would be okay with me, I mean, if that’s what you wanted to call me and all. Elliot is fine too, or Ell. Even Spencer, you could call me Spencer, but that sounds too much like a first name so that might not be right, but—”

Hard lips suddenly slammed over Elliot’s, stealing his words and any remaining air in his lungs. Elliot grabbed onto Tommy’s shirt and held on as his legs buckled beneath him. His insides jangled with excitement at the feel of Tommy’s mouth.

Tommy’s lips were hard, searching, his tongue delving deep to explore and clash with Elliot’s. The caress of Tommy’s lips along his, the feel of the man’s hand down the side of his body set Elliot aflame. He burned for Tommy’s touch, the feel of his masculine body, just for more.

When Tommy finally lifted his head, Elliot could only stare up at him, dazed. Tommy chuckled and brushed the back of his hand along Elliot’s swollen lips. “I do believe I’ve found a way to keep you quiet, pretty baby.”

* * * *

The little man held in his arms intrigued Tommy to no end. He meant it when he told Elliot he’d never seen anyone as cute as him. Elliot was adorable, especially the way he talked so much. Contrary to what Elliot believed, Tommy kind of liked it. Elliot was a ball of energy. Tommy only hoped that energy transferred to the bedroom.

Despite what Elliot thought, the man was also sexy as hell. Every inch of Elliot’s tanned skin needed to be naked and licked from one end to the other, and then the little man needed to be fucked until he was speechless. Tommy knew he was the man for the job.

Tommy picked Elliot up around the waist and lifted him up onto the bar stool behind him. He took one step closer and pushed his larger body between the man’s thighs, spreading them wide.

Glancing down, Tommy could see a rather impressive bulge rising from behind Elliot’s zipper. He reached down and dragged his fingernail lightly across the seam, smirking when the hard cock trapped behind the denim fabric jerked in response.

Tommy heard a small whimper and glanced at the man in his arms. Elliot had his lips pressed tightly together as if the moan had escaped despite him trying to remain quiet. Well, that just wouldn’t do. Tommy leaned down and licked the skin just below Elliot’s ear before murmuring to him.

“Uh-uh, pretty baby, that won’t do,” Tommy said. “That won’t do at all. I want to hear every little sound you make when I touch you— every whimper, every moan, every cry of my name. I want it all, pretty baby.”

Tommy reached around and gripped Elliot’s ass cheeks in his hands and pulled the man so close that their groins mashed together. At the same time, Tommy bit down on the soft skin of Elliot’s neck, making sure not to break the skin, then sucked up a hickey. He wanted everyone to see his mark, to know that this particular pretty baby had been claimed.

Elliot’s head fell back. His hips thrust forward against Tommy’s. The legs Tommy stood between suddenly wrapped around his waist. The hands gripping his shirt tightened. A stifled cry of his name echoed in Tommy’s ear.

Tommy lifted his head and stared down at Elliot in complete shock. The man’s baby blue eyes darkened, his long eyelashes fluttered. The pulse in his neck beat erratically. A quick glance down at the wet spot spreading across Elliot’s groin told Tommy why the man seemed so dazed.

“Oh, hell, pretty baby, I’m going to enjoy you so much.” Tommy rubbed his hand down the side of Elliot’s flushed face then down his chest to the wet spot on his jeans.

Tommy picked Elliot up and turned around to sit down on the bar stool. He rested his boots on the metal rung half way up the stool, creating a lap type ledge for Elliot to sit on. The top of the man’s head barely reached Tommy’s chin.

Elliot just seemed to melt again Tommy’s chest. Tommy could feel Elliot’s heart beating rapidly against his chest. He gently stroked his hands down the man’s back until his breathing returned to normal before lifting Elliot’s face up to his.

“We’ve had us some fun tonight, pretty baby, don’t you think?”

Elliot nodded but he didn’t speak. He still seemed too dazed.

“We can have a lot more fun, you and I, but I would need something from you first.”

“Anything,” Elliot said. “I’ve never met someone like you before. I’ve seen men like you but I’ve never actually met one.” Elliot shrugged. “Men like you don’t usually give me the time of day. I mean, I know I’m not a bad looking guy, but I’m small and kind of girly looking and big guys like you don’t seem to like that much. I just—”

Tommy solved Elliot’s speaking problem by leaning in to kiss him. By the time he lifted his head several moments later, Elliot was speechless again. Tommy grinned. He liked this little game between them.

“Now, as I was saying,” Tommy said, “if you and I are going to have any more fun together, then I expect to be the only person in your bed. I don’t share, Elliot. Ever. Is that understood?”

Elliot nodded eagerly.

“Good, good,” Tommy replied. “Now, I’d like to take you home with me tonight. Do you have a problem with that?” Elliot opened his mouth to speak but Tommy stopped him. “Before you answer, you need to know that I intend to have my cock in your ass five minutes after we get through my doorway.”

Elliot frowned. “It will take you that long? I have lube and condoms in my back pocket. I could start getting ready before then, and then we wouldn’t have to wait five whole minutes because that’s a lot of minutes to wait, you know, and I’m not very good at waiting. I just don’t have a lot of patience and I really, really want to feel your cock in my ass and—”

Tommy burst out laughing and jumped to his feet, tossing Elliot over his shoulder as he started for the door. He adored the man, he really did. Elliot was perfect. Between his continuous chatter and his drop-dead sexy body, Elliot was Tommy’s idea of a walking wet dream. He couldn’t wait to get the man home and find out if he looked as gorgeous naked as he did in tight jeans and a shirt.

“Oh wait, Tommy,” Elliot said as they reached the door to the bar. “I came with friends and, while I don’t mind leaving with you, if I leave and I don’t let them know where I am they might get upset. And I wouldn’t want them to get upset, so it would just be easier if—”

“Elliot, where are they?” Tommy asked as he interrupted the man. Elliot pointed to a small group of people sitting in a booth near the door. Tommy took the steps between them and the door.

He slid Elliot down to his feet in front of him and covered the man’s mouth with his hand. He figured it would be quicker that way. “My name is Tommy Nash,” he began. “I work here in the bar. You can ask anyone about me. Elliot is going home with me and he wanted to let you know so that you don’t worry.”

“Ah, do you think you might let Elliot speak?” one of the men asked, eyeing Tommy.

“Seriously?” Tommy asked. “If I take my hand off his mouth I might never get him out the door.”

The man stood up. He wasn’t as tall as Tommy but he was certainly well filled out. “That’s kind of why I’d like to hear this from Elliot’s own lips.”

“Very well,” Tommy replied. Before he released Elliot’s mouth, he swung the man around. Elliot’s eyes were huge. Tommy smirked, another idea hitting him. He leaned in and quickly replaced his hand with his mouth, kissing Elliot until he felt the man melt against him.

Lifting his head a moment later, he turned Elliot around to face his friends. “Don’t you have something you want to say to your friends, pretty baby, something about going home with me?”

“Yeah,” Elliot groaned. He pointed to Tommy. “Him, home, fuuuck!” The last word was drawn out so Tommy didn’t think he meant it literally, although he was hoping. At least Elliot kept his words to a minimum.

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