Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF) (13 page)

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Authors: Jess C Scott

Tags: #family, #literary, #family relations, #anthology, #literature, #erotic romance, #erotic literature, #contemporary fiction, #taboo, #taboo sex, #contemporary romance, #fiction, #sex, #contemporary, #stories, #cougar, #adult romance, #romance, #erotic fiction, #literary erotic fiction, #short stories

BOOK: Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF)
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That kicked Brent into gear. He moved his hands along the surface of Rachel’s thighs, massaging them slowly, taking in the smooth and sensuous lines and curves of her tight body. Maybe exercise was the best anti-aging method. Rachel always practiced her exercise and dance fitness DVDs religiously, right throughout the winter months when it was too cold to go for a long walk outside. She’d never packed on the pounds during a cold spell, for this very reason. Even if all her DVDs didn’t work, she’d still rock her rolled-up exercise mat, or pull out some of her toys, to warm herself up a little bit before going to sleep at night. Releasing all the day’s tension was a great way to settle oneself in for a night of deep and uninterrupted sleep.

Rachel moved forward, sitting on Brent’s chest now, as she leaned forward to support herself on her arms, while she dragged her wet lips over Brent’s chest hair.

His tongue darted out when her pussy edged closer to his neck and mouth, and she screamed with pleasure as he buried his face in her and dug his fingers into the flesh of her ass cheeks. He slapped and spanked her ass a few times, playing with and feeling and watching the mound of flesh jiggle and bounce—Rachel must have felt that good too.

Rachel ran her fingers along the back of his neck and head, before she slid down to pull his boxers down—his cock stood up at attention.

So meaty…” she went, gently picking up his sex. “And so, so

She felt like a feline devil, hovering over Brent, young enough to be her own son, this beautifully delicious young man that she’d always given the best to, who deserved the best of her.

I always like it when we’re out alone,” Brent suddenly said. Rachel’s mouth was around his dickhead, but she hadn’t started any work on licking or sucking him off yet. She gazed up at him, with her black-lined eyes, wondering what he was saying. “Like, down the street or whatever…I’m prouder to be with you, than…with a girlfriend…”

Rachel’s heart swelled with delight. “You’ll meet the right person one day,” she assured him. She didn’t want to chain him down unnecessarily, even if she did genuinely enjoy his company. He had the right to his own life too.

Brent felt like he was going to faint, with the thought of Rachel riding his cock like there was no tomorrow. He wanted her it all sorts of crazy positions, and he’d keep her legs close together, increase the tightness and sensation for her. Maybe it’d feel even better than the buzz he got from pills and alcohol and whatever the hell else that he always took, to drown out never being able to be seduced by his own sweet, not-too-significantly-but-still-older, next door neighbor.

Or so he thought.

Rachel was giving him a mind-numbing blowjob, the best blowjob she’d ever given in her life, as if all the previous blowjobs she’d given had been leading up to this moment in the present time, to a young man she’d still love and trust, no matter what he did or how low he went. She knew he’d been lulled into drug culture early in his youth, and she didn’t care if he ended up making a good living by being a drug dealer—as long as he was happy, and didn’t stray too faraway from the code of never getting high on one’s own supply. Banks and law firms were corporations running on evil too, and look how their CEOs were treated in life.

Rachel almost drove Brent insane as she finished him off on the first round—his toes were curling up and his eyes were rolling back in their sockets. It was a champagne supernova of an orgasm as he shot a huge load in her mouth and down her throat. She let little gobs of it escape her mouth, as she grinned up at him, before sharing some hot kisses with him, after which he flipped her around, and started nibbling on her raspberries—watching her cheeks and light-skinned chest flushing red and her clitoris swell in response to his fingering and cock-slapping against it.

Every sensation he felt seemed to get better and better by an exponential margin. Brent felt empowered that they seemed enslaved to each other. He suddenly knew what to get her for X’mas that year. Nipple clamps, to get her hot and heavy for some nipple clamp and hot wax action on her pretty nipples, and a nice rack that put women a decade younger than Rachel to shame.

So Brent and Rachel moved from one bonding agent to another—from renting DVDs, shopping and dining trips, alcohol, to dope, and then to sex—and the sex by far was the best of all they’d had so far. Rachel’s room was their secret spot in the world, where they found release and peace and solace in each other’s arms and bodies, away from all the noise and fighting and shouting that was going on in the world. They were surrounded and wrapped up in a state of absolute euphoria that encompassed their sextivity.

When they were inside each other, even the rowdy crunk parties, which was directly below Brent’s room, was a whole universe away.

Rachel let the boys have it their way in her home, never blowing their cover—and so did they, with Brent and Rachel.


# # # # #




: 22-year-old Nathan Karim proves his lifetime commitment and loyalty to his stepsibling, Maya Karim, three days before Maya’s wedding day.

P.S. Due to their close relationship, Nathan and Maya sometimes refer to themselves as “brother and sister” throughout this story [please “use your imagination” for this story].






See you tomorrow.”

Nathan Karim smiled his last ‘professional smile’ of the day, and walked out of the Armani Exchange store in the high-end shopping mall.

The 22 year-old sales associate made a quick stop at Starbucks, for a black coffee. Nathan was well-dressed and impeccably-groomed, but a lost and lonely young man. He was on his way to Maya Karim’s apartment, which she shared with Shane Degrassi, her boyfriend of three years. Maya and Shane were going to get married in 3 days.

Nathan caught up on some shut-eye, during the train ride, despite the crowds and noise choking his senses. All he felt was the dull thud of his heart, almost as if he was hooked up onto an artificial life support system.

Is he excited?” Nathan had heard from his mother, that Maya had asked that question. Was he excited about his older stepsister getting married?

Shane Degrassi was 30, 5 years older than Maya—a successful financial analyst. If Maya was happy, that was all that mattered.

But was Nathan excited?
Hell, no,
he admitted to himself, in a deep, dark, hidden part of his soul he didn’t allow anyone to come near. He didn’t even know what resided in it.

Nathan didn’t know much about Shane. He was sitting across a businessman in the train. The businessman was on two cell phones, and reading a magazine, all at the same time. Nathan saw Degrassi’s face on the man’s body—and Maya, next to him. Maya’s hand, over Degrassi’s chest, one slender ankle wrapping around Degrassi’s lower leg—Maya having Degrassi’s baby—Maya showing off her engagement ring, a huge vintage style sparkling green emerald which made all her girlfriends swoon.

Nathan didn’t hate Degrassi. He didn’t know what to make of Degrassi—this 30-year-old hotshot he was now supposed to be “step-brothers-in-law” with.

Were state laws or personal laws more important?

I love being independent,” Maya had said to Nathan, years ago when she’d graduated with a Diploma in Retail Business Management, and had moved out for the first time. Nathan hadn’t kept in touch with her for a while. He’d been too busy—she’d been too busy—everyone was always too busy. One day, they were sitting on the floor sharing and finishing an entire box of chocolate mint cookies, while going through their entire PlayStation collection.
Fuck Xbox!
they’d scribbled on the side of their PlayStation box with a red marker pen. The next day, one of them was getting hitched and preparing for a brand new life and future.

Weddings and marriages filled Nathan with a detached kind of dreadful bitterness. People were always so happy to celebrate a new life with another—a new baby being the ultimate accomplishment. That took precedence over all else in life. A starter marriage—one expected to fail and not last “till death do (the couple) part”—was better than no marriage at all.

White lilies, the flowers of death, that had surrounded Kurt Cobain on stage along with flickering candles during Nirvana’s final MTV Unplugged acoustic concert—images of this flower took over Nathan’s mind as he made his way down the street to Maya’s apartment. He grabbed the flowers from a florist shop nearby, at the last minute, to present to Maya when he saw her. She liked stargazer lilies anyway.

Hi Nathan!” Maya greeted him with a warm hug, when she opened the door. “Oh, they’re beautiful…thanks,” she said, when he’d passed her the bouquet.

Nathan’s eyelids felt heavy.

When he handed her the flowers, he felt it symbolized a part of himself dying too.

He’d never be able to say or explain it to Maya. She was no longer going to be “his older sister.” Well, she was, and would always be—but there was a new “man” in her life, that had to come first. Who would know her, and be close to her, in a way Nathan could only dream of, as he lay in bed at night, thinking of the sister he was losing, to one who was claiming her as His Wife and Mother of His Future Child.

Nathan wanted to slash Degrassi’s portrait on the mantelpiece—maybe he did hate the guy, after all.

Mr. Armani,” Maya joked, looking Nathan up and down. “Did you lose some weight?”

Yeah, a little,” Nathan said shyly. He’d started lifting some weights during his gym visits.

Maya had cooked a sumptuous meal for the two of them—mashed potatoes, roast chicken, rice pilaf, and some key lime pie for dessert—but Nathan’s stomach felt empty and lifeless as his spirit. He tried to sit up straight on his seat, thinking of his true wedding gift to Maya. He’d bought a “Happily Ever After Wedding Gift Box” of fine chocolates and other goodies for the new couple—but he wanted to make pure love to her, a love that wasn’t part of a script, part of a signed piece of paper, that wasn’t part of a proof of commitment. It’d be his parting gift, the best form of his brotherly love for her, before she was officially Mrs. Degrassi, whether or not she kept her maiden name. The fact was that society would be seeing and acknowledging her as a wife, first, and a sibling to him, second. The family one built was apparently more significant than the family one came from.

How’s things with Felicia?” Maya asked. She hadn’t asked about Nathan’s girlfriend in eons.

We broke up, quite long ago.” Nathan broke it off when Felicia started demanding that he give her a ring for Christmas. He wasn’t going to be held hostage if he didn’t want to be. But maybe females were wired differently.

Oh no! I’m sorry—I didn’t know.”

Nathan forced a smile. “It wasn’t working out anyways.”

He sounded and looked more aged and tired than Maya, who had a fresh, make-up free face. Her dark hair was tied back in a chic ponytail. She dressed well, even if she was alone in the house. Which she was—Degrassi was away over the weekend for a business trip in Hong Kong. He’d be back on Monday evening, in time for the wedding on Wednesday.

Brother and sister sat across each other at the table, poking at the food on their stoneware square dinner plates.

Nathan watched Maya’s slender, shapely, and graceful hands. She had beautiful hands, like all hand models had. She had beautiful feet too, and did flaunt her assets for a living, working as a professional hand and foot model. One of the most popular detergent ads featured Maya’s hands, even though most people didn’t know it. She was careful, always covering her hands with gloves when doing the dishes, even as she used the sponge scrubber to keep the water and detergent soap (which she advertised) off her delicate skin.

Nathan wanted to slide across the table, and kiss and worship her hands. He’d seen the way Degrassi held her—yes, he was “in love” with Maya, the way a couple was supposed to be. But Degrassi didn’t notice the goddess appeal of Maya’s regal features. She was just another good-looking body, who happened to be his wife, and therefore special—Degrassi’s right to call special, even if he didn’t really see it.

Nathan almost jumped out of his skin when Maya’s foot brushed against his shin, as she stretched one of her long legs out. He thought of their bodies seated at the two ends of her cream velvet sofa—completely in the nude—he’d suck on her toes, caress her divine feet, while dragging his own foot slowly up and down Maya’s shoulder, watching as she squeezed her breasts and stroked her clitoris in front of him…

We’re in our twenties,” Maya said with a smile and a sigh. She thought Nathan was quiet from a long day at work. Like him, she suddenly didn’t feel like she had an appetite either, despite the delicious aroma of what she’d spent a few hours whipping up in the kitchen.

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