Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF) (22 page)

Read Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF) Online

Authors: Jess C Scott

Tags: #family, #literary, #family relations, #anthology, #literature, #erotic romance, #erotic literature, #contemporary fiction, #taboo, #taboo sex, #contemporary romance, #fiction, #sex, #contemporary, #stories, #cougar, #adult romance, #romance, #erotic fiction, #literary erotic fiction, #short stories

BOOK: Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF)
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Would what two things work together?
had heard what she said—she spoke slowly, to articulate each word clearly—but his mind seemed to have gone momentarily blank.
What does she want?
The boy was going delirious. All his nerves were charged up.
She knows I wanna bone her.

The girl handed him a light bulb box (a 90W Long Life Light Bulb), and held a compact desk lamp box in her other arm. Clutched against the chest
her small hella grabbable would-fit-in-palms-nicely titties.

Jake exhaled, slightly louder than he intended to, before having a look at the two devices. He kept his eyes on them. They gave him something to focus on, instead of the devil in his dick.

This…wouldn’t be the best,” he started, still keeping his gaze on the light bulb box. “A 90 Watt’s too bright. See the text here?” He kept his hand from fumbling, and pointed to the specifications on the desk lamp box. “A 35 Halogen. This one’s a good lamp—there’s a thumb screw to turn the light on and off. So you can go from a low light, to a much brighter light, in a snap. I bought this lamp. The 90 Watt bulb was…kinda hot, next to my face.”

So he blew it. Anyone with a pulse would’ve switched off and tuned out midway through his ongoing droning of the scintillating facts about light bulbs.

But she nodded with interest, doe eyes widening a little.

He licked his dry lips, then finally looked at the girl. She had great skin, clear skin with no blemishes.
So lickable. I should just strip the bitch and see her goodies here—right now—

He didn’t know if she heard anything that he said.
—it wasn’t that important in the grand scheme of things. People used lame ice-breakers all the time. Who’d care how lame it was, if it worked?

She was staring at his name tag, before meeting his gaze again. They were at one end of a row of shelves. A couple of unsuspecting-looking customers had sauntered by them, hands in their pockets, checking out some of the items, and giving Jake and Xing Yi a cursory sideward glance.

Thank you…Jake?” Xing Yi said, when the customers had shuffled on further ahead.

He nodded, a little weak-kneed at the demure, curious way she said his name.
Crazy Wok Naked Body Crazy Wok Naked Body
—that’s all that flashed in his mind, along with the image of her immaculate hourglass body on her big fluffy bed in the center of her room.

I’m…XYZ,” she mumbled quickly.
The Yellow Alien
—she left out her alien immigrant status.

And she refused to add, “From Crazy Wok.” She said that enough on an almost daily basis over the phone with take-out orders. 9 out of 10 customers didn’t know her name. She only gave it when asked, or when she wanted somebody else to know.


God, now he’ll think I’m illiterate.
“It’s my initials—my full name is
Chahng Sing Yi.
” That was how her name was pronounced.

Sing, Yi?

Yes. Xing Yi.” She didn’t mind whether he called her by her real name or nickname.

She’d felt him out, emotionally, during their very brief encounter so far. He didn’t seem disgusted or annoyed at her. Feeling comfortable was necessary, before she let her body do the feeling around. Now that she was a little surer that she felt a little more comfortable…she allowed him to take the next step. He was completely free to lead the conversation any way he wanted.

Jake wasn’t aware of this subtle effect upon him. But the ball was in his court. He liked that she was giving him her full attention, and being discreet about it at the same time.

If a male is a virgin, he is viewed as being a loser, pathetic, weak by society and the media, but if a female is virgin no matter what age, it is okay.
Jake used to wonder whether the first time he had sex would be with a virgin too.
And the fact is that guys have to be the ones to generally initiate everything with women, literally, including sex, hook-ups or one-night stands. If a girl wants to get laid, it is by her choice, if a guy wants to get laid, it is by chance, since girls are generally the ones who either welcome advances or reject them.

Come with me, I’ll show you where it is.”

He turned, and Xing Yi followed behind him, both in a semi-trancelike state. He was burning up with a fever, with each step, as she watched the movement of his sinewy physique, her pulse pumping, with each step.

There were always less customers, two rows of shelves down. It was the shelf that displayed the different types of light bulbs. It also happened to be something of a blind spot in the store.

Jake grabbed the right bulb, and passed it to Xing Yi. He could feel his hands were getting warm. He wanted to use them
use them use them use them
to tease and caress and arouse her slowly with some foreplay
till she’d crave for me inside her.
I’ll start gently, massaging the top of her shoulders with the tips of my fingers. And when she’s feeling completely relaxed, I will start stroking her delicate skin in a more sexual way.

They were in the blind spot. He took a step out, over the edge of the end of the shelf, glancing left and right. No customers in sight.
Mention It. See what she thinks.

He tilted his head slightly to one side. He dropped his hands to his side for a moment, legs shoulder-width apart, languid and relaxed. He straightened his broad shoulders, trying to look as manly as possible.

I didn’t mean to look,” he started off, half-muttering, half-blurting the words out, soft as a whisper, almost. He used his hands while talking, making random gestures in the air. “The other day…” The thought brought a quick rush of blood to Jake’s face.

Xing Yi glanced over her shoulder for a moment. You never knew who might be standing around. “Do you look in…” she said, with a coy, slight shrug, “…other houses?”

No…no I don’t.” He felt like his gawky thirteen-year-old self all over again.
“How old are you?”


Jake’s eyebrows shot up.
Twenty-one! That’s fine, fine, fine.
His beaming face said it all.

You could have…looked longer,” Xing Yi whispered back. She shifted the lamp box in her hand. “I wouldn’t have…minded.”

Jake leaned his neck back a little. He’d had a glimpse before, of what was underneath the nude jacket.
Damn, you look bangin’.
“You’ve…a nice body.” He held his tongue. He didn’t want any stupid shit coming out of his mouth.

He stood before her, his body facing her, thumbs hooked in his belt loops. The pose drew attention to his crotch. His piercing green eyes held her gaze. She tucked a strand of hair back, exposing the white of her bare neck and wrist, and gave a quick half-smile, which was so brief it wasn’t even picked up by Jake.

If he put his hands out beside her, against the shelf, he’d have her cornered.
I’d have her trapped like a bird in a cage.

He took a step nearer, almost closing the gap between them. He caught a whiff of a strawberry scent (of her Victoria’s Secret Strawberries & Champagne body lotion). The scent of the intoxicating blend would always be a turn-on for the rest of Jake’s life.

Xing Yi wanted to love him all over. Let her body do the talking.
Sexual chemistry, baby.

They stood still for a moment, frozen in time, each waiting for the other to “do somethin’.”

Jake carefully reached over, resting one of his hands on the curve of her perky ass—she didn’t move. Then he went lower down, cupped his hand around her butt cheek, and gave a light squeeze, letting his fingers lift up from the
area where her thigh met her butt cheek
TIGHT like the rest of her perfect body
—he didn’t want to scare her.

Jake took his hands off, just as another customer walked past. He didn’t see who—just a blur—he’d throw a grenade at the next person who interrupted.

Xing Yi took something squarish, out of her pocket. She passed it to Jake with a crooked smile, and a very slight bow of the head, before turning away to walk off. It was sudden—
wait, where’re you
—Jake wanted to ask, even as he watched her slim, enigmatic figure from the back. She had an elegant sway to her hips. Just like a catwalk model.

He felt the blood coursing through his veins again. He ached to see her go. He took a step or two out from the end of the shelf, and watched Xing Yi until she turned the corner, going in the direction of the store’s exit.

Jake went back to the screws, nuts and bolts section, got called aside by a customer to check the weight and pricing of a bag of nine inch nails, then ambled back to the blind spot, the only destination in his mind that his body gravitated towards, so that he could read Xing Yi’s note in private.

He almost tore the folded-up piece of paper apart, as he wasted no time in opening it. It was a note written in blue ink from a ballpoint pen. Neat and pretty handwriting filled the entire side of one page, from end to end.



I was wondering if you would be free to meet sometime, as I would to have your hands all over my body (& do the same to you). You
like you’re
looked so…hungry. I would’ve let you in, if you had wanted to enter. I’ve not done anything (physical) with anyone before, but have wanted to for a long while. Would you like to meet for a one-night stand? If not, it’s ok, and I apologize for bothering you. I think I saw you gardening once, outside the library (late Aug). You had a faded red cap on, were shirtless, and yr underwear (black) band was showing when you crouched down. Yr torso had a slightly sweaty/glistening sheen too / You looked so

P.S. Tnks for visiting Crazy Wok. I work there / family business.

Zhang Xing Yi (XYZ)

cell phone: 07111 333333


Jesus hella Christ did the girl know how to flaunt and work her pussy power. Did Jake read it right?

One night stand.

Not done anything with anyone before.

Saw you. Shirtless. Hawt.

Oh. My. Fucking. Goodness.

So she had seen him before, the sneaky little punk.

She was as red-blooded as he was. Perhaps their hook-up would be special, in the sense that she wanted to do it with him, instead of using his dick as a tool. He’d had many chances to tap the girls that put out easily, which he hadn’t really been interested in doing anyway. Long ago, girls had low self-esteem so they thought sex was the only way they could keep a guy. Things hadn’t changed much, except they now did it to keep any guy’s casual acquaintance. He was sick of the girls who just assumed he’d sleep with them because hey, that other guy sure did. Maybe that’s why all the men used those girls as sexual tools anyway.
It’s what they were best at.

He scanned the note again. Oh, she’d left her number—
oh, she was A VIRGIN i.e. person who has not yet had sex, largely believed to be mythological
—oh, she granted

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