Project Lazarus (36 page)

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Authors: Michelle Packard

BOOK: Project Lazarus
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She stood in awe.  It was a miracle.  The good die young maybe but this wasn’t in vain.  Travis was an angel of God, strong and mighty, alive and with purpose.


A miracle…the sphere disintegrated before her eyes to a tiny pinpoint of light that went out like a candle.


She paced back and forth furiously looking for the light.  But it did not return.


She witnessed a miracle.  No one witnessed such things in their lifetime.  Not even her.


Yet, this she couldn’t deny.


Even though Cotter, Arkansas was the center of hell, it appeared a greater force was at work.


She smiled.  There was indeed a force greater than her, the Amazon Man or any man for that matter.


This was the work of God.  This fight was no longer in the hands of man.


Her mind settled, her worries vanished instantly, her prayers answered, she knew the truth, God was almighty and he could do anything.  Today as yesterday, God was the most high power and if man could not fix Cotter, he could.


Gardenia Hall left Travis and the past behind, setting on the hunt for what she didn’t know.  She walked confidently knowing she was protected by a special angel.


She continued through the basement unafraid of her enemies.


After all, God was in Cotter now.   He would settle it.

Chapter 41- The Prisoner’s Tale

It was never a good sign when someone entered the military compound with a burlap sack over their head, shackles on their feet and zip ties holding their wrists bound behind their backs.


There was a prisoner in the compound.


Outside, Cotter was going to Hell in more ways than one.  The military government kept bombing in an attempt to wipe the small town off the map.  The living dead forming groups to go back to Hell were killing the living by tearing them from limb to limb.  They were slowly taking over their town, trying to migrate into other bordering towns.  Hoards of the living dead were trampling through neighborhoods, making death the only option for screaming terrified residents. 


Those left living were killing each other for supplies and food.  They were forcing each other into the hands of the dead to save their own skin.  While the living dead wanted to go back to Hell, it appeared they had created a living Hell in the town.


It was tense inside the compound.  Military personnel were either loyal or running.  The people running were either smart or dumb.  If they played along and took their chances on the outside, they had a chance for survival.  If the running were dumb, their fear showed on their face and they were instantly shot, their bodies burned.


The smell of the carcasses was grotesque.  Only the loyal and of course the prisoners were left behind, subjected to the assault on their senses.


Behind closed doors were two men.  Charlie Dempster, the man who called all the shots in the past but was now in the position of losing everyone and everything.  Yet, he plotted, survival was in his nature.


The Amazon man, a mysterious and unassuming creature of a man, who let his good intention’s be taken advantage of now held the strings of the living dead.  He was commanding them to turn Cotter into the Hell they desired to return to.


It was the third man, the one now leading in the prisoner, who remained the wild card.  He warned Charlie Dempster of his evil plans.  He cared little what happened to the Amazon man except to give him what he wanted.  And what the Amazon Man wanted was a sacrifice.


Revenge consumed the third man, Commander Henrid, enough so he would hand deliver the prisoner to the Amazon man, knowing he would deliver the final blow.  Knowing he would kill the son in front of his father.


Dylan Dempster had been found.  He was the son of Charlie and Millicent.  The only son.  The son that Charlie abused the Amazon man’s powers to raise from the dead. 


Commander Henrid led the young man to a room, threw the burlap sack off his head to reveal the duct tape bound across his mouth.  Dylan Dempster was terrified of the man before him.  What did he want?  He was clueless.  He had no idea what his father did for him so long ago.  He had couldn’t imagine the chain reaction it caused.  He was an innocent and his blood was about to spill.


Commander Henrid eyed the boy about eighteen now.  Curiously, he stared.  He was looking at a young man that was raised from the dead.  How could that be?


Commander Henrid had seen the other living dead wandering amongst the streets, full of love or hatred in life and death, it didn’t seem to matter.  Yet, this boy was somehow perfect, immune to it all.  Perhaps he was unaffected because Dylan was raised so long ago when the Amazon man was still good.  Now all the Amazon man  sought was revenge.


He paced back and forth.  He would kill the boy.  But why?  His mind reasoned that the death would placate the Amazon man.  But was that truly reasonable?  Kill one to save the rest.  In his military mind, no one was left behind.  Whether he liked it or not, Dylan Dempster was an innocent soldier of war.  Commander Henrid knew better.  But his selfish need to outsmart, outwit, survive and destroy Charlie Dempster was winning.


The wide eyed boy studied the stout man, full of military badges and awards across his lapel and collar. Why would a man such as this hunt him down across three states and bring him to a prison?  Dylan scanned his life for an answer.  He had none.  He looked at the anger and torment in the man’s eyes.  He had seen that look before.  Yes, many times.  Where was it now?  Oh yes, his own father’s eyes.


He knew such torment never ended well.  The military man wouldn’t take off the duct tape or any of the materials binding him up.  Dylan knew that wasn’t a good thing.


Commander Henrid made a decision.  The boy knew it was a bad decision.  And it was final.  He briskly walked to the door and upon opening it, gave one quick glance back at the boy.  There was no emotion.  He was cold.


He walked through the door and it shut hard behind him.  Dylan Dempster could only imagine what the man was thinking in that one brief moment.  But he could sense the hate, when the Commander refused to look in his eyes.  He was as good as dead.  What had his own father done?  He would know soon enough.


The fury raging inside Commander Henrid was almost too much for him to bear.  Commander Henrid tried to reason with himself that indeed Charlie had brought him to this moment.  But if there was a mirror for him to look into, he would have known Charlie’s actions weren’t the only reason.


He shook his head.  He didn’t want to kill the boy.  But if he didn’t…what would happen to the rest of them?  To him?  He held the cards but worse he held the secrets now and coupled with his new found power, there was no escaping the fate that awaited all involved.


In a burning twisted moment, he went into the Amazon man’s room and led him out.


He threw him coldly into the room with Charlie Dempster.


Charlie saw the prisoner come through.  He knew it was Dylan.


“Don’t kill my son,” he pleaded.


“What are you talking about?” Commander Henrid inquired.


“I saw him.  I know my own son.  How could you?”


“How could you?” The Amazon man challenged.


Commander Henrid smiled, “I think I’ll let you boys sort it out.”


“Don’t,” Charlie begged, “I’ll do anything.”


But the door shut again.


“You,” he pointed wildly at the Amazon man, “you did all this. Raising up the dead.  Having them kill for you.”


“And you remain blameless Charlie.”


“I might have tricked you into raising Dylan from the dead but I didn’t kill anyone.”


“But you did,” he paused, “don’t you see.  I never kill.  It’s my duty to raise them from the dead.  It is sacred and you took that Charlie you killed it.  Something you don’t and can’t ever understand.  While I’ve been imprisoned, I’ve not been able to raise the dead in my home.  You killed and you didn’t even know it.”


“Enough,” Charlie roared, “both of you are doing this in the name of revenge.”


“The balance must be restored,” the Amazon man insisted, “then I can return to my people and continue my work.”


Charlie was a thinking man.  He was a man who always had a plan and this was the time to be planning.


“Tell me, will you raise him again?” He asked the Amazon man.


The Amazon man was taken back from the question.  The answer didn’t matter much to Charlie.  He decided now that they were alone in the room together to kill him.


“When Commander Henrid kills my only son, will you consider raising him from the dead?”


The Amazon man shook his head sadly.


“You said it was your duty, your sacred duty to raise people from the dead.  How can you look past my son?  The first time I made you do it.  But now it is your choice,” he softened a bit in his words and his voice, “I have to know.  Would you will you raise him?”


“No,” he answered quietly, “I will not raise him twice.  Only once.  I raised him the first time because I was meant to.  I’ve told you before it was his destiny that is the only reason I let you take me from the jungle. Now, others have died and not been raised because of your actions.  The balance must be restored Charlie.”


“But he’s innocent.”


“Yes he’s innocent.  But this war is between you and the Commander.”


“No,” Charlie roared, his anger surfacing, “you evil man.  You made this happen.  You knew exactly what would happen.  You’re forcing him to kill my son, yet you hide behind commanding the living dead from hell.  You’re the one pulling the strings.  If the Commander doesn’t kill him, you and the dead from hell will destroy everyone in your path.  It’s you.”


“You started it,” the Amazon man concluded.


“Then I’ll finish it,” Charlie expounded.  It was then and there, he knew what had to be done to save his son.  He had to kill the Amazon man.  He never dreamed the Commander would give him the opportunity.  But he did.  Throwing them in the same room like to wild animals , the Commander forced his hand.  Charlie couldn’t believe his good fortune.  He planned everything in his life, even killing, if the time ever came.  Now was the time.  He was ready to pounce.


The Amazon man knew Charlie was a dangerous mind but not a killer.  He never saw it coming.


Charlie went after the man, as if time ceased and there was no tomorrow.  He was fighting for himself.  He was fighting for his son.  Soon, he would be fighting for his life.  Charlie grabbed the Amazon man from behind and got a strong choke hold around his throat.


The Amazon man thrashed about wildly, gasping for breath.  The Amazon man tried to speak and reason with him.  There was no reasoning.  There was no going back now.  Charlie had a strong hold around his neck that left him struggling to breathe let alone reason or speak.  His mind whirled about furiously.  He could feel the determination and force in this man.  Charlie was going to kill him.


Charlie and the wild man fell to the floor, struggling for control.  They rolled all across the finely polished floor, scraping and clawing for an advantage.  At one point, the Amazon man broke free only to have Charlie grab at his locks of hair.


He pulled so hard, the clumps of hair broke free from the Amazon man’s head, landing in his hand.  He stared at the surreal clump of frizzy black hair in his hand and watched a bit of blood trickle from the Amazon man’s head.  He was crawling across the room, trying to get away from Charlie not pursue him.


Charlie grew wild.  He leapt like a tiger at the man and tore at his ragged clothes, his hair, clawing his face as the tame man tried to protect himself.


The fight on the floor continued for what seemed like hours to the Amazon man until a gust of wind blew over them both.


Charlie thrashed his head toward the door fully expecting to see Commander Henrid there but instead saw a real gust of wind blow in.  It was a bizarre scene.  It turned into one of those little funnel style clouds, a mini tornado.  Whirls of wind came between the men.  He could only liken it to the tornado chasers he had seen on television.


The two men ceased.  The fight was far from over but an incredulous force had entered the ring.


In Biblical fashion, the wind turned into a real fury that separated the men to opposite corners of the room. Charlie could barely hang onto the wall, his eyes still set on the Amazon man who was safe across the room.

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