Authors: Aaron Johnson
learn to do it for themselves.
Prometheus Rising
One of the greatest historical practitioners of this neuroscience
was Hassan i Sabbah, who used relatively simple techniques,
including, evidently, a time-release capsule invented by the
College of Wisdom in Cairo.
As I describe Hassan's technique — based on historical
records — in my novel,
The Trick Top Hat:
Two young candidates
dine with Hassan; the food is laced with a time-release
capsule. When asleep the candidates are taken to Hassan's
famous "Garden of Delights." The capsule had released a heavy
does of opium and they were quite thoroughly unconscious and
unaware of their surroundings.
The garden — of officially known as the "the Garden of
Delights" — covered several acres. Here candidates were prepared
for admission to the Order of the Assassins: they were to become
the most feared and legendary professional killers in history. But
here also, in this same garden, were prepared candidates for
admission to the Brotherhood of Light, the Illuminati. The candidates,
in fact, were prepared the same way. They themselves
selected, unknown to themselves, which order they would
enter — the political Assassins or the mystic Illuminati.
Both young men were conveyed into the Garden of Delights
and placed several acres apart from each other. In a short time,
the second stage of the time-release capsule began to work;
cocaine was released into their bloodstreams, thereby overwhelming
the traces of the soporific opium and causing them to
awaken full of energy and zest. At the same time, as they woke,
hashish also began to be released, so they saw everything with
exceptional clarity and all colors were jewel-like, brilliant,
divinely beautiful.
A group of extremely comely and busty young ladies —
imported from the most expensive brothel in Cairo — sat in a
circle around each of the young candidates, playing flutes and
other delicately sweet musical instruments. "Welcome to
heaven," they sang as the awakening men gazed about them in
wonder. "By the magic of the holy Lord Hassan, you have
entered Paradise while still alive." And they fed them "paradise
apples" (oranges), far sweeter and stranger than the earth-apples
they had known before, and they showed them the animals of
paradise (imported from as far away as Japan, in some cases),
Prometheus Rising 191
creatures far more remarkable than those ordinarily seen in
heaven!" the first young man exclaimed, in ecstasy.
"Great is Allah, and great is the wise Lord Hassan Sabbah!"
But, twenty acres away, surrounded by similar lovely ladies
and other wonders, the second young man merely gazed about
him, smiled in contentment, and said nothing.
And then, in both cases, the
of Paradise, as promised in
began to dance, and as they danced, they discarded
one by one each of their seven veils. As the veils were thrown
off, more and more hashish was released from the capsules and
the young men saw with greater clarity, felt with deeper intensity,
experienced beauty and sexual joy in a way completely
unknown in their previous earth lives.
Then, as each young man sat entranced by the beauty and
wonder of Heaven, the
finished the dance, and nude and
splendid as they were, rushed forward in a bunch, like flowers
cast before the wind. And some fell at the candidate's feet and
kissed his ankles; some kissed knees or thighs, one sucked raptly
at his penis, others kissed the chest and arms and belly, a few
kissed eyes and mouth and ears. And as he was smothered in this
hashish-intensified avalanche of love, the lady working on his
penis sucked and sucked and he climaxed in her mouth as softly
and slowly and blissfully as a single snowflake falling.
In a little while, there was no more hashish being released and
more opium began to flow into the bloodstream, the young
candidates slept again; and in their torpor, they were removed
from the Garden of Delights and returned to the banquet hall of
the Lord Hassan.
There they awoke.
"Truly," the first exclaimed, "I have seen the glories of
Heaven, as foretold in
Al Koran.
I have no more doubts. I will
trust Hassan i Sabbah and love him and serve him."
"You are accepted for the Order of Assassin," said Hassan
solemnly. "Go at once to the Green Room to meet your superior
in the order."
When this candidate had left, Hassan turned to the second,
asking, "And you?"
Prometheus Rising
"I have discovered the First Matter, the Medicine of Metals,
the Elixir of Life, the Stone of the Philosophers, True Wisdom
and Perfect Happiness," said he, quoting the alchemical formula.
"And it is inside my own head!"
Hassan i Sabbah grinned broadly. "Welcome to the Order of
the Illuminati!" he said, laughing.
Hassan i Sabbah was not the first or last student of the ways
in which sexuality can be transmuted into fifth-circuit rapture.
Further to the East, there were Tantric schools within Hinduism,
Buddhism and Taoism, which taught techniques by which
prolongation of the genital embrace could explode into dramatic
brain-change. In the West, underground cults of Gnostics,
Illuminati, alchemists and witches kept similar techniques as
closely guarded secrets, for if the Holy Inquisition ever learned
of such practices the participants would be denounced as devilworshippers
and burned at the stake.
In our own time, there has been a revolutionary upsurge of
these ancient neurological secrets, with an admixture of more
modern techniques. Tantric teachers are available in many cities.
Masters and Johnson use quasi-Tantric practices to treat sexual
dysfunctions. As early 1968, a poll by McGlothlin showed
that 85% of the pot-smokers in the country said their chief interest
in the Weed was its function as enhancer of erotic sensation.
Vibrators and other sexual toys proliferate; Gays come out of the
closet; philosophers of a culture without repression (Norman
Brown, Henri Marcuse, Charles Reich) become best-sellers.
Saul Kent, a writer on medical science for general audiences,
has even suggested that electronic sexual surrogates can and will
be manufactured in the near future. (Your own Marilyn Monroe
doll!) Instead of joining Tom Wolfe and the neo-puritans in
throwing up our hands in horror at such an idea, let us consider it
for a moment. Let us see if we can peek outside our imprinted
conditioned reality-tunnel.
If a sexual android is possible in 2005 or 2050 or whenever,
why not a totally programmed sexual environment? Let us call
this, in memory of Herman Hesse, the Magic Theatre. We start
with what is concurrently available in high-priced brothels in the
hedonic Sun Belt section of America.
Prometheus Rising 193
Massage, a first-circuit tranquilizer, has all the advantages of
the opiates without being habit-forming. Our Magic Theatre,
then, would include computerized body-relaxers-and-energizers
better than current massage techniques.
Porn movies are available, for stimulation, in the better
brothels. Our Magic Theatre would have them in 3D on all four
walls, obviously.
Marijuana and stimulants like cocaine or speed are available
in brothels everywhere. Our Magic Theatre would have better
chemical rapture-agents.
One can go on adding details, according to personal fantasy,
until one has created a room in which bliss can be extended in all
dimensions, indefinitely.
A strange thing has happened in constructing this cyberneticized
brothel. We seem to have gone beyond sex to something
that might be called meta-sex. While specific genital pleasure
might still be fun, it is hardly as important as it seemed to us
before we came into the multi-dimensional Pleasure Dome
where all senses are stimulated to ecstasy.
And the most peculiar thing about this bawdy science-fiction
projection is that we don't even need to build a Magic Room. It
is built into our brains already. We have been describing the
positive neurosomatic consciousness which Freud called
"polymorphous perversity" in one of his Puritan moods and "the
oceanic experience" in one of his mystical moments. This is
what the neurosomatically turned-on brain feels like.
In alchemy this was known as "the multiplication of the first
matter" or "the Philosopher's Gold," which was unlike ordinary
gold in that it could not be
or used-up, since it perpetually
multiplied and renewed itself. It is the "Third Eye" of the Illuminati
tradition, which transforms all it sees; the eye of which Jesus
speaks in his gnomic aphorism,
"The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be
single, thy whole body will be full of light."
— Matt 6:22
1. Get the lesson book from the local Christian Science Reading
Room and read the lessons for a month.
194 Prometheus Rising
Attend a Sufi week-end seminar.
3. Acquire my book
Sex & Drugs: A Journey Beyond Limits
(New Falcon Publications) and try the Tantric exercizes there
4. Learn how to do pranayama properly, from an expert. (I
have tried describing this elsewhere, and have found there is no
way to prevent gross errors in verbal transmission of this nonverbal
knowledge. Get a Hindu to
5. Da Free John, an American guru, says you can reach
Illumination by constantly asking, "Who is the One who is living
me now?" Well—is it Circuit I consciousness, Circuit II ego,
Circuit III mind, Circuit IV sex-role, Circuit V Gestalt-field, or a
higher circuit?
Who is it? Where is it?
How old
is it?
6. Dr. Aiden Kelly has suggested that the so-called "unconscious"
more conscious
than the so-called conscious mind.
That is, the "unconscious" contains all the feedbacks of the
neurosomatic circuit and the other circuits that maintain life.
Consider this idea. Is this the "One who is living you now"?
It is no longer only the Right that is conservative. The entire Left is
also suddenly conservative. The liberal and the radical Left have
fallen behind.
— P.M. Esfandiary,
The sixth circuit of the brain kicks into action when the nervous
system begins to receive signals from
within the individual
from the RNA-DNA "dialogue," the neurogenetic feedback
The entire nervous system, including the brain, has been
designed like the rest of the body, by the "code" within the DNA
molecule, which sends signals via messenger RNA molecules to
tell the organism what to do:
Grow red hair. Have blue eyes.
Stand up and walk now. Start to talk. Find a mate.
Etc. Our
entire mental lives—our brain hardware and software—exist
within the perimeters of this DNA master-tape.
With neurogenetic consciousness, these DNA archives
become accessible to brain scanning,
while awake.
(They are
always accessible, as archetypes of the Jungian "collective
unconscious," during dreaming sleep.)
The first to achieve neurogenetic awareness, a few thousand
years ago, spoke of "memories of past lives," "re-incarnation,"
"immortality," etc. That these neurological adepts were speaking
of something real, in the best language of their day, is indicated
by the fact that many of them (especially Hindus and Sufis) gave
marvelously accurate poetic vistas of evolution millennia before
Darwin and foresaw Super-humanity before Nietzsche.
The Greeks called this "the vision of Pan," the Chinese "the
great Tao," Hindus "Atman consciousness." The numinous,
awful, sublime "God" "Goddess" and "Demon" figures who
appear in the initial stages of this Awakening are Jung's
"archetypes of the collective unconscious" and are recognized as
"victors from dream-time" by primitives, as "them from Sidde"
by witches, as the Weird People in a thousand folk-traditions.
Gurdjieff calls this circuit the True Emotional Center.
The "akashic records" of Theosophy, the "phylogenetic
unconscious" of Dr. Stanislaus Grof, the "Gaia hypothesis" of