Authors: Aaron Johnson
The bio-survival program first attaches to the safe space
around the mother (oral imprint), and then with age moves
further and further out, exploring what is safe and what is not.
Without hard-wired genetic programs (i.e., automatic programs)
this second stage would be impossible, and no mammal would
ever leave the teat. The hard-wired programs act automatically
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because if you had to stop and think out
each situation, you would be eaten by the first predator.
Of course, the imprint is made by
chance —
by the circumstances
at the moment of imprint vulnerability. (Recall the
gosling who imprinted the ping-pong ball.) Some imprint bravery,
inquisitiveness and the exploratory drive; others imprint
timidity, infophobia (fear of the unpredictable) and withdrawal,
of which the extreme case is the sad imprint called
childhood schizophrenia.
All of which is robotic,
one learns how to reprogram and
reimprint one's own brain circuits. In most cases, such metaprogramming
skill is never acquired. It all goes by in a flash, on
mechanical auto-pilot, in
time. "I just found myself doing
it," says the soldier as he is being court-martialled for cowardice
or decorated for bravery.
It's safe out here!
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Of course, on top of the hard-wired imprinting of the biosurvival
circuit comes "softer" conditioning. This allows the
safe-space perimeter to be generalized outward from the
mother's body to the pack or tribe—the "extended family."
Every social animal has, in addition to the Darwinian
"instinct" (genetic program) of self-preservation, a similar
"instinct" to protect the gene-pool. This is the basis of altruism,
and social animals could not survive without it.
Wild dogs (and wolves) bark to warn the rest of the pack that
an intruder is coming. Your domesticated dog identifies you as a
pack-leader; he barks to warn you that an intruder is coming. (He
also barks, of course, to warn the intruder that he is ready to fight
for his territory.)
As civilization has advanced, the pack-bond
(the tribe, the
extended family)
has been broken.
This is the root of the widely
or "alienation" or "existential anguish"
about which so many social critics have written so eloquently.
What has happened is that the conditioning of the bio-survival
bond to the gene-pool has been replaced by
a conditioning of
bio-survival drives to hook onto the peculiar tickets which we
call "money".
Concretely, a modern man or woman doesn't look for biosurvival
security in the gene-pool, the pack, the extended family.
Bio-survival depends on getting the tickets. "You can't live
without money," as the Living Theatre troop used to cry out in
anguish. If the tickets are withdrawn, acute bio-survival anxiety
appears at once.
Imagine, as vividly as possible, what you would feel, and
what you would do, if all your sources to bio-survival tickets
(money) were cut off tomorrow. This is precisely what tribal
men and women feel if cut off from the tribe; it is why exile, or
even ostracism, were sufficient punishments to enforce tribal
conformity throughout most of human history. As recently as
Shakespeare's day the threat of exile was an acute terror signal
("Banished!" cries Romeo, "the damned use that word in Hell!")
In traditional society, belonging to the tribe was bio-security;
exile was terror, and real threat of death. In modern society,
having the tickets (money) is bio-security; having the tickets
withdrawn is terror.
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Welfare-ism, socialism, totalitarianism, etc. represent attempts,
in varying degrees of rationality and hysteria, to re-create
the tribal bond by making the State stand-in for the gene-pool.
Conservatives who claim that no form of Welfare is tolerable to
them are asking that people live with total bio-survival anxiety
combined with terror. The conservatives, of course,
vaguely recognize this and ask for "local charity" to replace
State Welfare — i.e., they ask for the gene-pool to be restored by
magic, among people (denizens of a typical city) who are not
genetically related at all.
On the other hand, the State is not a gene-pool or a tribe, and
cannot really play the bio-survival unit convincingly. Everybody
on Welfare becomes paranoid, because they are continually worrying
that they are going to get cut off ("exiled") for some minor
infraction of the increasingly incomprehensible bureaucratic
rules. And in real totalitarianism, in which the bogus identification
of the State with the tribe is carried to the point of a new
mysticism, the paranoia becomes total.
Real bonding can only occur in face-to-face groups of reasonable
size. Hence, the perpetual attempt (however implausible in
industrial circumstances) to decentralize, to go back to the tribal
ethos, to replace the State with syndicates (as in anarchism) or
affinity-groups (Reich's "Consciousness III"). Recall the hippie
crash-pad of the sixties, which lives on in many rural communes.
Back in the real world, the tickets called
are the biosurvival
bond for most people. Anti-Semitism is a complex
aberration, of many facets and causes, but in its classic form (the
"Jewish Bankers' Conspiracy") it simply holds that a hostile
gene-pool controls the tickets for bio-security. Such paranoia is
inevitable in a money economy; junkies have similar myths
about who controls the supply of heroin. Thus, as anti-Semitism
has declined in America, the "Bankers' Conspiracy" lives on in a
new form. Now the villains are old New England WASP families,
the "Yankee Establishment." Some Leftists will even show
you charts of the genealogies of these WASP bankers, the way
anti-Semites used to show Rothschild genealogies.
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C.H. Douglas, the engineer and economist, once made up a
chart, which he showed to the MacMillan Commission in 1932
when they were discussing money and credit regulation. The
chart graphed the rise and fall of interest rates from the defeat of
Napoleon in 1812 to the date the Commission met in 1932, and
on the same scale, the rise and fall of the suicide rate in that one
twenty-year period.
The two curves were virtually identical. Every time the interest
rate went up, so did the suicide rate; when interest went
down, so did suicide. This can hardly be "coincidence." When
interest rises, a certain number of businessmen go bankrupt, a
certain number of workers are thrown out of their jobs, and
everybody's bio-survival anxiety generally increases.
Marxists and other radicals are urgently aware of such factors
in "mental health" and hence scornful of all types of academic
psychology which ignore these bio-survival issues. Unfortunately,
the Marxist remedy—making everybody dependent for
bio-survival on the whims of a State bureaucracy—is a cure
worse than the disease.
Bio-survival anxiety will only permanently disappear when
world-wide wealth has reached a level, and a distribution, where,
without totalitarianism, everyone has enough
The Hunger Project, the idea of the Guaranteed Annual
Income, Douglas' National Dividend plan, etc. represent groping
toward that goal. The ideal can only be achieved in a technology
of abundance.
Extreme cases—persons who take their
imprint on
the first (oral) circuit—tend to be viscerotonic, because this
imprint determines lifelong endocrine and glandular processes.
Thus, in extreme they are "baby-faced" in adult life, never lose
their "baby-fat," are plump and round and gentle, etc. They are
easily "hurt" (threatened: terrified) by disapproval of any sort,
because in the baby-circuit of the brain,
by loss of the food supply.
We all have this circuit and need to exercize it periodically.
Cuddling, sucking, hugging etc. and daily playing with (a) one's
own body (b) another's body and (c) the environment, are perpetually
necessary to neurosomatic-endocrine health. Those who
deny such primordial functions because of rigid imprinting on
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the Third (rationalistic) or Fourth (moralistic) circuit tend to
become "dried up," "prune-faced," unattractive, "cold," and
muscularly rigid.
The baby-functions of playing with one's own body, another's
body and the environment continue throughout life in all
animals. This "playfulness" is a marked characteristic of all conspicuously
healthy individuals of the sort Maslow calls "selfactualizers."
If this initial imprint is negative—if the universe in general
and other humans in particular are imprinted as dangerous,
hostile and frightening—the Prover will go on throughout life
adjusting all perceptions to fit this map. This is what is known as
the "Injustice Collector" syndrome (in the language of Dr.
Edmund Bergler). The female members of this imprint goup
become Radical Feminists; the male members are less organized
and can be found in fringe groups of the extreme Left and
extreme Right.
Such a pattern is unconscious in three ways. It is unconscious
because automatic: it happens without thought, as a robot program.
It is also unconscious because it began before the infant
had language and hence it is pre-verbal, inarticulate,
than considered. And it is unconscious because it is all-over-thebody-
at-once. Specifically, it is characterized by the
first noted by Wilhelm Reich: a chronic muscular armoring
that prevents proper, relaxed breathing. Popular speech
recognizes this state as "being up-tight."
All of the most successful reimprinting techniques (therapies)
for this kind of chronic anxiety work on the body first, not on the
"mind." The Reichians, Rolfers, Primal Scream therapists, Orr's
"rebirthers," Gesaltists, etc. all know, whatever specialized
jargons they may use, that a bad bio-survival imprint can only be
corrected by working on the biological being itself, the body that
feels perpetually vulnerable and under attack. Even Neurolinguistic
Programming (NLP) begins by inducing the patient to
relax and breathe easily.
As Gregory Bateson has pointed out. Konrad Lorenz acquired
his marvelous insights into the imprinting process—for which he
won the Nobel prize—by consciously imitating the body movements
of the animals he was studying. Watching Lorenz lecture,
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one could "see" each animal he discussed, because Lorenz would
dramatize or "become" that animal, in the manner of a Method
Even earlier, Wilhelm Reich discovered that he could understand
his patients with remarkable clarity by imitating their
characteristic body movements and postures. The bio-survival
imprints, especially traumatic ones, are all-over-the-body, frozen
(in Reich's metaphor) in chronic muscle and gland mechanisms.
If you can't understand somebody's "irrational" behavior,
start by observing their breathing. You will very quickly get an
idea of what is bothering them. This is why all schools of yoga—
Buddhist, Hindu or Sufi—place such emphasis on restoring natural
breathing before trying to move the student on to higher
circuits and wider consciousness.
This is of more than "psychological" import. Every study of
the psychosomatic aspects of cancer and asthma, for instance,
finds this pattern of chronic muscular contraction (subjectively
felt as anxiety) among the predisposing factors. What the
Thinker thinks, the Prover proves. People are strangling their
inner organs every day because they are
Mary Baker Eddy may have been exaggerating slightly when
she said, "All illness is manifested fear;" but holistic medicine
more and more recognizes that if that damned word "all" is
replaced by a more tentative "most," Mrs. Eddy was close to the
Even old-fangled M.D.s who won't consider holistic ideas for
a minute, admit that some persons are mysteriously "more susceptible"
to disease than other persons. What is this metaphysical
"susceptibility"? Anthropologist Ashley Montagu has collected
numerous statistics on children who were deprived of maternal
love at the crucial point of imprint vulnerability in infancy. They
not only died younger than the national average, but were sicklier