Authors: Aaron Johnson
much less obvious than the similarities.) Real differences begin
to appear when the third, semantic circuit enters the picture.
For instance, novice dog-trainers always make the mistake of
too many words.
Because the dog is so "human" in so
many ways (canines, like primates, are great mimics), the novice
imputes too much "humanity" to them. The average dog has a
vocabulary of around 150 words, and within that semantic
universe is quite bright. It is very easy to teach a dog the meaning
of "Sit," "Stay," "Attack," etc.; and the dog will learn the
meaning of "walk" and "food" even without your trying to teach
him. The problem begins when the novice expects the dog to
understand something like "No, no, Fritz—anywhere else in the
bedroom, but not on the bed." Even a non-English-speaking
human would not grasp that, except vaguely. The dog gives up
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on such sentences and guesses what he can from your mammalian
(and unconscious)
Understanding these distinctions can vastly improve primatecanine
communication. For instance, my wife, a sociologist,
trained our dog, Fang, not to beg at the table in the most direct
mammalian language possible. She simply
at him the
first few times he approached her while she was eating. (She had
been reading ethology, of course.) Fang understood fully; he
soon learned to avoid the table while the Pack-Leaders (my wife
and myself) were eating. His genetic programs told him we were
the Big Dogs, or as close to the Big Dogs as he could find in that
environment; dogs, like wolves, have a genetic program about
not annoying the Big Dogs while they're eating. The growl told
him all he needed to know about the local parameters of that
rule. Fang, incidentally, was a Dachshund-Labrador mix, and
strange-looking to most humans. People would stop me on the
street while I was walking him and ask, "What...IS.. .that???"
Persons (extreme cases) who take the
imprint on this
territorial-emotional circuit tend to be musculotonic. That is,
they hold most of their attention and energy, in the muscular
attack-defense systems and grow up medium weight—
enough to be hard to knock down, light enough to be quick and
sinewy. Often, they become body-builders, weight-lifters etc.
and have an extraordinary absorption in demonstrating their
strength. (Even shaking hands with them, you get the message
that they are not exchanging amity but demonstrating power.)
Most societies shunt these types into the military where their
propensities are put to proper ethological use, defending the
tribal turf. The anal orientation of this circuit explains the oddity
of military speech first noted by Norman Mailer: "ass" means
one's whole self and "shit" means all surrounding circumstance.
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The second, emotional-territorial circuit, creates a two-dimensional
social space in conjunction with first-circuit advance-retreat.
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The grid of Circuits I and II creates four quadrants. Note that
Hostile Strength (the tyrant) is inclined to paranoid withdrawal; he
must govern, but he is also afraid. Cf. the careers of Hitler, Stalin,
Howard Hughes, etc. and the inaccessible Castle and Court in
Kafka's allegories. Note also that the dependent neurotic is not in
retreat at all; he or she advances upon you, demanding fulfillment
of emotional "needs" (imprints).
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These four quadrants have been known since the dawn of selfconsciousness.
For instance, in the terminology of the medieval
psychology of "humours," these four imprint-types are known as:
Clockwise, the Sanguinary type (friendly strength) was identified
with the
archetype and the element,
The Lion,
because of the dignity of these big cats, represents "good"
strength, and the fire represents power. The Phlegmatic type
(friendly weakness) was identified with the
archetype and
the element
these people are "too sensitive to fight" and
"go with the flow." The Choleric types were identified with the
Bull archetype (truculent suspicion, paranoia) and the element,
standing for sluggish pseudo "stupidity." (This is the traditional
stance of defeated races dealing with their conquerors.)
The Bilius types (hostile strength) were identified with the
archetype (symbol of Imperial Rome, the German royal family,
etc.) and the element
air probably means sky, because these
types seem "high and mighty."
These symbols go back a long way; Cabalists find them in the
Old Testament (where, indeed, the lion-angel-bull-eagle appear
in Ezekiel). They are found constantly in Catholic art, associated
with the four evangelists (Matthew-angel, Mark-lion, Luke-bull,
and run all through the design of Tarot card decks,
medieval and modern.
1 These are the Four Old Men in
Finnegans Wake.
Matt Gregory,
because his last name contains
equals the angel; Marcus Lyons
equals the lion; Luke Tarpey equals taur, the bull; Johnny McDougal
equals ougal the eagle.
74 Prometheus Rising
In the clever language of the fashionable Transactional Analysis
system, these four imprint types are categorized as the four
basic life scripts, to wit:
It is the Phlegmatic (friendly weakness; dependent neurotic)
type who generally turn up in the psychotherapist's office seeking
reimprinting voluntarily. They are not-okay, but they have
great faith that the therapist is okay.
The Bilius (hostile strength) and Choleric (hostile weakness)
arrive in therapy, if at all, only because their associates or families,
or more commonly, a law court, has
them to try to
reimprint their compulsive hostilities.
The Sanguinary (friendly strength) type virtually never comes
for psychotherapy. He or she is satisfied with his or her life, and
so is the rest of society. Alas, they nonetheless can get to the
position where they need therapy of some sort, simply because
they may take on
too much
responsibility and carry
too many
burdens. They will generally arrive at the therapists only if sent
there by an M.D. who has intuited where their ulcers came from.
This system is not meant to be rigid or to imply that there are
four types of humanoid robots. The later circuits, still to be
discussed, modify all this considerably: some imprints are wobbly
(cover two or more quadrants partly); and we are all capable
of sudden brain change. It is also important to realize that the
four archetypes are
for convenience only—
and they are convenient,
as witness their reappearance in Transactional Analysis,
where their historical connection with Lion-Angel-Bull-Eagle
isn't even recognized. But each quadrant can be subdivided
much more sharply, if necessary for diagnostic purposes.
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For instance, the most widely used psychological test in this
country the Leary Interpersonal Grid (1957) divides the four
quadrants into sixteen sub-quadrants and allows one to grade
each in terms of moderate-to-excessive tendency to behave that
way. In the grid on which the Leary categories are drawn, the
moderate imprints
are in toward the center and the
excessive or
extreme cases
are out toward the perimeter, but what is being
measured is still basically the way the first two circuits (oral-biosurvival
and anal-territorial) are imprinted.
To clarify this a bit further, imagine that four babies were all
born at the same instant in John J. Boscowitz Memorial Hospital,
Enny Town, planet Earth. We come back twenty years later and
we find that each of them has a separate personality and life-style
(a problem for the astrologers, but let that pass). To make things
easier for us, they have actually landed in our four quadrants.
Subject #1 is Responsible/Over-Conventional (Sanguinary).
Everybody agrees that SHe (she or he) is usually a beloved
community leader—helpful, considerate, friendly and solidly
successful. Some may even say SHe spoils people with kindness,
forgives anything, agrees with everybody and actually enjoys
governing those who cannot govern themselves. The noble Lion.
This person may be (and probably is) a total robot. That is, if
SHe can
give orders in a strict way, is
able to doubt
others, is
ego-centered, etc. then SHe has mechanically
imprinted the First Quadrant, "friendly strength." On the other
hand, if SHe is able to move out of the First Quadrant in appropriate
situations (exercizing hostility against the marauder or
predator, admitting weakness when overwhelmed), SHe has an
imprinted-conditioned predilection for "I'm okay, you're okay,"
but is not totally robotized by it.
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Subject #2 has, after the same twenty years of imprinting and
conditioning, landed in Quadrant
2 friendly weakness
SHe is self-critical, shy, timid, easily led, "spineless," and
always looking for somebody to Take Charge and Give Orders.
The unearthly Angel, or in modem symbolism, the Flower Child.
Again, this imprinting-conditioning may be totally robotic, or
there may be enough flexibility for the person to jump to another
quadrant when necessary.
Subject #3 had landed, with total robothood or with some
small flexibility, in Quadrant 3, "Hostile Weakness" (Choleric).
She distrusts everybody, rebels against everything, speaks constantly
in sarcasms, complains chronically and is generally bitter,
resentful and (to some extent) paranoid. The sullen Bull.
Subject #4 has landed in Quadrant 4, "Hostile Strength"
(Bilius), and is regarded as "bossy," cold, unfeeling, dictatorial,
self-important, boastful etc. but still in the judgment of most, "a
good leader." The imperial Eagle.
The irony and the tragedy of human life is that none of these
subjects are aware at all of their robotry. Each will explain to
you, at great length and with great conviction, why each of these
robotic, endlessly-repeated reflexes are
by the situations
around them, i.e., by the "bad" behavior of other people.
Thus, if you put these four primates on a desert island, you
can predict, with virtually as much certainty as a chemist telling
us what will happen if four elements are compounded, that
Subject #1 and
(Friendly Strength and Hostile Strength) will
both try to take over—#1 to help the others, #4 because SHe
can't imagine anybody else in control. #1 will submit to #4
because #1 wants things to run smoothly for the good of all, and
they never will run smoothly if #4 is not TOP DOG. #2, Friendly
Weakness, will not care whether
or #4 rules, just so long as
somebody else is making the decisions. And #3 will complain
(and complain, and complain), no matter who is in charge, while
skillfully avoiding any action that would require taking personal
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The same political decisions would be made by four chimpanzees
or four dogs, if they have the four imprint quadrants
equally divided as in our hypothetical example.
Sociobiologists, who are very aware of these four quadrants in
both human and animal societies, claim that each organism is
born with a genetic predisposition to play one of these roles.
Critics of sociobiology, who are dogmatic Liberals, denounce