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I prepare a quick breakfast and let the staff know all meals for the next couple of days will be simple. I have a ton of things to do and food to prep before the big event. The staff filter in and out, grabbing something to eat. I pour a cup of coffee and get my binder out. It’s now filled with menus and recipes and plans for the outdoor kitchen - which I need right now. I stand near my desk area so I can take out the folder I need to bring outside and hear Steven talking on his phone as he comes in.

“yes. Yes. Everything will be as discussed,” he answers whoever is on the other line.

He rinses his coffee cup and begins to refill it while he continues his conversation.

I’m not really listening to what he’s saying at all until I hear ‘No. I’m sorry, he can’t tonight. He has a meeting with Amanda after.’

I immediately wonder if it’s ‘the’ Amanda. I want to ask Steven, but I don't know how to ask him casually - especially since it will sound like I was listening to his conversation. I also don’t want to sound jealous, although apparently I am.

Steven ends his conversation and says out loud, “I can’t wait for this fundraiser to be over.”

Even though he’s not really addressing me, I reply, “It’s a lot of work. I’m sure you will be happy when you see the final outcome.”

“I know. It’s always turned out to be a fabulous night. It’s just such a big deal,” he sighs, “and I’m such a perfectionist. Everyone who’s anyone is going to be there and those who aren’t, will hear or read about it.

“Oh, it’s publicized?” I ask, seizing the opportunity to get the scoop on Amanda.

“Of course. It does wonders for his personal reputation and never fails to bring in a second wave of donations.”

“I guess that’s where the public relations firm comes in?” I ask.

“Yup. They’re amazing. They’ve been representing Puck for years,” he informs me.

“Oh. That must be who Amanda Adams works for then,” I add lightly.

“Yes. She’s great. Have you two met?” Steven asks.

“She stopped in yesterday. I forgot to mention it - she said she would call Puck anyway,” I don’t want him to think I’m trying to hide anything.

“Yes, she’s a little unorthodox, but she’s one of the best in the business,” he says, snapping the lid on his coffee, “she likes to be pretty ‘hands on’,” he emphasizes with a facial expression that tells me he has some gossip he’s not sharing.

“We didn’t spend too much time together so I wouldn’t know much about how ‘hands on’ she is,” I emphasize the same phrase back to him, hoping he will expand on his thought.

“Well, let’s just say, she knows what the public wants and how to give it to them,” he chuckles, “I have to get back outside. I’ll check in with you later.”

I stand in the kitchen alone, reviewing what Steven just told me. Amanda certainly made it sound like her and Puck have a ‘thing’ going on. She didn’t make any attempt to hide it. Steven just basically confirmed everything she was insinuating - at least that’s what he made it sound like. What am I supposed to think now? I’ve been out of Puck’s life for so long and I am aware that he’s been with many women, probably more than I would like to think, but this bitch seems to be pretty present and doesn’t sound like she’s going away any time soon.

For now, I need to focus on the fundraiser. I can’t let her
Puck get in my head right now while I have way more important things to think about. There is a lot riding on my success with the catering end of this event - Puck’s success, my pride, and my future career. I can’t let childish jealousy get in the way of my performance.

With that thought, I take my notes, my coffee, and one of my home made protein bars, and return to the yard. I need to have this kitchen in full working order as soon as possible. I hired some outside staff and they’re coming in later to help get the prep work underway.

Of course Puck has a beautiful outdoor kitchen on the property, but it doesn’t have the equipment or capacity for what we need for this event. I explain my plans to the small crew that is setting up the temporary kitchen. I make sure they are clear on what needs to be done and watch them for a few minutes. Once I’m comfortable with what they’re doing, I start to walk back to my own kitchen inside.

I take the long way through the main event area. It’s looking even better than a short time ago. It seems almost everything is in place for today. Tomorrow the linens and decorations will be brought in and arranged.

Marla is in the kitchen when I get back inside. She looks a little anxious, which is out of character for her.

“Hey, Marla, are you okay?”

“Yes, Ms. Dani,” she replies sweetly, “there is so much to do in the house today. All these people running around are giving me more work to do.”

I give the older woman a look of understanding, “just take your time, Marla, I’m sure everything will get done, and we are all here to help.”

She answers me with a polite smile and a nod, picks up a basket of folded linens, and leaves the room.

There is clearly a lot going on all over the estate, inside and out. Everyone seems to be slightly on edge trying to get their jobs done while other people come in and out, disrupting the flow. I’m happy the kitchen is pretty clear of traffic and I can use my own space uninterrupted.

I get busy with some sauces and marinades that need the most time. I take a a few minutes to make some finger sandwiches and pasta salad that I leave out for whoever is hungry in the house. In the early afternoon, the two guys I hired to help me prep arrive. I have them trimming the meats and getting the vegetables ready. My tasks are getting done a lot faster now that they’re here, which gives me some relief.

“Dani?” I hear one of the guys from the outside crew address me from the kitchen entrance.

“Yes? You need something?” I ask nicely, wiping my hands on a kitchen towel.

“We’re all set. Want to come take a look and make sure everything is how you want it?” he asks.

“Sure!” I reply, enthusiastically. I’m excited to see what they have done.

We walk outside and down the path together. A huge smile crosses my lips when I see my new pop up kitchen.

“What do you think?” he asks proudly.

I walk around the large tent, running my fingers along the row of stainless steel grills and prep tables. Across from them there is an area with convection ovens and warming ovens, baker’s racks, and a long plating station. There is a full size walk in refrigerator sitting inconspicuously on one corner of the tented area. This is like a dream come true for a private chef like me. I’ve worked large events, but I’ve never been in charge of one of this magnitude before. I’ve also never had the chance to design what I needed for my own menu. I have to remember to thank Puck later.

“It’s perfect,” I answer, still taking it all in.

“I’m glad you like it,” he replies, “your plans worked out great. Everything fit the way you wanted, and your choice of equipment is top notch.”

“Only the best for the best,” I answer, feeling giddy.

“Good luck. We checked the lines and the power, everything appears to be in full operating order. It will be a few hours before the walk in is cold enough. Other than that, you’re good to go.”

“Thanks again,” I say, shaking his hand

I take another walk around, mentally laying out the menu items in their places. Once I’m satisfied, I get back to work inside. The guys are well under way and we are right on schedule. We work together through the evening and it’s pretty late by the time we finish up. I thank them and tell them to get a good night’s sleep. We have to be back here early in the morning.

I sigh at the thought of having to drive home so late just to come back in the morning. There is plenty of extra space here if I want to stay over. Steven has mentioned it several times. It would make my life a lot easier than leaving late and coming back early, but I’m not comfortable doing that - not at this point anyway.

When I’ve almost finished cleaning up, I glance at the clock like I have so many times already tonight. It’s almost ten and Puck still hasn’t come home. I don’t know what time his ‘meeting’ with Amanda was scheduled for, but I can’t imagine it would run this late. I start picturing what they’re meeting is like, and if it’s going anything like ours did the other night.

I try to stop thinking about it. Puck and I haven’t even seen each other since our kiss. Unless Amanda said something, he doesn’t know I met her, although something tells me she did. I leave just about everything on my desk knowing I will be back soon enough. Keys in hand, I walk out to the foyer, hoping Puck will come in before I leave, but he doesn’t.

I drive away still hoping to pass him, just to know that he made it home, but it never happens. Luckily I’m so exhausted by the time I get home and shower, even my anxiety about tomorrow can’t keep me awake. I fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow, my last thoughts of Puck, as they have been for several days now.


up before my alarm goes off in the morning. This is the big day. I nervously get ready, putting some extra clothing and chef coats in my bag so I can change into something clean and fresh for the event. I’m very jittery, and have to recheck to make sure I have everything I need several times.

As I’m driving to the estate, I listen to my voicemail from yesterday. I was happy to get a message from Joanne that her and my father will of course be in attendance. It will be nice to know they will be there for some extra moral support and to cheer me on while they also support Puck. I also haven’t seen them since I started working with Puck, so hopefully I’ll have some time to spare that I can spend with them.

My train of thought leads me to Puck again. I think about all of the trust he has put in me to man this event. I’m sure other people on his team besides Steven tried to talk him out of using me, but he stood his ground, and I respect him for that. I’m going to try and keep this in mind when I see him today.

I still have no clue what the deal is with him and Amanda, but I have to assume their relationship goes beyond professional. Today is not the day to get into that conversation, but depending on where things lead us, I’m going to ask him at some point, especially if I decide there’s any chance we’re going to get involved.

The sun has barely risen and there are cars parked down the long drive as I pull in. The circular driveway is crowded with delivery trucks so I squeeze my own car in where I can. I know we will all have to move later anyway to make way for the valet.

I give a polite smile to each person I pass as I make my way to the kitchen. There is so much that has to be done today so I’m glad some of my crew is already here working on the list I left for them last night.

I greet them good morning and lay out the boxes of donuts and coffee I picked up on my way over. There’s no time to make breakfast today. I quickly put my things down and reach for my binder. I need to go over my checklists for today and get everything in order before I begin. I notice a folded piece of yellow note paper with my name on it. I assume it's a note from Steven reminding me to do something or other, even though he's been sending me texts at all hours for the last few days.

I'm pleasantly surprised when I open the paper and see it's a note from Puck:


I've missed you the last few days. I look forward to spending some

time together after this weekend. Good luck tonight - I know you'll be a big hit. More than anything, I'm glad you will be a huge part of tonight's success. See you this afternoon.


I'm grinning ear to ear after finishing his note. I was so upset last night thinking that Puck was with Amanda that I was not expecting this at all. Maybe I was wrong after all, there could be nothing going on between them. Then again, maybe he’s just playing me, not knowing I have any knowledge of Amanda. Although it's a small gesture, I don't think he would have bothered writing to me if there was someone else in the picture. Why bother?

I tuck the note into my back pocket and pick up my lists for today. As long as we stay on schedule, we will be done in plenty of time. I tape each list onto the refrigerator and call my temporary staff over. I explain everything that needs to be done and the time frame in which it needs to be completed. We'll have to move into the outside kitchen by early afternoon, so I want to finish up most of the prep work before we do. They seem excited for the day ahead and I'm feeling pretty confident myself.

The crew helps themselves to some coffee and donuts and quickly get back to work. I peer outside into the backyard - it looks incredible. There are black tablecloths laid out on the tables, the chairs are covered in a white fabric with a teal accent bow on the back. There are tall, elegant floral arrangements displayed in the center of each table. The faux crystal chandeliers are all in place, and right now they’re reflecting the day light.

Steven and the people he hired have perfected every detail. They did an incredible job. I can't wait to see it tonight when everything is lit up. It amazes me how something so simple can become so lavish with the right elements.

I notice Steven walking up toward the house. He's holding his signature cup of coffee. He looks like he's talking to himself, which means he must be talking on his blue tooth to someone. I turn around and get started on my first task of the day. I want to complement him on a job well done, but he never makes his way inside.

The morning flies by as the crew and I work through each check list. By the time noon rolls around, we are ahead of schedule and just about ready to move into the outdoor kitchen and let the cleaning crew come in and take care of this one. I have a couple more people coming in to help us work through the next part of the day. The rest of my staff will be here later in the afternoon.

I tell them to take a short break before we start moving everything outside. I want to see what the outdoor kitchen looks like today and be sure all of our deliveries made it to the walk in refrigerator.

Our tent is open on two sides to allow for ventilation but also hide us from the guests at the party. I do a walk through, making sure all the burners work and everything is in it's place. I check in the fridge to ensure that my orders were delivered and put in their proper places. I walk through the other side of the tent and notice one of the grills won't light. I kneel down to check if anything's wrong and hear the sound of Puck's voice.

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