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Chapter 2


haven’t been
this anxious since the last playoff game. Getting picked for the team so close to my hometown is the best thing that has happened in my already amazing career. It’s been too long since I’ve spent time there and it’s exactly what I need to mend the mistakes of my past.

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about Dani. I have never had a conversation with my mother where I didn’t ask about her and what she is up to. I know about every accomplishment, every disappointment, and every relationship. I also know that she has never once asked about me.

My professional career is an open book. All she would have to do is look me up on the internet to get most of my information. But who I am as a man, the person I’ve become, and how much I’ve changed - Dani knows none of that. If she’s ever turned on the television or read a magazine, I’m sure she’s seen me, even if she doesn’t want to. That’s not the real me though, that’s me as the famous hockey player, me as the most eligible bachelor, me as the most desired man in the sports world by recruiters and female fans. Dani has no idea that I’ve dreamed about her since we were teenagers. That the only woman I’ve longed for is her.

It’s no coincidence that the chef I’ve had with me for over five years didn’t come along with me this time. It was hard to part ways. He was a hard worker and excellent at his job. We spent a lot of time together through the years and he became more of a friend to me than employee. I explained my intentions to him somewhat and he understood. I’m sure the generous severance package I gave him was helpful as well.

Now that I’m here and see Dani face to face, I can almost taste her on my lips. I can also taste the hatred and bitterness she’s been holding onto for all these years. I’m going to have to work a lot harder than I thought to break down the wall she’s built but I’m willing to do whatever it takes - I have to. Nothing in my life will ever feel complete without her.

Chapter 3


y mind is reeling
as I drive back though the rolling hills and passed huge estates, each one bigger than the last. What was I thinking agreeing to do this? I have despised Puck for so long and now he’s going to be my boss! He wasn’t as snide and obnoxious as he used to be but we barely spent ten minutes in the same room so who knows what will happen next time.

What I wasn’t expecting was to find him so attractive. I figured after years of talking him down in my head and scowling at his image on television and in magazines, seeing Puck in person would only disgust me further. But being in his kitchen, standing across from each other, it just ignited my original feelings for him. The same ones I had when we first met and lived together before I learned what a heartless person he is - lust.

Puck came into my life at the peak of my boy crazed teenage years. The minute I saw him the crush began. It was purely physical but continued for a short time even as I started to see his bad boy persona come out - it actually made me like him more. Puck knew I liked him and enjoyed the attention. He loved to tease and embarrass me but I was too infatuated to realize that’s what he was doing. It didn’t take long before he took it too far and everything changed for the worse. He made my life hell. The fact that he did it on purpose is what hurt me so deeply.

I bring my thoughts back to the present as I near the main road. I need to focus. I have to make sure I have the upper hand from day one. I can’t let old feelings of puppy love make me forget the years of torment and disgust I’ve had to deal with. I need to be in control this time. I won’t let him make me feel like the little girl he hurt so long ago - I’m stronger and wiser now. I need to show Puck who the real boss is. He can’t bully me anymore, I won’t let him.

Chapter 4


the weekend preparing menus and writing shopping lists. I need to be on top of my game and ready for anything. I have to be if I want to be the dominant one this time around. I know Puck’s going to try and catch me off guard or get in my way - anything to make me feel like less of a woman and chef, but he can’t this time. I’m good at what I do and I’m anticipating his moves. He may be a great athlete but I’ve been waiting for the chance to put him in his place since he moved away and I have high hopes that this is it.

The phone rings and startles me out of my train of thought. I’m sitting at my kitchen table which is now covered in papers and cookbooks, my laptop, and planner. If anyone ever saw the way I prepared for things, they would never believe how organized I actually am.

My phone is buried beneath the clutter somewhere so I have to follow the sound of the ringer to find it. I move some papers around and when I locate it, I see it’s Joanne calling. I know she’s calling about the meeting Puck and I had. I quickly debate whether or not to answer it but decide to pick it up before the final ring.

“Hi Joanne,” I answer, knowing it’s her on the other end.

“Hey, Dani!” she replies enthusiastically, “I heard you and Puck are going to work together.”

“Yes. Yes we are,” I answer hesitantly, “I’m doing some menu planning as we speak.”

“I’m so excited!” Joanne blurts out. She’s silent for a moment before starting again, “I know you and Preston had an awful time together as children,” which is a complete understatement but since she only calls her son ‘Preston’ when she is very concerned or serious, I remain quiet so she can continue, “but you are adults now. I understand that you think he is a terrible person - for a long time, he was. But he has come such a long way and believe it or not he cares for you very deeply.”

I don’t say anything in response because I actually don’t believe it, at all. No matter how terrible or obnoxious Puck would behave, he always treated his mother with respect - and apparently still does. She was aware of all the trouble he caused and many times made him pay for it, but through it all, he always held her in high regard. I understand why she thinks I should believe her, but I don’t. Just because he treats her that way, doesn’t mean anything to the rest of the people he interacts with.

“Dani, I know that you’re taking this opportunity more for me than anything and I appreciate it very much. Just give it your best shot. Go in with an open mind. Maybe you’ll be surprised. If not, at least you have a nice paycheck for now.” Joanne ends with a short laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

“I love you Joanne. I’m not making any promises but I will show up and put in the same effort as I would any other job,” that’s the best answer I can come up with. I only had to spend a very short time with Puck to know that he is the same asshole he always was. At least Joanne is right about one thing, the pay will be nice.

We spend a little more time chit chatting about nothing in particular and end the conversation on a good note. I already know she will check in with me to see how it’s going by the end of the week. As much as I love her, I smirk knowing I will be proving her wrong. Puck cares about one thing - Puck. No matter how highly his mother thinks of him, he is not going to fool me. Not again.

Chapter 5


have much more
anxiety Monday morning than expected. I did everything in my power to be over prepared and ready for anything, and I am. I have every meal, menu, and shopping list, printed out along with nutritional information. I even made several back ups in case Puck decides he doesn’t want what I’ve planned at any time, or in typical Puck fashion, just wants to try and make me sweat.

I collect my recipe binders, printed menus, and my knife bag. I treat my knives the same way another woman might treat her precious jewelry. They have all been selected by me and worn in just the way I like them. As I turn to leave, I remember the employee paperwork I had to fill out. The confidentiality agreement sure gave me a chuckle. I know more about Puck than many people although I’m sure no one would believe me if I told them anyway.

I fit everything in my favorite bag and get into my car. That’s when my nerves set in. I take deep breaths as I once again drive through the beautiful hills toward his home.
I am the boss. I am in charge.
I repeat this mantra in my head as I draw nearer. Okay, technically Puck is my boss, but I am not going to let him manage me. I know his dietary needs and my way around the kitchen and in that area of expertise, he cannot compete. Anything else he tries to throw in the mix, I’ll deal with as it comes but I will not let him get to me.

I punch the code in to open the gates and proceed up the driveway. Steven is outside speaking to the landscaper. He smiles and waves as I pull up and park in the huge circular driveway. I take one final deep breath and smooth my hair back. I reach into the passenger seat to grab my bag and when I turn to open my door, Steven is standing there.

“Good morning Miss… Good morning, Dani,” he greets me before I even close the car door, “how was your weekend?”

“Pretty uneventful. You?” I reply. Steven picks up my bag for me, I’m sure out of habit, and starts walking. I match his gait and we proceed the the large entryway.

“The usual. Just enjoyed some down time,” he replies, pulling open one of the tall front doors and holding it, allowing me to walk in first.

“Hockey season is just about to start so things are getting pretty crazy around here,” he rattles on his way into the kitchen, “the training schedule is intense and once the games actually start, I don’t have much down time at all.”

Even though it was only a few days ago that I was here, I can’t help but look around again in awe. The house itself is magnificent, but the thought that someone like Puck owns it is mind blowing. I’ve always known him to be shallow and insensitive. If I were to judge by my surroundings - the tasteful decorating, the careful attention to detail, the cleanliness, I would never believe someone like him lives here. I still imagine his old environment which was a dirty room with an unmade bed, mismatched posters on the walls and enough clothing on the floor that you had to clear a path to walk through it.

The visual of Puck’s old room leaves my mind as I enter the kitchen. I guess anyone with enough money can hire a decorator and a housekeeper. This house doesn’t mean that the man himself is any different than he used to be.

Steven places my bag on the desk. It’s an area of the cabinetry that has been elegantly worked into the kitchen to allow for some work space, without intruding anywhere on the actual cooking space.

“Consider this your office,” Steven says, bowing and holding his arm out in a mocking gesture.

“Thanks,” I reply with a friendly smile.

The space is perfect for what I need. There are small, open cubbies where I can keep my binders and some cookbooks. There is also a computer so I can type and print whatever else I need.

“Make yourself at home,” Steven offers, “I have to check on a few things and then I’ll be back to go over the daily schedule, calendar, and answer any questions you might have. Can I offer you a drink before I go?”

“No, thanks,” I answer, “I’ll take a look around and familiarize myself with the kitchen. If I come across the coffee maker I’ll make myself a cup.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Steven replies and leaves me alone in the kitchen.

At this point I’m not even sure if Puck is home. Steven was talking on our way through the house but I honestly wasn’t paying much attention. It doesn’t matter anyway, as long as he stays out of my space. I’m going to have to mark my territory before he gets any other ideas. Of course I know it’s his home, but other than sitting at the breakfast nook or grabbing something from the fridge, I don’t want him around me. I don’t need his energy interfering with my performance. He may run the show on the rink, but in the kitchen, I’m the most valuable player.

I start taking my things out of my bag and placing them neatly in the office space. I pull out the large folder of paperwork and set it on the desk. I’ll leave that for Steven to sort through. I begin to make my way through the massive kitchen, opening cabinets and drawers, learning where everything is. Whoever laid this kitchen out knew what they were doing, and for that, I’m thankful. I come across the coffee maker and it’s one of those fancy contraptions that requires an engineering degree to operate. I find the coffee and filters exactly where I think they should be and begin fumbling around with the machine.

“Want me to show you how to use that?” Puck says.

Startled, I jump at the sound of his voice. My whole body stiffens, then I slowly begin to push buttons on the machine again.

“That’s okay. I’ll figure it out,” I respond without turning around.

“Don’t be so stubborn, Dani,” Puck replies, positioning himself next to me.

I still can’t look at him but as I inhale I notice his musky smell. I quickly glance over and see that Puck is in nothing but a pair of gym shorts and sneakers. He’s sweaty and has a towel draped over his neck. I assume he is just coming from a work out. I try not to look his way again but as he places his empty water bottle on the counter I catch a glimpse of a tattoo on his forearm. My eyes follow the tattoo lines up his muscular arm and I find myself wanting to see more but I stop and bring myself back to reality before my stare reaches his broad shoulders.

Instead of Puck’s close proximity irritating me, as I expected it would, I’m finding myself getting slightly aroused. Now I’m more disgusted with myself than with him. I remember that I’m trying to make a pot of coffee and push a couple more buttons before Puck reaches over and takes charge of the seemingly simple task.

“I hope you can navigate your way around a stove better than a coffee maker,” he teases.

“I don’t know why they have to make a coffee pot so complicated,” I say, frustrated. I finally look up at him and my cheeks are flushed - not because of his comment, but because I can’t believe the thoughts that were going through my head just seconds ago.

“Easy, girl. Don’t get so upset about it,” Puck replies with a wink, mocking my tone. He quickly shows me how to operate the machine and it’s set to make a pot coffee, “see, it’s not too hard once you know how.”

He walks over to the fridge and pulls out another bottle of water. He uncaps it and takes a long drink from it, tilting back his head and I find myself staring at him. His body is in amazing shape. The tattoo that I saw on his arm continues up over his shoulder and onto his back. It’s some kind of tribal thing which doesn’t matter to me, I’m just admiring the way it accents his well defined muscles. I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows the water and I can’t resist lowering my gaze to his torso and his perfectly formed abs. I look away before my eyes move any lower. I do not want Puck to catch me looking. I’m having trouble comprehending why I’m staring at him in the first place. Regardless of what I see on the outside, I know how ugly he is on the inside.

“I’m going to shower,” Puck informs me after his long swig, “I’ll be back for for coffee in a few.”

I don’t say a word; I’m still standing at the counter lost in my own thoughts. This cannot be happening. I’ve barely been here for an hour and it’s already awkward - just in a completely different way than I expected. I’ve despised this man for most of my life and in a matter of minutes I’m thinking about him in a whole other way.

When we first met, when our parents became serious with each other, I instantly had a crush on Puck. Once I really got to know him though, I realized the true meaning of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is an arrogant, nasty person and I must keep reminding myself of that before these other thoughts take over.

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