PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2)
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god.” Her face turned three deeper shades of red.

“Don’t do that. I don’t care what those voices in your screwed-up, gorgeous head might be telling you, but I’m going to do some debriefing on your ass. You deserve this, you deserve more than this. And, I’m going to figure out how to give it to you.”

“Oh yeah? I do have some of my own brain power, you know.”

“Yeah, I do know. Only, you’ve also got some chains around you that seem to keep you tied to people who don’t give a fuck about you. I’m here to break those.”

“I know you may not understand, but everything I do — I mean on one hand, I love what I do. The way my brain just has this overwhelming need to put the puzzle together, to figure out how to make it work. But, it’s all for a purpose. I don’t care about anything but trying to save my mom. To get her here. If there was another way, I’d have figured it out. But, he’s holding too many cards. My Visa, the money for her treatment. He could have me deported, you know that, right?”

Flynn locked his jaw, his teeth grinding together.

“I’m going to figure it out. Don’t fucking worry, all right? You just keep your head down a little longer. I’m not letting you fall, so just trust me, okay?”

He heard her little sigh and she exhaled warm onto his chest. She would need a lesson in letting him handle this shit, he could tell, but right now, she needed something else, his ears and his promise.

“He told me — if I screw up, if I go against him, he’s got me set up for some kind of crime. Something he said would send me back to Ireland without a penny in my pocket, and he would be sure my mom never got out of Adare. You know he can do it; he has the power.”

He felt her tense. She was getting lost in a dark place and Flynn was having none of it.





Chapter Nineteen


The sudden flood of what had happened between them came over Lilly like a cold bucket of water. Wasn’t it enough that she had come here to discover the dapper, sophisticated man who courted her back home was really just a sadistic, well-dressed thug whose only interest was furthering his bank accounts and his position is this crazy life they had?

“Don’t. I can see the damn wheels turning. Stop it or you’re going to be over my knee with a ripe red ass to give you some clarity.” Flynn’s brow tightened. The smell of his breath was still sweet with her sex, and her belly fluttered involuntarily at the scent and the furious passion in his stare.

“I can’t. How do I just—”

“You just do. I’m done telling you, you got that?
. You give me your trust, or I’m going to give you a little reminder of just how much that pussy can hurt. Got it?”

Lilly let out a little sound like a tiny steam engine, but rested her head into his shoulder.

Listening to his heart beat in her ear, his skin warm and smooth on her cheek, she let herself have the moment, desperately trying to leave any other thoughts outside the door of their little paradise.

Flynn began to play with one long tendril of hair. He twirled it in his hands. She watched his fingers move the strawberry blonde length between them and a deep throbbing started down low as she remembered all the things those fingers could do to her.

He had those perfect, strong man’s hands. She could see the veins pressing out on the tops of the bones, the way they moved under the layer of skin. His fingers were long, his knuckles obviously used to meeting over and over with objects hard and soft.

God, how can a guy’s hands turn me on so much? Like they are as beautiful as his face, as this god-like crafted body. What am I doing here? ME. I really think any second I’m about to be the punch line in some cruel schoolyard joke. I mean, I’m the plump, curly redhead with the weird walk and the brain. It was not a good combination for making friends, let alone boyfriends. Not that I was all that interested in any of that. The men in my life had certainly not given me any reason to try to seek out a relationship. As far as I was concerned, that was the last thing I wanted in my life.

“I really need to go. Mac will start to wonder why I’m so late, and I don’t want him to call someone to check—”

Even as the words left her lips, she pressed her curled body harder into his and she listened as Flynn sighed softly into her hair.

The hardness against her hip gave a quick jerk and she could feel a simmering between her legs. Watching each pull of tendons in his shoulders, down the ink of his bicep and into those magnificent hands, had her body on autopilot.

Sexy was not even close to what he encompassed. Besides the sheer power of his form, he walked with a confidence that moved people instinctively out of his way. The long, full sleeve of classic indigo ink exploded over his skin in a wild multitude of skulls, primal graphic forms, words and images of meanings Lilly hoped to know someday.

“I’m not done with you yet.”

His lips met her neck and even though something made her want to push away, something stronger sent her arms around him. There existed a force within him, something that told her he was her shelter, a port in a storm. Even as she tried to be rational, her instinct overrode her.


A one word order, not a request.

His hands guided her to stand over him as he leaned back on the pillows. A flash of terror crossed her mind, thinking he couldn’t want her like this.

But, that was exactly what he wanted and Lilly felt her lower lips tingle, but her brain shut down, pulling her legs together as Flynn’s hands steadied her on the soft mattress of the day bed,

“Don’t fucking do that, I told you.”

Flynn brought his palm down in a ‘smack’ on the side of her ass.

God, what was that for?”

Two more and her eyes were as round as her open mouth.

“Get that pussy right fucking here, now. I told you, I don’t fuck around. You’re smart enough to understand. Look at me.”

She shifted her shoulders, her arms draped lightly over her belly as Flynn gave her hips a shake. The heat from his hand print on the outside of her ass already began to radiate and turn cherry red.

“What?” She could feel herself locking up even as a warm rush of moisture flowed.

Lilly lowered her eyes to see Flynn’s jaw muscles harden. His fingertips dug into the round curve of her hips.

“There’s going to be no fucking halfway with me. You get that? This,” His head nodded toward the naked triangle she held tightly between her legs. “It’s fucking mine. And, I don’t ask for what’s already mine, you get that? I get it, I get that you’ve been hurt. In every part of me, I promise you, I’m going to undo what they’ve done. Every part of me wants what is best for you. I’m not here to try to break you, Lilly. I’m here to help you. To show you the beauty of who you are. To give you back everything they took away.”

He leaned forward, holding her upright, unsteady on the soft mattress. She watched as his tongue came over his lips and danced at the outside of her mons, the nerves playing a concerto as he lightly kissed then drew her into his lips.


He sucked then marked her with a bite. Her entire body shook as he scooped his tongue inside and lapped at her clit while watching her face from below.

“Now open your damn legs, put your hands on the wall and get onto my face. I’ve got some work to do.”

Flynn moved with a confidence that she could not fight. He raised his body, each square of his abdominals flexed as he opened her legs, drew her forward and set about the task of eating her until she drenched his face and her knees buckled.

His tongue seemed to be everywhere. Lilly could no longer follow his exact movements, his fingertips danced and played with her folds as his mouth did magical things. It was so hard to fight the urge to pull back, parts of her still screaming inside her brain that he couldn’t want her like this, pressing herself into his face.

But, the way he moved onto her, with such ferocity, such passion, began to squash the insecurity that still danced in her mind.

He pulled one thigh upward, spreading her wide and resting one foot on the back of the frame of the daybed, splaying her utterly open and on his mouth. He surged forward with more force. She heard the sounds of his mouth, wet and urgent, licking and swallowing as her body flowed on his tongue.

“Oh my god…” Lilly felt the room begin to sway. A tingle started down in her feet, her body vibrated and the masterpiece of his mouth drew her cemented onto its movements.

The sound of his sucking and his own groans of pleasure as he rocked her hips up and down on his mouth pushed her to the edge and her body shuddered. A wave ran up the back of her legs and exploded, shutting down every other sense of time and place. Flynn ravaged her even harder as her body twisted and he had to brace her against his mouth.

She knew she was screaming, but no sound met her ears. She was sucked into a vortex of an orgasm that left her spineless and writhing on him.

Before she took a full breath, Flynn worked her downward, his own body full and thick, rising up to meet her juicing heat as he sat her onto his ready dick.

“Fuck me, Lilly. Put your tit in my mouth and fuck me, now, hard, show me how you want to fuck,” he growled in her ear as the head of his dick braced at her entrance.

As much as his face, his body, his swagger — for lack of a better term — set her ovaries to detonate, it was his eyes. The way he looked at her, waiting for her to react, to see something that no one before seemed to notice. Like now, his eyes — glowing green with a fire behind them — watched her intently, only seeming to draw his own breath from her pleasure.

Lilly never dreamed of this, but she did as he told, raising one side of her lush weight in her hands and pressing the hardened peak to his waiting lips. He sucked her in so hard, she fought to take a breath as his own hands guided her hips down and onto him.

She knew she had yet to take all of him, he was still pushing her body to its limits even as slick and ready as she was. She winced and sucked air through her teeth as the first inches moved inside of her.

His lips sucked, and she felt his tongue working as his hands lowered to grab like hooks into the bottom of her ass.

He helped her angle his length so she would take more, but it burned and hurt as he started to move her up and down. The pressure from his body on her already swollen clit began to generate her own need, deep and throbbing, and her hips began to dance and twist.

Flynn nipped at her in his mouth, sending a shock wave of sensual pain over her skin, jerking her hips up and down, taking him deeper until she felt like he was coming right into her belly.

“Mmmm.” Lilly bit her lip, moaned and shifted to press herself against the hard angles of his body, her eyes closing and she wandered into a place where she, for the first time, felt deserving of her own desire.

“Good girl.”
Flynn let her out of his mouth as she began to raise and lower, building another shock wave between them. “Take it, babe, fuck me. I want to watch you come.”

The sound of his low voice sent her into another space. His hands drew up her back, pulling her against him as his dick dug deeper, filling her until it hurt and she didn’t care.

“That’s it, baby, don’t think — just fuck. Harder. You want it all? Don’t hold back.”



OH my god, I want to fuck him so hard, like a crazy-person hard. I’ve never felt this before. God, I feel like an animal — it hurts so much and I don’t want it to stop. He’s tearing at me and all I want is more. Even when the bites and the smacks come down, I feel freer, open, like there are no closed spaces between us. God, please, don’t let me lose myself. I’ve been hurt before, but this could kill me.

Flynn’s arms locked around her waist, latching them together until their bodies moved as one and Lilly wrenched and came on him with a primal scream. He held her steady as her body contorted and sounds like a dying animal filled the small cottage.

Lilly felt that tightening in her throat, like she needed to sob in some deep grieving way. But, it was so much more. Her body blended into him, she flowed and knew that she soaked him and she felt no shame.

For once, she reveled in the way her body felt, and Flynn’s eyes drank her in like he was looking into that final white light.

When she could see straight and her body came to rest in a heap against him, Flynn kissed where her breasts came together, looking up at her face with a crooked grin.

“What?” Lilly let out a breath, trying to regain some composure, her hands desperately trying to make sense out of her hair.

“You’re fucking beautiful, that’s what. Now, that little show you just gave me has my damn dick walking on razor wire — I want your mouth. I want to watch you taste yourself on me as I cum in your mouth. I’m about as primed as a short fucking fuse — get on your knees — suck me like a good girl.”





Chapter Twenty


“Keep that phone on you,” Flynn directed, his face inches from hers from where he leaned in through her driver's side window. She was settled in the little Nissan, her cheeks still rose red from a good fucking and her eyes not quite focused. “I’m not fucking joking. If you’re with Colin or whatever, I get that — don’t answer, but as soon as you are back, you text me. Got it? Now, I’m going back to the gym, then I’ll text you about tonight.”

BOOK: PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2)
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