Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife) (14 page)

BOOK: Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife)
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“Are you a fucking mind reader?” I spit out.

Julian chuckles. “I was saving this for a special occasion. $50,000 a pop.”

“For one cigar?” My eyes widen.

“That’s right, baby, but not just any cigar, the best one in the world.”

What’s the special occasion?” I ask, smiling from ear to ear.
How could he not be my soul mate, the guy can fucking read my mind!

You’ve accepted my fantasies and you actually seem to enjoy them.”

I chuckle as
I recall what Julian told me in British Columbia. “I can’t stop thinking of all the things that I want to do to you that might make you want to leave me…I just don’t think you’ll agree to what I have in mind.” His face was strained and he appeared concerned that I may leave him if he reveals all his fantasies to me. He made his fantasies sound much worse than they really are.

“I like resisting you,” I respond. “It’s hard, but I like it a lot.”

“Hard is it?” Julian eyes me and smirks. He lights up the cigar and takes a big puff, then hands it to me.

I inhale a big puff of smoke into
my lungs. It’s spicy and irritating to my airway, but I keep it in for a while and blow it out. It comes out through my mouth tasting soft and leathery, but much smoother and lighter than any cigar I’ve tried so far.

“It good,” I respond as Julian examines me.
“Really good,” I add when I taste a hint of delicious, but not too sweet, caramel-like flavor left on my tongue. The cigar doesn’t taste as sweet as it smells.

I take another inhale, let it sit in my lungs for a while, and exhale the smooth smoke. More of
that light caramel-like flavor is deposited on my tongue.

“You’re becoming a pro,” Julian smirks as I finish exhaling all the smoke from my lungs.

I hand the cigar to Julian. He inhales, leaves the smoke in his lung for much longer than I did, and he exhales very long and slow. Some of the smoke escapes from his nose. He looks so incredibly sexy, all naked and smoking a cigar.

He offer
s me the cigar. I take it and inhale another big puff of smoke. My lungs are completely filled. I exhale slowly, making a large “O” with my lips. The smoke smoothly leaves through my lips.

“That’s sexy
, baby,” Julian whispers.

I take another puff before handing him back the cigar. I blow out all the smooth smoke from my
mouth. I taste more of that caramel flavor deposited on my tongue.
Perfect after-sex cigar.

cradles my head, gently nuzzling me to his chest. My head rises high and lowers in line with his chest while he takes another puff of cigar.

He offer
s me the cigar and I lift myself up on his chest. I pull smoke into my mouth and my lungs. I try to hold in the smoke for as long as I can and I blow out as slow as I can. It relaxes me, doubly so right after such mind-blowing sex.

I hand him back the cigar. We go back and forth for a long time until we have completely finished the cigar. After
finishing the cigar, I feel so good and so incredibly relaxed that I instantly fall asleep on Julian’s chest, wrapped comfortably in his arms.






In the morning,
Julian and I wake up around the same time. I recall that I have to tell Julian what he did to me yesterday. He is still sleepy-eyed, and I watch as he slowly blinks his eyes open.
So cute
. He looks like a sleepy puppy. His black hair is a beautiful mess, his plush lips are slightly parted. He examines me once his eyes are fully open.

I smile.
“You know that you gave me a blended orgasm last night, it was the best orgasm of my life.”

He smirks, looking satisfied with himself. “
And I will continue to do that to you,” Julian responds, now looking fully awake, his bright blue eyes scrutinizing me.

My eyes widen and then I smile.
I can handle that.

s have some breakfast. I’m famished from having worked so hard pleasing you last night.” Julian chuckles.

I giggle loudly. He barely tried last night, and yet he gave me a fucking BLENDED orgasm.
I’ve heard about them, but I’ve never actually ever experienced one. Julian gave me that last night.
He is insane. He is all mine.
I am the luckiest girl in the world.

I get a whiff of his spicy, musky scent as
he gets out of bed.

is that cologne that you always wear?” 

“Custom-made,” Julian

“You smell so
fucking good.”

Julian smirks
as he stands, watching me. “I know.” Confident as ever, probably even more so now that he knows he gave me a fucking blended orgasm. I still can’t wrap my head around what he did to me last night and yet there’s more to come—much more to come. I’ve only just married him. We have a whole lifetime together.
This is exciting.

Julian examines me carefully. “You’re eyes are sparkling like diamonds.”

“I’m just so happy with you,” I murmur. “I’ve never been happier.”

grins. “I knew you would be, from the very beginning.”

get out of bed, go over to him. He wraps his arms around me. I nuzzle myself closely into him. I close my eyes and squeeze him tight. “I love you,” I whisper.

“I love you too.”
He holds me tight. I feel safe and happy wrapped in his arms, pressed up against his chest.

, I pull away. Tear spring to my eyes because I love him so much and I don’t want anything to ever tear us apart.

“What’s wrong
, Cheryl?”

“I just love you so much.”
My stomach tightens in knots because in a perfect world we would be together forever, but anything can separate us—an accident, sickness, or death.

He lifts his hand and wipes my tears with the lightest touch of his finger.

“You’re not thinking about Derek are you?”

urprisingly, I didn’t think of Derek. I was thinking of other, more powerful and real things that might separate us.

No, actually I was thinking about other things that could separate us.”

“What could possibly separate us?” Julian asks
, raising an eyebrow.

Just before I respond, Julian
answers. “Nothing, and I mean nothing will separate us,” he says in a stern tone.

More tears spring to my eyes and he
wipes them away.

“Come on, let
’s have breakfast.” He takes my hand and leads me out of the bedroom.

After we’ve had
breakfast and gotten dressed, we head to our next destination, Italy, via private jet. I wear a simple baby blue top, white pants, comfy flats, Chanel earrings, and my white Birkin bag. Julian goes back to wearing all black—black shirt, black tie, black suit jacket and black pants—now that we are heading out of Greece.

We arrive in Rome. Our
private driver take us to our hotel to check in and drop off our luggage. Julian has no residences in Rome, but he owns the hotel that we are staying at. It’s one of the most luxurious, refined, glories hotel I’ve ever seen. It’s about twenty stories tall, with a magnificent fountain surrounded by ancient Roman sculptures in front of the hotel entrance.

The lobby is old world luxury, with a huge chandelier, high ceilings, expensive antique furniture, marble floors, red drapes on the windows, and old paintings. There is a rich color scheme of gold,
beige, dark brown, deep hues of red and everything is gold plated.

As we
continue walking through the lobby, I notice a grand piano where a man is sitting and playing a beautiful melody. There are Roman sculptures and potted plants. The ceilings are gold-rimmed with paintings of angels like I’ve seen in pictures of the ceilings in the Palace of Versailles.

I am standing gaping at the ceiling, when Julian calls my name.

“Cheryl,” he commands.

Julian is waiting for me by the reception desk.

I quickly walk over, a little embarrassed.

“This i
s my wife, Cheryl,” Julian says proudly as I reach the reception desk. There is a dignified-looking lady in her forties, dressed in a skirt suit with her brown hair pulled back in a bun.

She offers me her hand and smiles. I shake her hand

She’s beautiful,” the lady says while admiring me, her smile growing bigger. “Absolutely beautiful.”

“This is Emilia,” Julian explains. “S
he has been working for me for a long time, ever since I purchased my first hotel fifteen years ago. I recently put her in charge as the manager of this hotel.”

Julian talks with her for a bit, as I gaze around, still shocked by the extravagance of it all. I watch as a
bellboy is piling up all our luggage on a trolley. There is an old, wealthy-looking couple sitting on one of the antique couches in the impressive lobby.

I clutch
my Birkin bag as we make our way up to our Royal Suite, which charges hotel guests EURO €50,000 per night. Julian informs me that monarchs, heads of state, and celebrities have stayed in the suite.

Holy fuck
, my mind screams the entire time during which Julian gives me a tour of the suite. The whole suite is decorated in a combination of Regency, Empire, and Louis XV styles. Every single room in the suite has a chandelier and gold-framed paintings. There is a guest bedroom, a master bedroom with kind-sized bed, three marble bathrooms, a huge private library, a wine cellar, a den, a dining room, and an exquisite living room with a grand piano and a fireplace. There are plush velvet antique armchairs, sofas, and red curtains draping the windows. The entire suite is antique, royal, and expensive-looking—not my style—but definitely impressive. Soft, classical music is playing quietly in the entire suite.

A butler stands against the wall of the living room, ready t
o take any and all orders from us. He holds a sterling silver tray with two flutes filled with champagne.

Julian grabs
both glasses and hands me one. We click glasses and I take a large sip of champagne to try and calm my nerves and excitement.

I look at the butler
and smirk. He is emotionless, looking straight ahead but nowhere in particular like a human robot. I look back at Julian and he smiles warmly at me.

I take another sip of champagne
and watch as Julian takes a big gulp as if the champagne were water. He probably drank so much champagne during his life, to him it is like water.

He takes my hand
and directs me to the plush velvet couch. The couch looks too expensive and antique to sit on, but Julian takes a seat and so I sit beside him.

He wraps his arm around me
and acts as if the butler wasn’t present. I take this as a good time to tell him what I am thinking and feeling. “This hotel, this suite, it’s all very impressive.”

grins with satisfaction. “I’m glad you are impressed. I’ve worked very hard to attain my fortune. As you know, it wasn’t just handed to me. I started at a young age and managed to accomplish all that I have.”

“How did you do it?” I ask

’s blue eyes pierce mine and my breath is taken from me for a moment.

“It’s a long story, I don’t want to bore you with the details,” he says quietly.

“I’d really like to know.”

Julian looks thoughtful. “Maybe I’ll tell you the whole story one day, for now let’s enjoy ourselves. I have a full day planned in Rome for us.
Let’s finish our champagne and head out.”

Julian has hired a
n Italian male tour guide to show us around Rome. We see the Colosseum, the Pantheon, a few religious sites, a few ancient ruins and historic sites, as well as an art museum. By the end of the day, in the evening, my feet are killing me from all the walking we have done.

Our last stop for the day is the
Trevi Fountain. It’s a beautiful sight, all lit up in the evening with water flowing from the Roman sculptures and rearing sea horses against a backdrop of a large Roman building. There are crowds of tourists and a few locals.

Julian hands me a coin. “Make a

I make a wish, close my eyes, and throw the coin into the fountain.
I really don’t have much to wish for. Now that I am with Julian I have more than I could even wish for. I make the one wish that I have left—to be with Julian forever.

Julian also throws a coin into the water and I wonder if he wished
for the same thing as me. My curiosity gets the better of me. “What did you wish for?”

“I can’t tell you, but I can tell you i
t has everything to do with you,” Julian whispers.

I smile from ear to ear.

“Let go back to our suite, relax for a bit. Then, we’ll get dressed up and head out for dinner.” Julian takes my hand and we walk back toward the hotel.

The hotel is not far,
Julian tells me it is only about a ten to fifteen minute walk from the fountain, but my feet are killing me, and I can’t wait to get back and just relax in our suite.

It is
dark as we walk hand-in-hand through the cobblestone streets past tourists and locals. Julian seems to know where he is going and acts as if he lives here. We turn a corner, onto a quieter street, and Julian says we’re almost at the hotel.

“My feet are so sore from walking all day,” I complain. Two local men
in suits walk down the street, approaching us, watching us. Suddenly, a chill goes through me.

Well—” Julian says, just as the two men come close and stop in front of us.

They are very
intimidating. They are big, dark-skinned, dark-haired Italian men looking like they are in their late thirties.

“Your mo
ney and the girl,” one of the men growls in a thick Italian accent as he abruptly pulls out a gun and points it at Julian. His eyes convey confidence, and he appears to have done this many times before.

n icy chill goes through me. The other Italian guy leers at me, looking me up and down as if I were a piece of meat. I quickly grip Julian’s hand tighter. I am terrified and stand frozen in place.

“Okay,” Julian says calmly.

Julian looks to be reaching for his wallet from his inside jacket pocket but he swiftly pulls out his gun—the gun that I forgot he carries around with him at all times. Before the men have a chance to react, Julian shoots one guy in the head. I scream, and watch as he then shoots the other. Before I can even take another breath, I see them lying dead on the street in a pool of blood.

Julian puts
the gun back in his suit pocket and acts as if nothing has ever happened. He turns to me.

shot them,” I squeak, breathless.

“Damn right
, I did,” Julian growls. “You know what those two fucking scums were planning?” Julian takes my hand as we walk around the bodies and quickly walk down the street. “They wanted to take my money and you. They were planning on taking you somewhere private, taking turns fucking you, and then selling you to a sex trafficking ring.”

“How do you know that?” I squeal, still shocked at what just happened and the unusual calmness that Julian acted with.

“These things happen all the time in Europe, especially in Italy, you have no idea.” Julian says as we walk onto a busier street. “Those two men were members of the Italian mafia.” Julian picks up the pace until I see our hotel before us.

“How do you know?”
I ask wide-eyed, trembling with shock.

“I know,” Julian answers, not giving any further details.

“Will you get in any sort of trouble
for killing them?” I ask shaky. “Won’t the police or fellow Mafia members come after you?”

The police? I did them a favor. As for anyone coming after me, there is no way in hell that would ever happen,” he says smugly.

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