Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife) (19 page)

BOOK: Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife)
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Julian feeds me a third chocolate. I keep my eyes closed as I savor the taste of the chocolate melting in my mouth.
Chocolate is so much better after sex.

“More?” Julian asks.

“No,” I respond quietly as I open my eyes.

I watch as Julian lights up
a cigar and takes a huge puff.

“Cigar?” Julian murmurs.

“Yes,” I whisper, my throat feeling scratchy from having screamed so loud during the hardcore banging.

I sit up,
take the cigar from Julian, take a big pull of smoke, hold it in my lungs for a while, and exhale. The smooth taste of the smoke triggers me to feel even more relaxed. I’m hooked. I take another puff, hold it in my lungs for longer, and exhale. “Mmmmm, it’s so good.” I hand the cigar back to Julian and he smiles.

“Glad you liked it.” Julian takes a deep inhale, holds for
a long time, and exhales. “And I’m glad you like the way I fuck you.”

takes turns smoking the cigar until it’s finished, then I curl up into Julian’s chest and fall in a very deep and relaxing sleep.






In the morning,
we have breakfast in our suite and we take advantage of the in-suite spa. We take a steam shower together and we get a couples massage. I also get a facial while Julian uses the treadmill and weights. Then, we have another shower together and get dressed to head to our next destination.

are taken via helicopter to Monte-Carlo. The views from above are stunning as we pass over water, mountains, and villages.

Once we land in Monte-Carlo, we are taken by lim
o to our hotel. We are staying at one of the greatest classic hotels in the world. The hotel is old world charm and very elegant. As we have our luggage dropped off by the bell boy, I notice a lot of wealthy-looking individuals are staying at the hotel.

We get dressed before heading out.
Julian wears a tuxedo. I wear a long dark blue dress by Elie Saab, my blue heart necklace, dark blue satin heels by Jimmy Choo, dark blue opera gloves, and black classic Chanel purse.

Julian takes me through Casino Square
. I’ve never seen so much wealth concentrated in one area. There are so many wealthy-looking men and gorgeous-looking women prancing around. There is an overwhelming amount of expensive cars parked outside the casino. There are Bentleys, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis. The sea views, stunning gardens, yachts, and the old-world architecture is very beautiful.

Julian tells me he
has a friend, owner of a famous airline as well as many other big businesses, who lives in Monte-Carlo. Julian has planned to meet his friend in a restaurant located inside the casino.

We go inside the casino
and I gaze in awe at the Baroque style and impressive architecture, particularly the ceilings. The place smells of pure luxury and wealth.

I hear the loud slot-machines
ringing as Julian leads me through the casino and we pass by numerous wealthy men in tuxedos gambling at various tables with their extremely good-looking wives or girlfriends by their side for “good luck.”

We meet Julian
’s friend at the restaurant. He greets Julian and takes my wrist gently, kissing the dorsal of my hand. “Pleased to meet you, Cheryl, my name is Timothy.” He has green eyes, black hair, and looks to be in his mid-thirties.

We take our seat at a reserved table.
The waiter pours us each a flute of champagne. We all click glasses and take a sip. Timothy takes out a cigar from his inside suit pocket and lights it up. I notice some very expensive watch glittering from his wrist.

Julian and Timothy
quietly talk about business, money, and deals for a while. I don’t understand what they are talking about so I just sip my champagne.

“Cheryl is an artist and she’
s very good,” Julian suddenly says.

“Really, that’s fantastic,” Timothy says
as he looks at me, genuinely sounding interested. “My wife’s career is spending all my money and she’s very good at it.” He winks.

I giggle and take a sip of champagne.

“I should call her over.” He takes out his cell phone from his suit pocket and makes a quick call. “Get over here,” he says simply. He puts the phone away. “My wife is just doing more of the same. She’s out there now swiping my cards in the clothing boutiques,” he explains, waving his hand casually and taking a huge puff of his cigar.

A few moments later, a
mid-twenties woman with wavy, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a stunning face like that of a Victoria’s Secret model comes prancing in and takes a seat beside Timothy.

She nods her head at Julian. She offers me her hand. “Hello, I’m

I shake her hand. “Hi, I’m Cheryl.”

She smiles sweetly as she admires me. “Julian, she’s so pretty.”

I smile.
“Thank you. You’re very pretty as well.”

The waiter comes and takes our orders.
Julian and Timothy go back to talking business while Emily and I get acquainted. We instantly click and I feel very comfortable with her.

humorously tells me a little about her shopping addiction which has me amused. She also tells me about how she first met Timothy and her years as an actress and model. She reminds me a lot of my friend Tanya back in New York. She is bubbly, interesting, funny, and sweet.

The waiter brings
a flute of champagne for Emily and our orders. We eat lunch while chatting away. I get so involved in conversation with Emily that I forget that Julian is beside me. We talk about travel, shopping, and I learn that she has spent time living in New York when she was working as a model.

I tell Emily
about my life in New York. During the conversation, my ex-fiancé’s name slips from my mouth. I close my mouth shut and glance over at Julian. He turns to look at me and frowns. He does not look pleased.

Timothy and Emily look at us in a quizzical manner.
They detect that something is not right. There is an icy cold silence for a brief moment as Julian glares at me.

Timothy breaks the silence and
tells Julian he will pay for lunch. Julian turns to him and insists that he will pay. When the waiter comes, Julian flashes his black Centurion Card and pays for lunch.

As a group we head over to the game tables in the cas
ino. Julian and Timothy sit at a poker table. They each drop $20 million to get in the game. Three other men in tuxedos are seated at the table.

I realize that money comes and goes easily with Julian. He did buy me for a high price
, after all. The main reason I fell in love with him, though, is how even though he kept me confined in his home, he never made a move on me. He treated me respectfully, romancing and seducing me so tenderly. The money may have influenced and motivated me a little, though, at least enough for me to make an effort to spend time with him.

Emily and I sit a few feet away, at an elevated table with stools, overlooking the poker table.
We sip our champagne and begin chatting away again. Interestingly, Emily never asks the dreaded,
so how did you meet

I notice Emily’s gorgeous black crocodile B
irkin bag. “I love your purse!”

“Thank you. It’s a made-to-order 9-carat diamond-studded.”

We chat more about purses and fashion. Then, we tell each other more about ourselves as we watch our men play poker.

You are implanted right?” Emily asks suddenly.

“What do you mean?” I ask her.

“With a tracking device.”

“Yes,” I
How did she know?

My husband didn’t even wait until we were married, can you believe that? He implanted a tracking chip inside me one year after we started dating.” She giggles and takes a sip of champagne.

I realize that Timothy must also be part of a secret society because it’s only these type of men who track their woman
like property to ensure their safety.

“When did you two get married?”
I ask her.

We got married four years ago,” she replies.

though I know I shouldn’t ask, my comfort level with Emily makes me braver. “How old are you? You look so young.”

She giggles
and doesn’t appear to care. “I’m twenty-seven.” She smiles. “I know you are much younger.”

Yes. I’m twenty-two.” I take a sip of champagne. “How long have Timothy and Julian known each other?”

“They pretty much grew up together,” Emily responds.

“Are they both part of the same secret society?”

“Yes,” she says simply.

“What is the name of the society?” I ask curiously.

“We’re not supposed to talk about that,” she
replies. “But what I can say is that I would never be with a man that wasn’t part of that society. These men are the most powerful in the world.”

I glance over at Julian who is
holding his playing cards and making a bet.

“I know of Derek,” Emily says.

I look over at her, wide-eyed, but try and appear casual. “Really, how?”

“The society men all know each other, it’s like a brotherhood.

“So you’ve met Derek?”

“Yes a while back, he’s a very intelligent man. Timothy and Derek have done a lot of business together. Recently though he has fallen off the radar and I’m not sure why.”

I swallow, feeing nervous.

Emily gets a spark in her eye while examining me. “I suspect it could have something to do with you,” she whispers.

My stomach tightens. “Why do you say that?”

“I know how things work, how these men think. Timothy is more open with me that most of the society men are with their wives, so I know what goes on.”

A silent understanding is exchanged betw
een us as we gaze at each other and then look over at our men playing poker.
She knows everything!
She very intelligent for a blonde woman as pretty as she is.

So you fell for him, I get it, he’s definitely better-looking and younger than Derek,” she murmurs. “The question is, what will Derek do about it?”

I gaze at her,
wide-eyed, waiting for her to answer her own question. She is silent for a while, watching her husband winning yet another hand of poker. Julian and Timothy appear to have a lot of chips stacked beside them, indicating that they are doing well in the poker game.

“I know he’s going to come after you, so be prepared
, honey,” she warns.

My stomach tighten
s in knots. I take a sip and try to swallow the champagne and it almost doesn’t go down, my throat feels constricted and hoarse.
I definitely didn’t want to hear that.

I ask the one question that has plagued me since I
first fell for Julian. “How will Derek find me?”

She turns to me
and fixes me with an intent gaze. “If he hasn’t already implanted you with a tracking device, he will still find a way to you.”

I gaze at her hoping for more information, anything really. It seems like her husband has told her a lot about the rules of the society.

I am feeling anxious and hoping she will dispel some kind of wisdom for me.

“If you ever need to talk,
I’ll give you my contact details,” she finally says. “I really like you.”

I really like Emily as well. She reminds m
e so much of Tanya, but with more depth and intelligence.

We exchange phone numbers and emails.
I program her contact details into my iPhone and add her to my email list. I put my iPhone back into my purse. I dig further into my purse, find the Taser that Julian gave me that I always keep in my purse and I grip it tightly.


Several hours later, Julian and Timothy go over to sit at the European Roulette table. Julian calls us over. We join our men to watch. I stand by Julian’s side, while Emily stands by Timothy’s side. Emily hangs onto her husband’s shoulder, so I follow suite, and hang onto Julian shoulder as I watch him play roulette. Emily and I sip champagne and cheer whenever our men win bets.

the men have finished gambling, we all go together for dinner at another restaurant in the casino. Then, we head out of the casino and go to a fabulous outdoor lounge located on the water’s edge with plush white couches and arm chairs, overlooking the sea.

We are seated at a table in the
corner that has an ideal view of the sea and with shisha. Timothy orders us all the drinks of our choice, taking charge as the man who will pay for the entire rest of the night.

The DJ is spinning a variety of different European-style
music. There is a pleasant breeze and the relaxing sound of the sea waves can be heard.

We down drink after drink,
smoke some shisha, and talk about travel. Julian tells Timothy and Emily about our honeymoon so far. Then, Julian and I listen to them recall their honeymoon.

Every time Emily or I finish a drink, Timothy immediately orders us another.
He makes sure we always have a glass full of alcohol in our hand and we both quickly get intoxicated. After numerous drinks, our men lead us out and we head to another venue. 

We arrive at a lounge bar
which combines historic architectural heritage with decor inspired by the Orient. It’s very majestic and stylish. The bar is lit up bright blue and the furniture is dark-colored and oriental. There are high ceilings and a traditional giant Buddha in the center. The music is varied—lounge and world music, enhanced by electro riffs and tribal rhythms.

We are ushered to our
velvet rope enclosed, reserved area on the luxurious curved couch against the walls with a view of the giant Buddha. Timothy order us all cocktails as soon as we are seated comfortably.

thy and Julian sit side-by-side and we each sit beside our men. I notice Emily hangs onto her husband’s arm, doting on him. I follow suite, holding onto Julian’s arm, dangling off him while sipping at my cocktail.

BOOK: Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife)
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