| 63. Joseph R. Anderson to Harrison Row, Jan. 13, 1848, quoted in Bruce, Virginia Iron Manufacture, 237.
 | 64. Ibid., 248-49.
 | 65. James River and Kanawha Company, Annual Report, 1847, VHS.
 | 66. Bureau of Census, Population, 1860.
 | 67. Converse, "How a Family Lived in the 1830s," 3-11; Tyler-McGraw and Kimball, In Bondage and Freedom, pt. 2.
 | 68. Commonwealth v. Curetta and Betty, July 1862, Hustings Suit Papers.
 | 69. Daily Dispatch, Nov. 9, 1852.
 | 70. "Memoirs of Reverend Walter Brooks," Brooks Family Records, n.d., VHS; Chesson, Richmond after the War, Daily Dispatch, Dec. 24, 1852, Aug. 20, 1853; J.E. Bruce, "A Sketch of My Life," quoted in Lerner, Black Women in White America, 33-34.
 | 71. Rachleff, Black Labor in Richmond, chap. 2.
5. Formation of an Independent Slave Community
 | 1. Chesson, Richmond after the War, 15.
 | 2. Rabinowitz, Race Relations; Scott, Old Richmond Neighborhoods.
 | 3. Daily Dispatch, May 2, 1853.
 | 4. Tyler-McGraw, At the Falls, 114; Chesson, Richmond after the War, 16, 98.