| 23. Bureau of Census, Population, 1860; Richmond, Manufacturing Census, 1860, LVA; O'Brien, "Factory, Church, and Community," 517.
 | 24. Bureau of Census, Slave Schedules, 1860.
 | 25. Margo, "Wages and Prices," 173-216.
 | 26. Wright, "Cheap Labor and Southern Textiles before 1880," 851-70; Margo, "Wages and Prices during the Antebellum Period," 173-216.
 | 27. "Slave Labor upon Public Works at the South," DeBow's Review 17 (July 1854): 77-78.
 | 28. "Superiority of Slave Labor in Constructing Railroads," ibid., 18 (March 1855): 404-5.
 | 29. Parish, Slavery, History, and Historians, 43-63.
 | 30. "Superiority of Slave Labor in Constructing Railroads," DeBow's Review 18 (March 1855): 405.
 | 31. Green, "Urban Industry, Black Resistance," 314; Robert, Tobacco Kingdom, chap. 10.
 | 32. Cooper, South and the Politics of Slavery; Greenberg, Masters and Statesmen.
 | 33. Richmond Times and Compiler, May 28, 1847; Richmond Enquirer, May 29, 1847, quoted in Schechter, "Free and Slave Labor in the Old South," 176.
 | 34. Goldin, Urban Slavery, 36; Bureau of Census, Population, 1860.
 | 35. Joseph R. Anderson to Board of Directors, June 1, 1842, Minutes of Directors and Stockholders, 1838-53, Tredegar Papers, LVA.