Reasons to Leave (Reasons #1) (8 page)

Read Reasons to Leave (Reasons #1) Online

Authors: Lisa J. Hobman

Tags: #Highlands, #Scotland, #Love and loss, #contemporary romance, #second chance

BOOK: Reasons to Leave (Reasons #1)
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Hearing him say her name again made her chest ache. Why couldn’t he just sod off and leave her alone? She turned to face him, but he hadn’t moved back, and so his face was a little too close for comfort. “I don’t
to do anything,” she said flatly in a low voice, feeling relief in the knowledge that the coach was large and most of the kids had chosen to sit as far away from the staff as possible.

He smiled sadly. “Have it your way…for now. But you
listen to me.” He dropped his voice to a barely audible whisper. “Even if I have to tie you down to make sure you do.” He grinned and widened his eyes for a split second. She swallowed hard.
. He sniggered. “Don’t look so scared. I’m messing with you.” He shook his head as his shoulders juddered. He was clearly taking great delight in her shock.

Flaring her nostrils, she turned away from him again.

Shit head.




They arrived at the cycle hire place and everyone left the bus. Jason stormed to the front to take charge. Each student was issued a bike suitable for his or her height, along with a helmet. Matt, the owner of the bike hire company, came over to chat with Stevie. He was a handsome man, very tall and lean, with cropped black hair shaved at the sides in a kind flat Mohawk and more tattoos than anyone she’d ever met.

“So, you’re the one who has the delights of escorting this lovely lot, are you? I’m Matt.” The man spoke in a strong Scottish accent and held out his hand to her. His warm smile revealed a line of crooked teeth. Oddly enough, they were still very white and just seemed to add to his charm.

After shaking his offered hand, she held up her palms. “Guilty as charged, I’m Stevie.” Her cheeks warmed.

“How long are you up here for?” His delightful accent suited him and increased his appeal.

“Only for the week. Then I get to go back to only seeing them through the day time.”

His laugh was deep and quite sexy. “So, do you get any time off whilst you’re here?” he asked with a glint in his eyes. She glanced over at Jason who was watching intently, a stern expression on his face.

She cast her gaze back in Matt's direction. “Oh, I don’t know…maybe. But I think we’re on a pretty tight schedule.”

“Awww, that’s a shame. I was going to ask if I could take you for a wee spot of lunch maybe. Or a drink?” He raised his eyebrows hopefully.

Suddenly, Jason came breezing in. “All right, Matt? How you doing buddy?” He slapped the man on the back a little too hard.

“Hi, Reynolds. Just chatting to Stevie here. Asking her out but it seems you’re holding the reins pretty tight on this trip, eh? No freedom day this time?”

Jason cleared his throat. “Ah, not sure we have time for that this week. Lots to cram in, mate. You know how it is.”

“Okay, well, if you change your mind, give this gorgeous woman my number, eh?”

“Yeah, I doubt she’ll be free.” Jason turned to glance at her through narrowed eyes.

Annoyed at his obvious, misplaced possessiveness, Stevie smiled widely at Matt. “You can rest assured, Matt, that if I get the time, I’ll be sure to get your number from Mr. Reynolds.” She turned to see Jason’s nostrils flare. Feeling sure that she was beet red by now, she smiled and stepped away to check on the students.




Jason waited until Stevie had walked back to the kids and turned to Matt.

“Don’t push it with her, okay? She’s off limits.”

Matt smirked. “And why would that be, my friend? Got yourself a wee crush, have we?”

Feeling his frustration rising he replied, “It’s not like that. It’s…it’s complicated. She’s…she’s just off limits, okay?”

Matt cocked his head inquisitively. “Just to me? Or to you too?”

Running his hand over his hair, Jason shrugged. “Like I said, it’s not like that. She’s from London, and I get the feeling she’s the type to get hurt easily, that’s all.”

Matt scrunched his face in disbelief. “That’s incredibly observant for someone you’ve only known for twenty four hours or less. What’s going on, Jace?”

Jason spoke through clenched teeth. “Nothing. Nothing is
going on
. Just leave it.”

Matt held his hands up. “Okay, okay. But I think you’re being unfair to the poor woman. She should be allowed to make the decision for herself. I could show her a good time. Know what I mean?” His look was lascivious.

Jason moved his face closer. “That’s exactly my problem,
. She’s too fucking good for you. You can’t keep your dick in your pants, and she deserves more. She’s not the type you can use for a quick fuck, all right? Trust me. I know.”

Matt gave him a knowing smile. “Right, right. Been there already, have you?”

“You are walking a seriously fucking fine line. Now you’re my mate, but I swear if you disrespect her like that again, I’ll come back to see you, and you’ll be eating your fucking meals through a straw.”

Matt laughed heartily. Clearly not taking Jason’s threat seriously. “Fuck me, Jace. You’ve got it bad, mate.” He patted him on the shoulder.

“I said it wasn’t like that.”

“Whatever, mate. Don’t sweat it. Off limits. Message received loud and clear.” He saluted and walked away chuckling to himself.




Stevie was the last to be given her bike for the day, and Jason took it upon himself to deliver it personally.

He winked. “Here you go. This should bring back fond memories.”

“Really? Why’s that?” She knew that pleading ignorance was cruel, but she couldn’t help herself. Maybe he needed knocking down a peg or two and perhaps she was the one to do it.

He held his chest as if she had shot him. “Oooh harsh, Mrs. Norton. Harsh.” He smiled, showing those perfect teeth of his, but didn’t say anything further on the matter.

“So…freedom day? I get a day off, do I? Maybe I could go for a drink with Matt.” She was testing Jason’s reaction. Cruel again.

“Nah. He’s a womaniser, that one.” He held his hands up. “I mean, it’s nothing to do with me, but I wouldn’t let my sister go out with him if I had one.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not your
, and that as you quite rightly stated it’s
to do with you.” She turned and walked away. She hadn’t quite received the jealous reaction she had hoped for deep down. He
looked pretty pissed off a few moments ago, but he seemed able to switch his emotions on and off like a light switch these days.

Once they had their helmets fixed in place, the kids set off enthusiastically. Stevie not so much. Luckily, the route had taken into account everyone’s level of fitness—or lack thereof—and was mostly flat. The road they cycled was laid especially for bikes and weaved its way through the trees. The smell of fresh pine wafted through the warm summer air, and the sun cast dancing white lights and contrasting dark shadows before them as they rode. Rothiemurchus was such a stunning place. She had never experienced such tranquillity and beauty before. Nature was pretty bloody amazing.

Jason pulled up to cycle alongside her. “This is the life, eh?”

His smile was infectious, and she couldn’t help her own taking over her face. “It’s stunning.”

The kids and other staff cycled ahead leaving Jason and Stevie to lag behind. She tried to cycle faster to gain some much-needed distance but of course he caught up to her. She had no chance of being rid of him out here. He was much fitter than she was.

“Will you come to my cabin tonight?”

She turned her head toward him and a serious expression settled in place on his handsome features once again. He was pedalling with one hand on the handlebars and one hand resting on his toned thigh.

She shook her head. “No, I can’t. I’m working. I have responsibilities. I can’t just come over like that.”

“Come over after the kids are settled. After lights out. We need to talk. You must have questions.”

Of course she had bloody questions. But she also had
. She wasn’t sure she could stand to hear whatever he had to say, especially if he informed her there had been someone else. Although looking the way he did, there had to have been myriad
someone elses
. She remained silent, inwardly begging him to drop the subject.

But no, he continued pushing her. “Please, just an hour of your time. That’s all I need.”

She concentrated on the road ahead and chewed on her lip. She could see him in her peripheral vision, watching her, waiting for her decision. She sighed. “I’ll think about it, okay? But I’m promising nothing.”

“Okay. That’ll do for now… I’ll even go shirtless just for you. You know, give you something to drool over,” he teased.

“Eff off, Reynolds.” She hissed as loudly as she could without being overheard.

He laughed heartily. “Remember…walk along past the gap in the trees to the walkway.”

She didn’t answer. Instead, she found a burst of energy from somewhere and took off at speed to catch up with the rest of the group.


Chapter Five

The ride was a hell of a lot more enjoyable than Stevie had expected. And although she knew that cycling wasn’t her thing, she could almost be convinced that it
be if she lived somewhere as beautiful as this.

Jason had left her alone for the rest of the ride. Whenever they stopped for a drink, she had watched him with awe as he took his time talking to the students about the flora and fauna around them. How the plants lived in competition for the sunlight and how there was a vast array of wildlife species all living in harmony under the canopy of the lofty trees. He talked about the circle of life and everyone had laughed when one of the kids had begun to sing a rendition of the well-known Elton John track.

Jason answered questions with enthusiasm and even the ones that the kids had thought a bit silly to ask had been met with positivity and praise for their braveness. He was amazing. And she hated him for it. How could he be so arrogant and lascivious in one breath and then be so nurturing and encouraging in his next? He was a true enigma, this man whom she thought she knew. Clearly he had changed beyond any recognition, and it was disconcerting in so many ways. None more so than the way he turned her on simply by a raise of his eyebrows or lick of his full lips.
Damn him for affecting me so much.

Back at the campsite, the kids were all buzzing from their cycle ride. The camp’s chef had prepared a hearty meal of beef stew and dumplings, which the kids seemed to devour at a rate of knots. After the meal there was a Jim Carrey movie shown in the main hut, and laughter rang out through the thick log walls and echoed around in the still night air outside. She had seen the movie several times, so she sat on the steps outside with her book. Concentrating was pretty impossible thanks to the noise and her inability to get her mind off Jason.

At eleven, the kids were ushered back to their dorms without protest. The fresh air and cycle ride had clearly taken its toll. She checked on the girls, who were all gushing over something when she walked in. As soon as they saw her, they all clamped their mouths shut, exchanged awkward glances, and sniggered.

“He’s a bit fit that Mr. Reynolds, isn’t he, Mrs. Norton?” Jess blurted as Stevie headed to the door.

She stopped and turned around. “Well, he managed the bike ride without much effort, so yes. I suppose he is.”

The girls erupted in fits of giggles. “No Miss, I mean
…you know fit as in phwooooar!
kind of fit. Hunky…hot…you know? It’s a…erm…what do you call it?” She waved her hands at her friends who stared blankly at her. “You know…a…euphonium!”

Heat rose in her cheeks, embarrassed for both herself
for Jess. “I think you mean
, Jess. And to be honest, I hadn’t noticed. But really, girls, I think it’s a little inappropriate to speak in such a way about a member of the staff. Now come on, it’s lights out!”

She slammed the door behind her as more giggles followed. She rolled her eyes and made her way back to her own cabin.




Once inside, she showered and changed into her pyjamas. She towel dried her hair, letting it fall around her shoulders in damp waves and slumped onto her bed, feeling far too wired considering the amount of exercise she had done. Standing again, she paced the room for a few minutes before she made the same mistake as the night before. Flicking her iPod onto random, she was initially relieved when a more recent track began to play. But after a few minutes of listening to the shiver inducing lyrics of “Decode” by Paramore, she was in tears again and vowing angrily to completely change her track list.

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