Rebel (16 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

BOOK: Rebel
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Jack nodded her approval. “I’ll say this much for you, kid, you’ve got your priorities straight. And yes, we’ll help you. But I can’t fold space or alter time. We’re about three days from Rhylos.”

“Leroy’s coming too,” Roncas put in. “He didn’t say where he was, though.”

Jack scowled. “That’s because he doesn’t want to admit he’s been selling guns to the Luxarians—and if that’s where he is, we’ll get to Rhylos ahead of him. I doubt if you’ll need his kind of firepower anyway.” She winked at Kim. “Situations like this require a more subtle approach.”

Kim doubted that Jack had ever taken the subtle approach to anything in her life. “I don’t think we should wait that long. My friends might be sold offworld by then—if they haven’t already.”

“She has a point,” Onca said. “We’d already decided that if you weren’t close by, we’d go ahead without you.”

Jack ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head. “I can’t argue with your logic, but damn, I wish you’d wait for us. If you let anything happen to that kid, your ass is grass.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Onca practically spat the words at the viewscreen. “I’ve got a plan that won’t put her at any risk.”

“Mind telling me who
be at risk?”

“Me,” Onca replied. “I’ll—”

“And how is that better?” Jack demanded.

Onca sighed. “Look, Jack. I’ve sired a bajillion kids. No one needs me anymore.”

Kim’s mouth fell open. “That’s not true. No one is expendable—and siring children is
the only thing you’re good for.”

“Really? As I see it, that’s all
of us are good for,” Onca said. “That’s why we need to keep you safe until you’ve had a few litters. Preferably with several different men.”

“Are you crazy? I don’t want anyone but—” Kim caught herself before finishing that declaration. Something had changed—and not for the better.

Jack cleared her throat. “Not sure that’s possible with a Zetithian girl. You
how they are.”

“Yeah, but I’ll bet you can find a way around that, Jack. Right now, we’ve got bigger fish to fry. If you can’t get here, we’re going ahead as planned. Tonight.”

“Didn’t give me much leeway, did you?” Jack said with a sardonic smile. “Makes me wonder why you even bothered to send out the com.”

Onca nodded toward Kim. “She needs a ride to Terra Minor. You can pick her up when you get here.”

A sharp pang pierced Kim’s chest. Onca sounded so cold and abrupt. To hear him talk, he had never given a thought to loving her and didn’t care if he ever saw her again. He’d made no promises about staying together forever, but surely he wouldn’t hand her over to Jack without a backward glance. Not after making love with her.

Would he?

One call from this Jack person, and the happiness Kim had so recently discovered evaporated.
Gone in an instant.

Swallowing back the lump in her throat, she barely heard the rest of the conversation between Jack and Onca. She didn’t care what happened now.

should’ve known better.
Nothing lasted forever, but was he truly that heartless? Could he make her feel that kind of joy without forming any kind of attachment to her?

Of course he could. For him, sex was simply his livelihood, his trade, his occupation. He was used to fucking women once and never seeing them again.

Too bad Kim wasn’t used to being one of those women.

“I’ll get there as quick as I can,” Jack was saying. “In the meantime, you all be careful.”

“We will.” Onca’s finger was poised to terminate the link.

“Hold on a second.” Grabbing the comlink, Kim angled it toward her. “That boy of yours. What did you say his name was?”

“Larry.” Jack grinned. “Handsome fellow, isn’t he?”

Chapter 16

Onca felt like he had just signed his own death warrant. The one girl he had ever felt anything for, and he’d tossed her to someone else.


Jack was right, of course. He was too old for Kim. Teaching her was okay, but that happily-ever-after shit wasn’t gonna happen. Not for him. Kim seemed to have received the message, loud and clear.

Switching off the link, he stared at it as though it were the source of his woes. Perhaps it was. Damn that Larry for getting a message through—and a video, no less. The kid was a real whiz. Onca had to give him credit for that much.

But could Larry love Kim the way she should be loved? Would he see her for the miracle she was? Perhaps not. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t make her happy.

Shoving the comlink aside, Onca hung his head over his half-eaten stew. Roncas chirped away at Val. Rashe said something that actually made Jatki laugh. Kim didn’t say a word.

Jack had never been the voice of reason before. Why the hell did she have to make so much sense now? Picking up his spoon, Onca mechanically ate the remainder of the stew. The condemned always got a last meal, didn’t they?

Not that he was truly condemned. Once they freed those girls from the Den, his life would have more meaning than ever before. He would see to it that they were educated, had plenty to eat, and a place to call home. He would get over Kim. Whether or not he ever recovered sexually didn’t matter. What he’d told Jack was the truth. He had already done his part to save the Zetithian race. Now he could save someone else.

Strange how everyone seemed to think it was funny that he would help anyone aside from himself. Was he really that selfish? Maybe. Or maybe he’d changed.

Rashe gave him a nudge. “Tonight, huh?”

“Yeah. Might as well.”

“Without a plan?”

a plan. I’ll knock on the damned door, ask if they’ve got a Levitian girl I can fuck, and go from there.”

“You’re sure no one will recognize you?” Rashe asked.

Jatki nodded. “Yeah, what about those Racks that came after us when you picked me up?”

“We were moving pretty fast—and Racks aren’t very bright,” Onca said. “The only one who
recognize me is the Herp who tried to kidnap Kim.”

“I doubt it,” Kim said. “You may be the only Zetithian man on the planet, but they don’t know that, and from a distance in the dark, you could pass for a Terran or even a Davordian. I mean, you didn’t even realize
was Zetithian right away. Besides, Herps have crappy night vision.”

“True,” Onca agreed. “And it’s not like I’ve ever spent any time in that end of the brothel district.”

“What about weapons?” Roncas asked.

Val shook his head. “With all that security on their computer system, I’m guessing they’ve got a weapons sensor. He’ll have to go in unarmed.”

“We have Shemlak and his gang for backup,” Onca said. “Communication will be the tough part. If I get in trouble, the first thing they’re gonna do is cut the signal to my portable link—or confiscate it. A few Darconian comstones would come in real handy.”

“I dunno,” Rashe said. “Those stones are awfully expensive. Not sure a bunch of cooks and waitresses could afford one—and we’d need at least two of them.”

Jack had plenty of the stones, and their use had gotten her and her crew out of several tight spots.


He couldn’t do that. They had already wasted enough time. Reminding himself that he had only found Kim the previous morning didn’t help a whole lot because it seemed so much longer than that.

After all, it wasn’t every day a guy found his perfect mate and then realized it would be wrong of him to keep her.


Kim listened to the discussion with half an ear. If she was to be kept “safe,” she wouldn’t be taking part in the rescue—a circumstance she didn’t like one little bit.

She had always been the strong, resourceful one. Relying on others to take charge was out of character for her. She should be the one risking her life to save her friends, not Onca.

And he was
taking a risk.

Granted, he had several buddies to help him, but he would be the one going inside. What if the girls weren’t there? What if he risked his life for nothing?

At the moment, she felt more like sacrificing herself than ever. If Onca didn’t want to be the one to father her litters, what was the point in having any? She didn’t want to have children with several other men. She wanted to have Onca’s babies, not Larry’s or anyone else’s.

Why didn’t
get to choose? After all, she was the one who would be giving birth to all of those children. She had a right to say who their father would be.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She didn’t care if she came across as a sullen, pouting child. This just wasn’t right.

“I’ll go in the front,” Onca said. “The Darconians can patrol the street, and Rashe, you can watch the main entrance.”

“While I circle above the building to make sure no one tries to escape from another exit.” Val didn’t seem to smile very often, but he was smiling now—albeit a bit grimly. “I can’t wait to hack into their system and put a stop to these atrocities.”

“I hope you get the chance,” Onca said. “This may end up being more of a fact-finding mission than an all-out rescue. Still, a little aerial reconnaissance would be useful beforehand.”

Roncas twittered. “And I’ll be standing by to call the cops when all hell breaks loose.”

Kim had heard enough. “I’m going with you.”

Onca’s expression darkened, but before he had a chance to protest, she continued, “I’ll stick close to Rashe or Shemlak, but I’m going to be there. Jack doesn’t know all there is to know about what we’re dealing with. You don’t have to tell her we didn’t follow her orders.”

“But she’s right.” Except for a few giggles, Jatki had barely made a sound during lunch and the ensuing conversation. Clearly she had been paying attention. “You
stay here where it’s safe. I’ll go. The girls will know me, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

It wasn’t—although it was an excellent argument. “The girls in the brothel have no reason to believe you guys are trying to rescue them,” Kim pointed out. “Having me and Jatki on hand would help gain their trust.”

Rashe nodded. “She’s got a point, dude. If you were one of those girls, would you trust us?”

Onca glanced at Val before giving Rashe the once-over. “I’d probably trust me and Val. We look pretty tame. Not so sure about you, what with the war paint and all.”

“Tame? I can wash off the war paint, but you’ve got fangs and he’s got wings and the craziest eyes I’ve ever seen—and then there are the Darconians, who scare the living shit out of most people. If we let those girls out, they’ll probably take off running and wind up right back where they were in no time.”

“Not if we shut down that place and any others like it.”

Rashe folded his arms, aiming a scowl at Onca. “Do you really think we’ll be able to do that? I warned you to keep your head down and your mouth shut, didn’t I? We’re playing with fire here.”

“So you say,” Onca drawled. “You were kinda cryptic before. What exactly have you heard?”

“No names, if that’s what you mean. Just that they’re people you don’t want to mess with.”

“Told you we should wait for Jack and Leroy,” Roncas muttered.

Onca slammed his palms on the table. “Whether we wait for Jack, Leroy, or a miracle, we still need to get inside to gather some evidence. Right now, all we’ve got is conjecture.”

“Some damned good conjecture, though,” Rashe said in an undertone.

“If nothing else, we might be able to give those girls a little hope,” Jatki said.

Val nodded. “Very true. Sometimes that’s all the oppressed need to find the courage to start an uprising.”

“Uprising?” Onca snorted in disgust. “What can they do? Refuse to put out? The guys who go there probably love raping helpless girls.”

Kim nearly fainted at the thought, but his harsh words had the desired effect.

“Okay. Let’s do it,” Rashe said. “I can’t stand shit like that. Just flat, fuckin’ can’t stand it.”


The doorman at the Den certainly looked wicked enough to kidnap young girls, but then, Cylopeans were among the more hideous creatures in the galaxy.

“What the devil do you want?” he snarled.

“I should’ve thought that was obvious,” Onca replied. “This is a brothel, isn’t it?”

“That depends on the color of your credits.”

“Don’t worry, asshole. I’ve got money.” The last thing Onca wanted was to have to talk his way inside. He already felt queasy and having an extended conversation with a Cylopean wouldn’t improve his condition. The guy stunk to high heaven. “Do I get to play with some girls, or do I have to nail your bony ass out here in the street?”

The doorman snickered, sounding even more sinister than a Nedwut. “You need more than one?”

Onca shrugged. “On a given day, I’ve been known to do eight or nine. But I’m feeling less interested all the time. If the girls are as ugly as you, I’m not sure I’ll be able to get it up.”

“Our girls are among the loveliest in the district.” The man licked his lips. “Young and fresh.”

Onca could barely suppress his shudder of revulsion. “You sound like you’re selling Mondavian chickens.”

“Funny fellow, aren’t you?”

“I’m glad you find me so amusing.” Not bothering to rein in the sarcasm, he continued. “How much to get past your ugly mug and see some of these

“Fifty credits. Right here, right now.”

“How much more when I get inside?”

With a sly smile, the Cylopean rubbed his thin snout with a bony finger. “The price depends on how many of our ladies want you.”

That didn’t sound right. “You mean they have a

“Why, of course they do. This is a high-class establishment. Or were you unaware of that fact?”

Onca’s gaze swept the exterior of the building, ending with the doorman’s tattered robes. “Doesn’t look like it from here.”

“Fifty credits.”

Onca slapped the money on the man’s outstretched palm, hating to have even that much contact with him.

“You may fuck as many of our ladies as you desire—as long as
.” The crackling hum of a deactivating force field sounded as the door swung open. With a bow, the Cylopean waved him through.

They should’ve guessed there would be more than a simple lock on the door. Unfortunately, at the moment, Onca had no way of reporting this to any of his comrades.

The stench of unwashed bodies assailed his nostrils as he stepped inside. He was met by a Herpatronian who betrayed no sign of recognition, although he did seem vaguely familiar.


“This way, please,” the Herp said, sounding far more polite than was typical of his kind. “We’ll let the ladies have a look at you.”

Onca followed him down a narrow hallway and into a large, circular room where the worst of his fears were realized. The dimly lit space was lined with rows of cages filled with females from practically every planet in the known galaxy. As soon as he entered, they all began screaming at once.

A moment later Onca realized they weren’t screaming in terror.

They were

Most of the girls were naked, and those who were clothed immediately struck provocative poses, doing their best to catch his eye. Their apparent interest baffled him completely.

Was Roncas right? Had they actually heard about Zetithians?

Somehow he doubted it, but he was still at a loss to explain their excitement. As thin and pale as they all were, a little food and sunshine would have been far more beneficial than sex—even with a Zetithian. The few Kitnocks he saw were even skinnier than Jatki.

He stared at them in dismay. Kim had done her best to drum her friends’ names and descriptions into his head, but when faced with so many clamoring women, Onca doubted he would recognize any of them.

hair. Peska is Edraitian and has a scar on her left forearm. Dalmet is a Levitian with dark brown hair and a crooked nose.

Since Davordians were fairly common on Rhylos, Onca figured he would have better luck singling out Dalmet or Peska than he would Cassie. “Got any Levitians?”

“A few,” the Herp replied. “But they don’t seem to want you.”

“How about that Edraitian over there? I love red hair.”

“She’s not asking, either.” The Herp slapped his hairy thigh and let out an annoying guffaw. “Guess she’s not hungry enough yet.”


The girls probably didn’t get fed unless they volunteered.

The Edraitian sat in her cage with her back to him.
… The girls who weren’t vying for his attention probably hadn’t been there as long as the others.

Therefore, those who ignored him might be the ones he was looking for.

Forcing himself to focus on his task, he studied each girl until at last, he spotted a blond Davordian who wasn’t issuing a blatant come-on. She sat quietly, occasionally stealing a covert glance at him.

He pointed at the girl he hoped was Cassie. “What about that one?”

The Herp shook his head. “She’s not behaving tonight. Pick someone else.”

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