Rebuilding Stone (The Stone Brother Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Rebuilding Stone (The Stone Brother Series Book 2)
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It’s Noah’s birthday tonight and I am meeting him and Evan
at the bar. I got delayed at work, so I'm running late. A buddy from the force
told me that Molly was headed to the bar, looking sexy. I let Noah know; I
wasn’t surprised when he suggested that we should still go to Hanson's. Noah
might not know it yet, but he is falling for that girl. He made sure I offered
some fellow cops a side job protecting Molly after the shooting. He also told
me everything I needed to know when he backed me into the wall because he
thought I was interested in fucking her. Noah is not a violent man. He might be
easy to annoy, but he is not easy to piss off. I smile because Noah has said
for years he’d never marry. Like I said, he doesn’t know it, but that’s where
he's headed.

As I'm walking in, I see Aaron grab Molly's ass. While
Brayden has Aaron up against the wall, I rush to Molly and grab her around the
waist to pull her back. She is kicking and screaming.

“Molly? What the fuck happened?”

“That stupid asshole called me a slut! When I defended
myself, he got mad and said he was going to fuck me instead of killing me! He
had the fucking nerve to grab my ass!”

“Did you do that to Aaron?” I ask Molly, jerking my head
towards him.

“You’re damn right I broke his nose!” she states proudly.
Hell, I’m proud of her.

I wrap my arms tighter around her, trying to restrain her as
she continues to scream curse words. What the hell happened? I look up and see
Noah and Evan rushing over. Noah demands to know what’s going on and I explain
all that I know. He walks over to Aaron and starts assessing him. I want to
tell Noah to stop and let that fucker bleed out. He wouldn’t have done it,
though. The doctor, the fixer in him, wouldn’t let him.

“Maddox, I need you to help me get him to the ER,” Noah
calls to me.


After the bar incident, I talked to Aaron and let him know
that he had one final chance to attend AA meetings or else I was leaving. He
started a couple of weeks ago. I can see a big difference. He hasn’t had a
drink and he opened up to me about his dad being an alcoholic. He says that he
doesn’t want to be like him. He apologized. He said he'd understand if I wanted
to leave, but he hoped I'd stay to help him get better. I stayed because I knew
what it felt like to be alone and not have anyone there for me.

Tonight is the Police Officers' Ball. Aaron bought me a
beautiful midnight blue gown. It took me by surprise because there is a slit
that comes to mid thigh and a low plunging neckline. He's told me before to not
wear things that are too revealing.

“You look sexy,” Aaron says, coming up behind me.

“I love the dress, Aaron. Thank you. It makes me feel
beautiful,” I say, glancing in the mirror. It’s the first chance I’ve had to
dress up in a while, so I went all out fixing my hair and applying my smoky eye

“Every officer there tonight will be jealous of me. The
hottest girl on the planet will be walking in with me,” he says, running his
finger down the neckline. I don’t know why his compliment stings, but it does.
I should feel happy that Aaron wants me on his arm. I’d like to be more than
arm candy, though. I’m starting to realize that I’m nothing more to Aaron than
just that.

When we arrive at the ball, Aaron tells me to stay close. He
places his arm on the small of my back and leads me into the room. It’s filled
with other officers in their dress blues and their spouses. It’s decorated so
beautifully. There are vases of multi-colored tulips as centerpieces. The
lights are dimmed with a blue backlight.

Over the next couple of hours, Aaron pulls me out on the
dance floor. We only dance the slow dances, which is fine, because I’m in
uncomfortable heels. I don’t like the way he is dancing with me. It’s
inappropriate for the event - we aren’t at a club. He keeps kissing my neck and
grabbing my ass. I’ve concluded, in these few short hours, that Aaron and I
will never work. After the ball, I plan to end it. I want love. Real love. Not
someone who loves the way I look. He, at least, needs to love something more
about me.


I sat in the corner and watched Aaron walk in with Kerrigan.
I can’t really describe the way it made me feel because I’ve never felt it. It
was jealousy, heartbreak, pissed off, and dead - all rolled into one. Maybe I
should be socializing more, but I can’t. I can’t shake this mood I’m in,
suddenly. I’ll cut the night short and head home, sulking in misery. Well,
that’s what I was planning on doing, but as I head to the door, I can’t stop
staring at her. She looks beautiful, but incredibly sad. What’s bothering her?
I decide to sit down again and just watch.

I try over the next few hours to make small talk with my
brothers and sisters in blue. I need to stop staring at her, so I head to the
bathroom to clear my head. I splash some water on my face. When I look into the
mirror, I can see the sadness on my face. I try to make myself look happy, but
quickly realize this will be the look I carry for the rest of my life. I love
Kerrigan. Tonight, it’s clear that no one will ever compare to her. It’s also
clear that Kerrigan and I will never be. Why did I go to the bathroom with that
girl that day? FUCK.

Walking out of the bathroom, I notice Kerrigan walking out
of the ladies room. Unable to help myself, I step in front of her to prevent
her from moving forward. I need to get my apology out.

“Maddox, please move,” Kerrigan says, looking past my

“I can’t, Kerrigan. I feel this need to be near you.
Kerrigan, I’m sorry about that night. If I could take it back, believe me I
would.” Again, unable to help myself, I run my thumb down her cheek. I can feel
her shiver. That shiver stirs something inside of me. She is still affected by

“Maddox, I forgive you. Honestly, I do. But please, I need
to go.” It’s another shot to the heart. I watch her scanning the hallway and
then a look of fear crosses her face.

“Kerrigan, what’s wrong?” I ask.

“Maddox, you see MY girl!” Aaron states behind me, but I
know he is staking claim.

“Yes, I see her,” I say, turning around.

“Kerrigan, honey, could you go fetch my coat?” I look at
Kerrigan who looks embarrassed, but she leaves.

“What’s your problem, Aaron?”

“You wanting what’s mine is the problem.” Shit. He’s right.
As much as I hate it, she is his.

“You got her. Why does her talking to someone else bother
you so much?” I ask.

“It doesn’t bother me. Kerrigan has proven over and over
that she is mine.”

“What does that mean?” I ask confused.

“It means keep your fucking hands off my girl. Otherwise,
you’ll pay and so will she.” That does it. The boiling feelings I’ve had, run
through me. I shove Aaron into the bathroom and back him up against the wall,
firmly placing a hand on his shoulder. I get in his face.

“I don’t know what your little threat means, but if you do
anything to hurt Kerrigan, whether it be emotionally, mentally or physically, I
will fuck you up. Don’t ever fucking threaten her again.”

“So I was right. You want my girl.”

“Oh, I want her alright. Even though I don’t respect you or
like you, I do respect her and I won’t ruin anything for her. I don’t know what
the fuck she sees in you, you’re nothing but a piece of shit.” I shove him back
into the wall one more time. I know I’m losing it, so when I head out of the hallway;
I just keep going straight to the exit. I need to get to my car and leave.


The car ride home from the ball is eerily silent. I’m scared
and I don’t know why. When we get home, I want to sit Aaron down and let him
know that I’m leaving. I wanted to help him, to be there for him, but I can’t
keep living like this.

After we arrive, the first thing Aaron does is pour himself
a glass of Jack Daniels. The bottle has been sitting there for two weeks and he
hasn’t drunk from it. I know right now he is pissed. Pissed at me for something
I couldn’t control. I admit when Maddox ran his thumb down my cheek; I felt a
jolt of electricity. It was tender and beautiful. I know Maddox is sorry, and I
wasn’t lying when I said I'd forgiven him. We weren’t dating and I knew he
liked a lot of women. I’ve realized that I was different to him because I’ve
witnessed the way he treats other women. He sat at that bar and apologized for
a year straight.

“I’m telling you right now, Kerrigan. Do not go near Maddox
Stone again,” Aaron says with menace.

“I was leaving the bathroom, Aaron. So was he.”

“I mean it, Kerrigan.”

“Look, I was going to talk to you after the ball tonight
anyway. This isn’t working for me Aaron. Our relationship is toxic. You only
see me as arm candy.”

“That’s because that’s what you are, Kerrigan. You’re hot,
but you work in a fucking bar,” Aaron spits out.

“You’re right I do, because I’m saving to go to college for
an interior design degree. You know this. I don’t have anyone to help me, so
I’ve had to save on my own. Bartending has the best tips.”

“Whatever. All you’ll ever be to anyone is arm candy and a
good lay,” Aaron says. It hurts; that’s what I have felt my entire life.
Pretty, but nothing else. I don’t mind staying single for the rest of my life
if that means I’m free from Aaron.

“Look, I’m just going to pack up and be on my way,” I reply.
Aaron storms toward me and shoves me against the wall.

“I’ll kill Maddox Stone if you leave,” he shouts.

“Why? Maddox has nothing to do with this. Your constant
alarming behavior does,” I tell him.

“I’ll kill him, and you’ll be to blame.”

What do I do now? I can’t stay. I can’t leave. I don’t doubt
Aaron would kill him. I see the evil in his eyes.

“Aaron, you’re acting crazy. You want someone to stay with
you even though they don’t love you and will never love you?” I ask.

“Love?” Aaron laughs. “I don’t love you. All you are to me
is a lay and bragging rights. Get over yourself, girl.”

“FUCK YOU!” I scream. I am so tired of his shit. I start to
walk away when the first blow to the back of the head comes.


Isolation, desperation, hopelessness, and constant fear.
This is my life. Aaron made sure I isolated myself from everyone. I quit work,
I stopped talking to friends, and I’ve given up hope.

How did I get here? Thinking back several months, after the
last run in at the bar with Molly and Aaron, I guess I should say it was more
about Aaron and Maddox. Aaron made me quit. Promised me he would get the help
he needs. I didn’t believe him when he said it. Then, after the Police
Officers' Ball and his threat toward Maddox, staying seemed like my only
option. I know without a shadow of a doubt that he would kill Maddox. I’ve
wanted to reach out to him, but I didn’t want to be responsible for Maddox’s death.
I realize I’m responsible for my own fate, though. Aaron will kill me. Today, I
have a doctor’s appointment to follow up for my third broken bone. I plan to
call Molly because I know I am a dead girl walking. I’m hoping if I tell her,
she won't let Aaron get away with it.


I am going to kill Aaron. For the first time in months, I
saw Kerrigan. A ghost of Kerrigan. My suspicions are confirmed. Seeing her at
the deli, so scared, so desperate, killed me. I hate myself right now for not
being there to shield her. Actually, no, I hate myself because I had all but
pushed her into the arms of Aaron. Even looking as broken as she did, she still
took my breath away. I wanted so badly to ease her pain, to bear this burden
for her. She hates me and she has every right to. Now, I have to form a plan.

I’ve left a message asking the Police Chief to call me. We
all know the brothers in blue code, but to me, that’s bullshit. Yes, I would
give my life for any of my brothers or sisters on the force, but I will not
turn a blind eye to a cop who is breaking the law. In my gut, I’ve known that
he has been hurting Kerrigan. I just couldn’t prove it. Right now, all I know
is, if Aaron walks because of his connections, I will put a bullet through his
brain after I break each of his fingers.

Kerrigan seems to think Aaron knows her exact moves. At
first, I thought it was paranoia, but as I watched her get into the cab, I felt
like she was telling the truth. I didn’t see anyone, but I felt it. After I
left, I started to worry because I left Molly alone. Later I called to
apologize. Of course, Molly forgave me. She is just what my brothers and I
needed in our life. She is a smartass and puts us all in our place when we need
it. I’m happy for Noah. I knew he’d end up with Molly. We went to Evan’s the
other day to watch a Bears game. Instead, I found myself watching Noah and his
son, Landon. My nephew has a foul temper. It was comical watching Noah warm the
breast milk. He was cursing the water for not warming fast enough. Evan laid
into him with the jokes. I picked Landon up to try and comfort him. Talk about
weird. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love Landon. No expectations, just
pure love. Noah says it all the time; he is a lucky man. I agree. I’m envious
of the life he has.


Later that week, I pack up what I can. I don’t take
everything because I know Aaron will suspect something when he comes home. I
have no idea where I am going or what I am doing. I wish I could leave right
this moment. Aaron is working the night shift so I’m home alone. I can’t leave
now, though, because he does drive-byes. The last thing I need is for him to
catch me in the process. I will wait until tomorrow when he is asleep. I decide
to head to bed because I need to be rested. When my feet hit the ground
tomorrow, I am running. Running for my life. I will not stop. Where my feet
will take me, I don’t know. I do know it won’t be here. For now, that’s what I
cling to. A small shred of hope.

I wake up when the sun shines through the curtains. It’s
Freedom Day, but when I go to move my arm, I can’t. What the hell? I try
sitting up but fail. Oh my GOD! Aaron has handcuffed me to the bed. How did he
find out? A sinking feeling hits my stomach. It’s Freedom Day all right.
Eternity freedom. Oddly, in this moment, I can think clearly. Whatever happens
today, it’s my last day with the devil.

“Want to tell me what your plan is, Kerrigan?” Aaron slurs.
He reeks of alcohol. I decide in this moment I’m not playing nice today. I'm no
longer afraid.

“My plan is that today is our last day together. I should’ve
left you months ago.” I think my self-control confuses him. Aaron has not heard
back talk in months.

“Where do you think you’re going to go? No one wants you,

“I don’t need anyone to want me, Aaron. I don’t need you. I
do have friends. Molly and Maddox will help me.”

“We will see about that. I guess you don’t care if Maddox’s
blood is on your hands.” I turn my head. “Look at me you stupid bitch. LOOK!”
Aaron grabs my chin and forces my face upward. He will not control me any
longer. I close my eyes. It’s probably a mistake, but I have to for what self-respect
I have left. When I die, Aaron will not be the image I see. It will be Maddox.
Yes, Maddox hurt me in another way. He’s also remorseful. At first, I didn’t
believe it, but as time went on and the apologies continued, I realized Maddox
was torturing himself. Time and time again, I’ve wanted to reach out to him,
but I couldn’t. Maddox has the perfect life, the perfect family. I know now
that Aaron is all threats. I’m sure he won’t touch Maddox because Maddox is
fast, smart, and on to Aaron.

“You thinking about Maddox again, HUH?”

“Yes,” and with that my day with the devil begins.

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