Red Light Specialists

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Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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Red Light Specialists


Mandy M. Roth & Michelle M. Pillow




Red Light Specialists © Copyright 2004 - 2013, Mandy M. Roth & Michelle M. Pillow

Cover art by Natalie Winters, © Copyright 2011

Second Electronic Printing, April 2011 The Raven Books

First Electronic Printing 2005

ISBN 9781452417486



All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the authors, Mandy M. Roth and Michelle M. Pillow.


This novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places is merely coincidence. Novel intended for adults only. Must be 18 years or older to read.





The Raven Books

Published by The Raven Books ~

Raven Books and all affiliate sites and projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2013




About Red Light Specialists

Futuristic Erotic Romance


Three sexy secret agents. Three sexy missions.


Bianca, Sonja and Trinity were given a choice—become RLS-69 special agents or continue to serve out their prison sentences at the Restigatio Women's Correctional Facility. Trained to complete their mission by any means necessary, these women aren't afraid to pull out all the stops. With their freedom on the line, they'll do whatever it takes to get the job done. From combat to seduction, their targets won't know what hit them until it is way too late. There's only one problem…their handsome targets have a few secret weapons of their own.


Rating: Contains graphic sexual content, adult language, and violence.

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To the aliens who abducted us so we could meet. Sure, that wasn’t really the reason you took us, but hey, what happens in the spaceship stays in the spaceship.

Probe on you crazy diamonds!


Part One

Agent Selection




Chapter One

Restigatio Women’s Correctional Facility, RLS-69 Agent Headquarters


Simon Thornton glanced up at the large rectangular viewing screen, which expanded the full length of one pale gray office wall, and bit back a chuckle. “Abbi, what in the universe are you trying to do?”

“I’m counting.” The image of the raven-haired beauty twisted once more. This time she bent forward, exposing the soft, tanned globes of her ass cheeks to him. Was he mistaken, or did he see her…?

Simon swallowed uncomfortably as his cock hardened, forcing him to adjust in his seat. He had to remind himself that Abbi wasn’t real. She was just another form of artificial intelligence that he and his associates had spent centuries developing. Still, it didn’t stop him from taking another peek as she made little bounces in her alluring position.

Normal A.I. could only be based off human intelligence. Their advanced versions were able to stand on platforms not related to humans. The name Abbi actually stood for two things. The first of which was Artificial Broad Based Intelligence. The second meaning behind her name was personal to Simon and was discussed with no one. Not even the closest of his RLS agents.

Oh, but what a piece of work Abbi was. With her long legs, tiny waist, large breasts and heart-shaped face, she took Simon’s breath away daily. That was unexpected, considering he’d been the one to set the A.I.’s image up. He’d spent months programming in every minute detail, sculpting her into what he considered to be the most beautiful woman in the universe.

As much as he wanted to take all the credit in the creativity department, he couldn’t. Abbi was modeled after a woman he’d not only known but had loved dearly. That was how he came up with every tiny detail on her body and how he’d gotten her to look so lifelike—down to the thin scar on her upper thigh. Granted, she was only an image on a computer screen, but she “felt” real to him. And he’d done a relatively good job in the A.I.’s personality department as well. Not perfect, but good all the same.

What could he say? A man had to have a hobby—especially when surrounded by toned female agents every day. It was either that or he would spend all of his time concentrating on how hard his dick was rather than working on something productive.

“No, Abbi,” Simon took a deep breath, unable to take his eyes away from her as she stretched her arms to the side and twisted at the waist. With each turn, he saw a delectable view of her large breasts. Suppressing a groan, he asked, “What are you

Abbi glanced his way, her head almost hitting the floor as she touched her toes. “I observed Agent Trinity working out this morning and I wished to see what the appeal was. She seems to enjoy it.”

Simon again had to bite back a laugh. Why ever did he program Abbi to act so human? To be so curious that she actually mimicked the other women? “I see. Well, was agent Trinity exercising nude?”

“Yes. She spends the majority of her time in her quarters nude. Many of the RLS-69s do not wear clothing while alone.” Abbi paused in her movement, striking an absurdly seductive pose as she was leaning halfway over. Her body angled slightly toward him, but away. She tossed her hair over her back and tilted her head to the side to look at him. “I have also noticed that all of the women on the planet look similar—like actual Earthlings. Only a few have any attributes of alien races and even those are barely noticeable.”

As she said the words, flashes of naked body parts came on the viewing screen next to her. The photographs were close-ups of the different alien features the women had—violet cat-shaped eyes, an extra-long tongue, a blue tribal birthmark spanning across a flat stomach. Simon took a deep breath at the last one. The scrolling design dipped really low on the hips, touching the top of the agent’s hairless pussy. More images flashed, but he barely looked at them. He was trying too hard to will his erection down.

“They all appear to be humanoids,” Abbi continued, completely unaware of the increasing discomfort of his growing erection.

“They are all humanoids, Abbi, even the humans. Humans are those from Earth. Humanoids are any alien species compatible to mating with human DNA.”

“I know that, Simon,” Abbi said, affecting a small pout. Simon hid his smile behind his hand. He’d only explained it to her out of habit. Abbi was programmed to learn and he’d been the one teaching her since she was first switched on. Only now, she was getting more independent. “What I was trying to say is that it will no doubt come into question as to why we have so many
humanoids and not other kinds. How am I to address this?”

To his relief, the images of close-up body parts stopped. However, the feeling was short-lived as he saw Abbi was still posed, her perfect body arched in such a way as to drive any man mad. Had she been real, he would’ve thought she did it on purpose. As it was, he knew she had no knowledge of the effect her naked form had on him.

“I take it that outside sources have attempted to access our recorder databases again.” Simon let out a soft sigh. “Were you able to deny access to them?”

Abbi nodded and stood. She continued her cyber workout, reaching toward the ceiling with little bouncing stretches. “Yes. However, the attacks are becoming increasingly more aggressive. It would seem many species are curious about the inmates of the Restigatio Correctional Facility. The security cameras outside of the general population’s shower complex seem to be a favorite target, though many of the main complex’s recorders are being hit on a daily basis as well. Deductive reasoning has led me to the conclusion that you should issue a general statement to the media. I have created a folder containing photos of the main complex along with that of the surrounding area. No girls have been included as of yet and I would assume that you would rather not incorporate any of the RLS facilities or our agents in the file.”

“No, this facility needs to remain a secret. Just send pictures of the main prison complex. No one needs to know this building even exists.” Simon leaned back a bit. “The fact that our agents’ identities stay hidden is key to their survival. Speak with the warden and arrange for a large group of women to be pulled from the general population. Photos can be taken as they go along with their normal routines.”

A scrolling marquee of his directive appeared in the lower left corner of the viewing screen, verifying that Abbi had not only received the order but was processing it as well. “Simon, how would you have me address the lack of other humanoid and non-humanoid life-forms within the prison system?”

“That’s an easy one.” Simon tapped a black button on his desk and waited for a keypad to push toward him. Placing his long fingers on it, he began the process of inputting the data Abbi would need to handle the situation. “Access this file whenever needed. It reiterates 4C83.b from the detaining bylaws set forth twelve years ago. While it’s ignored by ninety-nine percent of the universe, we are adhering to it.”

Abbi winked. “Ah, yes, the section that deals with the universe’s dislike of Earth culture. How, in order to provide a safe facility in accordance with the rules and regulations on correctional institutions inmates’ safety and liability section 1G36.1, it is highly suggested that all humans and human-hybrids be held separate from the general universal population of offenders, since many alien species blame all such humanoids for what the ancient Earth humans did. You are a brilliant man, Simon.”

“I don’t know about brilliant, Abbi,” he mused as he saved the form letter to the proper location and closed the keypad. “I’m just resourceful. Our project requires those with trace amounts of human DNA and the clause is there. It makes sense to take advantage of it. We can plug ourselves as providing a much needed service. Aliens have countless other facilities spread across the universe. We currently have only one dedicated to humans. In fact, they might appreciate having a place to send such humanoids so they don’t have to deal with them in their populations.”

Abbi beamed as she smiled at Simon. She stood before him naked, her lush curves drawing his eyes down her body. Abbi didn’t notice, saying, “I’ve added the letter of explanation to the press release folder. As soon as I’ve assembled the rest of the required data, I will run it by you for final approval.”


Abbi went back to her workout, again bending over. “Now, do you wish for me to calculate the percentage of RLS agents that prefer to walk around nude when alone? I can assess my records if you like.”

“Um, no, Abbi, that’s fine,” he answered, though her comment did pique Simon’s interest. It had been a long time since he’d known the comforts of a female and he was very interested in seeing more about this development. However, staring at Abbi’s naked ass spread wide before him, even if only on a monitor, was too much. “Abbi, please dress yourself.”

She stood quickly and nodded. “Yes, Simon.”

Instantly, she was dressed in a short red miniskirt and a tight black T-shirt. It wasn’t exactly what he had in mind but it would do. What he had in mind was a turtleneck and baggy pants. Then and only then he might actually be able to focus on his job, instead of imagining different ways of burying his cock to the hilt in Abbi. Too bad he didn’t have the technology to make her a real girl.

Shifting slightly in his chair, he rolled his eyes. His suit jacket suddenly felt a little too hot and his dick was so hard. It would take hours for the erection to go down of its own accord. Coming from a superhuman race of Earthlings had many advantages, or disadvantages depending on how he looked at it. Sexual stamina was definitely one of those. Lately, it seemed to be more of a curse than anything else and Abbi’s little workout routine hadn’t helped. Perhaps that was because he wasn’t getting sex as often as he would like, or really at all—unless he counted his hand as full-blown intercourse. He didn’t.

“I can’t walk around with a stiff one all day.” He again shifted his hips. It didn’t help.

“A stiff what, Simon?”

“Never mind.” Freeing his cock from his dark gray slacks, he kept it hidden beneath his long black desk. The furniture spanned the wall beneath the large viewing screen. Its slight curve helped to hide his lower region from view of both guests and Abbi. He really didn’t want her asking questions about why his dick was hard and why he needed to touch it. It didn’t take long for him to change his mind about seeing the naked agents. Trying to keep his voice level, he asked, “Are there any agents naked now?”

“Yes, Simon.” Abbi paced back and forth on the screen, tapping her chin in thought. “My calculations indicate that there are at least two completely naked agents in the RLS facility at all times.”

Simon looked up at Abbi and fisted his cock. He stroked it a few times, suppressing a moan. She was oblivious to his masturbating, as always. He ran his fingers over the head of his cock and then brought them to his mouth. Lathering them with saliva, he nodded to Abbi. His tone hoarse, he said, “Show me a view of one of the agents who is naked at the present moment. Preferably one who is in the process of seeking pleasure.”

“Seeking pleasure?”

“Stimulating their reproductive organs, Abbi.”

“Yes, Simon.” Abbi paused. “There are currently fifty-nine agents in the facility seeking pleasure, but not all of them are completely nude.”

“Ah, just give me a blonde,” Simon snapped, frustrated.

“Currently there are twenty-eight blondes seeking—”

“Abbi,” Simon interrupted a little too brusquely. Masturbation had never been so hard. Trying to calm his voice, he exhaled. “Just give me the one whose first letter of the first name is closest to the beginning of the human English alphabet you were just studying.”

Instantly, the screen split. An image of agent Bianca appeared on one side. She was a sexy little blonde with an ass any man would want to sink his cock into. Simon ran his fist over his hard shaft several times as he checked her out. She was alone in her quarters. Her tight body was a product of working in the stone mines all day.

Restigatio, the correctional planet they all resided on, housed convicted criminals from at least three galaxies. There was talk of expanding its system even further and Simon hoped the rumors were true. Even though he didn’t agree with ninety percent of the charges the women were convicted for, he and his people would benefit too much from it to protest.

Besides, it wasn’t wise for his people, the
, to expose themselves in high-profile disputes. Being immortal meant that he’d not only been alive during a time when the rest of the universe turned on Earth, but he’d been one of the men who’d tried to stop the planet’s destruction during the Cleansing Wars centuries ago. After the war the
hid among the various humanoid cultures in the universe. Luckily, many humans had done the same, surviving by blending in and reproducing with compatible humanoid species. Aside from his kind, there were few full-blooded humans left.

It wasn’t as though he should’ve cared what happened to the “normal humans” from Earth. No. The humans had turned their backs on his kind and hunted them for close to a hundred years prior to the start of the Cleansing Wars. But Earth had been his people’s home regardless of what had gone on there. Even if the
wanted to denounce their Earth heritage, they couldn’t deny the fact that they needed to mate with those who carried human DNA. In the end it was the same as being an Earth supporter and there was little point in siding with the universe.

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