Red Light Specialists (4 page)

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Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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“You did remember that you’re leaving on a mission later today, didn’t you?” he asked, directing his gaze to her see-through top.

Abbi gasped. “Agent Trinity is to leave on a mission today as well?” The shocked look in her eyes told Simon why she asked. She knew that the women leaving today most likely wouldn’t be back if their matings were successful. Abbi bowed her head. “Excuse me for a moment, there is an electrical disturbance in my sensory unit.”

Simon’s heart ached for her. Abbi would miss Trinity, as would he, but it was for the best.

Trinity smiled down at him. “Like I could forget that I had a mission. And it doesn’t really matter if I show up wearing a clown costume or naked, Abbi and the A-mac machine dress us accordingly each and every time.”

Okay, she had him there. He would have thought of that himself but stroking his cock to the very erotic, very naked scenes that Bianca and Sonja had shown left him so horny that his resolve, and his thought processes, were weak. Sitting with Trinity’s ample breasts thrust into his face only made them crumble more. He licked his lips and leaned back.

Trinity pushed her knee between his thighs, nudging his groin in the process and pressed her chest into his face. “Okay, ladies. This, while great for grabbing their attention, hardly works in the real worlds. Unless of course, he’s a complete slimeball, then titty fuck away!” She laughed at her own joke and continued on, “I’d suggest something more on the line of this…”

She flicked her tongue out and over his neck, stopping only when she came to his ear. Blowing softly, she caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand on end. Simon squirmed. His cock now hard enough to lift his slacks high off his waist.

“Ahh…umm…I’m sure they get the idea now.” Scanning the room, he grabbed the only thing in reach—a red handbag. He thrust it into his lap to hide his erection. Sheepishly, he looked down and then up at Trinity. “Just wondering what Abbi sends with you ladies.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Trinity bent close to him again and did a soft laugh technique that sent shivers down his spine. Splaying her hands through the back of his hair, she pulled his head toward her. “If you move the man’s head up so he can see your face, you need to make him feel like he’s all you’re thinking of. If you’re not a good actor then launch directly into kissing or nibbling on the bottom lip. Tease his mouth. The longer you play with it, the closer you get him to ejaculating. Get him to do that during this seduction phase and you stand a good chance of not having to follow through with intercourse.”

“Excuse me,” Dahlia asked, raising her hand. “But what if we want to have sex with them?”

Trinity grit her teeth and Simon feared she’d not only verbally lash out at Dahlia but physically as well. Her nerves weren’t what they usually were. He brought his power up quickly and concentrated on concealing it from the girls. It ran through his body and danced over Trinity’s smooth skin. Instantly, her gaze snapped to his. Before he could stop her, she was straddling his waist and biting at his neck, mouth, jaw, anything she could get her mouth on. She swayed her hips and rubbed her pussy against the handbag on his lap. Its contents dug into his crotch and he was sure that a ball would be impaled at any minute.

Simon could have used his power to thrust Trinity away from him, but doing that would cause her pain and he would never harm one of his girls. He tried another approach. He attempted to move her by lifting her. All
possessed inhuman strength but as Trinity ripped the handbag out from between them, the very last of his resolve faded away.

Wildly, she rubbed her body against his, dry humping him with more passion than he’d seen in a long while. Already hard from earlier endeavors, Simon heard Trinity draw in a deep breath as her cunt pressed madly against him.

Quickly, he tried to pull his magic back. He’d forgotten how susceptible full-blooded humans were to it. Being that Trinity was half human, she was prone to respond to his power.

Trinity bit his lower lip and sucked hard on it. She growled. Simon jerked beneath her, fighting to keep her from unfastening his slacks and himself from ripping her shirt off. When Trinity’s body tightened against him and her breathing all but stopped, Simon knew she was coming. The need for release had been upon him for hours and having a beautiful woman cresting against his still-clothed penis was more than he could handle. His cock pulsated as semen shot out of it, filling the insides of his underwear. Trinity continued to rub against him, causing his come to soak through the front of his slacks.

Hitting his zenith caused his powers to fade away quickly. They ripped back fast, leaving not only him but Trinity as well. She slumped forward and he caught her around the waist. Simon’s body was tired, spent and sated. He patted Trinity’s back and almost laughed at the fact they’d both just found release by dry fucking and yet he still gave her a chaste pat.

“Wow, and here I thought we wouldn’t learn anything today,” Dahlia murmured in a hushed tone.

Simon froze and Trinity bolted off him. Her wide blue eyes looked puzzled then pissed. She narrowed her gaze on him and then lowered it. An odd, sadistic smile played across her lips and Simon glanced down. To his horror, his gray slacks looked as though he’d wet them. In many ways he had. Quickly, he dove for the red handbag and covered himself. The other agents didn’t seem to notice yet and without his powers, he had no way of creating the illusion of the semen not being there. Only Trinity had seen and only she knew what he’d just done.

Embarrassed by his lack of control, Simon stood slowly. He kept the handbag tucked tight to his body and made his way to the door. “Well, ladies, I think Trinity did a wonderful job considering the circumstances.” He cleared his throat and chanced a look at Trinity.

“But I was going to see if there was anyone who wanted to practice,” Trinity began, smiling too innocently.

“No. Sorry. I have lots of work to do.” Simon nodded at the group. A little flustered, he added, “Thanks for your hard work.”

The smile was still on Trinity’s lips but now she’d added an odd arch of her dark eyebrows to it, making her look like the vixen she was. “Oh, no, thank you, Simon. I think everyone got one hell of a lesson. And thanks for sitting in for Recessive Stubby over there.” She pointed back at the mannequin but kept her eyes on him.

He shifted awkwardly. “Right then, class dismissed. Abbi, unlock the door.”

“Yes, Simon, and I am detecting a new emission in the training wing. Shall I run a scan on it?”

“A new emission?” Simon asked.

“Yes, Simon. It appears to be a fluid of some…”


It hit him then what Abbi was sensing—his semen. “No, Abbi! Umm, no scan is necessary. Thank you.”

The agents filed out of the room, one after another, until all twenty of them were gone. Trinity strolled over to him and reached for his groin. He jerked back. “Relax,” she said with a smile. “I just want the damn handbag back. It’s part of the training and if you take off with it then Britney is screwed when she gets back. You wouldn’t want anyone to be
would you, Simon?”

“Do you have something you’d like to say, Trin?”

“Nope.” She winked. Glancing down she laughed. “Uhh, but you might want to change before you meet with the departing agents today.”

* * *

“Agents Bianca, Sonja and Trinity, please enter the assignimantor machine’s transfer pods,” Abbi said.

Simon watched Abbi’s carefully guarded expression and felt a bit bad for giving her the ability to free think. He’d once hoped she’d learn human emotions, but as he watched her struggling to understand the conflict within her sensors, he had second thoughts.

“Where are we going?” Bianca asked as she climbed into the long, sleek orange tube. “No place with stone, right?”

“He won’t tell you. I heard he never tells anyone,” Sonja answered. She cast a wary look at Simon, as if she’d forgotten he was in the room, and then climbed into her pod. “I just hope it’s somewhere that doesn’t have bugs. I found another
bug in my quarters today. You guys should really do something about those.”

Abbi sniffed and nodded. “I will.”

Sonja gave the image a strange look and Abbi put on a brave face.

Simon didn’t bother commenting. Sonja was right. He never told any of the agents about their missions. The A-mac did a perfectly fine job of handling the information they needed. Each agent would be supplied with the data required to exist on the foreign planet and detailed descriptions of their objective. While the virus in the A-mac was unfortunate, Abbi had assured him that the agents were in no danger, so he’d okayed the departure.

His associates were even watching in on this mission launch. Simon’s power had been spent after his orgasm and he had to wait for it to charge up before he’d been able to project the image of the room out to the associates. They were observing from the safety of their main headquarters on screens much like the one he’d used to watch the girls masturbating. Cameras were not permitted in the A-mac room or in Simon’s office. None would dare go against his request so he didn’t fear they’d spy on him. He was powerful, a force that even the other council members feared and admired.

Trinity moved up behind him and tapped his shoulder. She winked at him and went to climb into her pod. He caught her arm and gave her a warm smile. “Goodbye.”

Her brow furrowed. “Simon? Are you okay?”

“Fine. Why?”

“Uhh, you never say goodbye.”

“Well, today I do.” He looked at the departing agents. “Take care of yourselves and have safe journeys.”

They glanced at each other nervously. He wanted to ease their fears but couldn’t reveal the details of what he hoped would occur. Trinity’s gaze fell upon him and he could see the hesitation in her face. He knew he’d been the first person she’d trusted since her parents died and seeing her doubt him hurt. “I’ll speak with you soon. Now, prepare for departure.”

Trinity obeyed his command as all his agents did. He waited as Abbi activated the A-mac. The light buzz in the room signified it was working. The girls closed their eyes and prepared to transfer. As they began to fade, Simon waved to them all.

“Go to your futures, ladies,” he whispered.

They vanished and he stopped projecting the image of them to the council. Then he turned to walk out. The door to the room slammed shut and he looked back at the screen. “Abbi?”

“How many more of the agents will leave to find mates?”

He sighed. “All of them. Not right away, of course, but at some point they all will have mates. If our plan works, we’ll continue to find new women with matching DNA traits and pair them up as well.”

“I see.”

“Abbi, what’s wrong?” Simon studied the image of her.

“Will I be sent away too?”

Simon laughed softly. “No, Abbi. You will never be sent away.”

“Will you leave me, Simon? Will you go on a mission and never return?”

Simon went to say no, but stopped. “Perhaps, but I have not foreseen such a thing.”



Part Two




Chapter One


Bianca’s body was tossed into a wall. For a moment, she stood pressed to the hard surface, stunned that the damned A-mac had actually spit her out onto stone. If she wanted stone, she could’ve stayed on Restigatio, where she’d spent four years in the mines. If not for Director Simon’s offer of rehabilitation, she’d still be there—sleeping in some dark hole in between digging shifts, her hands bleeding and raw, her body always aching.


Bianca snorted. What a fool she’d been when she signed on for that. She actually thought she would spend a few months saying she was sorry to a counselor in a halfway house, repenting her sins and begging forgiveness for her heinous crimes.

Instead, she was sent to a training facility where they taught her how to fight and, more importantly, how to seduce. They turned her into a Red Light Specialist, part of the RLS-69s. She was elite now, special.

She was
annoyed to have landed on stone.

“I specifically said no stone. Was it really too much to ask?” Agent Bianca rolled her eyes. Gingerly, she pushed away from the hard barrier and grumbled, “Ouch.”

Bianca took a deep breath, trying to get her bearings. Big, evenly cut blocks of gray stone lined the walls of a long hallway. Torches lit the otherwise dim area. It wasn’t much to go on.

This is an alien planet? Looks more like the images of those Medieval Earth castles Abbi showed us. Blessed Stars! I’m not in a place that primitive, am I? Damn it, Simon! I thought those images were just so we could make fun of old Earth culture, not an actual training lesson.

“This blows!” Bianca frowned.

Her mission was supposed to have downloaded into her brain during the transfer to the planet. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she first feared. Concentrating, she had no clue what she was doing or where she was. Although, she was thinking in a different language, so that was something at least. It meant the information she’d been embedded with was working. Now, if only she could find a place to hide for an hour or so while her brain released the rest of her assignment.

The A-mac embedded everything she needed into her head during transfer. But Abbi had warned her that the brain could only take in so much at once and sometimes, due to the sudden burst of new information, it had to recharge afterward. That would account for half of the headache she now had. The damned stone wall would account for the other half.

Bianca decided to find a good hiding spot until she knew what she was up against. Feeling a chill against her legs as she began to walk, she glanced down and caught sight of what the A-mac had dressed her in. She froze, unable to make her feet move.

“Ah, blazes, no!” she swore. “Come on, guys! You have got to be kidding me! Ha! Ha! Ha! Rookie hazing joke is now over. Get me out of here.”

Bianca waited, hoping she’d be jerked back to the training facility. Nothing changed. Damn! She’d really hoped this one was a joke. She was going to strangle Simon and Abbi when she saw them next. Then she’d strangle the A-mac.

This was just too humiliating. She could see every last stitch of skin through the thin red gauze of her nonexistent outfit. She might as well be naked. Well, to be fair, there was a triangle piece of cloth over the thin thatch of hair guarding her pussy and two more tinier triangles fitted over her nipples.

Grimacing, she tipped her head back, doing her best to see what the back half of her looked like. Yep. It too was covered only in the thin veil. Turning in a circle, she caught the slightest glint of light further down the hall. It was a long mirror. Going to check out her outfit, she posed before her reflection. Her eyes were lined with thick, black makeup and her cheeks had been painted a bright red with rouge. She didn’t care for the makeup, but her body looked damned good in the outfit.

“Hmm, not bad,” she said to herself. Good thing her ass was sexy and toned. She flexed it for effect, tensing, releasing, tensing, releasing, jiggling it fast to make the muscles ripple under the almost nonexistent weight of the red material. Not bad. Not bad at all. Four years of lifting boulders could really tone up a figure. It still didn’t mean she wanted her ass out for the world to see, but hey, as long as she was the only one looking…

“This is a dance I have not seen before.”

As the words rolled over her, Bianca shivered with feminine awareness. It was the first male voice, besides Simon and the prison guards, that she’d heard in nearly four years. It was deep, low, sexy…

Wait a minute. Whoever it belonged to was watching her wiggle her ass.


Think, think, think.

Bianca’s first instinct was to beat up the guy. Well, the A-mac would surely give her the instincts she needed. Fighting it was!

Bianca focused on where the voice came from. Twirling on her heels, she threw out her fist. For a brief second, she saw incredibly dark eyes before focusing on a white mist. Her fist went through the mist and hit the stone wall.

“Ah, sacred comet!” she gasped, cradling her injured hand. She’d swung hard. Now her knuckles were bleeding and she couldn’t move her fingers. So much for her dominant fighting hand.

“That looks like it hurt,” the man’s voice continued. He was behind her. He sounded amused, mocking. “I would not have done that,

“Listen here,” Bianca said, spinning around to face him. Her gaze fell on a dark face with features carved to perfection. Everything she’d been about to say to him was forgotten. How long had it been since she’d seen a handsome man that wasn’t Simon? A half-naked, handsome man? Obviously too long, because she boldly let her gaze roll over his muscled chest. Fires sparked to life in her sex, drenching her pussy. If she wasn’t on a mission, she would’ve thought nothing of thrusting this fine specimen up against the wall and demanding he fuck her brains out.

His skin was bronzed, marred only by a black tattoo running down the center of his chest to the navel carved into his rippled abdomen. A white linen loincloth fitted around his waist, higher in back, only to dip down low in front.

The loincloth was long, falling in pleats to his calves. It showed off his hipbones and a small tuft of hair leading in a trail down to the exposed top of his genitals, but the garment wasn’t revealing enough to be overly indecent. Bianca was disappointed by this. By the way her body heated, and the way cream built between her thighs, it was clear four years was too long a time to go without a man. Sure, she’d pleasured herself, but it wasn’t the same. Her finger in her passage felt nothing like a man’s hard cock thrusting in, filling her up, making her come. There had been plenty of sex toys, but it still wasn’t the same.

“I can see by the way you stare, you know who I am.” The man almost seemed disappointed.

Bianca thought it best to play along. Absently, she answered, “Yes.”

“Pity.” His voice was soft, spine-tingling rich. “I was looking forward to what you would do next.”

“Really?” Bianca smirked. She smiled before moving her bare foot out to kick him in the stomach. Hey, her instincts were still telling her she needed to beat the guy up. That, or sleep with him.

Her foot should’ve hit flesh, it instead fell through the white mist as the man disappeared. The mist filtered into her gauze pant leg, caressing against her skin as it worked its way up. She gasped, holding her leg out to the side. It was as if she could feel a thousand fingers caressing, many mouths licking and kissing her at the same time. The mist traveled up to her slick folds and massaged her clit.

” she gasped as blood rushed to the neglected little nub. She caught her flushed reflection in the mirror. Her kohl-lined eyes were wide. There was nowhere to run.

Jolts worked their heated way over her, making her nipples hard little pebbles. Whatever this mist man was, he was using his power to suck on her clit. She allowed her leg to fall back down from the kick. She needed it to support her weight before her whole body collapsed into an orgasmic heap.

Just as quickly as it went in, the mist moved down her other leg and filtered out. Breathing hard, and so very aroused now that she’d been caressed by a cloud, Bianca turned. The handsome man materialized before her, the mist solidifying. He licked his lips as his lids fell lazily over his dark eyes.

“You will do,
,” he said. “Your taste is tempting and I do not detect my brothers to have claimed you. Meketre will be sorry he missed your taste.”

Hey, why not invite him to join the party. If he looks anything like you we can make it a threesome.

It took Bianca a minute to collect her thoughts. When she did, she frowned. “Excuse me?”

“Meketre, my brother. He and the others just left,” the man explained.

“No, I got that Meketre was your brother. I meant the other thing. I will do? My taste is tempting? That thing.”

“I look for sexual release,
. You may come to my bedchamber to bring me pleasure.” The man motioned his hand, turned his back on her and walked down the hall.

Bianca watched him and frowned. He didn’t even look to see if she obeyed. It was like he assumed she’d just follow him because he was horny. When he turned the corner, she took off running in the other direction, careful to keep her footsteps light so he didn’t hear her. It wouldn’t do for the arrogant mist man to come back.

“I may come to give you pleasure, my ass!” she grumbled under her breath, running faster, needing to put as much distance as she could between the egotistical man and herself. Besides, she needed to find a place to hide until the planet’s information was released from within her head. “I’ll show you release, all right. I’ll release you from your mortal coil, you arrogant son of a bitch!”

* * *

Prince Ahmet pushed open his bedchamber door. The chamber was richly decorated with the finest of silks and gauze in the kingdom. Pottery vases lined the wall, filled with native plants and fruit trees. Spiral designs decorated them. The vases were offerings from his people and decorated almost every room of his home. Not all of his people could afford great gifts, but that did not stop Ahmet from taking pleasure in them.

Those peasants who did not give vases gave a wealth of other tributes—necklaces of precious and semiprecious stones, small hand-carved statues depicting his people. The richer men of his kingdom prided themselves by giving fine tribute. The nobles gave large statues of bronze and gold, intricate carved furniture and great weaponry.

The bedchamber reflected the wealth and power of Ahmet’s position as the eldest son and future king. Well, he’d be king already, except for the small fact he didn’t find any woman worthy of being his queen. It didn’t matter. As far as the Kingdom of Vayre was concerned, he was their ruler. The rest was just a title. Oh, and there was the small matter of the great power he’d receive with the title, but thus far he didn’t need it.

Gold encrusted the posts of the bed—a bed so large it could hold ten people easily. Ahmet knew from experience, having taken nine women to his bed once. It had been a most pleasurable night. He’d rested on his back, doing hardly a thing as he watched the women pleasuring him. Their mouths sucked and kissed every inch of his flesh. Their sweet bodies had released the seed from his cock not only with their mouths but with their pussies and asses as well. They’d ridden him good, one after another, bathing him in warm water and rubbing him in oils between releases. As he was fucked, they also provided great entertainment, releasing each other while he watched. It had been a most glorious night, one he should repeat soon.

The taste of the strange harem woman was still on his lips. He was sure he would’ve remembered if he took her, though he’d taken many women to his bed and it was hard to tell one from another. Her taste was sweet, flowing in his blood. Because of this, he could even forgive the fact that she didn’t curtsey to him in the hall. He stood, his back to the door, waiting for it to close, waiting for her to begin her seduction of him. A smug look settled over his features. The harem women knew that as future king he couldn’t seduce them, but must be seduced. He was above them and it was their privilege to see to his pleasure.

Any second now
, he thought, waiting for the caress of her hands, the kiss of her lips. His cock was hard, aching, ready to be massaged. If she pleased him, he’d allow her to stay the night so that she may bathe him and suck on him. It was a great privilege to drink royal seed.

Ahmet waited, his erection pressing up against the front of his loincloth, straining for that first feel of contact. Nothing came. The prince scowled. He was not one to put off his desires.

Slowly, turning on his leather sandals, he looked in disbelief at the empty doorway. Glancing around the bedchamber, he found it empty and went to look out into the hall. She wasn’t there. The woman didn’t follow him as he’d commanded her to do. His eyes narrowed. It angered him that he would be aroused with no one to ease the ache from his loins.

His power surged. Outside, it started to rain. It wasn’t a good thing when he wasn’t happy.

* * *

“Ah, sacred comet.” Bianca stayed curled in the strange broom closet, hitting her head back against the stone in frustration. “Sacred comet, this is bad!”

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