Red Light Specialists (9 page)

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Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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He was gone before she even turned around. Sonja sighed, glancing around to make sure she was alone. Slowly, she dropped her pack to the floor. The bath really did look tempting and it would be wrong to insult his generosity. She began to strip out of her clothes.

She felt strange, as if she could feel people all round her, but there were only the stone carvings of statues, much like the one in the jungle she’d struck with her knife.

Once undressed, she tested the water with her foot. It was warm and clear. It made her feel a little easier that she could see the bottom. Walking down the stairs beneath the surface, she moved to the side to grab the bar of soap. Sonja lathered her skin, pleased to find the soap was sweet smelling. She cleaned her large breasts, spending a little longer than normal on the sensitive globes as she thought of Pacal.

She knew it was wrong, but she found him oddly attractive—even if he was hidden behind a mask. There was a swarthy power and confidence to him. It was in the graceful way he moved and talked. He was well built and, from what she could see, really did have the body of an intergalactic bodybuilder champion. He’d probably be ugly as sin when he removed his mask, but she could imagine him any way she wanted.

Sonja took a deep breath, trying to bury the desire she felt. Now was not the time to give in to her arousal. She scrubbed her breasts harder, absently pinching her nipples as she tried really hard to ignore the ache between her thighs. Good thing her pussy was under water, so the cream that built there could be washed away.

It’d been a long time since she’d been with a man, perhaps too long. Her hands ran up over her neck into her hair, lathering the locks with the soap. A light moan escaped her.

Blessed Stars! She was horny.

When she closed her eyes, she imagined the masked stranger next to her, his poncho pulled up, as he fucked her in his ceremonial garb—mask and all. It was wicked and tempting at the same time. Her body jerked, her pussy flooded with moisture that had nothing to do with the bathing pool. She knew she should stop, knew that it wasn’t in her best interest to stir her arousal.

Sonja moaned softly. Ah, to hell with her best interests. This fantasy was too good to pass up.

* * *

Pacal watched the woman from the narrow slit above the bathing chamber. There were several slits along the ceiling, from a time when the men would come to watch the women bathe, stroking their cocks to release. There’d been no women in the bathing pool for a long time, not until Sonja.

The woman was right below him, in the bath. He’d seen her glance around before grabbing the soap. She couldn’t see him. From the bathing pool the eye slit looked like part of the carved design in the ceiling.

He watched her soap her large breasts, wondering what she thought about as she paid them extra attention. Swallowing, he suppressed a groan of appreciation. The woman was beautiful, with breasts so round and full he wanted to take his cock to them and feel their softness enclosing his thick shaft until he came, making a necklace with his seed around her throat.

His cock stirred, growing hard. Pacal angled its head, but it was hard to get a clear view with his mask on. Still, he tried, crawling along the floor to a new slit as she walked around in the bath. She washed her hair, rinsing it beneath the surface. When she moved to the stairs, he sighed in disappointment, thinking the show would be over. It had been many moons since he saw a naked woman.

Then, to his surprise, she sat on the steps, spreading her legs beneath the water. She leaned back in the pool, touching those glorious mounds of flesh, caressing her hands down her stomach. Pacal tensed, instantly reaching for his erection beneath the robes. He felt no remorse as he spied on her.

She dipped her fingers into her slit at the same moment he fisted his cock. He watched her stroke as she wantonly pleased herself. He moved his fist, keeping time with her rhythm, imagining what it would be like to fuck her, to have her tied down on an altar before him in an ancient ceremony.

Sonja pinched her nipples, letting loose a soft cry. Her back arched. She tensed as her beautiful body was brought to orgasm. The sight was too much. Pacal came hard, spilling his seed on the stone floor. His heart beat frantically in his chest and he rolled onto his back. It had been too long since he’d found release.



Chapter Two


The poncho Pacal had left for her was much like his—only much less material. The white cotton clung to her breasts, running down her front and back. Though it technically covered her private areas, a wide strip of flesh was left bare on both sides. The neckline dipped low, showing an indecent amount of cleavage. She was glad she had the breasts to carry the look off. A belt of gold fitted over her hips, dipping low at the front, keeping the gown from falling open at the sides.

Looking herself over, she couldn’t help but feel seductive and sexy. It was more erotic than lingerie back home. There was also something to be said for not wearing underwear. She rolled her dirty clothes into a ball and shoved them into her pack. She’d worry about washing them later.

“You appear more relaxed. Did you enjoy yourself?”

Sonja tensed. She didn’t hear Pacal approach but he stood right behind her. Getting quickly to her feet, she tried not to blush. Did he mean to ask if she felt better from taking a bath? Or did he know she’d pleasured herself? Almost as soon as she climaxed, she’d berated herself for being stupid. She didn’t know what kind of technology these people had. Sure, they looked primitive, but the whole place could’ve been wired with cameras. That’s all she needed—a tape of her masturbating floating around a primitive world.

Choosing to play ignorance, she said, “Yes, thank you for your hospitality. The bath was most welcome.”

It was impossible to read his expressions beneath the turquoise mask and she suddenly hated not being able to see his face. Her fantasy came back to haunt her, as she knew it would. She’d pictured him fucking her against the stairs as she touched herself—her body held down against stone as Pacal fucked her.

Cream moistened her pussy anew and, as he turned to lead her from the bathing room, she rubbed her thighs together in irritation to keep her juices from dripping down her legs. Sonja took a deep, calming breath. She had to get back on track.

Focus on the mission. That’s what’s important. Damn, he has a nice ass.

“Are you not curious as to my message?”

“Everything reveals itself in due time,” he answered enigmatically. Torches lit the way from their places on the wall, casting him with orange light. “I imagine that will as well.”

Well, he might not be curious as to what it said, but she sure as hell was. Just her luck, he’d probably not even tell her what was on it. She’d die an old maid, rocking in her chair, driving herself insane, never knowing.

“You said everyone would be coming tonight? Where are they? Hunting?” she asked, trying to make conversation.

“No,” his voice so soft and sad that she barely heard it. “They don’t hunt, not anymore. They don’t do much of anything anymore. Besides, I said tonight the hall would be filled. I didn’t say everyone was coming. Everyone is already here.”

“Oh!” She was tempted to make a face at him but refrained from being childish. Her luck he’d actually have eyes on the back of his head and would see her.

She tried to concentrate, thinking of anything but how his hips moved as he walked, how she wanted to bend him over and give him a spanking on that firm ass.

Argh! Think of something else.

Sonja closed her eyes. Maybe everyone was below in the base of the strange temple pyramid.

“You must be hungry,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. “Would you like to dine?”

“Yes, please.” As if on cue, her stomach growled. She followed him, doing her best not to stare at his long, black hair as it brushed his delectable ass. It was hard though, as there was nothing else to look at in the narrow hall.

He led her around what had to be the wall behind his throne. Then, as they came to the end, the passageway opened up into a large room. A wooden table was in the middle, as fine as any she’d ever seen. It was laden with food and plates were set at two places near the head.

Pacal took a seat at the head of the table, motioning her to his side. She sat on a low chair. He sat above her, his chair higher than hers. Reaching forward, he began placing food on his plate. She watched him, expecting him to remove the mask. He didn’t. Instead, he tilted the chin and ate small bites beneath it.

“You do not eat?” he asked.

Instead of answering, Sonja reached forward and placed bread and meat on her plate. They ate in silence, taking small bites. Goblets of wine were set before them and she took a sip. She looked for servants, anyone to have set the table. There was no one. They were alone.

Sonja wondered if she should try to make conversation. Would he be insulted? He hadn’t seemed to be so far. Finally she decided that if she shouldn’t, the A-mac would’ve warned her to be quiet.

“Do you leave here often?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “I’ve not traveled down the stairs for many years.”

“You don’t get tired of being up here?”

“It doesn’t matter what I tire of. Things are the way they are. I don’t leave. That’s the way of it.” Pacal took a sip, working easily around his mask as if he’d eaten with it on many times. Curious, she wanted to rip it from his features, but refrained. Maybe it was better she didn’t see his face. There might be a really good reason as to why it was hidden.

“So, you can’t do what you want? Are you a prisoner?” she asked, intrigued. Oddly, she could really detect what he was feeling. She’d always been a little empathetic, but never this much. There was a sadness to him, but also an acceptance. When he moved, he was patient, relaxed, almost to the point of being resigned.

“We are all prisoners to our natures,” he said. “The rest can’t be helped. Fate decides what it will do with us. All we can do is accept it.”

Sonja took a drink and leaned back, studying him. He turned to her, watching her just as intently. The air seemed to spark between them. She was hot, her stomach already aching to be filled.

Was this some kind of foreplay? A seduction? If so, Sonja wasn’t protesting.

“I don’t give you the answers you seek,” he said.

“I don’t seek anything,” Sonja said, remembering why she was there. “My mission is to give you a missive. You have yet to give me permission to give you the missive and so I wait for that permission.”

“And what will you do once I give you permission?”

“I’ll give you the missive,” she answered smiling.

“After that?”

“It depends on many factors.” Sonja didn’t want to admit that she didn’t know.

“What do you wish to happen?”

“Hopefully, you’ll agree to what it says and I’ll be on my way.”

“And where will you go?” His eyes stayed on her. They were dark, penetrating.

Sonja swallowed. Truth was, she didn’t know that either.

“I see,” he said, standing. “Come, they fill the hall. We should go.”

Sonja stood, looking down at her outfit. Her heart beat nervously. Without thought, she blurted, “Am I to be sacrificed?”

He stopped walking and glanced at her. His eyes narrowed beneath the mask.

“I mean…this outfit. Is it…ahh…ceremonial in purpose?” she asked, thinking that Simon might have sent her here to be some kind of primitive sacrifice. Sonja never saw him to be that kind of man, but still, this was a strange assignment.

“No, I don’t mean to kill you.” Pacal walked out the door, pausing in the entryway to wait for her.

Sonja felt somewhat relieved by his admission. Though she wasn’t sure if he could be trusted. She wanted to trust him, but her training as an RLS-69 taught her to trust no one.

Pacal led her back down the hall. She expected to go to the throne room to meet whoever it was he expected to come. Instead, he stopped and led her into a bedroom. There was a large bed with low tables placed around it. A large circular pit of fire gave the temple room light.

“You may stay here tonight.” He glanced at her. “With me.”

“Ah, wait,” she said, unsure of the planet’s protocol on refusing to share bedchambers with someone. She saw her backpack was on the floor, next to the bed. She tried to remember where she’d left it and couldn’t. “I think you might have the wrong impression of why I came.”

“I have no impression. You have not told me why you’ve come, beyond a missive you wish to give me.” Pacal moved toward the bed, pulling off his belt and laying it over a low table next to it. Then he pulled off the headdress and set it down. Lightly, he shook his head, the long hair moving in waves over his body now that they were free.

His slow striptease made her mind fog for a moment. She licked her lips, waiting for him to pull his poncho up so she could finally see his firm body. Shaking her head, she came to her senses. She didn’t move further into the room. Instead, she edged backward. “What about the hall? Don’t you have guests?”

“They always come. We must not disturb them,” he said. “Leave them to the hall. There they will stay until morning.”

Sonja felt her body jolt with anticipation as she looked at the large bed and then to him. She waited to see if he’d take off the mask. He didn’t. Pulling back a thick white blanket, Pacal lay down. She knew it should be some form of comfort that he remained clothed, but she felt oddly disappointed.

“I can only take that which is offered, if you are worried,” he said. By the tone of his voice, she imagined he smiled at her, but with the mask there was no way to be sure.

“No.” She blushed. “I wasn’t worried. I was just…ah…thinking.”

Sonja moved toward the bed, pulled back the covers and lay down. This was all too weird, but something deep inside her compelled her to do it. She knew her mission was to get him to agree to her missive by any means necessary. All RLS agents were given shots to prevent against diseases and pregnancy. She hadn’t gotten one before leaving, but Abbi was thorough and would’ve told her if she needed them. So there was no reason not to see what would happen when she lay next to Pacal. If he tried anything weird, she knew how to defend herself.

The fire dimmed in brightness and she sat up, expecting to see someone tending it. There was no one there. Pacal stayed on the bed, unmoving. His chest rose in even sleep. She turned her back on him and closed her eyes.

This definitely had to be the strangest day ever.

* * *

Sonja awoke in the night with a jolt of surprise. A light sheen of sweat covered her skin, sticking her gown to her body. The two strips of the skirt tangled in her legs.

She breathed heavily, her body stirred with hot desire, every inch of her aching to be touched. It was like a fiery, passionate, yearning need that singed every pore, flooded every limb. Her nipples were hard peaks and her pussy dripped with cream, wetter than should’ve been possible.

Pacal had been in her dreams, making love to her. She glanced over at him, peeking at him under the pretense of sleeping. He hadn’t moved. In fact, he’d been the perfect gentleman, not once touching her.

Too bad. She would’ve preferred to have him touching her. Just thinking of her dream made her nipples sting, shooting a trail of lust straight down to her already oversensitive cunt.

What was it he had said? I can only take that which is offered, if you are worried.

Was he waiting for her to offer herself to him? Dare she offer? Maybe she should test him. With a light moan, she pretended to toss in her sleep, moving her leg to touch his. His skin was warm. He didn’t move.

So much for subtle.

She waited what seemed to be an appropriate amount of time before moving closer. Tossing her hand on his chest, she snuggled closer as if seeking warmth. Fire shot through every place their bodies touched. Her pussy was drenched, practically throbbing with need.

This is torture! Come on, Pacal, move.

“Are you trying to offer?” he asked, his voice calm as if he’d been lying awake the whole time, knowing what she was doing.

“Hmm?” she mumbled, still trying to cling to her cover story of being asleep. His chest quaked as if he laughed. Finally, she gave up and asked, “Haven’t you ever heard of letting a woman have her dignity?”

“So you are offering?”

At least his chest stopped moving in laughter. That was something. Sonja sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“I can only take that which is offered. Until you’re ready to ask me, please stop touching me,” Pacal said. He didn’t move.

Sonja started to draw away from him. It wasn’t easy saying the words aloud. Once spoken, they couldn’t be taken back. They made her desire for him all the more real. It made it impossible to blame her action on sleepiness, or dreams, or…or anything. If she said it, it would make it her desire, her will, her doing.

“Pacal?” she asked, nervous. She kept her hand on his chest. There was something about him, a connection she felt all the way to her core. It’d been there since the first moment she laid eyes on him.

“Yes?” The word was soft, low.

“Do you want me…” she hesitated. Closing her eyes, she managed, “… to offer?”

“You must ask?” He sounded surprised by this.

“Well, I mean, I don’t know you. You wear that mask and—”

“I won’t take it off,” he said instantly, stiffening beneath her palm.

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