Red Light Specialists (8 page)

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Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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“I found you,” he said.

“Hm,” Bianca answered. “How about you find your way back out and open up this door? Third stone from the small one, two down.”

Ahmet moved to touch her, wanting to touch her again. His flesh was all too eager to remember the pleasures touching her brought him. Why had he never moved to touch women before? He’d always been told that he couldn’t bend to someone lower than him in station. Since he was future king, all were lower to him—all but his queen. “I knew I’d find you.”

She flinched, jerking away from him. Scowling, she said, “Yeah, and I found your girlfriends. They’re waiting for you, stud.”

Ahmet blinked. Was she jealous? “Girlfriends?”

“Let me introduce myself, stud,” Bianca said. “Agent Bianca, Red Light Specialist, sent here to find your missing harem women.”

She was the agent being sent to help him? He frowned. It couldn’t be. Though it would explain her strange ways.

Bianca pointed down the stairwell. “Missing harem women are there. Livena is your culprit. She’s used sex to entrance the two harem guards into helping her. I just earned my freedom. Case closed. Solving this case in a day has to be a company record. Maybe I’ll get a nice little plaque with my name on it. Doesn’t every girl want the skies to part and bugs to drop in their honor? Now, if you wouldn’t mind, float on through there and open up the door.”

Ahmet stiffened. She had not come to the palace to be with him. She never had sought to give him pleasure. He moved to touch her and drew back. Slowly, he nodded, misting through the door. Following her instructions, he pushed the stone. The door opened and she stepped through.

“I’d say my work here is done. I’m going to go contact my director and get out of here. Nice knowing you, prince.” Bianca walked away, her steps angry and hard as she moved.

Ahmet called the guards with his mind, directing them to free the girls and to take Livena into custody.

He moved to follow Bianca, catching up to her easily in mist form. Stopping before her, he solidified and blocked her way.


Bianca frowned, still insanely jealous over the hundred women this man had called lovers. She pushed at his arm. He grabbed her wrist. She tried to pull away, he tugged her closer.

“What exactly is it you want?” she demanded.

“To pleasure you.” He turned on his heels. Bianca tried to protest, but he didn’t listen as he dragged her behind him to the bathing pools. He dropped the loincloth from his waist as he walked. Then, stopping, he turned to her and began working on her silk covering.

Bianca swatted at his hands. “Hey, what do you think you are doing? You have a basement full of women just waiting to please you.”

“You are jealous.”

Damn right she was jealous! Bianca frowned. “No. Why would I be?”

“It pleases me that you are jealous.”

“It would please me to drown you,” Bianca returned, pointing at the bath.

“All right.” Ahmet grabbed her arm and jumped, pulling her under with him. She screamed before dipping under the surface. Before she could get to air, his lips were on hers, kissing her. They broke surface, his hands on her breast, pinching her nipple.

Bianca cried out. It felt so good. She wanted to protest, wanted to stay angry, but couldn’t. He glided his hands over her flesh, stroking every inch of her body until she was as aroused as he was. His hard cock pressed into her stomach as he trapped her along the bathing pool’s wall.

“This isn’t fighting fair,” she whispered in between panting breaths. Her only answer was his low chuckle.

Taking her by her hips, Ahmet lifted her, angling his body to enter her. With a hard, claiming stroke, he delved inside her depths, stretching her pussy wide to accept him. Bianca cried out in pleasure as he filled her completely.

“Does this please you?” he asked.

“Ah, yes, Ahmet, yes.” Bianca rocked her hips, meeting him stroke for stroke as he pumped into her hard. “Ah, yes, fuck me!”

Her back pressed along the hard, wet stone but she didn’t care. He felt too good inside her. He touched her breasts and kissed her mouth until she was mindless in her need for him. The tension built in her body.

“Ah, yeah!” she cried.

“Tell me I pleasure you,” he said.

“Ah, yes, Ahmet, you pleasure me!” Bianca wrapped her legs around his strong waist, urging him deeper.

“Tell me you are jealous.”

“Yes, yes, I’m jealous. Ah, yeah, deeper. Fuck me harder!”

“Tell me you are my queen.”

Bianca didn’t think. “Yes, I’m your queen. I’m your queen, Ahmet. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop!”


The high-pitched cry sounded just as Bianca’s body racked with her climax. It took a moment for the sound to register. The pleasure of her orgasm was too great. Ahmet thrust several more times before he too exploded with release. His hot come filled her womb, heating her even more.

“No!” Livena repeated from the doorway. “You can’t be! I am to be queen! Me!”

Ahmet pulled Bianca closer to him. He was breathing hard when he looked at the harem mistress. She wrapped her arms around his back, also turning to look.

“This is my queen. She is mine,” Ahmet said. “It is done.”

Bianca gasped. Two guards came to take the kicking and screaming Livena away. As they left, they said, “Congratulations, Prince Ahmet.”

Bianca ignored the men. “What did you just say?”

“That you are my wife and a future queen?” he asked, frowning. “You said you were. It is done. You accepted me and—”

“Ah, wait a minute… I…” She tired to squirm away from him. He frowned, pressing closer. She felt a curious warmth inside her. She wanted his words to be true. This was too strange. He was her charge.

“You are mine,” he stated. “You give me too much pleasure,

He really needed to stop calling her a whore. “You know, calling your wife that isn’t very flattering.”

? But you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“Oh, is that what that means?” she asked, smiling. He nodded. It was insane, but being with Ahmet just felt so right. She could feel him inside her and just knew. He was the one. Surely Director Simon would let her stay. Her mission was completed. She was a free woman. “Okay, you can call me that. But we will be discussing this little harem of yours. There are going to be some major changes around her, Prince Ahmet, starting with your—”

Ahmet kissed her, cutting off her words. When he pulled back, he asked, “Fine. Done. The harem is no more. I do not need it for my energy. Can I pleasure you now, my Princess?”

Bianca rolled her eyes at her godlike husband. She saw a rainbow forming overhead. Giggling, she said, “Sure, if you must.”

Ahmet proceeded to make love to her through the long night. As they came together, she felt their hearts joining along with their bodies. Somehow, Bianca just knew this was her destiny and everything was going to work out just fine.



Part Three




Chapter One


Agent Sonja had been walking for what felt like years. She knew the A-mac wasn’t supposed to spit her out where she could be seen, but putting her a week away from her target was a little overly cautious in her opinion. Not to mention she was in the middle of a thick jungle filled with wild animals, surrounded by alien plant life.

And, oh, was it hot and humid! She’d been sleeping on the hard ground and her back was sore from it. The pain only made her all the more irritable. Her clothing stuck to her skin and all she wanted was a real bath with lots and lots of bubbles. Aside from an occasional rain, she hadn’t been able to properly bathe.

The last thing she thought she’d be doing when she signed on for Simon’s little rehabilitation project was trekking through nature. Sonja wasn’t a nature kind of girl. She wasn’t really a trekking kind of girl. Hell, before RLS-69, she wasn’t a “go out on a mission” kind of girl. She liked nice things like water baths and meals eaten at an actual table—or anywhere that wasn’t out in the wilderness. She liked wearing clean clothes and smelling like perfume. So what if she was a little on the prissy side? There wasn’t anything wrong with enjoying basic comforts.

“Things change,” Sonja mumbled, pushing back the sweaty strands of her hair. She knew she had to be getting close.

At least the A-mac had given her hiking boots and a pair of really sturdy pants. No doubt because Abbi had helped in her travel arrangements. Sonja really liked that piece of A.I. hardware. Simon would have selected something a bit more provocative and she didn’t see trying to hike in a two-piece teddy and a thong up her ass. The black tank top and jacket suited her well enough, as did the fully stocked backpack.

Still, she knew some of the women got sent to cushy palaces. Why couldn’t she go to a palace? Or a hotel with room service? Yeah, room service. She’d order fried sea slugs smothered in white sauce,
roast and a pile of Lithorian chocolate.

Hey, it was a dream, why not dream big?

Sonja’s stomach growled. Instead of chocolate, she’d be having dried meat chunks and rainwater she’d collected from the big leaves—again. Anyway she looked at it, this mission sucked. Big time.

Something buzzed past her ear several times and she swatted at it. The insects on this planet were ridiculous in size. If one offered to carry her backpack, she was leaving. The buzzing sounded again, only this time she felt whatever it was land on her shoulder. With her fast reflexes, Sonja smacked it and instantly felt sticky goo beneath her hand.

Pulling her hand back down, Sonja found the remains of a greenish purple bug. When she recognized its stinger, she sighed. “Ahh, just great! Simon sends me to the middle of nowhere and they
bugs here. If I get stung and swell up like a balloon, I’m so demanding sick pay. Wait, that’s right, I don’t get paid.”

Seeing a dense overhang, she grabbed a knife from behind her back and swung her arm back and forth to get through it. According to the information downloaded into her head, if she made noise as she walked, none of the local animals would bother her. So far it had worked. The only animal she’d seen was some sort of large bird that followed her as she walked. But, just in case, her backpack had been equipped with a special repellant. Sonja dumped it on her head hourly.

Feeling her gooey fingers, she mumbled, “It obviously doesn’t repel bugs.”

Aside from the walking, her mission was simple. She had to find some man named Pacal and convince him, by any means necessary, that he was supposed to do whatever was on the paper she carried. Not for the first time, she cursed the fact that she couldn’t read the paper she carried. Apparently, she could speak this man’s language, she just couldn’t read it.

“Simon, come on!” she growled, swinging her knife harder. Talking to herself was better than the strange noises of the jungle. “Bugs, nature, sweat, walking? Just so I can be some kind of exotic postman? The universe does have courier services that will do this really cheap.”

In some of her darker moments, while huddled near a campfire in a world that turned the pitchest of blacks, she thought maybe the paper held her own death warrant. Several times she thought of throwing it into the fire. She could just imagine getting there only to find that Pacal had been ordered to kill her.

Okay, she wasn’t exactly on a hit list. In fact, she’d been doing time on Restigatio for public lewdness. Her ex-boyfriend slipped some pills into her soda and the next thing she remembered was waking up in prison. According to her file, she’d danced naked on a table and told some political dignitary to suck her cock.

Sonja frowned. Why in the world would she say to suck her cock? It’s not like she had a cock to suck. It’s not like she’d ever had a cock growing from her body that could’ve once upon a time been sucked. Nope, she was all female. But, according to thirty witnesses, that’s exactly what she’d said.

Apparently, the dignitary was a religious fanatic and she’d hurt his delicate sensibilities. The fact that Charles, the good for nothing ex, had slipped her a hallucinogen didn’t seem to matter. She was convicted before waking up the next morning. Lucky for her, the little table dance was all that happened. It could’ve been much, much worse.

She swung, chopping and hacking at the brush. Suddenly, her knife hit stone with a heavy clink. Sonja stopped. Frowning, she cut at the thick mass of vines, uncovering a large statue.

“Not a very attractive race, are you?” she mused, eyeing the figure. It was that of a warrior, his arms drawn in as he held a shield. The shield was carved into the shape of a bird. The warrior’s stone feet were as wide as his hips and head, making him very square shaped. The wide shoulders directed her gaze, forcing it up and then back down the statue.

Maybe she’d been too hasty in her assessment as to the race’s looks, because she sure the hell had a hard time looking away. Of course, wondering what the statue’s cock size was didn’t help. She really, really needed to get laid.

Leaning closer to examine it, she swore. Sonja could see a nick in the stone leg where she’d hit it with the knife. Lucky for her, no one was around to arrest her for vandalism. She did not want to go back to Restigatio.

The information embedded inside her head told her she was close to Tenoc Temple. Nerves bunched in her stomach as she marched past the statue. She swung her arm, cutting at the vines as she slowly progressed. Suddenly, her knife sliced nothing but air and she was free of the thick overhanging.

Sonja emerged from the jungle, stepping onto the stone walkway before a great temple. The structure was high, with easily a hundred steps leading up from the rectangular base. Instead of forming a pyramid, the structure had a flat top with what looked like doors leading inside. There was only one path up and that was the stairs before her. The other sides appeared to be steep and smooth. Stone snake heads protruded along the bottom ridge, their mouths open wide. More humanoid statues lined the walk up.

Such a warm welcome.

She expected to find guards, someone, anyone. The temple looked abandoned. Hearing a squawk, she looked over. Her friend the bird perched nearby. Its blue feathers ruffled. Automatically, she reached into her pack and pulled out a piece of meat. She tossed it at the animal. He caught it in his beak and flew off.

After her journey, Sonja didn’t relish climbing the temple stairs. But according to her information, Pacal would be at the top of this monstrous structure. The sooner she saw him, the sooner she’d be off this bug-infested jungle and set free—hopefully.

* * *

Sonja sighed, wiping her forehead as she finally neared the last step. She was so high, she could see over the top of the jungle. It went on forever, reaching over the distance like a sea of green. Shrugging off her pack, she looked around. No one was there to greet her.

Great. Just her luck, it would be abandoned. Maybe this wasn’t Tenoc. Maybe she’d taken a wrong turn. It wasn’t like the damn planet had road signs posted on various trees.

“No, this has to be it,” she said to herself, sitting down on the top step. As soon as she caught her breath, she’d go inside. But for the moment, she wanted nothing more than to rest.

Hearing a squawk close to her back, she slowly turned. Her bird friend landed on the platform. Sonja eyed him, reaching for her pack. She might as well feed the meat to the animal because she was sick of eating it. The bird was close, closer than he’d ever come. She reached out her hand, the meat in her palm. The bird took it but didn’t fly off. It craned its neck forward. Slowly, she petted its soft, blue feathers.


Sonja tensed at the low, gravelly word. Just the sound of it made an odd tingle in her nipples. The bird squawked and flew off. She quickly got to her feet. There was no one there. “Hello?”

“Here,” came a voice. Sonja looked to the entrance of the temple. The square door was decorated with small pieces of turquoise. As she watched, a man emerged from the shadows. He wore a turquoise mask with bright white teeth made from shells. Dark eyes moved beneath the eye holes. Atop his head was a headdress of bright blue feathers, spanning up in an arch from one ear to the other.

Sonja could see his long dark hair beneath the headdress. It was braided, hanging nearly to the man’s ass. His chest looked broad, strong, even bigger than the stone statue at the base of the stairs. He wore a sleeveless poncho that reached to his feet. The off-white material looked soft and clean. It was decorated with fine, braided patterns of bright colors along the bottom edge. The braid work matched the belt around his waist.

His arms were bare, except for the thick bands of black tattoos around his biceps. Muscles bulged his flesh, flexing as he moved. He didn’t wear pants under the long poncho. Leather sandals with braided wool straps were on his feet.

Sonja was at a loss for words. There was definitely something powerful and erotic to the man—his hidden face, the ceremonial robes. All the carefully planned introductions left her as she said one word, “Pacal.”

“You know me?” he answered. His voice made her spine tingle and her knees weak.

“You are Pacal?”

“You are at my temple, are you not?” He turned from her and walked inside.

Sonja frowned, coming to her senses as he left her alone. She made a move to follow him, grabbing her pack. Inside, the temple was all stone. Large columns, carved with knot work, held the ceiling from the smooth floor. Fires burned in ceremonial urns on platforms.

“Pacal?” Sonja called, not seeing him. She walked slowly, looking around. “Excuse me?”


“Oh,” Sonja blinked, seeing movement at the end of the long hall. She moved forward, glancing around to make sure they were alone. They were. The downloads kicked in and she stopped before him. He sat atop a throne. Skulls were carved up the sides. She squinted to see them in the firelight, realizing that maybe they weren’t carved of stone, but real human skulls. She swallowed, nervous. Bowing down on one leg, she said meekly, “Forgive me, Pacal, I did not know you.”

“Who but I would be here?”

“I was told you would have guards,” she said, not looking up. Her eyes bored into the floor, seeing fine cracks in the cement. Being so high up allowed a breeze to sweep over the temple hall from outside.

“So I do.”

Sonja frowned. She glanced to the sides, trying not to be obvious. She saw no one.

“Now that you have found me, what do you want with me?” He sounded bored.

“I’ve come to give you a message.” In her precarious position, her backpack became heavy. Until he gave her permission, she couldn’t stand. Outside the temple hall, her rudeness may be forgiven, but inside was another matter. She knew if she stood too soon, she’d be killed. He could leave her kneeling for a decade if he so wished.

After what seemed like an eternity, he said, “You may rise and give me your name.”

Sonja relaxed, taking a deep breath. “Sonja.”

“Sonja,” he said, nodding. She couldn’t see his expression beneath the mask, and quite frankly he looked frightening studying her from his throne. “First you must bathe and dress as befitting this temple. I will forgive your insult of coming in here thus, but only because of the Grafowk.”

Grafowk? Grafowk? She searched her mind. What is that again?

“They do not just let anyone pet them.”

The bird! Her life had been spared by a bird. She was suddenly very thankful the thing had followed her.

Pacal stood, motioning her to do the same. “Follow me.”

She was surprised that he didn’t call servants as he led her behind the throne. A small door was hidden in the wall and she discovered that the temple stretched a lot farther than she first thought. They walked through a narrow, dark hall in silence before stopping at a door. He opened it and stepped inside.

Water trickled over the edges of the rock like a waterfall, falling into a bathing pool. By the water’s edge was everything she needed to wash and a fresh stack of clothes. She glanced at him, surprised. It was as if he’d been expecting her to come. Deciding that maybe he’d seen her coming up the stairs, she said nothing.

“Bathe, dress and I will come for you. Tonight the hall will be filled.”

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