Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9) (38 page)

BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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Jaxon liked this part of the job. “Yeah, especially if she was all he had left
, and she wanted out.”

Ethan agreed.

Elizabeth had other victims to focus on. “Can we tie Dixon to anyone else? How about Kaylee Bain?”

“We searched her,” stated Broderick. “She was below poverty level, had nothing in the bank, and was hooking. She doesn’t seem to connect to him.”

Meredith raised her hand. “Ma’am?”


“Our victim, Kaylee Bain, had herpes. She was riddled with the disease.”

“Did any of our other male victims have it?” Elizabeth inquired.

She shook her head.

Well, it was worth a shot. “Okay, what about All
en Payne?”

Broderick flipped screens. “He had enough money in the bank, he wasn’t married, and apparently he had one report of sexual harassment from an employee.”

“Who?” she asked.

“Her name is Toni Michelle. She worked for him for two years. I can’t find any record of it going to court, but I will tell you that shortly after, she had enough money to open her own business.”

That piqued their interest.

“So, he paid her off. What kind of business
did she open?” Elizabeth asked.

Johanna started laughing
, setting her partner up to deliver the news. “Wait for it.”

owns a sex shop. Let’s just say that she caters to those who like to live on the wild side,” Broderick said. He loved watching his partner blush.

found that amusing. “So, she gets sexually harassed, and then ends up opening a store that sells sex. Oh, that interview is going to be fun.”

“Hell yeah, it is. I can’t wait.”
Elizabeth rubbed her hands together maniacally.

Tony chimed in, “Can I be there at the time?”

She laughed. “No. You’ll enjoy the sex shop a little too much,” she teased. “All those edible undies.”

Immediately, he blushed. When Jaxon glanced over at him, he panicked. “Wait, she’s only kidding. That’s a private joke that dates back to when we were all newbies.”

Elizabeth snickered. “Yeah, you loved them then, and now.”

He stared at her
in horror. He never thought that little joke would come back to haunt him. “Come on, Lyzee!”

Jaxon didn't know what to say. She wanted to laugh and ask a million questions at the same time.

Tony looked freaked out.

“Merry,” Elizabet
h called, getting her attention. “Where are we on the weapon used to incapacitate the two male victims?”

“We have it, Director. It was definitely a hammer. From the indentation, stress cracks in the skull
, and amount of damage, it was a fairly heavy one too.”

“There’s different kinds?” she asked. To her, a hammer was a hammer.

“Yes,” Ethan explained. “They actually make them for women now. They’re lighter and have a grip made for their hands.”

“Good to know
if I ever feel like building a birdhouse.”

“We’re tracing the make and brand, but I’ll go on record right now that there are three major hammer makers, and they sell hundreds of thousands a year, online, in stores, and have for a long time.”

“So, it’s a dead end?”

“Pretty much.” 

Well, it wasn’t like she didn't see that one coming. “Okay, how about DNA?”

She hesitated.

“What?” Ethan asked.

“Here’s the odd thing. The killer must have transferred DNA somehow. We found hairs on Kaylee Bain and Allen Payne.”

She didn't understand the issue. “And the problem is?”

Meredith continued, “Well, they matched.”

still wasn’t getting it. “Who did they match?” she asked.

“We ran them against the victims, and they
all belonged to Walter Dennison. The only way that could happen was either by our error or the killers. I assure you that my team didn't do it,” Merry stated, defending her techs.

Elizabeth’s first instinct was to freak out. Fortunately for them, Ethan stepped in.

“I trust you. We’ll assume it was the killer. After all, he was handling the bodies. The hairs may have gotten on the cloth and transferred. If anything, this shows that Doctor Armstrong was right. Walter was the first victim.”

“Yeah, about that,” stated Zane. “I want to apologize for doubting Doctor Armstrong. When we tested the decomp in the removed parts, we figured out that
it was Walter Dennison, Allen Payne, Kaylee Bain and then Emelia Southland.”

Jaxon smiled easily
. “That’s okay, Doctor Legend. No hard feelings. I get that you need scientific proof.”

“Great. You’ve all made up. Now, get me the information on this man. I want to know if you find anything on him. It looks like a late night, my friends. Oh, and tomorrow’s going to be just as much fun. This victim’s place is going to have to be swept. I’d prefer we do it tonight, but we’re stretched
a little too thin.”

“We can post a deputy on the door and hope he keeps anyone out,” Ethan suggested.

“Good idea.”

When she went to walk out, she noticed there was a tail right behind her.

“Lyzee,” Tony whispered. “Please tell me you’re not suggesting that I stay here all night. I have a date planned, and I really, really, really need to take Jaxon out.”

In her head, she knew that the man should be helping with the evidence, especially since they were running
low on team members. Then again, she was trying to play Cupid too.

she was conflicted.

“Agents Seaton and Madden
, you’re on tech duty. I have to send Doctors Armstrong and Magnus on a side trip tonight. Can you help out while continuing to run the victim?” she asked.

“Can do, boss,” replied Broderick. He didn't mind working late with Johanna. In fact, it would be his pleasure.

She faced her anthropologist and lowered her voice. “You’re free but escape quietly,” she stated.

He hugged her.

“Come on! In the morgue?” she said, teasing him.

Laughing, Tony returned to Jaxon’s side to whisper in her ear. When she smiled, Elizabeth could at least cross one thing off her list.

“Where to now?” Ethan asked.

“You have to go schmooze the sheriff and get an armed guard on Jed Proctor’s house. I’m going to go handle something far more difficult.”


“I’m going to go calm Callen down. Wish me luck.”

He laughed. “You may need more than that.

Yeah, didn't she know it?










~ Chapter Ten ~


Late Afternoon




Generally, Callen thought of himself as rational, calm, and fairly easygoing. Few things in his life stirred him up. At the top of the very short list of people, who could push him over the edge, was his woman.

As he sat in the coffee shop having some tea, he thought about the case and ramifications.
While he knew he should trust Elizabeth, he was still trapped in the fear of losing her.

His life had been hell before he found his family. Granted, he’d always had Timothy since he was a teenager, but when he fell in love,
his existence changed.

Now, he had everything to lose.

At the chime on the door, he glanced up. It was like she knew just when he was thinking about her. Callen braced for a fight. After all, he deserved it. In front of their entire team, he’d snarled and barked orders at Elizabeth like she was a child. When she handed him his ass, he had no one to blame but himself.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked, pointing at the chair
across from him.


After sitting, she picked up his tea and took a sip. The warmth filled her, even as she felt cold from his chilliness. “Are you mad at me?” she asked.

He glanced
up in surprise. “No. Why?”

“You’ve got your angry face on and stormed out of the morgue. Something’s eating away at you, and I’ve found I’m generally the cause.”

He didn't speak.

“I’m a little
mixed up here, Callen. First, you’re angry that I didn't include you as my husband, and now you’re pissed that I would do it. Maybe it’s just the hormones, but I’m confused as hell.”

He sipped his tea.

“I said I was sorry. How can I prove it?”

Before he could speak, a waitress wandered over. “Ma’am, would you like some tea?” she asked.

“Yes, I would, and one of those really big cookies.” Without missing a beat, she continued, “Oh, and by the way, I love this man, and he’s my husband.”

Callen stared at her
, openmouthed.

The woman looked at her like she was nutty. “Uh, okay,” she said, rushing away.

“Elizabeth. That’s the opposite of not telling anyone,” he hissed. “Are you out of your mind?”

“Funny, but I've been asked that before,” she replied.
“I’m beginning to believe that it’s a possibility.”

As the woman returned with
the order, Elizabeth thanked her for the tea. “Oh, and he’s really good in bed. I have a thing for his really big hands. They turn me right on.”

He kicked her under the little café table. When the woman rushed away, he didn't know whether to kiss
Elizabeth or shake her senseless.

Elizabeth laughed. “What? It’s the truth. When you touch me, I get all melt
-y inside. You’re sexy, Mr. Whitefox, and killer or not, I don’t care who knows that. Trust me. If a killer is going to come after me, I can’t stop it. I curse and have copious amounts of fornication,” she began before he interrupted.

“Exactly!” he said.
“This is why you need to stop telling everyone we’re together.”

She placed her hand on his cheek
as she stared into his warm brown eyes. “I’m also a woman who works. I carry a gun. I don’t go to church, and most of the time I curse like a sailor. All of those things could mark me too, Callen. I’m not exactly the poster child for religion.”

He saw her point
. “You shouldn’t be telling people I’m good in bed.”

She shrugged
nonchalantly. “Why not? It’s the truth. I’m just pointing out a fact.”

then they’ll want to get nekid with me,” he teased, letting go of the hurt. Once more, she had been right. Sometimes, he just needed her to point it out.

She handed him half her cookie
before taking a bite. “Yeah, and if you get naked with anyone who wants to test drive the Indian, I’ll go bat shit insane.”

Leaning in, he kissed her. She tasted
like cookie, and it helped ease the stress. When he pulled away, he stared into her eyes. “I love you, Elizabeth.”

“I love you too,
Callen James. Now, how about we get this day moving?”

When he motioned to the waitress, he pulled out a twenty and handed
it to her. “Thank you,” he stated, holding out his hand for Elizabeth.

“He also
has a really nice ass,” she stated, causing the woman to scurry away. “Oh look, I have sex Tourette’s. I hope I don’t start describing your…”

Callen did the only thing possible. He placed his hand over her mouth
as he led her outside. When he got her out of there, she was laughing.

“Nice one,” she said, glad to see everything was fixed. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to call your brother.”

Staying on alert, he watched everyone around them. He felt better, but he wasn’t going to let his guard down.

Elizabeth was worried. It was taking Ethan a while to answer his phone. When he finally picked up,
he sounded frazzled. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’m trying to find an available deputy
. Apparently, they’re all off getting out of their wet clothes. This damn town must have almost no crime. How can they all just disappear at once?”

Yeah, that wouldn’t be the first time she’d wondered that herself.

Glancing at her watch, Elizabeth gauged the time. “I think I’ll head to the cabin with Callen and get changed. It’s going to be time to feed Charlie soon, so we can meet you for dinner at the bar where Kaylee Bain used to troll for men. It’ll be like killing two birds with one stone.”

He could do that. “Will you bring me a change of clothes?” he asked, seeing a deputy enter the room.

“Yeah, it’ll be in the Navigator. You can change in there,” she offered. “See you in a little bit, handsome,” she stated before disconnecting the call. “We can go get ready. Even after that cookie, I’m starving. Charlie hopes they have some buffalo wings with extra hot sauce.”

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