Rekindle (13 page)

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Authors: Morgan Nicole,Murphy Rae

BOOK: Rekindle
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We’ve been sitting for about an hour now with no word on Rhett or Tanner. The waiting room has become thick with tension and muttered whispers between small groups. A few of the other men from the fire department have left, but the chief, Micah, and Luke remain.

The doctor rounds the corner of the waiting room and we all fall silent. Catherine stands, tugging me up with her. “Family of Rhett McCoy?”

“I’m his mother,” Catherine responds before he completes the question.

He directs his attention to her immediately. “Mrs. McCoy, I’m Dr. Jackson. Would you like to walk with me?”

“No, sir. Thank you, but everyone in this room is as good as family. You explaining it to everyone will just be saving me the breath to explain it all over again.”

“Right. Rhett sustained a rather large blow to the head, resulting in a concussion and a loss of consciousness for a moment. He’s still a bit disoriented, but he’s awake. He also suffered a vertebral compression fracture in the thoracic spine. He’s being given pain medicine to help lessen the pain caused by the fracture. We’re going to keep him here at least overnight to monitor the concussion, and he’ll remain on bed rest for a week or so before returning to light activities. If you’d like to see him, he’s being moved to room 428 as we speak and can receive visitors as soon as he gets there.”

I sigh in relief that he’s okay, but my heart is still heavy from the fact that we’ve heard nothing about Tanner. A brief glance around the room tells me that his girlfriend, Marley, hasn’t even shown up yet. She is
a bitch.

“Thank you, Doctor. Bless you for taking care of my boy.” Catherine’s voice is thick with emotion. I guarantee she had the same vicious thoughts running through her mind that I did.

“My pleasure, ma’am. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you,” he says, and with a shake of her hand, he turns to leave.

“Doc!” The chief hollers before Dr. Jackson makes his way out of the room. “I’m Chief Sutton. Any word on Tanner Jennings? He was transported here earlier today as well.”

“He was sent directly to our Emergency Burn Unit when he came in. I haven’t heard any updates on him, but I can check with one of the primaries on that floor. Does he have family here as well?”

“His family is in Colorado. They won’t be here until morning. I’m the closest thing he’s got right now.”

Dr. Jackson regards him carefully before nodding. “I’ll see what I can find out, sir.”

“Thank you,” Chief says, shaking his hand. “Thank you so much.”



Catherine and I make our way into Rhett’s room as quietly as possible. Cam, Luke, and Micah are waiting in the hall, and Chief Sutton went to see what he could find out about Tanner. He said he’d stop by later.

Rhett is asleep but stirs as we walk in. It takes his eyes a minute to focus, and his forehead creases in confusion before the events of the last several hours settle over him.

“Hey. My two favorite girls.” He greets us with a small smile. His voice is hoarse and scratchy, I’m assuming from all of the smoke he inhaled in that burning house. My body gives an involuntary shiver just thinking about what
have happened.

Catherine immediately rushes to his side and starts fussing over him. No matter what, he will always be her little boy, and he’s used to the overly loving treatment she gives him. He looks over at me, his eyes assessing me and how I’m handling everything. I give him the best smile I can, but I know it’s forced and my eyes are misted over with tears.

“Ma,” Rhett interrupts her fluffing of pillows and piling on blankets. “Can I get a minute with my girl?”

“Sure, darling. I’ll be right outside.” She reaches down to hug him gently and kisses his cheek. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Rhett. So very, very glad.” She turns quickly and wipes a tear from her face before walking past me and rubbing my arm, offering her silent support and leaving the room.

“C’mere, M.” He pats the bed softly.

I make my way to the seat beside his bed and sit down. Every move I make is methodical and slow. I know that I’m about three seconds from falling apart completely, and he doesn’t need that right now. He needs me to be strong for him.

“Not there, M. Here,” he clarifies, patting the mattress again. I smile and sit partially on the bed, reaching for his hand. He doesn’t hesitate as he wraps his fingers with mine.

“You’re okay, really?” I ask.

“I’m okay, really. Promise. Are you okay?” He’s worried about me? Now? He’s the one lying in a hospital bed, and here he is, worried about me. I let out a watery laugh, and tears start rolling down my cheeks as I nod.

“God, Rhett. I was so worried. Luke called, and we just had no idea what happened or if you were really okay. I just…had no idea what I was walking into. And I kept praying that you were okay, that you were going to be okay. ‘Cause I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t, Rhett. I really just don’t know.” I’m trying to make sense of the jumbled mess that is my brain, but there are so many emotions flowing through me right now, I know that I’m not making much sense.

“I’m not going to pretend that my job is easy, M. There are risks every time I walk into a fire or respond to an accident, but we do our best to control those risks. Sometimes, things happen that we can’t control. The thing is, I knew walking into that fire that if I made it out on the other side, you’d be here. And you have to know, there isn’t a damn thing I wouldn’t do to get to you.” His eyes are earnestly begging me to believe him.

“Okay,” I say, nodding my head as he reaches his hand to cup my cheek. “Okay,” I repeat.

“Give me a kiss, M. I need to feel you.” I smile and bend to place my lips lightly against his. Rhett quickly takes control of the kiss, turning it almost desperate. When he finally releases my mouth, he still holds me close, looking into my eyes. “I’m not leaving you, M. It’s you and me. Forever.”

“And ever.” I smile and place another kiss against his lips.

It’s at that moment that everyone decides we’ve had enough time alone. Rhett keeps a tight hold on me as everyone filters in, checking on him and waiting on news about Tanner.  


Chapter Seventeen




Everything is cloudy in my head, like I’m in a dream. It’s all fuzzy, and I’m guessing it has a lot to do with the morphine drip they have me hooked up to. I keep telling them that I don’t need the pain meds, but M is not having it. She is such a stubborn woman, definitely a queen protecting her king. One thing is for sure; I will be following by her rules until I’m completely healed, because I’ve also seen her temper in full bloom, and while she’s adorable as hell when she’s mad, I seriously think she would have no problem throat-punching me. I grin as I look over and see her chewing on her bottom lip, totally lost in her e-reader.

“M,” I say as my voice scratches. I have to clear my throat. “If you keep biting that lip, it’s gonna fall off.”

“Ha ha ha. Even in a hospital bed, you’re still trying to be cute.”

“Is it working?”

“Oh please, you are always cute and you know it,” she says, walking over to my bedside table to grab my water. “Here, take a drink. You need to stay hydrated, and it will help with your sore throat.”

“Sure thing, Nurse Emma,” I say, giving her a smirk.

“Rhett McCoy, this is not a laughing matter and I’m not kidding.”

“I know, M&M. I’m just trying to calm the air. You’re so damn stressed and tense. Who’s taking care of you right now? I don’t want you so stressed.”

“I’m okay. I promise. As long as you do as you’re told and heal properly, then I will be just fine. I’m still shaken up but that’ll pass. I just
you to get better. Can you do that, please? Just get better,” she says as her eyes cloud with tears.

“Shit, don’t cry, M. I’m okay. I’m stubborn but you already knew this. Do you remember when I had my tonsils removed? I was in so much pain that I wouldn’t eat or drink anything. I just wanted to stay curled up under my blanket. Then you came running in my door with a popsicle. When I wouldn’t eat it, you threatened to tell Ma about the time I put fireworks in Mrs. Sander’s mailbox. You pushed me to heal then, and you will do it again—I have no doubt.”

Suddenly, I feel my bed shaking and instantly think it’s the damn pain meds making me crazy until I look up and see her laughing. A full-on belly laugh. I can’t help but smile at her finally loosening up a little. Looks like my little trip down memory lane helped ease her mind a little. I cannot let my girl be so stressed. That hurts worse than any physical wound ever could.



Knock knock knock
, I hear as my door opens up. Chief walks in and I can instantly see the grief-stricken look on his face.

“Chief, how’s Tanner? Is he okay?” I ask, worried about his answer.

“It was touch and go for a minute there, son. I’m not gonna lie to you. His wounds are bad and there are many. He has second- and third-degree burns down the side of his face, neck, and back, as well as some first-degree burns on his hands and stomach. It was so bad that his body went into shock. He had to have help breathing when he was first brought in, because of the smoke inhalation, but thankfully they were able to get him stable and into surgery. He will make a full recovery, but the road will be hard and long,” Chief says, looking as if he’s aged ten years in one day.

“Can I see him?” I say, rushing to try to sit up in my bed.

“Emma will take you to see him after you’ve been discharged and the doctors give you the okay,” Chief says, looking to M. “Emma here has been a trooper, taking great care of you and checking on all of us. You got yourself a damn good woman, Rhett.”

I nod my head. He’s right. I have the best woman by my side. I’m not sure things would be going as well if she weren’t here with me. My thoughts wander to Tanner, and I wonder if his woman is stepping up to be by her man. If anything, a man needs his woman and her reassurance during a time like this.

“Is Marley with Tanner?”

“No, son, she’s not. She came in early this morning and was too worried about how ‘disgusting’ he was going to look—her words, not mine. She never asked how he was doing. Her only concern was if his face and body would heal or if it was going to be scarred. When she found out that he would always have those marks, she bolted without another word,” Chief says with sadness in his voice.

“That fucking bitch,” M yells out. “Just who the hell does she think she is? She’s the one who’s disgusting. I mean, of all the low-down, dirty, rotten things to do. She’s such a conceited prima donna. I mean, really! Doesn’t she know that her ugly attitude makes her outer appearance uglier than any scar Tanner will ever have? I wish I could get my hands on her scrawny ass. I would show her a thing or two about loyalty and respect.”

M is getting fired up over the situation with Tanner. I know I shouldn’t think it’s funny that she will most likely lose her cool the next time she sees Marley, but I love how defensive she is of Tanner. Working day in and day out with these guys, risking our lives together—that bonds you. I consider these men my brothers, and Emma sticking up for them, treating them like she does, it makes me fall harder for her. Family sticks up for family, and right about now, Marley has a bull’s eye painted right on her forehead. This should be interesting to see play out.

“Rhett, I’ve gotta go now. I was just making my rounds and checking on you two. You let me know if there’s anything you need—and I mean anything. And don’t let your little firecracker here get in any trouble. At least not until we can get you out of here,” Chief says as he winks at M.

“You have my word, Chief. I promise to keep my mouth shut until everyone is out of the hospital. Then again, I make no promises,” M says, giving Chief a hug.

I really do feel sorry for Marley at this point. She has no clue about the shit storm she has created for herself. A pissed-off Emma Grace is nothing to play around with, and she definitely means business. I smile at the thought as I drift back off to sleep.


Chapter Eighteen

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