Rekindle (16 page)

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Authors: Morgan Nicole,Murphy Rae

BOOK: Rekindle
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“Dude, what the fuck is up with that voicemail? Just last week it said something different. Anyways, I’m having a cookout tonight at seven, and I need you to come and help me set up for it. Let me know. Oh, and call everyone else and let them know about tonight,” I say into the phone before pressing end.

I unload all the bags into my truck, dropping the contents of one of the bags on the ground.

“Fuck me,” I curse, reaching down to grab the spilled items.

“Oh, I think that can be arranged.”

I look up to see Marley standing there, holding a bottle of my barbeque sauce and looking like a whore in heat.

I reach to grab the sauce and she pulls it back. “I think I deserve a reward for saving this bottle, don’t you?” she purrs, and I want to cut my ears off.

“Not sure what you want, but whatever it is, I’m not giving it. If you want that sauce that bad, then by all means, just keep it. I have no patience for you—or your whore-like ways, for that matter. I have a girlfriend and you’re supposed to be dating my brother,” I huff angrily at her.

“Rhett, don’t be like this. We could be good together, baby. I know you see it. Hell, I know you feel it. The chemistry between us is out of this world. We are beautiful people, Rhett, and beautiful people belong together. Not sure if you’ve seen Tanner lately, but he is far from beautiful. He’s ruined, but me and you, we got something,” she purrs.

“Have you seriously lost your fucking mind? He is my family, and you have some nerve speaking about him like that in front of me. Also, know that any weird fantasy shit you’ve gotten into your brain needs to be let go. I do not find you attractive at all.
will never happen. I love Emma, and
is my future, so you can just go take a flying leap and get the fuck out of my goddamned way.” I get into my truck and slam the door.

I’m so pissed I can’t even think straight. I squeal out of the parking lot, leaving tire tracks in my wake. Tanner may not like what I’ve got to say about Marley, but he needs to hear the truth, and dammit if it’s not going to kill me to tell him.



As soon as I get home, I crack open a beer. I need to calm my nerves before I can get anything accomplished. I drink it in a few large gulps and immediately open another. My phone pings and I open it to see a message from M.

: I’m off work. Can’t wait to see you later. Forever, hot stuff.

: Go straight home, get changed. Don’t wear any panties tonight. Panties = punishment. And Ever, M.

I send the reply and smirk to myself. I can just picture her blushing and squirming in her seat.

I smile and close my phone. It instantly starts ringing. I knew M couldn’t resist calling.

“You can’t back out now. No panties tonight or you’re going to have to suffer the consequences,” I say in greeting.

“Seriously, I’m flattered and all—I really am—but I don’t think my dick would be too comfy in a lace thong to begin with, so I don’t wear them. Also, the fact that I love pussy as much as I love breathing kind of puts a damper on your plans. However, I have no qualms about watching you punish Emma,” Micah says with a smile in his voice.

Fuck my life. Just fuck fuck fuck. Why did I answer without looking at my caller I.D first?

“Man, forget that you even heard that,” I groan. “If you mention it, I’ll tell everyone that you didn’t really hook up with Tasha senior year. That you lied because you didn’t want everyone to know she blew you off.”

“Fuckin’ fine. I won’t say shit, but I swear to Christ, you had better never mention that to anyone. I have a reputation to uphold and you know this,” he whines. “Anyway, I was callin’ to tell you that I called everyone and they’re all comin’ tonight. I’m on my way to your place now. Have me a cold one ready when I get there. See ya in five.”

The phone goes dead and I get up. After texting M and talking to Micah, my nerves have calmed down exceedingly. I head out to my truck to unload the bags. First step is to marinate the steaks. Tonight will be a good night yet. It has to be. 


Chapter Twenty-Two


Emma Grace


Cam bursts through the door as my phone pings with a text from Rhett.

“Hey, slut puppy! How was your day?” I say, ignoring the text that just came through.

“It was alright. Just got finished ordering the last of the stuff for my studio. How was school?”

She brushes right by me and heads to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I follow her into the kitchen and perch myself on a stool. “Meh. It was good. Starting to get ready for midterms. I think I hate this part of the year as much as the kids do. So, enough small talk. Are we going to have a conversation about last night?”

“I have no idea what you’re referring to.”

“Don’t play games with me, missy! You don’t just get rip-roaring drunk for no reason. Did you know that Luke had to bring you home last night?”

“Yeah. I did. Not my finest moment, I know,” she says with a wince.

“So what happened?”

“Bottom line? I need to find someone else to manage my trust fund. When Henry saw the request for my closing on the studio, he gave a ‘courtesy call’ to Daddy Dearest, because he was ‘concerned’ about what that amount of money was being used for when I am just barely out of college. Such a load of shit. So, Father and Mother called to find out what I was using the money for. I don’t even know why I told them. It’s not like it’s any of their business. The second I mentioned the word ‘studio,’ all hell broke loose. They started in on their tirade about it being a waste of my time and money and how they should have known that I would never amount to anything. Blah, blah, blah. Same shit, different day.” She shrugs her shoulders like it’s no big deal, but I know it is.

“What the hell ever! Cam, fuck ‘em! They have no idea how talented you are, because they never bothered to see for themselves. You do you and don’t worry about the rest!” The level of hatred I have toward her parents is astronomical. She knows this. It never does any good for me to get fired up about it, but I honestly can’t help it.

With a wave of her hand, she declares the conversation over. “It doesn’t even matter. It’s done. I am happy with my choices. They can go suck monkey balls. Now, Shayna will be here in twenty minutes. Let’s get ready.”

There is a knock on the door a few minutes later, and Cam runs to answer it. She and Shayna make their way back into my bedroom. “Hey, woman!” I say to Shayna with a kiss on the cheek. “You look smokin’!” And she does. Her off-the-shoulder sweater looks great with her patterned leggings and boots.

“Thanks, sugar! Hopefully it does something to catch Micah’s eye.”

“MICAH!” Cam and I shout at the same time.

“Well, yeah. I mean, I know he’s a big ol’ flirt, but he’s different with me. Sweet almost. I’ve held back for a while now, but I really just want to go for it with him, ya know?”

I knew she was overly flirty with Micah, but I didn’t think that she actually wanted a relationship with him. He’s not exactly the relationship kind of guy.

“Okay, then. Well, if he’s too blind to see what’s right in front of him, then he doesn’t deserve you anyway!” Cam says with enthusiasm.

“Totally. He’d be an idiot to turn you down,”

I throw on a coat of lip balm and look at the clock. “Dammit. We’re late. You girls ready?”

“Sure thing!”

“Yep, let’s get going!”

We pile into the car and head for Rhett’s.



We pull into Rhett’s driveway about a quarter after seven. We can hear the music from the backyard when we get out of the car, so we head back there instead of going inside.

Micah, Tanner, and Luke are sitting around the table of the patio, and Rhett is over by the grill. Luke notices our arrival first and sends us a chin lift. Micah glances up from his very animated story and sees us walking toward the deck.

“Don’t yall look like a whole lotta no good walkin’ around! Emma Grace, you look stunning as always,” he says as he loops an arm around my neck and kisses me a little too close to my mouth. I roll my eyes and shove him off.

“Shay-belle. A pleasure as always,” he says, kissing her hand. A blush creeps up her cheeks. “Come on over and grab a seat.” He pulls out a chair for her. Huh. Maybe there is hope for them after all.

Cam works her way inside to grab some beers from the fridge, completely bypassing Luke. Go figure.

“Hey, Tanner!” I say as I lean down to kiss him on his cheek.

“Emma Grace,” he greets me back with a smile.

By the time I make it to Rhett, he’s scowling.

“What’s wrong with you, grumpy pants?”

“You’ve given out two kisses since you’ve been here, and neither was for me,” he says with a raised eyebrow.

“Lucky number three.” I smirk as I stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. He wraps his arm around my waist and deepens the kiss. His hand skims my ass and he stops kissing me immediately.

“What?” I ask, perplexed.


“Boy shorts,” I correct.

“You want to get punished, don’t you?” He has the cockiest smirk I’ve ever seen on his face.

“Huh?” I am seriously confused. It must be written all over my face, because Rhett breaks out into a full-fledged smile.

“My text. I sent it to you earlier, detailing the rules for tonight. You didn’t comply.”

My mind is reeling, trying to figure out what he’s talking about. Ohhhh! That text. “I still haven’t read it. Cam came home and I got distracted,” I explain, pulling out my phone to check and see what it says.

“Nope. No excuses. You lose, I win.”

I read the text and shoot him a look and kiss his lips quickly. Before I leave to grab a beer, I nip his ear and whisper, “Promises, promises.”

If his sharp intake of breath is any indication, my response has taken him by surprise. Good. I head off to grab my beer and join everyone on the deck.



Dinner was so good, and we’re all stuffed. Everyone is lounging around, having a few drinks and playing games. It’s dark outside, but the fire pit gives off enough heat and light that we can hang out here for the night. Winters aren’t particularly brutal in Alabama, thank goodness.

We’re playing a game called Heads Up. It’s an app you download on your phone, apparently. I’ve never played it before, but it is absolutely hilarious. We’re playing girls against guys, and the guys are terrible at this game. Right now, Micah is the one holding up the clue and Rhett, Luke, and Tanner are giving hints to help him guess it. The word is “Superman.”

Rhett is standing there, saying, “Uh, uh, uh. Red cape!”

Tanner is holding his hands out like he’s flying, and he’s shouting, “Dun, dun, dun, da!”

Luke just keeps giving the most random clues. “He’s that guy. You know. With the thing. And he’s famous.”

Meanwhile, Shayna, Cam, and I are laughing so hard we can hardly breathe. Micah is getting so frustrated but refuses to pass. He is bound and determined to get this one. The buzzer sounds and time is up.

“What the actual fuck, assholes? Superman? How about give me a real fucking clue! No wonder the girls are kicking our asses!”

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