Rekindle (14 page)

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Authors: Morgan Nicole,Murphy Rae

BOOK: Rekindle
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Emma Grace


It’s been a little over three weeks since the fire that landed Rhett and Tanner in the hospital. Rhett came home after only two days in the hospital, but Tanner was just released a few days ago. His family flew back home last night after being reassured by everyone that we would take good care of him and call immediately if something happened. Tanner still has a long road ahead of him, full of surgeries and healing, and his family has plans to fly back and forth during the surgeries.

It hit the guys pretty hard. This is one of the worst injuries anyone has received from their station in a long, long time. Cam, Shayna, and I have spent many a night dispelling the ‘what-ifs’ of the fire and focusing them on the fact that everyone made it out alive. Lots of tears have been shed and angry words spewed, but there is less of that now and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Rhett sent me a text earlier, confirming that we were taking dinner over to Tanner’s tonight, so I make a quick run by the liquor store on my way home to pick up some Kahlua and make my Chocolate Kahlua Cake, since it’s Tanner’s favorite. I contemplated buying my very own bottle of vodka, considering how this day has gone. After an already long day, having to spend the afternoon in a supervised parent-teacher conference was not something I was looking forward to. Those kinds of meetings just never end well.

Rhett walks into our condo right at six, and I’m loading up everything for dinner at Tanner’s.

“Hey, babe! Sorry, I’m running a little behind, but I think I have just about everything together.” I make my way over to greet him with a kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me deeply.

“No problem. Told Tanner we wouldn’t be there until around six forty-five anyway. Figured that would give you a buffer since you’re always frazzled when you’re late.”

I back up to look at him. “But I’m always late.”

“I know.” He smirks.

With a quick pop to his shoulder, I move out of his arms to finish getting ready. In the past few weeks, we’ve spent as much time together as our schedules will allow. Our relationship has moved quickly from semi-serious to serious. I’ve taken Cam’s advice and I’m just hanging on for the ride. I’d be a crazy person not to. He watches me as I flitter around the house, throwing things here and there, putting on lip balm and tossing my hair up.

“Ready!” I pick up the bag to take to Tanner’s. Rhett walks right up to me and smiles as he reaches behind me to pluck the clip from my hair. I look at him with wide eyes as my hair falls all around my face.

“The hell?” I exclaim, blowing my hair out of my mouth. “Was that really necessary?”

“Absolutely. Your hair is one of the things I love about you. It goes right along with your fiery personality. No reason to hold that back, babe.” He winks, grabs the bag, and heads to the car, leaving me speechless in my kitchen.

. Did he just say that’s one of the things he
about me? More than likely, it was just a slip of the tongue. Right? Yeah. Totally. A slip. I make up my mind and decide to move this freak-out to a more convenient time. Right now, we have a friend to see.



We pull up to Tanner’s house around six thirty and see Marley walking out of his front door. I honestly cannot believe that she has the audacity to show her face, considering she’s had fuck-all to do with his recovery. Just thinking of the things that she said about Tanner makes my blood boil. When we meet her on the sidewalk, she makes sure to stop and give Rhett a slow and thorough perusal.
Oh. Hell. No.
Today is not the day she wants to mess with me.

“Well, Rhett. You are looking just as fantastic as ever,” she purrs, her eyes making another pass over his body.

“Sweetheart, why don’t you take dinner inside really quick? I wanted to chat with Marley for a second,” I say to Rhett, but my eyes never leave Marley. She looks my way, as if she’s just now realizing I’m standing there, and rolls her eyes at me.

“M&M, I don’t think—”

“Rhett, babe. It’s fine. I’ll just be a minute.” I cut him off before he drags me inside. I smile at him, making sure he knows I can handle myself. He stands for a minute, internally debating if this is a good idea or not before he finally smiles, shakes his head, and walks inside.

Marley turns to watch him go before offering her much unwanted opinions. “Well, aren’t you just lucky? Doesn’t look like that fire did any real damage to your man. Better hold on tight, little girl. You never know when a real woman will come along and steal his interest.”

I turn to face her, and I know my face is ablaze with anger. “Look, Marley, I had two helpings of flaming bitch with my breakfast this morning. Satan himself wouldn’t fuck with me. So I suggest you watch your mouth.”

She actually has the gall to look offended by what I said. “Excuse me?”

I completely ignore her question and get to the real reason for our chat. “What the hell are you even doing here, Marley? You made it clear weeks ago that you wanted nothing to do him.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m actually fine being with Tanner—in the dark, in private. He understands why I can’t be seen with him in public. His scars aren’t exactly…appealing.”

“You are a tactless witch.”

“And you have no right to ridicule me. You have no idea what it’s like to be with someone who’s deformed. Rhett’s injuries weren’t physically damaging, so don’t stand there and tell me if the roles were reversed you’d be doing anything different.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong. My feelings for Rhett have absolutely nothing to do with his physical appearance. I’m not that shallow. Just do us all a favor and leave Tanner alone. Let him find someone who cares about him.”

“When and if that happens, I’ll think about it. But we all know it’s highly unlikely. Run along, little girl. Your delusional world misses you.” She turns around and strides off without a backwards glace, and it takes all of the willpower I have not to throttle her. With a deep breath, I try to calm my shaking hands and rapid heartbeat. After a few minutes, I think I have it all under control and I head in to join the guys for dinner.



Rhett is quiet the whole car ride home from Tanner’s. I’m not sure what to make of it. In the three months since we’ve been back in each other’s lives, there has rarely been a moment of silence between us. I can tell something is on his mind. He’s been like this since we sat down for dinner.

Tanner was quiet too, but once he decided to let the situation with Marley go, he was more laid back. She has messed with his mind so badly he doesn’t know which way is up. I can’t imagine having to go through everything he’s going through and having the person who’s supposed to support you treat you the way she has. His life has changed so rapidly in the last few weeks, and being able to adjust to that has taken a lot out of him. He was tired after dinner, so we didn’t stay long after eating and promised to stop by again in a few days.

My mind is reeling with the events of the past few hours, trying to piece together what has happened with Rhett. It takes about five minutes for me to decide that I can’t take this contemplative quiet anymore.

“What’s going on, Rhett?” I ask, turning my seat to face his profile.

“What did you say to Marley?” He makes a quick glance my way, and his face gives nothing away. Shit. Is he pissed at me? I’ve kept my mouth shut where she is concerned for weeks. Seeing her today just brought it all out, and if he’s pissed at me about it, so be it.

“Not a lot. I told her that she needed to stay away from Tanner if she was going to continue to hide their relationship because she’s ashamed of his scars. She made it clear that she found you physically attractive, but I completely ignored her jabs toward me. I don’t need to validate our relationship to her.”

He nods his head as he turns into my condo but doesn’t say anything else. He jumps out of his truck and comes to open my door. Taking my hand, he leads us inside, completely bypassing everything on the way to my bedroom. He takes up residence on my bed, and I’m so caught up in my internal freak-out about our relationship taking a drastic turn to nonexistent that I don’t even realize he’s pulled me on top of him to straddle his lap.

His hands curl around my neck and his face is centimeters from mine before I make eye contact with him. “Get out of your head, M.” His whispered words and soft smile calm my racing heart.

“I always mean what I say, Rhett. I may not always mean to say it out loud, but I always mean what I say. I’m sorry if that mess with Marley upset you, but I literally couldn’t contain it anymore.”

“Why in the hell would I be upset with you?”

“I have no clue! But you’ve hardly spoken all night and that’s the only thing I can figure.”

“I have about a million things I’m thinking about, but being pissed isn’t one of them. You stood up for my brother and took his back against a viper of a woman. Emma Grace, you are absolutely astounding. You’re funny and smart. You’re charming and so beautiful you literally stop me in my tracks. You’re caring and kind. You’re feisty and determined. You are the epitome of everything I didn’t know I was waiting on. I’m falling in love with you, M.”

I jerk back at his words, like he’s shocked me—which he has. I definitely wasn’t expecting this conversation.

“I…uh…Rhett….” I’m stumbling all over my words here and I sound like a fool.

“It’s okay, M. I’m not expecting anything from you.” He says it honestly, but there is a hint of pain in his voice that I’m not reciprocating his feelings.

“I’m scared, Rhett. I’m afraid of the way I need you. The way I crave your contact when you’re near me. The way that your touch and the sound of your voice soothe me. My whole life has been spent keeping people at a safe distance. Hell, it took years for me to build a relationship with Cam, but you walk in and boom! In a matter of months, you’ve driven yourself so deeply into my life that I don’t know exactly what to do without you. And I’ve fought it at every turn, trying to slow down my feelings, but I’m falling in love with you too. You’re consuming me. I’m terrified of the way you love me, Rhett.”

“I don’t know any other way to love you, M.”

“I don’t want you to love me differently, Rhett. I just want you forever.”

“And ever.” He smiles and kisses me softly. “I’ve loved you every day for twenty-six years, M&M. That’s not going to change.”



Chapter Nineteen




She places her hands on both sides of my face and looks deeply into my eyes, her warm lips quickly engulfing my own. The kiss is feverish and filled with so much emotion. It’s raw and she’s completely in control. I let my hands take their time as they travel up and down her back before resting them just below her shirt. I trace small circles on her back with my fingertips as I deepen the kiss and she moans quietly in my mouth.

She breaks the kiss long enough to reach for the hem of my shirt and swiftly pulls it off before her lips find mine again.

“M, I need you naked,
,” I rasp between kisses.

She pulls away and raises her arms, signaling for me to take her shirt off, and I waste no time stripping it off of her before reaching around to unclasp her bra and letting it fall to the floor.

I catch her nipple in my mouth and gently graze it with my teeth; she moans and arches her back, desperate for more. She gently pushes me back on the bed while she hops off my lap and walks across the room in nothing but her jeans, and it’s the best damn sight I’ve ever seen, but the bewildered look on my face must be funny because she looks back and laughs. She fucking laughs in the middle of sex, when my dick is about to burst through my pants and put someone’s eye out. Then she winks at me, and I know she has something up her sleeve.

She pulls her iPod from her purse and hooks it to her docking station. Soon, “Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon is playing through the speakers, and I smirk at her. She slowly starts walking back to the bed, looking like a lioness on the prowl, with nothing put passion and adoration showing behind her eyes.

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