Rekindle (12 page)

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Authors: Morgan Nicole,Murphy Rae

BOOK: Rekindle
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Rhett tenses under me. “Yeah…” His voice holds a hint of hesitation. He isn’t sure what to make of my sudden declaration. Honestly, neither am I.

“And I’m yours?”

“Yes.” His answer is firm, no room for any argument.

“So that makes you what? My…boyfriend?”

“I’m yours. You’re mine. You can put whatever label you want on it as long as those two facts don’t change.”

“Thank you for kidnapping me this weekend.” I yawn.

“Trust me, M, the pleasure was all mine,” he says through a chuckle. “Get some sleep, babe.” He places a kiss on my forehead.

“Mmmm,” I mumble as I snuggle deeper into him and feel him squeeze me tight. Somewhere in my subconscious, I decide that there is no better place than being wrapped up in Rhett’s arms. It doesn’t take long for sleep to come to me with dreams of Rhett. The best thing is, this time my dreams are filled with possibility and future.










Chapter Fifteen




It’s been two days since I dropped M off at her apartment after our night together. It was the best night that I’ve had in forever. We really needed the time together. She is everything I never knew I wanted. I love learning her quirks—the things that make her tick. One thing I can say with complete certainty is that my girl loves to laugh and she does it often. She can light up a room in seconds. She is a complete goofball, and it’s one of the things I love most about her.

“Hello, Earth to lover boy. Come in, lover boy. Do you copy?” Micah calls out, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Hey, bro, what’s up?” I ask, slightly annoyed.

“Man, Tanner is moping around like someone kicked his puppy again. I think we need to have a chat with him and see where his head’s at. He’s not acting himself, and I’ll bet dollars to donuts that it’s that bitch of a gold-digging whore girlfriend of his.”

“Micah, do not—I repeat, do not—call her names like that. We both know how she is, but just don’t let him hear you, okay? She may be horrible, but our brother is in love with her. We at least need to respect him,” I say on a whisper. “Now, come on, let’s go see what’s goin’ on.”

“Yo, Tanner, my man,” Micah says, slapping his hand on Tanner’s back. “You seem a little off your game lately, and Rhett and I are getting a bit concerned. Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” He nods his head.

“No, no, no, buddy, you don’t get off the hook with a simple ‘yeah.’ We aren’t buying it, so you may as well spill and let us help you,” I say in a tone that tells him I’m not joking.

“Alright, alright. Fine. The thing is, I’ve been having problems with Marley. We’ve been together for four years, and I’m ready to take things to the next level: marriage, house, and kids. I want to be a family, and she just screams that I’m pressuring her and says that she’s too young to be a mother. I just really don’t know what the hell to do,” Tanner says in a pained voice.

“Man, sometimes you have to do things that you don’t want to do. If her views of life and a future don’t match your own, do you really think that y’all can have a good and healthy relationship…forever?” I ask Tanner, trying to make him see that they will never work out.

“I just—” Tanner says, but it’s cut short.

Engine 24 Respond…. House fire… 314 Oakridge Lane… Engine 24 Respond.

The siren blares and Chief runs out as we all race to hop on the truck. The adrenaline is coursing through our veins. It’s time to take action. We all know the risk. Every call. Every fire. We all go in, but in reality, there is always a chance that we won’t all come back out. A firefighter doesn’t have time for fear. It’s not something we thrive on. We push ourselves in spite of danger. We live by a code and we don’t like to lose anyone, so fear doesn’t have time to take hold when people’s lives are hanging in the balance.

We arrive at the house and see the black smoke billowing out of the windows. A lady is being held as she screams loudly. It’s a scream that will haunt us forever.

“My son. My son. Oh God, please get him out. I can’t lose him. He’s all I have,” the lady wails.

“We need a vent. Luke, Micah, get on that roof and get me a vent now,” Chief commands as the second engine pulls in and they immediately get to work.

“Rhett, Tanner, you two go in and find that child. He’s six years old and his room is located on the top floor. For the love of God, please give me some good news.”

We quickly put on our breathing apparatus and run in as soon as Micah and Luke get us a vent. Tanner immediately takes the upstairs while I search the downstairs level. The smoke is everywhere, so we need to find this child now.

“Hello, can anyone hear me? Hello, we’re here to get you out.”

“Rhett, the flames are fucking vicious up here. I found the room, but the path is completely blocked off. I need you up here now; it’s gonna fucking cave soon. We have to get him out,” Tanner says through the radio.

“Copy that. I’m on my way,” I say as I make a mad dash to get upstairs.

I make it to the top just in time to see Tanner run and leap across the flames.

“Tanner, NO!” I scream.

I’m trembling on the inside. No matter what, I know this outcome will not be good. Tanner runs to the door with the boy covered in a flame-resistant blanket.

“Rhett, on the count of three, I’m going to toss him to you. Just get him the hell out of here. I’ll make my way out right behind you.”

“No, it’s too dangerous. You can’t.”

“Rhett, it’s the only goddamned way. We will all die if you don’t catch him and run!” Tanner yells.

I brace myself, pull my arms up in a cradling position, and get ready to catch this young boy.

“One…two…three!” he yells as he tosses the boy.

I catch him and immediately take off on my journey to get him out of the house. Once I make it outside, the paramedics begin working on him, and I turn to make my way back in. Suddenly, I feel someone pulling my arm.

“Rhett, son, I can’t let you go back in there. The whole place is about to go,” Chief says, his voice cracking in pain.

“Chief, I have to. Tanner saved that child. He’s the fucking hero. The hero doesn’t get to fucking die,” I yell, my body shaking with adrenaline. “Just one minute, Chief. It’s all I need.”

I sense the hesitation behind his eyes, but he nods, letting go of my arm. I quickly grab another blanket and run back into what is quite literally Hell. As I make it up the stairs, I see Tanner lying lifeless on the floor. He made it over the flames but collapsed trying to get to safety. His suit has caught on fire, and the flames are traveling down his body. Pulling him away from the flames, I begin patting at him vigorously with the blanket. As soon as I get the fire out, I hoist him up in my arms, which isn’t an easy feat on a normal day, but today I think the adrenaline is making it possible. I get down the stairs and make my way to the door, just as I hear the top floor come crashing down.

The debris knocks me down and we both collapse to the ground. Heat is surrounding me, and I feel the weight of something heavy on my legs. I can’t pull them out, and I can’t turn to see what has me trapped. I close my eyes and let my mind drift to my girl. She’s the last thing I want to think of before I let the fire win its wager on my life. This is it. This will be the day I die.

That’s when I feel arms tugging and pulling at me. I hear grunting, but I’m so tired I can’t check to see what’s happening. My oxygen is running out and I’m struggling to breathe. I just want to sleep. My lower body has gone numb and the pain is gone, so I finally give in and let the darkness consume me.


Chapter Sixteen


Emma Grace


“I’m so excited I can’t stand it!” Cam says the minute I slide into her car.

“I can’t wait to see it either,” I agree.

Cam messaged me earlier today, saying she thought she’d found a studio to start her pottery work. She’s been looking for a new studio for months now, and the fact that she’s found something to satisfy her is surprising. She’s so very particular about the space “speaking” to her. I honestly didn’t think she would ever find somewhere that would work, so when I got her message earlier, I jumped on the chance to look at it with her after work today.

We make our way downtown and turn onto a cozy street with older houses that have been renovated into local places of business. She pulls to the curb, and I look to my right to see the cutest house I think I’ve ever seen. It’s an older Tudor-style brick home painted a deep blue. The lawn is well manicured; even the “For Sale” sign hanging from a wooden post boasts the antique feel.

“Hi, Lana! Thank you so much for meeting us,” Cam says, shaking the hand of the realtor. She gestures to me. “Lan, this is Emma Grace. Emma Grace, this is Lan.” Lana flashes me a pretty smile and shakes my hand.

“Glad you could both make it. I have a feeling this is the one, lady. Let’s take a look,” Lana says as we make our way up to the house.

We walk into a gorgeous foyer that leads to a huge open space. “This would be perfect for showing your pieces as they become available. There’s a small kitchen in the back, and the studio is downstairs,” she explains.

Even though this is one big room, it’s full of windows offering light. The details of the crown molding and the coffered ceiling make it anything but ordinary. I am in awe of how beautiful it is. We make our way downstairs to see the studio space. I know nothing about it, but Cam falls in love instantly. We spend about an hour at the house, going over the details of the property and a reasonable offer. Cam signs the papers quickly and we take off to go celebrate.

“I am so happy for you!” I gush as we get into the car.

“God! Me too! I was beginning to think I’d never find anywhere to set up a shop.”

We’re pulling into a local diner when my cell phone rings. I try to dig it out of my purse, but can’t get to it before it stops ringing.

“Huh. It was Luke,” I say as I read my phone in confusion.

“What in the world is he calling you for?” she asks, just as confused—and with a hint of frustration, if I’m not mistaken.

“No idea.” I make a move to call him back when my phone starts ringing again. It’s Luke. Calling back. My stomach instantly forms knots. I know this can’t be good.

“Hello?” The apprehension in my voice can’t be mistaken.

“Emma. It’s Luke. Cam with you?” He doesn’t sound right. He’s distracted and there’s chaos in the background.

“Yeah, she’s right here. What’s up?”

“Listen, there was a fire today and… Shit, Emma, you need to get down to Warren Medical. Rhett was transported about twenty minutes ago.”

My face instantly pales, and the only words my mouth can form are “Oh God.” Luke is still talking, but I’m not comprehending anything he’s telling me. Cam snatches the phone from my hand.

“Luke, it’s Cam. What the fuck is going on?” She listens as Luke begins to tell her everything that he was trying to get across to me. “Holy shit. Okay. Okay. We’re on our way. No. I’m driving. We’ll be there soon.” She pauses for a moment. “Yeah, I’ll be safe. Bye.”

Cam throws her car into reverse and we fly out of the parking lot, barely missing the oncoming traffic. She reaches over to grab my hand and squeezes tightly.

“It’s going to be okay, Emma Grace. It’s going to be okay. I promise.” She tries to reassure me with words, but I feel no relief.

“Did—” My voice cracks and I try again. “Did Luke say what happened? What am I walking into, Cam?”

“There was a fire at a house the guys responded to. Apparently Tanner got trapped, so Rhett was in the house, trying to get him out. When they were making their way out, a part of the house collapsed on top of them. Tanner is in really bad shape. Rhett was unconscious, so they aren’t sure what’s going on there, but they were transported to the hospital.”

“Jesus.” The air leaves my lungs in a rush. All I can do is pray that reality isn’t as bad as the scenes that are playing out in my head.



I see Rhett’s mom, Catherine McCoy, as soon as we walk into the hospital. We’ve talked on the phone over the past few months, but we’ve yet to see each other. She’s unmistakable though. It’s like she has hardly changed in the past decade and a half. However, at this moment, her face is creased with worry and she’s pacing back and forth through the family waiting area. As she turns to make another lap, her eyes land on me.

“Emma Grace! Oh, sweetheart!” She makes her way to me and wraps her arms around me tightly, like she needs something to hang on to. At this point, I’m happy to oblige, because I need the exact same thing. “I’m so happy you’re here, dear. I just hate that I’m not getting this hug under better circumstances,” she whispers in my ear.

I lean back out of her embrace, and she clasps her hand firmly with mine, clinging to me like a lifeline as we make our way to where everyone else is standing. Everyone I know is here, including some people I’ve not met before. It looks like the entire fire department is here.

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