Rekindle (18 page)

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Authors: Morgan Nicole,Murphy Rae

BOOK: Rekindle
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“I’m not going to break, guys. It’s good. We’ll figure it out. Day by day, right?” Micah looks at me and winks.

“Right. First things first, where are you sleeping tonight?” I ask.

“Are you offering your bed?” He barely gets the question out of his mouth before Rhett slaps him on the back of the head.

“Joking! Joking! Jesus!” Micah throws up his hands in surrender.

“You know I have a second bedroom, Micah. You’re welcome to it as long as you need,” Shayna offers, touching his arm.

“Thanks, Shay-belle.” He moves his arm away from her slightly and slaps Rhett on the shoulder. “But I think I need to stay with Rhett and keep him in line for Emma Grace. She doesn’t need him getting outta hand.”

“Oh. Yeah. Sure. Okay, yeah,” Shayna mumbles and turns back to her meal. A solemn look takes over her face. I can tell she’s disappointed, but it’s probably for the best.

“Alrighty, so that’s taken care of. I’ve got you a few things in the living room that I picked up today. Not much, but it will keep you from running around naked for the next few days.”

“Now, Emma, where’s the fun in that?” Micah questions.

“The rest of us are grateful as hell,” Luke pipes up.

“Hey! You’d be lucky to see me naked, fuck you very much!”

“Lucky, scarred for life. Same thing.” Tanner shrugs and hides his smile behind a beer, and we all start laughing.

“Asshole,” Micah pouts and snatches up his beer.



Dinner wrapped up a few hours ago. It’s pushing eleven, but we’re all still hanging out in our living room when Tanner sees the time.

“Shit, man, I gotta get home. Marley was supposed to be there at eleven,” Tanner says to Luke.

Luke shoots him a hard glare but gets up to throw his water bottle in the trash. Tanner passes out hugs to Cam, Shayna, and me and heads for the door. Luke walks back into the living room and gives me a one-armed hug, placing a kiss to the top of my head.

“Later,” he says, throwing a wave to everyone else. I catch the pointed look he gives Cam, but I don’t say a word.

Not two seconds after the door closes, Micah starts shaking his head. “Maybe I should move in with Tanner for a while and cock-block his ass. That bitch has no right showin’ up at his place in the middle of the fuckin’ night.”

“That’s actually a pretty damn good idea,” Rhett agrees.

Cam shakes her head and empties the rest of her wine before standing and heading to the kitchen.

“I think I’ve had enough for tonight. I’m going to hit the sack,” she announces when she returns.

“Yeah, I think I’m getting ready to head home too.” Shayna stands and stretches.

Cam gives a hug and kiss on the cheek to both Micah and Rhett before she smacks my butt.

“You staying here tonight, Tits McGee? Or are you going home with lover boy?” She motions to Rhett.

“Here. I’m just going to walk them out.”

“Mkay,” she says as she rounds the corner to the hall.

Shayna reaches to give Micah a tight hug. “Anything you need, you come to me, okay?” she says with her hands on his face.

“Will do, Shay-belle. Have a good night,” he responds with a grin.

She’s out the door with a quick hug to my neck, and that leaves me in the living room with Micah and Rhett. Micah sticks his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels.

“Well, as much fun as it would be to watch you get all hot and heavy, I think Rhett would kick my ass, so I’m going to head to the car. Thanks for everything, Emma.” He squeezes me in a tight hug and drops a kiss to the top of my head, then heads out to Rhett’s truck.

Rhett wraps his arms around me and kisses me deeply. God, I love his kisses. I don’t know how long we stand there, wrapped in each other, but when he releases my mouth, we’re both breathing heavily. He keeps his forehead pressed to mine, and his breath brushes across my face when he speaks.

“You’re in my bed tomorrow, Emma Grace. It’s been too long. And I still have a promise to keep from the other night.”

My body heats at his raspy tone and the sensual promise he’s referring to.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I promise him.

He kisses me again, his hand fisting in my hair and tilting my head for better access. He yanks his mouth from mine and lets a curse fly from his lips.

“I have to get out of here, or I won’t be leaving for a long time.”

I’m seconds away from begging him to stay.

“Dream of me, M.”

“Always,” I reply honestly.

He squeezes me tight and drops another quick kiss to my lips. As he walks out the door, I’m already wishing tomorrow away.


Chapter Twenty-Five




Fire. There’s fire everywhere. I can barely breathe with the smoke encasing my lungs. I try to escape, but the doors and windows are jammed tight. I should give up; I could give up. That’s when I hear them: screams—loud, blood-curdling screams.

“Help me, please. I’m dying. Someone help. The fire’s closing in. Help…help…help…,” the voice bellows.

That’s when I notice whose voice it is. It’s my Emma. She’s in the other room. The love of my life is dying. I have to get to her. I may as well leap into the flames if she dies. Without her I can’t breathe.

Pulling myself to my feet, I stumble through the room, desperate to find her. I need to be with her. I make it through the door and I see her lying on the floor. She looks up at me with her tear-streaked face.

“Forever,” she whispers.

“And ever,” I say, right before the roof caves in, taking the life of the one I love most.

I awake with a start, screaming and panting. I’m unable to control the sobs that leave my throat. I’m soaked with sweat and have this horrible feeling that something is wrong. Jumping up, I tug on a pair of sweats and a tee and head out the door with one destination in mind: Emma’s and Cam’s apartment. I have to see her, to hold her. I
to know that she’s okay.

After killing the engine, I find her extra key on my keychain so I can get in without waking either of them. I unlock the door in record time and shut it with ease. Her door is shut, so I quietly open it, hoping to get some relief as soon as I see that she’s okay. I look at her bed, but it’s empty. Panic starts to set in. She should be in bed at 4:00 a.m., but she’s not. I start to freak out, not caring if I wake Cam up.

“Rhett.” I hear her mumbling, confused voice.

I turn to her and my frantic heart doesn’t calm. She soon picks up on my panicked state, her face confused and slightly scared as to why I’m here.

“Baby, what’s wrong? Is everythi—”

She’s quickly cut off when I race to her and pull her to me.

“Sshhh, don’t talk. Please just let me feel your heart against mine.”

She knows me well enough to know that something’s not right. She doesn’t even attempt to move; she just lets me hold her close.

“I’m sorry for bursting in and scaring you. So very sorry. I had this nightmare, M. It was bad and you were gone. I just needed to feel you, to know you were still here,” I say, cupping her face.

Leaning up, her lips catch mine, her tongue tracing my lips before she invades my mouth with her own. We stand there for what feels like a lifetime, just kissing and holding each other in a vise grip.

“Let’s go to bed, Rhett. Just hold me, okay?”

I nod in response as she crawls onto the bed and pulls the comforter back. Taking off my clothes as I walk to the bed, I look down at her and realize that my feelings for her, they aren’t just
. What I have for her far exceeds the limitations of love. She was my first friend, my first confidant, and she holds my heart in a way that none other could. Emma Grace Michaels is my

“No, beautiful, you don’t have to take off your clothes. I don’t need sex; I just need you.”

“I know, but I don’t want anything between us, ever. Plus, I get to feel all your ridges if we’re both naked.” She laughs softly, lightening the mood and making me chuckle.

“I knew I could make you smile,” she states proudly. “Now get over here and hold me, lover boy, before I freeze my nipples off.”

“Aye, aye, captain. We certainly don’t need that happening.”

I encase her in my arms, and she molds her body into mine and sighs.

“This is my paradise. Here in your arms. You are my drug of choice, Rhett McCoy.”

“And you’re mine, beautiful,” I say, yawning.

I hold her tightly until her breathing evens out and I know she’s asleep. Kissing her head, I close my eyes and finally let sleep grab hold. This time, the nightmares don’t come back.



I wake up and feel a cool breeze on my stomach and reach out to feel for M. Nothing. Her space is empty, but my hand hits a piece of paper. I smile to myself before reading it.


Lover boy,


I’m sorry to report that I had to get up and go to work but I can’t wait to see you tonight and get my promised punishment ;) and before you say anything about me not waking you up before I left…


I made sure I gave you a kiss. Go on, lick your lips and you’ll taste my cherry lip balm on them.


My tongue automatically darts out to lick my lips, and sure enough, they taste of cherry lip balm.


You looked so peaceful sleeping that I couldn’t disturb you even if I wanted to. You needed your rest, so don’t even try to argue with me.


Look in my bedside table. I went shopping last week and bought a surprise for you.


I love you. Forever.



Your secret, kink-obsessed lover.


I reach over and pull open the drawer to her table to see the contents, and I groan as I pick up the items my little sex-crazed vixen has purchased. I will never make it through the day now that I have seen what’s inside. I open a text on my phone and send M a message.

Your wish is my command. Tonight, your ass will be a pretty pink once I’m done with it, bad girl. P.S. Please, for the love of God, don’t stop reading those kinky books you read. I think I like the fact that my girl can give me sweet and craves the spicy. ;)

I hop out of bed and head for the shower. If my girl wants to experiment, then I’m definitely up for that challenge.




Chapter Twenty-Six


Emma Grace


Rhett picked me up twenty minutes ago. We’re sitting at a table in a cute little bistro on the other side of town. We've already placed our dinner order, and I'm sipping on my glass of white wine. And nothing. Not one freaking word about the bag I left in his possession this morning. I thought surely he would have it handy in the car. I thought that he would be asking questions about it. I thought...something. Nada.

“So, have you talked to Meems and Pops lately?” he asks, casually taking a sip of his beer.

“Yeah. I talked to Meems last night, actually. They’re trying to work something out to be down here during my winter break. Maybe spend Christmas together down here this year.”

“Good. I’d like to meet them.”

“Well, that’s definitely in the cards, considering that I was threatened within an inch of my life if I didn’t introduce you to them.” I laugh, but I kind of think Meems was serious about that one.

“Just let me know when they’re coming. Cam’s parents coming too?”

“Not a fat chance in hell,” I state matter-of-factly.

He raises his eyebrows but doesn’t comment on that one. Good thing too, because I don’t feel like putting a damper on our night. It’s been too long since we’ve had a whole night all to ourselves.

“Thanks for this, babe. Really. I needed tonight.” I want him to know how much I appreciate it.

“We haven’t gotten to the good stuff yet, M. You can thank me later.” He winks as the waiter appears with our dinner.

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