Remember When 3: The Finale (Remember Trilogy #3) (27 page)

BOOK: Remember When 3: The Finale (Remember Trilogy #3)
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   Speaking of our alma mater… O
ur former classmates have been going a little gaga over him all night. People he’d never spoken a word to back in school are suddenly bringing their spouses over to be introduced to their “old friend Trip”. As always, he’s been able to handle all the attention with his usual charm.

took a break from dancing to come and check out all the pictures on the wall. Carolee Simcox chaired the reunion committee, and I guess she and her fellow rah-rahs thought it would be a great idea to blow up a bunch of shots from our yearbook and plaster them all over the reception room. It really was a great idea.


   I’d forgotten how huge our hair really was in the eighties and early nineties. I guess that was the general idea behind hanging all these pictures. It’s important to remember history so that we’re not doomed to repeat it.

There’s one shot in particular that caught my attention, however, and I’ve been standing here staring at it for a solid five minutes, now. It’s a huge poster-sized picture of Trip from
Guys and Dolls
. He’s leaning against a brick wall with his arms crossed against his chest, a fedora dipped precariously over one of his smiling, blue eyes.

God. I didn’t just imagine it. He really was Golden Boy.

ip sidles up behind me, slips an arm around my waist, and asks against my fleeb, “Having fun yet?”

   I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face at that, as I feel the length of his body pressed right up against mine from my shoulder to my calves.
Yeah. I’d say I was having fun.


I lean back against him, cross my arms over his. “
here, aren’t you?”

   I twist my head and catch him smiling at me.
That devastating grin, that melt-me-down-to-my-core-smirk, splitting the beautiful face of this beautiful man.

   He’s so handsome, and it’s still so disarming, even after all these years. And
yet, he’s always been even
gorgeous on the
. His heart has always been his most attractive quality.

Either that or his sweet, sweet ass.

   I can’t wait to ge
t out of here, drag him into our penthouse suite at the
, and have him all to myself again.

And again.

   There’s an electric current
running down my length as I turn in his embrace and ask, “Actually, you think there’s somewhere around here we can ‘go talk’?”

   My meaning is not lost on him, and he
surprises me with a kiss, right there on the edge of the dance floor, in front of all our old classmates.

   Surprises are good.

   I kiss him back, thinking of how far we’ve come, how many years it took us to get here. I’ve loved him as both a girl and as a woman. I have both a history and a future with this man. This man I will love forever.

Thank you, God. Thank you for giving him to me. I owe you one.

Trip pulls back, a mischievous look on his gorgeous mug. “Yeah. We can head out soon. But there’s something I need to take care of first.”

can’t help but smile, because I’ve been waiting for this all night.


   Even though he’s been trying to keep it a secret, he knows that I know he’s got a diamond ring in his front pocket, occupying a space right under his heart.


   But what he
know about yet is the baby occupying the space under












I just… I don’t even know what to say, here.


There are way too many people to thank, and too many things to be thankful for.


I’d like to start with you, the readers:

You have made this journey one of the most incredible adventures of my life. You’ve written to tell me how much you’ve enjoyed this story. You’ve written to offer praise or encouragement or anger or impatience. You’ve fallen in love with Trip and Layla right along with me, and I’m as sad as you are right now about having to tell them goodbye. But I know we’ve left them in a good place. I know you join me in wishing them well. For all your comments, your excitement, your loyalty… I can only offer my heartfelt thanks. Now go pimp the hell out of me on Facebook.


Next up, I would like to thank Crystal Light Lemon Iced Tea for the caffeine and Tylenol Extra Strength for the inevitable caffeine headache. I would like to thank Sandwiches for keeping me alive during my creative spurts, and Eon Smoke for the nicotine that kept me sane. Special mention goes out to TUMS, and I’d be remiss in my expression of gratitude if I didn’t give a super special shout-out to two very dear friends who work so well together, Svedka and Diet Fresca.


But seriously, folks.


I’m a bit hesitant to name the bloggers this time around. Not because they don’t deserve the accolades, but because I don’t want to forget anyone! Please don’t egg my house if I leave your name off this list. I assure you, I am aware of you, and I am grateful to you.


First and foremost, yet again, I gotta give props to my girls at Totally Booked. Jenny and Gitte are two of the coolest chicks I know, and ones I’m proud to call friends. Sorry for making you cry the other night at dinner, G. But the fact is… You two have
changed my life
. I bloody love the both of you.


Kelly and Joanne at Have Book Will Read. My God. Those two arranged the most rockin’ blog tour Facebook has ever seen, and I’m still in awe that they managed to pull it off. And then, just one short week later, they got to work arranging a cover reveal for RW3. Crazy ladies! I am so happy to have had the chance to hang with you in person in London, and can’t wait to do it again. Sorry for keeping you out so late. Not really. ;)


A few blogs that deserve special mention:

These Boobs Could Talk, The REAL Housewives of Romance (thanks for the most asstastic teaser pics!), Miss Construed, Gigi’s Book Blog, Worth the Read, The Best “Read” Wine Book Blog, Kimberley Faye Reads, I Love YA Fiction, Sugar and Spice, Romantic Reading Escapes: All that sharing hasn’t gone unnoticed. Thanks for the cheerleading and pimpin’.



The rest of the blogs from the tour and the cover reveal:
Mindy’s Book Addiction, Kota’s Book Kollection, My Daily Romance, Teen Readers’ Diary, Give Me Books, Book Readers Not So Anonymous, Becca Anne’s Book Reviews, Stories and Swag, Jesus Freak Reader, Elfie Books, Bookbangerr, Christine’s Blog, The Book Bellas, Confessions From Romaholics, Crawling Over the Pages, Christina’s Book Reviews, The Boyfriend Bookmark, The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl, The Book Enthusiast, Crystal’s Many Reviewers, Book Nerds Anonymous, Hook Me Up Book Blog, Jeni's Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag, & More!, Rude Girl Book Blog, The Last Chapter, Winding Stairs Book Blog, Broadway Girl Book Reviews, K & T Book Reviews, Sweets Books, WORD Blog, Cajun Book Lover, Orchard Book Club

Thanks so much for your involvement.


Any other blogs that have kindly read and reviewed my books in the past: Thank you. I still get giddy with each and every green light, every new review.


Super-readers: Kay Miles, Linda Della Volpe, Happy Driggs, and newcomer Kari Matthes. Praise Jesus.


Critique Partner, Stevie Kisner: You always give it to me straight. You make me laugh; you let me vent. You’re letting me edit your next book, so clearly you’ve lost your mind. But I love you much, beeyotch. I still owe you that drink.


Editor, Casey Moore Smith: What to say here? Your flailing red pen slashed through this puppy like the sorcerer’s apprentice wielding his magic wand, bringing your specific brand of enchantment—yet again—to one of my stories. I hope you know you have a job for life. Xoxo


My high school girlfriends: I’m sitting in my bedroom right now, writing this book instead of being with you at our ‘reunion’. I’m thinking I owe you all a slumber party to make up for it. My house, this Saturday, seven o’clock? I’ll buy the boxes of wine. You bring the Twinkies. Again, special mention to Dana for another beautiful cover.


Thanks to Z for the guy stories. After twenty-five years, I finally got that glimpse into the boys’ locker room. And now I need bleach for my eyes.


The rest of my Forever Friends and my entire family: Hugs, kisses, and much thanks.


My sister, Diana: I already dedicated the book to you AND named a character after you. ‘Nuff said. ♥


Mom and Dad: I love you. Thanks, as always, for the support.


Dad O and Barb: Thanks again for the use of your house. Your fish are alive, your appliances are intact. I win. Xoxo


Brother-in-law Joe: I didn’t use your photo for the cover, and I still feel badly about it. But here’s a plug for YOUR book to make up for it

your website




Michael: I know, I know. I owe you pretty huge after this one. I’ve been neglectful to everyone these past few months, but you’ve suffered the brunt of it. Thank you for understanding. ♥


The Two Most Incredible Kids on the Planet: Pack your bags, monkeys. We’re going to Disneyland! (And Mom’s leaving the laptop AT HOME.) You’ve earned it. xoxoxo







“Down the Shore”

By T. Torrest


Smokin’ hot Jack Tanner is a contractor-slash-musician in a struggling Jersey shore bar band on the verge of stardom in 1995.






Also keep your eye out for Stevie Kisner’s newest book,

“Waking Up in Vegas”.


As editor, I have been beta-reading this thing since its inception, and let me tell you… You will fall in
with Tack! Yummy.


It won’t be released until early 2014, but you can read the description and add it to your TBR over at Goodreads:





BOOK: Remember When 3: The Finale (Remember Trilogy #3)
9.62Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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