Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (41 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Shane watched Stacey, as she busied herself heating up leftovers for them to eat. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry about today,” Shane said. “Natalie called directly after my patient canceled. I did try to notify you so you could join us. I wanted Natalie to meet you.”

When Stacey put the plates on the table, she asked, “When you were in San Francisco a few years ago, did you go there to be with Doctor Portman?”

That question took Shane by surprise. “Yes, I did. How did you know that? I don’t remember telling you about that.”

“You didn’t tell me.”

Shane was accustom to Stacey’s six-sense of perception, “Would you like for me to tell you now or do you already know.”

“I know she is bi-sexual and that you and Hugh had a simultaneous affair with her when you were in med-school.”

Shane ran his fingers through his hair. Stacey knew he did this gesture when he was agitated. She stood patiently and waited. “Sit down sweetheart and I will tell you about my friend Natalie.”

Once again, Shane ran his fingers through his hair. Oh, god, he, thought, is she going to understand this relationship or will it drive a wedge between us. “As you know we met in med-school. We were all young and living on a budget. Hugh and I met and became best friends. We saw an advertisement in the paper looking for roommates. That was how we met Natalie. We worked hard and studied diligently. The three of us had a fire of determination to succeed. There wasn’t much time for revelry or dating.  Stopping at a pub once in awhile was about the only social life we had. In our second year, I was studying for a test. Natalie saw how taut and stressed I was and she rubbed my neck and back. It had been a considerable amount of time since I had been with a woman. Natalie was two years my senior and understood my needs and had no qualms about eliminating them.

We were good friends, the kind of friends you could depend on always. Our relationship wasn’t as much a sexual one as it was therapeutic. I didn’t know for a long while that Hugh was receiving the same therapeutic treatment as I was. When I found out I wasn’t angry or jealous and neither was he. Natalie is unique. She has a way of sharing herself and giving freely if she feels needed.  The trip to San Francisco was because Natalie needed me. Hugh was in the middle of his divorce so I went alone. Natalie’s partner, Mary was in the critical care unit. Mary died the day after my arrival. Natalie needed arms to hold her and a sympathetic shoulder on which to cry. After the funeral, we drove south on the pacific coast highway to Los Angeles. I stayed a week with her as a friend and nothing more. She went to India that same year. Today is the first time I’ve seen her since that year. We do stay in close touch. She knows all about you and the children.”

“Hugh told Annie about Natalie, why did you feel you couldn’t tell me?”

“I don’t know sweetheart, perhaps because you’ve had to put up with my past and I didn’t want to add more if it wasn’t necessary.”

“Did you think I was too young to understand?”

“Yes, I suppose I did, although you and Eric had a close relationship, it was platonic. That’s why I didn’t enlighten you with the details. I felt it would serve no purpose to dredge up the past.”

“Thank you for telling me,” Stacey said as she went to the stove and filled their plates. Shane sat waiting for a bombardment of questions to come his way. Stacey filled their glasses with iced tea and then sat down to eat. Shane watched her closely, knowing she was processing this new information. He hoped she would understand, but knew not to push. Stacey pushed the food around on her plate but ate very little.

After putting the dishes in the dishwasher, she turned to Shane and asked, “Will there be more intrigue or surprises for which I should prepare myself.”

“No, there is not, but since you’re angry with me anyway let me remind you of your words to Tiffany, that you knew I had a life before we met. I’m terribly sorry my past keeps cropping up and getting in the way. As I recall, your primary interest in me was because you thought me experienced. I love you Stacey and I love my life with you and the children, however, I cannot and I will not keep apologizing for my past before I met you.”

“I don’t recall having ever asked you to apologize.”

“No, of course, you haven’t. I didn’t mean to infer you had. Sweetheart, don’t you feel we’re getting of the main topic here.”

“I’m not sure what the main topic is anymore. Is it Doctor Natalie Portman, your sex life or you apologizing for your many liaisons? Frankly, I can’t recall having asked you about any of them.”

Stacey heard Nicky whimpering, pitched her dishtowel to the sink and ran upstairs. She changed Nicky’s diaper and then rocked him back to sleep. Stacey stayed in the nursery longer than was necessary. She wasn’t sure what they were arguing about anymore.

She had been looking forward to meeting Doctor Portman. She felt no resentment toward her, but the truth had been held back from her and that she did resent. She laid Nicky in his crib and took a hot shower. Shane was still downstairs. He called Hugh and talked for a while. Hugh was surprised that Stacey was upset. Annie had not mentioned a word about her being upset. This confused Shane more. He was sure Stacey would have confided in Annie before anyone else. Another thing worried Shane. If Stacey left Annie at two-thirty p.m. where had she been for four hours?


He loves me, he loves me not

When Shane came to bed, Stacey was sound asleep. When he woke the next morning Stacey’s side of the bed was empty. Shane looked in the nursery and found the twins still sleeping but Nicky’s crib was empty. After showering and shaving, Shane went downstairs to the kitchen. Stacey was feeding Nicky and drinking a cup of coffee. As Shane entered the kitchen, Nicky put his arms out to him and said, “Dada.”

Shane kissed his son and then Stacey and asked, “What smells so good?”

“I made you an omelet and toast,” Stacey said as she took the food from the oven where she was keeping it warm. Shane poured himself a beaker of coffee and sat down at the table. He waited for Stacey to say something about yesterday, but she didn’t. Nicky started squirming to get down so Shane took him from the highchair and sat him in his lap. Stacey stood by the kitchen sink with a cup of coffee in her hand watching Shane and wondering what his reaction would be when she told him she wanted to take the children and go ho.., go to the ranch for a couple of weeks or so.

Shane finished his breakfast, handed Nicky to Stacey and kissed them both good-bye. At the hospital, Shane had a thirty-minute break. He called Hugh and made a lunch date. They were sitting in the cafeteria talking when Shane said, “I think I’ve made a great blunder with Stacey by not confiding in her about Natalie. I tried to explain last night but I lost my temper and made matters worse.”

“What did she say this morning?” Hugh asked.

“Not one bloody word about it. She was friendly, but aloof at the same time. I thought after the Miranda fiasco our lives would be smooth sailing.”

“Sorry mate, I wish I could help. I’ll have a little chat with Annie, maybe she can shine a little light on this.”

At the penthouse, George was pondering whether to mention to Miles about Mrs. McLeod stopping by or not. She had not asked about him personally, but still he would want to know. It was quite late when Miles returned from his trip to Greece. Miles never slept late in the day no matter what time he returned home. George had his coffee ready and took it to Miles’ bedroom. The drapes were drawn and the room was dark. George sat the tray on the bedside table in easy reach and started to leave. Miles reached over and turned on the lamp and said, “Good goda’ mighty, George, stop tip-toein’ around like a fancy butler. Sit down and have coffee with me.” Miles sat up in bed, propped pillows behind him and motioned for George to pour the coffee. “What’s been going on in my absence?” When George hum-hawed around a bit Miles said, “What the devil’s wrong with you man, this is not like you to be so hesitant.”

“Yes, sir, I beg your pardon.”

Miles set his coffee cup down rather hard and asked, “Yes sir and this beg my pardon crap, what the hell is going with you George?”

“I’m sorry to be so hesitant Miles, but she is such a sweet young woman and she didn’t ask about you personally. She just seemed a little lost yesterday and she misses her home.”

Miles smiled at George and asked with a bit of sarcasm, “Does this sweet young thing have a name George?”

“Yes, of course, she does. I’m talking about Mrs. McLeod.”

“Stacey, Stacey McLeod was here yesterday?” Miles threw the covers back as he bounded out of bed. “What time was she here? Why didn’t you tell me right away? What did she want? Did she ask about me? Get me out something to wear George, while I shower.”

“Miles, take it easy. You don’t want to go running over there half cocked.”

While Miles was showering, he had time to think it over. When he came out and was getting dressed he said, “You’re right George, this situation calls for a cool head. Tell me everything she said.”

“Actually, she didn’t say much other than she came to see the view. I showed her the view from the dining room as well as the living room. She talked about loving this country and its history. We had tea and she mentioned that she misses her brother who died a few months ago and her home in America. She looked at her watch, thanked me for the tea and said she had to hurry and pick up her children. I’m sorry Miles, but she didn’t mention you. I had the feeling that something had upset her and she was trying to deal with it.”

It was early afternoon and Stacey had just put the children down for their nap when the doorbell rang. She looked through the spy hole and there stood Miles Strayhorn. With a cordial smile on her face she opened the door and greeted him warmly, “Hello Miles, I was just thinking about you. If I was a superstitious person, I would think I had conjured you up. Do come in, please.”

Miles could not keep his pulse from racing. This beautiful young woman had effected him that way from the first time they met in a shared taxi. “Good afternoon, Stacey. Is Shane home by any chance?”

“No, I’m sorry, he isn’t. He and Hugh are at the club playing golf. I was just about to have a cup of coffee, would you care to join me.” Stacey smiled at Miles as she led the way to the kitchen. “I hope you don’t mind having coffee in the kitchen. I have the kids monitor in here so I will hear them if they need me.”

Miles smiled but his thoughts were, I wish you had a monitor so you would know how much I need and want you. Instead, he said, “Not at all, Stacey. I prefer the kitchen, it’s more homey and relaxed.”

As Stacey put two cups on the table and poured the coffee. Miles looked around and remarked, “To have three little ones around you certainly keep your home immaculate.”

Stacey laughed and said, “I’m sorry to say I can’t take credit for that. Mrs. Wyatt comes five mornings a week and keeps us navigable.”

“Speaking of navigating,” Miles said. “George told me that you stopped by the flat yesterday. I’m sorry that I missed you. Did you enjoy the view?”

“Yes, I did and I enjoyed talking with Mr. George.”

Miles threw his head back chortling, “George considers himself a gentleman’s gentleman. I don’t think Mr. enters the equation.” Miles saw the involuntary frown that crossed Stacey’s countenance and quickly said, “To answer your unasked question, no I do not feel that way personally, but George prides himself on his aptitudes. Although, we are a democratic country we British have a different mindset.”

“Oh, I’m so glad you told me. I would never want to embarrass him in any way.”

“I don’t think you could, he thinks very highly of you. He enjoyed having tea with you yesterday.” Miles hesitated before saying more, “George said you seemed a little forlorn, that you missed your home in Texas.”

“Yes, I do. I’m hoping to go home for a visit soon. It will be good for the kids too. I’m going to talk to Shane about the possibility tonight. Speaking of home, would you like a piece of banana cake to go with your coffee?”

Stacey got up and cut them both a slice of cake. Miles savored his cake and asked, “From which bakery did you purchase this culinary delight. It’s delicious. I must enlighten George of the location.”

Stacey was laughing with pride, “Mr. Chen will be pleased to hear your praise, but he doesn’t live here in Britain. Although, he may open a restaurant here someday. He has restaurants in Austin, Houston, Sydney and Hong Kong. They’re called the Blue Dragon.”

“I understand your father is a rancher and a doctor, so how is it you know so much about this restaurateur, Mr. Chen.”

Stacey was delighted to tell him about Mr. Chen and to watch the expressions on his face as she related the story of his youth and how he was an intricate part of her life and family. When Stacey finished her narration, Miles was more enthralled with her than ever.

“Am I to assume you made the cake?”

“Yes, I did,” Stacey said proudly. “Would you like to take a piece to Mr. George? Oh, jeese, I’m sorry. Can we keep Mr. George between us? I don’t even know his sir name.”

“Yes, absolutely we can, but he wouldn’t fancy being addressed by his sir name either,” Miles said. “You said you were thinking about me, was it important.”

“No, not really, I was remembering the tour of your palace in the sky yesterday. The view is quite spectacular.”

“My palace in the sky. I like that,” Miles said with a smile. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m sorry not to have been there to enjoy it with you. You must come again soon.”

“Yes, thank you Miles, I would like that, but first I must consult with my husband about an early trip to Texas. Talking with M...with George yesterday helped me to make up my mind about going home for a few weeks. The bluebonnets are blooming and the wild flowers are ubiquitous at this time of year. The kids will love it. They will be able to run and play and smell the good earth.” 

Stacey heard the girls talking as she put two slices of cake into a container, “I’m sorry to cut this short Miles but the girls are awake.” She smiled and thanked Miles for coming by, then hurried upstairs before the twins woke Nicky.

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