Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (43 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Molly squinted at her son and said, “Of course, not, Miles. It is your jet. Where is Miranda?”

That question caught Stacey attention. She heard Miles tell his mother that Miranda was at the office holding down the Fort. Stacey thought to herself, I hope she stays at the Fort and doesn’t take my absence as a signal to go after Shane. After she had the kids all settled in their seats for take off, she turned to Miles and asked, “What is our estimated travel time.”

“It’s two a.m. Texas time. We should have you there about breakfast.”

The pilot, Captain Neumann came out to meet the passengers along with a pretty woman who was the flight attendant. Her name was Miss Collier. She was very friendly but watched Stacey with a wary eye. After they were in the air, Jessie asked, “Fers my daddy?”

“He’s at the hospital darling, remember we’re going to Texas to see Grandma, Grandpa and Papa Chen.”

Jessie started crying and Jackie asked, “Who’ll hold us to see da gound?”

“Give me a minute to change Nicky and I’ll hold you, okay?”

“If you will permit me, young ladies. I’ll be happy to hold you to the window,” Miles said.

Jessie quite crying and said, “Ou not us daddy, miser Miles.”

“Right you are, Miss McLeod, but I’ll be happy to help you just the same.”

Jackie looked to her mommy for permission, but Jessie said, “Okay, I fuist.”

Molly Fein smiled and said, “I think my capricious son has been captivated by your two little angles. I do wish he would settle down with one woman, get married and give me more grandchildren.”

“That just might happen, Molly. They tell me Shane was a confirmed bachelor before we met.”

“Oh, Stacey, I wish there were two of you,” she said as she reached over and patted Stacey’s hand.

A couple of hours into the flight, the flight attendant offered lunch. The twins were sitting at the table eating and Nicky sat in Stacey lap as she fed him. It had been a pleasant flight so far, except for Nicky getting restless and fussing periodically. Stacey was happy to be on their way to the ranch, but couldn’t get Shane off her mind. She didn’t like being at odds with him, and for the life of her she didn’t understand his objections to her and the children spending time at the ranch.

Miles had been watching Stacey throughout the flight. Although she was friendly and attentive to his mother and himself he sensed she was troubled about something. He wanted to talk in private with her, but between his mother and Janice Collier, it was hard to get a word in edgewise. Janice was a capable flight attendant, but she was becoming a bit too attentive. Perhaps he should let her go or assign her to another jet. She was very pretty and had assisted in some of his business arrangements but she was coming close to stepping over the line.

About half way through the flight, Miles had stepped into the galley to refill his coffee cup when Janice cornered him and made the accusation that he had designs on the young very beautiful Mrs. McLeod. “You have desire in your eyes every time you look at her, Miles. I’m surprised she doesn’t see it, but maybe that’s part of your attraction to her.”

Miles, a bit irritated said, “Miss Collier, it would be wise of you to keep your pretty nose out of my affairs.”

“Your affairs, what an appropriate noun for what you have in mind. Something tells me you can’t buy what your heart desires this time.”

All three children were napping, so Stacey stood up to stretch her legs and wash out Nicky’s bottle. In the galley, the flight attendant approached her and asked, “What can I help you with, Mrs. McLeod?”

Stacey had not seen her, so she was a bit startled and said, “Nothing, thank you. I’m just washing out my baby’s bottle.”

Janice stood analyzing this tall, beautiful young woman wondering what she was to Miles. She had met doctor McLeod a couple of times when they flew to the ski slops or to southern France. She didn’t know Shane McLeod well and was surprise to hear he now had a wife and children. Janice had never particularly liked Miranda Cox and was spiteful enough to rejoice in Miranda losing her handsome doctor friend to a Texas country girl.

She wondered how they had met. Both he and Miles seemed antithesis to her background. She had been observing Miles most of the flight. He couldn’t hide from her the longing in his eyes every time he looked at Mrs. McLeod. She had been observing Stacey McLeod as well, but to her surprise this young mother of three didn’t seem to consider Miles Strayhorn as anything more than a friend.

She smiled at Stacey and said, “I’ve met your husband a few times. You and he have beautiful children.”

Stacey’s eyes lit up with her smile. “Thank you, Miss Collier, we think so too, but then we’re biased. So you’ve met Shane? Of course you have, he used to date Miranda Cox.” Stacey looked back to the cabin and said, “I better get back in case one of the kids wake up and miss me. It’s been very nice talking with you, Miss Collier.”

Stacey had just sat down when Miles’ mobile rang. He listened for a minute and said, “Bloody hell, Miguel, can’t you handle this until I get there? Have you called Robert? Never mind, I will.” Miles turned to his mother and said, “Sorry, Mother, but it is necessary I get to Mexico before I drop off you and Stacey. I’m terrible sorry, Stacey. It’s a dreadful mess down there and this detour can’t be helped.”

“Don’t give it a second thought, Miles. I’m quite use to emergencies as I’m sure your mother is. Being married to doctors, its par for the course.”

Miles called Robert in Long Beach with orders to meet him at the site in Chiapas, ASAP. Two hours later they landed. Miles had changed his suit clothes for jeans, a chambray shirt, lace-up boots and a white hardhat.

Stacey was reading to the children and looked up as Miles returned to the cabin. She was surprised to see him in working clothes and remarked, “What a metamorphosis, you’ve been hiding the real you. A man of the people.” 

Miles smiled and said, “Circumstance put me in business, but I have a degree in engineering. I would happily forsake business for a life of engineering.”

A truck was waiting as the plane rolled to a stop. Miles kissed his mother and apologized to Stacey again as he descended the steps. “I’ll get back as soon as possible,” he said.

Stacey called her mom and told her they would be delayed, but would give her a call as soon as they were ready to leave. Two hours later Miles called Captain Neumann and his mother to let her know that Captain Neumann would continue the flight to Texas and Arizona and then return to Mexico. He was terribly sorry, but the work site was a mess and he was needed here.

Stacey called her mom again and made arrangements for her and the kids to be picked up at the airport in Austin. By the time they landed in Austin, the kids were tired and fretful.



Stacey saw her mom’s SUV coming toward them as they were disembarking. As Jessica Scott stepped on the plane, Stacey introduced her to Molly Fein. Nicky stopped fussing as soon as his grandmother took him in her arms. Stacey hugged Molly, thanked her and Miss Collier for their help, and then took the girls hands to help them down the steps.

In the SUV, Stacey was a little quiet and the kids were asleep in their car seats. Jessica glanced at her daughter and asked, “Is everything okay, Stacey?”

Stacey had been looking out the window at the familiar countryside. She smiled at her mom and said, “Yes, Mom, everything is very much okay.” Stacey opened her window and took a deep breath. “I feel like I can really breathe again. How is everybody on the ranch? Is Mr. Chen back yet? Will Dad be there when we get there?”

Jessie smiled at her exuberant daughter and said, “Yes, darling, to all your questions. Your Gramps and Grandy are already there waiting. They can hardly wait to get their hands on their great-grandchildren.”

The kids woke before they reached the ranch. The twins were busy jabbering to each other. At the ranch, everybody came out to help bring in the luggage as well as the passengers. Six-year-old Brandon had come with Gramps and Grandy Scott. Stacey went down on her knees to hug him. The girls were a little standoffish until they saw the Koi carp river pond.

Jessie and Jackie said simultaneously, “Oh, Mommy, dey got fisses.” About that time, they saw Papa Chen and ran to him. “Papa Chen, Papa Chen, dey got fisses.”

Papa Chen took the girls hands and walked with them up and down the Koi river pond. Brandon tried to hold their hands too. He was afraid they would fall in the river pond. To the twins, Brandon was a kid and they didn’t want him telling them what to do. To Brandon, they were two little girls from the big city and needed protection. Each time he tried to take one of their little hands, they would pull it away and put it behind their back. Brandon didn’t understand, all he wanted to do was watch over them.

They were fascinated with the beautiful brightly colored fish. After a while, they agreed to leave the fish and come inside. They didn’t remember everyone, but had been looking at movies and pictures of the family, so they integrated easily into the family. They met their Grandpa Scott and Gramps and Grandy Scott. They had become acquainted with their Grandma Scott a few miles from the ranch and of course, they remembered Papa Chen from home.

Jessica and Grandy served an afternoon snack after which the twins asked, “Mommy, fers de horses?”

“They’re in the stable, darlings. We’ll go see them in a little while.” 

Stacey’s dad stood up and said, “If it’s okay, sweetheart, Grandpa and Gramps will take these two little sweethearts out to the stables and show them the horses. What’a you say?”

Jessie and Jackie clapped their hands and said, “Yea.” Walked over and took the hand of their grandpa and gramps, “Us go, okay?” There was no doubt; they knew who was their grandpa and gramps.

When they returned to the house, they were full of things to tell their mommy.

The next morning, when they talked to their daddy they were full of information about the airplane, the fish and horses. Each time Stacey put the phone to Nicky’s ear to hear his daddy’s voice he would smile real big and grab at the phone. After his conversation with his daughters and wife, Shane knew Stacey was right to have taken the children to the ranch. After he hung up, he sat in the lonely silence of the flat. He looked at his watch; it was six-forty-five p. m.

He was tired, but didn’t want to go to bed early. Shane went to the kitchen for a cup of tea. On his way back to the living room, he stopped where he was, remembering a couple of months ago when he was looking for his Ox-blood colored shoes. He had searched everywhere or so he thought. As he came down the stairs to look for his shoes, across the living room came the twins each with a big shoe on one little foot. He and Stacey had laughed at their antics and took snapshots to put in their album.

On the ranch, the children found many things of wonder. They loved the freedom the country offered. The girls enjoyed running and playing on the verandah and the fishpond river never ceased to peak their curiosity. Each morning when they talked to their daddy, Shane could hear the improvement in their vocabulary.

He wished he was there with them. He felt he was missing out on their development. Shane kept himself busy at the hospital, but did have supper a time or two with Hugh and Annie. Playing with Matthew made him miss the children even more.

Nicky had been pulling up and standing for some weeks, now Stacey told him that Nicky had taken his first steps. A part of him was angry with Stacey for denying him the privilege of seeing his son take his first steps. In his heart, he knew he was wrong to blame her, but he felt deserted by her leaving.

The twins were missing the presence of their daddy too. On the second night of being at the ranch, Jessie and Jackie asked, “Mommy, fers us daddy?”

“He’s at home, darlings. Remember we flew here to the ranch to visit Grandma and Grandpa.”

Jessie started crying and pulled the covers over her head. Jackie asked, “Who will wead us a stoy?”

Stacey took both girls in her arms, kissed them and said, “Don’t be sad darlings, Mommy will read you a story.”

The next morning, Stacey had just finished feeding the kids’ breakfast when her cell phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number but answered anyway and was surprised to hear from the caller, “Hello Miles, how are you.”

“I’m fine Stacey, but I can’t say the same for my plane. We hit something or something hit us and broke our windshield. We’re going to be here in Austin for a few hours while we’re getting repaired and I was wondering if perhaps you and the children would drive in, or I could send a car for you to come have lunch with me.”

“That would be nice Miles, but better yet, why don’t you come here to the ranch.”

“Are you sure your family won’t mind my dropping in.”

“No, I assure you they won’t mind.  I’d like for you to meet my mom and dad.”

“Thank you, Stacey. Will around twelve be okay?”

“Yes, of course, that will be perfect. See you then.”

Stacey’s mom stood listening; she knew Miles Strayhorn was Molly Fein’s son and that he was a friend of Shane’s. She wasn’t sure what business he had coming to the ranch, however, she would hold judgment on that. Stacey had assured her he was a very nice man when she told the story about the detour to Mexico before coming to the ranch.

A little after twelve, a shinny black Lexus drove into the long orchard lined driveway. Stacey met Miles as he crossed the red bridge over the Koi river pond. Jessie and Jackie were right with their mother jabbering to Miser Miles about the fisses and their tricycles. Miles knelt down and listened to the twin’s exuberant conversation after kissing their presented little hands. After some smiles and laughter, Stacey introduced Miles to her mom and dad.

“So nice to meet you, Mr. Strayhorn,” Jessie said.

Please call me Miles,” he said as he shook hands with Jessica and Doctor Sam Scott. Doctor Sam said, “Welcome to the double SS, Miles.” About that same time, Nicky reached out for Miles to take him. “I see my grandchildren remember you.”

Graciously, Miles said, “Yes, we became friends on the flight over. I’m pleased they remember me.” He then squatted down to the children again and said, “Very nice to see you again. What a wonderful place you have here to play.”

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