Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (40 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Miles sat on the same side of the table as the twins were. When the blessing was finished, Miles kissed Jackie’s little hand. Jackie smiled at her mommy and held her hand next to her chest. Jessie watched and said as she reached across in front of Jackie, “Me too, Miser Miles.”

They all laughed at Stacey and Shane’s precocious little daughters.

After supper, Stacey was tidying up the kitchen when Diane called. “Ask her if she has eaten,” Stacey said.

She had not, so Stacey made a plate for her. Shortly after, Miles thanked Stacey for a wonderful meal and took Diane’s plate upstairs. As Diane ate, Miles was telling her about the chaos at the McLeod’s. “I am in awe of that marriage,” he said. “Shane is a brilliant doctor, but Stacey is the hub of that family and the director of the smooth running of their existence.” Miles was quiet and thoughtful for a few minutes then said, “Stacey is young, but wise beyond her years. I wonder if Shane knows how fortunate he is.”

“Yes, I believe he does.” Diane said, as she remembered back to the day when she first met Stacey in the lift with Shane and how shocked she was when Shane introduced her as his fiancée and how she accused him of robbing the cradle. “I swear to you Miles, at the time she looked about sixteen. Just looking at her youth, I felt dreadfully old. I saw her again in November and made my amends. She was very gracious and accepted my apology. Of course, I had no way of knowing that they had already married in Scotland.”

Miles chortled at Diane’s recount of meeting Stacey. A bit suspicious, he asked, “Why am I getting the feeling that you and Shane were more than merely neighbors.”

“Hum, well, we almost were. We went out to dinner a couple of times. The last time, we were having an after dinner drink here in my flat. We were about to kiss when my mobile put a stop to everything. There was an emergency at the hospital, so I had to run. The coming weekend Shane went on holiday and returned with Stacey in tow. Therefore, that was the end of that. I am now their friend and their children’s pediatrician. 


An afternoon out

A few weeks later, Stacey took Nicky for his nine-month check-up. “Do come in Stacey and you too my little man,” Diane said, as she took Nicky from Stacey and sat him on her lap. “My goodness you’re getting to be a big handsome lad.”  As she was examining Nicky, she told Stacey, “Thank you for supper the other night, it was quite delicious. Oh, by the way, Miles told me about the fiasco in the loo.”

Stacey smiled and said, “Yes, in our house there’s never a dull moment.”

As Stacey and Nicky were leaving pediatrics, she found Richard waiting for her. A little alarmed she asked, “What’s wrong Richard? Why are you here? Are the girls okay?”

“Yes, yes, to all three questions,” Richard said with a laugh. “Your aunt and I thought we would give you an afternoon to yourself. So here, I am to fetch this fine young lad and whisk him away. I hope you don’t mind our highhanded way of accomplishing our mission.”

Stacey handed over her son with his dapper bag, kissed Richard on the cheek and said, “Bless you both, I don’t mind at all. Where are you parked? I’ll run get Nicky’s car seat for you.” As Richard backed out of the car park, Stacey waved and yelled, “Give Aunt Lora a kiss. I’ll see you later.”

Stacey’s first impulse was to call Shane and ask if he could get the afternoon off somehow. He told her he was sorry, that he would love too, but his schedule was crammed with patients. When she asked how about lunch then? Once again, the answer was negative because he must review the MRI film of his one o’clock patient.

Filled with disappointment, Stacey was leaving the hospital car park when she saw Annie in her rear view mirror leaving the car park too. Stacey waved and motioned for her to pull over and stop. As she got out of the H-3, her cell phone slipped from her lap, hit the asphalt and broke to smithereens. Annie was at her side as she was picking up the pieces. “What happened Stacey?” Annie asked.

“Nothing earth shattering, I finally get an afternoon off and I can’t find anyone to share it with me. Aunt Lora and Richard have the kids and Shane is too busy even for lunch.”

“Well, I’m free,” Annie said. “If you would answer your mobile you would know that. Why don’t we try that little new restaurant across from the hospital and then go shopping.”

The restaurant was bright and cheery with colorful tablecloths. They had almost finished eating when Stacey noticed Shane coming into the restaurant. She started to stand up and wave him over when this woman squealed, left her table and ran to Shane.

Stacey sat and watched as this tiny woman threw her arms around Shane. He picked her up, hugged her tight and kissed her.

Stacey and Annie looked at each other with stunned expressions on their faces.

“Who’s the munchkin? Do you know her Stacey?” Annie asked.

“No, I don’t, but she does look familiar somehow.”

Stacey and Annie sat watching Shane and this woman. It was obvious they knew each other well. Stacey knew she had seen her before but couldn’t place her.  Then it dawned on her. She turned to Annie and said, “Natalie, Natalie Portman. That’s Doctor Natalie Portman. I recognize her from photos on Shane’s office wall. There’s one of her with Shane and Hugh. They were great friends. I thought she was in India.” Stacey leaned toward Annie and said in a whisper, “She’s gay you know.”

Annie said, “No, sweetie, not gay, but bi-sexual. They were the three Musketeers in med-school alright, but much more than mates.”

Stacey was shocked, “Well, in that case perhaps we should introduce ourselves.”

Shane was sitting across from Natalie holding her hands. “I can’t believe you’re here. When did you leave India? We have so much catching up to do.”

Natalie took a sip of tea and smiled at Shane. “We’ll have to do our catching up some other time. I’m catching a flight to Boston this afternoon.”

In Natalie’s peripheral vision, she saw two tall women bearing down on them from across the room. She recognized them from the photos Shane and Hugh had bombarded her with over the past three years. She told Shane, “Don’t look now, but there are two Amazons headed our way.”

As Shane looked to where Natalie indicated he remarked, “Oh, shit, I am caught.”

As Stacey and Annie approached their table, Shane stood up to greet them. Stacey swatted his bicep with the back of her hand and said, “Well, I see you found time, after all, you sneaky husband you.” Without missing a beat, Stacey turned to the woman and said, “Doctor Natalie Portman so nice to meet you. I’m Stacey McLeod, Shane’s wife. This is my friend Mrs. Grant, Doctor Grant’s wife.”

Natalie; quite amused by the whole situation said, “Yes, nice to meet you Barbara.”

Annie pulled her hand back and snarled, “Not hardly, she was his x-wife. I am Anne, his present and future wife.”

“Oh, Anne, I do beg your pardon. I misspoke. I’ve been away a long time.”

Stacey turned to Shane and asked, “Have you shown Doctor Portman pictures of the children yet?”

Not waiting for an answer, once again she turned to Natalie and said, “Doctor Portman, you must come to supper and meet the children one night soon. Well, we won’t keep you. I know how busy Shane is, so we’ll get on with our shopping.”

As Stacey and Annie started to turn away, Natalie said, “Thank you for the invitation Mrs. McLeod, but I must leave for the states this afternoon, but I hope you will invite me again. I would love to meet the children. Your son Matthew too, Mrs. Grant.”

Stacey reached her hand out, smiled and said, “Call me Stacey please. Yes, of course, it’s an open invitation.” 

To Shane, she said, “I’ll see you at home.”

She and Annie walked away to pay the cashier. They could hear the tinkling laugh of Doctor Natalie Portman.

As Stacey and Annie walked away, Shane smiled and said, “You’re enjoying this far too much.”

“Yes, I am Shane. You have yourself a fiery little wife there.”

“Yes, I do Natalie, but this is not the way I envisioned Stacey meeting you. She has been confronted with my past more than she should have. I told you about Tiffany and Miranda. Had the shoe been on the other foot, I’m not so sure I would have handled it as well as she has.”

“Is she upset with you for having lunch with me today?”

“No... I don’t think so...I don’t know. Her aunt has the children for the afternoon. She called and asked me to lunch, but I had a patient. When he called and canceled at the last minute I was going to call Stacey, then you rang me.”

“She’s young Shane and she loves you. She’s very territorial I would say, and that’s not a bad thing. I would not fancy being her adversary. Does she know about our special friendship?”

“Good god no,” Shane said with a frown. “Stacey’s young and a little naïve. I’m not sure how she would handle that sort of information.”

Stacey and Annie left the restaurant and Stacey followed Annie to the mall. They walked from shop to shop. Later they stopped at a little tearoom. “Are you okay, sweetie?” Annie asked.

“Yes, I think so. This isn’t bothering you is it Annie? I know I’m sometimes naïve but you were no more experienced than I was, so how are you taking this so well?”

“No, I wasn’t, but I’ve known about it for a long time. Hugh found it all quite amusing. It happened a long time ago when they were young and in medical school.” Annie watched as Stacey struggled with her feelings of vulnerability. “Sweetie, yes, I was inexperienced, but I had two older brothers and I lived in boarding schools. You hear and witness a lot there.”

“I lived in a dorm too and heard experienced girls talk. I know I was sheltered, Eric was always there keeping an eye on me. That was why I wanted Shane to teach me certain things without someone looking over my shoulder. But some things you just don’t expect.” Stacey stood up and put her jacket on. “I have to go get the kids and call Eric. I’ll call you soon and we can do this again.” Stacey rushed away with Annie calling after her.

Stacey drove with her mind in a jumble. She chided herself for being so naïve and unworldly. She stopped and called Aunt Lora to let her know she would be there shortly to pick up the kids. After leaving the phone booth, she drove across the river to Miles’ penthouse. When she called up, Miles’ valet, George answered. Stacey identified herself and asked might she come up for a few minutes to see the view.

“Yes, of course, Madame, the lift will be waiting,” George assured her. George was waiting as Stacey stepped off the lift. “Good afternoon Mrs. McLeod. Do come in. I hope you enjoy our view.”

“Thank you, sir. I hope I’m not disturbing you. I wanted to see the view, if it’s convenient.”

“Yes, of course,” He said as they entered the living room and walked to the large windows over looking the Thames river and London bridge. George wondered what had really brought her here. He didn’t get the impression of her being an unfaithful wife; although he knew his boss was enamored with her.

Stacey stood quietly for a few minutes, and then said, “I love this country, it’s so full of history you can just reach out and touch it.”

George sensed she was a little forlorn, he asked, “Would you fancy a look from the dining room?” Stacey followed him to the dining room and stood looking at Big Ben in the distance. “I was about to make myself a cup of tea, could I interest you in a cup, Mrs. McLeod?”

Stacey turned and looked at him and then smiled such a charming smile, he now understood how his employer, and long time friend, could loose himself in her beauty.

“Yes sir, I would like that very much.” As George turned to go into the kitchen. Stacey asked, “May I come with you, sir?”

“Yes, of course,” he said. As he poured the tea, he wondered what had brought her here. She had not asked after Miles even once. George made small talk as he served the tea. He could tell by her demeanor that she was troubled about something. Finally, he ventured to ask, “Do you miss your home in America, Mrs. McLeod?”

“Yes, yes I do, and I miss my brother and best friend who passed away a year or so ago. He was always there when I needed advice. Speaking of home; I need to be getting on home and pick up my children.” Stacey put her hand out to shake his and said, “Thank you sir, for allowing me to intrude into your life for awhile. And thank you for the tea it was delicious.”

George smiled at her impeccable manners and said, “You are most welcome Madame. I have enjoyed our little interlude and I’m sorry to hear about your brother. Please convey my greetings to Doctor McLeod.”

It was twenty until seven when Stacey arrived at Aunt Lora’s to get the children. “Are you alright,” Aunt Lora asked. “Annie called and Shane has called twice. Annie said your cell phone broke.”

“Yes, it did, but I stopped by the electronics store and got another one.”

Lora and Richard helped put the children into their car seats and kissed them bye. “Call me if you need me,” Aunt Lora said as she kissed Stacey bye.

Shane was very concerned about Stacey’s whereabouts. Annie told him about the shattered mobile, but nothing more. Hugh had called Annie to let her know he was driving Natalie to the airport so they could visit until her plane left. She decided to wait until Hugh got home to tell him about Stacey’s reference to Eric and her reaction to Natalie, if at all.

Shane was waiting in the parking garage as Stacey pulled in and parked. “Hi,” Stacey said. “How did you know we were coming in just now? I bet Aunt Lora called you, didn’t she.”

“That’s right. She said you stopped to get a new mobile. How did you break the other one? I’ve been trying to reach you all afternoon.”

“Well, I’m here now, so don’t look so worried. You grab your son and I’ll get the girls.”

The twins were jabbering away as they got in the garage lift to go upstairs. Nicky was sound asleep in his car seat. He didn’t wake as Stacey put his pajamas on him and tucked him into bed.

After their bath, the girls were tucked into bed and Shane read them a story, they were sound asleep in no time. Stacey had supper ready as Shane came into the kitchen. “Whatever you’re cooking smells good,” he said. “I assume Aunt Lora fed the little ones.”

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