Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (50 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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“What is it, Annie? Tell me, please.”

“Hugh told me in confidence, but I feel you should know.” Stacey was mystified and waited for Annie to continue. “It was a run in that Shane had with Miranda at Miles birthday party. She accused you of fostering another mans child off on Shane. I’m so sorry Stacey, Shane didn’t want you to know. He was worried about what you might do.”

The countenance on Stacey’s face changed from mystification to anger, “And well he should be,” Stacey said, in a voice cold as ice as she put her coat on to leave. “Where are you going Stacey? Do you want me to go with you?”

“No, Annie, but thank you for telling me.”

Stacey drove home, changed her clothes, stuffed and object in her boot and made a phone call to Mr. George. After talking with him she asked herself, how many surprises can one day bring. When Stacey rang the doorbell at Miranda’s flat, Miranda opened the door, then tried to close it fast when she saw it was Stacey. She wasn’t fast enough though, Stacey stuck her booted foot in the door so it wouldn’t shut. Miranda ran to the living room yelling, “Get out of my flat. Get out now, you barbaric bitch.”

As Stacey followed Miranda into the living room, there stood Shane and Miles. Stacey shrugged with indifference and said, “Why am I, not surprised?” She then turned back to Miranda, “You and I need to have a talk little lady.”

“I have nothing to say to you, except get out of my flat or I’ll call security.”

Stacey walked over to her and slapped the phone out of her hand. Miranda took a step back from Stacey and said, “If this is about that stupid invitation, well it was blown all out of proportion. My secretary called and confessed what she did. I’m sure she’ll send you a note of apology.”

Stacey frowned at her and said, “Do you really think I would let something that trivial bring me to your doorstep. You know bruja; your first mistake about me was to equate country with stupid. Now I’m going to ask you a question and if you lie to me bruja, I’m gonna’ beat the living shit out of you.”

Surprised at Stacey appearing so unexpectedly, and her strong language had both Shane and Miles rooted to their spot.

“How dare you come into my home and talk to me this way.”

Stacey took a step closer to Miranda and said, “I dare much where my children are concerned.”

Neither Shane nor Miles had moved, but Shane said, “Stacey, sweetheart.”

Stacey turned and with a cold, hostile look at Shane and Miles and said, “Stay the hell out of this, both of you.” Then she turned back to Miranda and said, “I understand you have questions about my son’s paternity. Not that it’s any of your damn business to start with, but you tell me, if not Shane, who do you think is the father of our son?”

Miranda mustered up false courage and said, “You may be able to fool Shane, however, you don’t fool me not for an instant. I’m sorry Miles, if you don’t know you should. I’m sure he is your child. You’ve only to look at him to know that he is not Shane’s.”

Stacey turned, smiled at Miles and said, “Well, Miles, now that she knows I guess we’re gonna’ have to kill her.”

Miranda’s eyes got bigger as she turned to Shane and said, “Are you not going to do something about this Shane.”

Stacey turned to Shane and asked, “Shane, do you know who the father of our son is?”

“Yes, of course, I do,” he said.

“Do you have any objections to my loving him?” Stacey asked.

“No, I do not,” Shane said.

Miranda shouted at Shane, “I don’t believe this hypocrite. When I asked you to join in a Ménage a Trois, you acted offended with a holier than thou attitude. Now this...this cretin of a wife of yours’ cock holed you and you accept it. I don’t know you anymore. And you Miles, you’re letting another man claim your son. Your mother is going to be very disappointed.”

Stacey turned back to Miranda and said, “And of course, you plan on telling her. I think you leave me no choice, but to dispose of you.” Stacey shoved her to the sofa, reached in her boot and fast as the strike of a snake, a knife appeared in her hand.

Miranda screamed for Miles as her eyes enlarged with fright. Miles started to go to her, but Shane put his hand on his arm. With words cold as ice, Stacey told her, “If I ever hear of you maligning my family or meddling in our affairs again, I will hurt you badly, on some dark night, I will cut out your tongue and carve up that pretty face of yours. Am I making myself clear? I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding between you and me.” Miranda nodded her head, Stacey patted her cheek and said, “Now that’s a good girl, however, keep in mind, I always keep my promises.”

Stacey slipped the knife, back in her boot and walked over to Shane, coolly kissed him and told him she would see him later at home. She put her hand on the side of Miles face, kissed his cheek and told him, “Sorry you got pulled into this.” Then walked out of Miranda’s flat. Miranda ran to Miles crying hysterically, safe in his arms she told Shane, “I hate you and I hate that barbaric, bitch wife of yours. I hope I never see either of you ever again.”

“Well, there’s one sure way to accomplish that,” Shane said, as he put his coat on to leave. “Keep your bloody nose out of our business. Oh, by the way, for general information, Miles isn’t the father of my son, I am.”

After Shane left, Miranda dried her tears and quit shaking after Miles gave her a snifter of brandy. Belligerently, Miranda said, “Well, Miles, are you still in love with her after today? And don’t lie to me, I know there was something between you two even if Shane was too blind to see.”

Miles kissed Miranda’s cheek, smiled at her and said, “Miranda love, you are a gutsy lady, but you’ve mixed it up with the wrong person this time. Shane made his choice and you need to accept the fact that he loves Stacey. Now I’m going to tell you something, something that I came to realize just lately. I admire Stacey exceedingly, however, I’m in love with Daphne.”

After getting Miranda settled, Miles was in his flat talking with George, “I saw a different, very angry Stacey today, a Stacey I didn’t know. She was like a mother bear protecting her cubs. She was magnificent George, however, I have a feeling that Shane being the easygoing bloke that he is, is in over his head where Stacey’s concerned. Also, I believe Miranda learned her lesson today. I have never before seen her so frightened.”

George smiled and said, “Yes, when Stacey called, inquiring to the location of Miranda’s flat I had a premonition there was going to be hell to pay, that Stacey was no longer going to tolerate her interfering in their lives.” George poured them both another cup of coffee and said, “Miles, I’m aware that you and Miranda are the best of friends, but I must say this, I think it was high time that Miranda was put in her place.”

“I’m sure you’re right, George, but I must confess when that knife appeared at Miranda’s throat I was concerned for her safety. When I started to go to Miranda’s aid, Shane put his hand on my arm and shook his head.” Miles took a drink of his coffee, sat quietly for a minute then said, “Shane knows Stacey far better than I do, but I can tell you I wasn’t at all sure that she was bluffing. I would give much to hear what’s going on in their flat. I believe Shane will have a lot of explaining to do.”

Stacey picked the children up from Aunt Lora’s. Lora was surprised and said, “What’s wrong, Stacey? We were going to bring the children home after supper.” Lora could tell by the troubled look on her niece’s face that she was agitated. “Sit down and have a cup of tea with me. Richard is in the playroom with the children watching Dumbo.”

Stacey took her coat off and sat down at the kitchen table. She looked around and asked, “Where are Wilkes and Mavis? I don’t want to talk for them to hear.”

“They’re not here sweetheart, we gave them the day off. I can see you’re upset, what in the world has happened.”

“I had a run in with Miranda Cox. It was she who made those scary phone calls to me about Nicky’s paternity. When I arrived at her flat Miles and Shane were there Aunt Lora, that stupid woman accused me of having an affaire with Miles Strayhorn and that he was Nicky’s father. How crazy was that? She threatened to go tell Molly Fein that ridiculous story, so I told her I would cut her tongue out and mess up her face if she didn’t mind her own damn business.”

Why was Shane there and why are you so angry with him?”

“I’m angry with Shane because he knew all along it was Miranda who made that awful phone call and he protected her and didn’t tell me the truth. He knew I was worried and scared and yet he didn’t tell me it was she all along.”

“I’m so sorry sweetheart, but talk to Shane. I feel sure he must have had a good reason for not telling you. Stacey, Shane loves you and the children, so give him a chance to explain.”

“I’m going to try Aunt Lora, that’s why I came to get the kids. If they’re there maybe I won’t start screaming like a banshee. We try never to argue in front of the kids.”


Terror Stricken

On the way home, Stacey thought about what Aunt Lora had said. Stacey, of all people knew Shane was a good man, but why didn’t he tell her that Miranda was the mysterious caller. That she didn’t understand. When she pulled into the car park and let the kids out, Nicky started running toward the lift. Stacey called to him in a rather cross voice, “Nicolas, get yourself back here. You know better than that.”

In the lift, Nicky was tearing up. Both Jessie and Jackie were quiet. They had never heard their mommy’s voice sound so mad. In the flat, Nicky ran to his daddy crying and Jackie told him, “Mommy hollered at Nicky tat why he kieing.”

Mystified, Shane said, “I’m sure Mommy didn’t mean too. It has been a difficult day.”

Stacey came and took Nicky in her arms, kissed him and said, “I’m sorry sweetheart, Mommy isn’t angry with you, I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I love you.”

Shane took the children to the playroom and set them up with toys, and then came to the kitchen where Stacey was getting supper ready. “You’re very angry with me aren’t you Stacey.”

Stacey put the spaghetti in the boiling water, stirred it then said, “Oh, yes, Shane, anger is a mild word for what I feel right now. I feel totally betrayed by you for not telling me it was Miranda who made that mysterious phone call. I feel you chose Miranda’s sensibilities over mine. And where did I find you when I went to confront her for her diabolical actions, right there in the witch’s living room? You and Miles both. Miles I can understand he’s her friend, but you, that’s unforgivable.”

“Sweetheart, I went to Miles for his advice and help. We went to Miranda’s to confront her and to put an end to this nonsense. Miles already knew about Miranda’s accusations, because last summer on their Mediterranean cruise, Miranda got drunk and told his friend Daphne her suspicions about you and Miles.”

“Oh, for god’s sake, Shane. You and Miles are no match for Miranda; you two are putty in her hands. She needed to learn, for every act there is a consequence. She has been a spoiled rich girl all of her life. Don’t you think it was high time she learned that she can’t go pushing people around forever and get away with it? She had best understand, that I will not tolerate her in my children’s lives or mine. Yours is another matter. Only you can decide who you want in your life. I will tell you one true thing, there is not room for her and me both in your life.”

“Sweetheart, I made a commitment to you a few years back, and I will make it again. You are the only woman I want or need in my life.”

Aunt Lora seems to think you must have had a reason for not telling me that is was Miranda who made the call about Nicky. If that’s true, tell me your reason now.”

Stacey took the salad bowl to the dining table, and that was when she felt the cold air. As she looked to the living room, she saw the French doors to the balcony were wide open. Shane walked up behind her, she grabbed his arm and said, “Oh, my god, Shane.”

Shane put his finger to his lips for Stacey to be quiet. He removed his loafers and walked in sock feet to the balcony. The twins were standing in Shane’s office chair leaning out over the balcony wall. Nicky was trying his best to climb up into the chair too. Jessie told him, “Get down Nicky, you too wittle.” Nicky, determined to see too said as he tried to climb up into the chair, “No I not, me see too.”

Shane’s heart was beating ninety to nothing as he quietly walked across the balcony and put his arms around the girls. As Shane breathed a sigh of relieve Jackie said, “Daddy, dares a lost puppy down dare, can we give him some food?”

“Yes, my sweethearts,” Shane said. “I’ll call Alfred, I’m sure he’ll help the puppy. Now run to Mommy.” He then held Nicky up so he could see the puppy too.

As he put the chair, back inside and locked the balcony doors, he told Nicky, “Run to Mommy, she’s waiting for you.” Stacey was on her knees in the living room floor. The twins ran to her and said as she gathered them in her arms, “Don’t kie Mommy. Daddy’s gonna’ call Miser Alfred to feed the puppy.” Nicky came running and jumped into his mommy’s lap too chattering away.

When Stacey tried to stand, she realized she was shaking from the inside. This scared her as she had never felt so weak before. Shane took the children to wash up for supper. Stacey finished putting supper on the table. At the table, she felt as if her senses were in a fog. Shane noticed she wasn’t eating, but just pushing the food around on her plate. Through the mind numbing fog, Stacey heard her children talking to her. She fought to bring herself back up through the mist and answer their questions. After supper, Shane took the children upstairs to give them a bath and get them ready for bed. When he came downstairs, Stacey was sitting in the kitchen staring into space. “The wee ones are waiting for you to come upstairs and kiss them goodnight,” Shane said. Without saying a word, Stacey went upstairs and kissed her kids goodnight.

It was a safe routine that she automatically fell back into even though her senses were in disarray. Shane noticed the dishes had not been touched. He cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Stacey had not come back downstairs, so he turned out the lights and went upstairs. Stacey wasn’t in their bedroom, so Shane went through the bathroom to the children’s room. Stacey was sitting in the rocker with a sleeping Nicky in her arms.

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