Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (52 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Lying in Shane’s arms, Stacey fell asleep. In the early morning, Shane woke with Stacey crying out in her sleep. He woke her and held her trembling body tight in his arms and tried to soothed, her fears away. She pushed him away and bolted to the children’s room. When she saw the children were safe and sleeping peacefully. She put her hand to her chest to slow her breathing. Shane took her hand and led her back to their bedroom. He gave her a glass of water and said, “Tell me what you dreamed, sweetheart.” 

Stacey shook her head no, and said, “I don’t want to, Shane.”

“Sweetheart, as long as you keep the dream bottled up inside you it will keep reoccurring. Let it out and we will deal with it together.”

Stacey nodded her head and put her trembling hand in Shane’s and slowly told him about her nightmare of seeing her children falling and falling from the balcony and her terror of not being able to reach them in time.


House Hunting

After listening to Stacey’s plight, Shane said, “Sweetheart, for a time now I’ve been seriously contemplating our moving to a more child-friendly place. A place with a garden where the children can play and perhaps have a wee puppy.”

Stacey threw her arms around him and said, “Oh, yes, Shane. That would be wonderful, but are you sure you want to leave here. After all it was your aunts, home.”

“Exactly, sweetheart, this was my Aunts home, now its past time we found our own home. A home for you and me and the children and a wee puppy, of course.”

Stacey laughed and kissed Shane with a passion she had not felt in days. After making love Stacey smiled and teased Shane, “So a yard for the kids and a wee puppy we’re going to have, huh? You know, wee puppies have a way of turning into not so wee dogs, don’t you.”

“Yes, absolutely, but I fancy you can handle it.”

“Me? How did I get roped into this?” Stacey asked, laughingly. Then more solemn she asked, “Are you serious, Shane about us moving?”

“Yes, I am my love. I will get in touch with a broker tomorrow.” Shane looked at his watch and said, “Actually, I’ll call today. We’ll have a place of our own before you know it.”

Stacey said, “I love you, Shane.” As she snuggled back in his arms to go back to sleep, to her surprise and relief, she slept, fitfully.

Stacey had just put the kids, jackets on to go to the park for a little fresh air when the phone rang. It was Ms. Caldwell, the real estate broker. This would be the third time this week that Stacey and the kids had looked at potential properties. So far, there had been serious drawbacks. One of the homes was a bit creepy. The kids stuck close to their mommy, finally Nicky said, “Us go ome now Mommy, das got caspers here.”

Stacey didn’t know what caspers were, but she could see her children were frightened. The real estate broker was a bit glib about parents who permit their children to influence their decisions on adult matters. Stacey lost her patience with this uppity woman an informed her that the home they would eventually find would be the children’s home as well theirs and there was no way in Hades they were going to buy a home that their children would be uncomfortable in which to live. Ms. Caldwell, not wanting to lose a hefty commission apologized and had now found a property in Belsize Park. Stacey drove up about the same time Ms. Caldwell did. She was much nicer to the children this time. They went in and looked around. The townhouse was much bigger than Stacey wanted, but it was very nice and the neighborhood was children friendly with a well-kept park a few of blocks away. Stacey had called Shane and he was on his way to look the place over. Suddenly, Stacey turned around and realized Nicky was missing. She excused herself and went to look for her son. He was sitting on the bottom step of the stairs. Stacey sat down beside him and asked, “What’s wrong sweetheart? Don’t you like it here?”

Nicky nodded his head ‘yes’ and said, “But dars no pace to sit Mommy.”

Stacey hugged him and said, “We will bring our own furniture, then we will have lots of places to sit down. How will that be?”

Stacey looked up as Shane came in the door. “Here’s Daddy now, shall we show him the new house and tell him about the nice playroom upstairs.”

Nicky ran to his daddy chattering away about the new house and park. The twins took their daddy’s hand to show him their new room. Ms. Caldwell said to Stacey, “From the looks of your children’s enthusiasm, I would say they approve of the property.”

“Yes, it would seem so,” Stacey said, as she went upstairs to join her family. Ms. Caldwell followed her up and spoke mostly to Shane, now that he was there. As they came back downstairs, Richard and Aunt Lora came in the front door. Stacey was surprised and greeted them warmly as did Shane and the kids.

Shane introduced Sir Richard and Aunt Lora to Ms. Caldwell and said, “Sir Richard is much more qualified to handle large financial matters than I am, so I must hurry back to my patients, however, I leave you in capable hands, Ms. Caldwell.”

Oh, yes, Ms. Caldwell was acquainted with Sir Richard Heath. He had a reputation for being a financial guru, who she was aware, was well earned. Stacey and the children showed Aunt Lora the house while Richard discussed finances with the real estate broker.

A few weeks later moving day arrived. Aunt Lora kept the children while the packers and movers did their job. The past few weeks had been busy choosing and buying new furniture. This was Stacey’s first experience in purchasing new furniture. This house had more bedrooms than the flat did. By nightfall, the place looked livable. Shane arrived home to find Stacey asleep on the sofa. He kissed her cheek to wake her and said, “Do you plan to sleep down here or would you fancy sharing my bed?”

“I would be delighted to share your bed sire, should you care to guide me to it.”

“Hum,” he said. “Now that might be a problem. Why don’t you lead the way and like the obedient husband that I am, I’ll follow you.” Hand in hand, they walked upstairs. This was their first night in their new home. Safe in Shane’s arms, Stacey slept the entire night with no terrifying dreams to send adrenalin speeding to her heart. Early the next morning, Aunt Lora arrived with the children all excited about their new rooms and the challenge of unpacking their toys and putting them in the new playroom. Jessie and Jackie were busy putting toys on shelves while Nicky sat playing with each toy they retrieved from the box as if it were brand new.


Miles Strayhorn

Back in September, Miles had called Diane and asked her out to dinner. Diane told him she couldn’t make it to dinner, but to please come by the flat around eight p.m. that she needed to talk to him. Miles was there on time with the beautifully wrapped gift in hand. When Diane opened the door she was still in her scrubs. A bit puzzled, Miles asked, “Are you coming or going?”

“I just this moment arrived,” Diane said. “I must go back to the hospital, but I did want to see you. I feel it’s important that we talk.”

Miles frowned and said, “Why do I have the impression this isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. You’re upset with me, I can tell.” He took the gift from his pocket, handed it to her and said, “Perhaps this will make-up for my neglect. I am sorry to the bone.”

Diane looked at the beautifully wrapped package and then handed it back to him. “Miles, I’m sure whatever is in there is exquisite and quite expensive, but I can’t accept it.”

“Are you going to tell me why or leave me lurking in wonderland?”

“Oh, I’m going to tell you why, Miles. You may not like it, but I believe it’s time someone made you aware of your shortcomings, where women are concerned. You wine us and dine us, sometimes you bed us, and then you neglect us unmercifully. You are a handsome, extravagant, self-serving wealthy man, used to having your own way. Well, that does not work in my book. I have enjoyed my time with you, but that time is over. I have met someone with no money, but much more compatible. He is a doctor and we connect and understand each other. I hope you understand Miles, I’m not angry with you, I just need more than you can provide.

You are a good man Miles and I hope that someday you find who or what you’re searching for. You didn’t asked for it, but my advice to you would be to stop wanting who you can’t have and look around for who you can have. Well, I must get back to the hospital. Goodbye, Miles.” She said as she walked him to the door.

Miles was stunned by Diane’s pragmatism. No woman had ever turned down a gift from him before.  He was a gregarious man and generous to the women he dated. He remembered what Shane had said about Stacey not wanting him to spend recklessly on expensive gifts for her. Each time he thought of Stacey, he envied Shane’s good fortune.

Lately, each time he thought of Stacey, he found his thoughts mesh with thoughts of Daphne. He called her in Athens, but there was no answer. Miles found himself thinking more and more of Daphne. After his so-called surprise birthday party, he called and invited Daphne to join him in New York for a fortnight business trip. Daphne’s children were in boarding school, so there was nothing to prevent her joining Miles. Daphne found herself truly enjoying his company.

Miles met Daphne’s children over the Christmas holidays. Their holiday break was for three weeks. Daphne’s oldest child was Dominic, age fifteen. Christine, age thirteen and Diana, age eleven. Their father was busy with business or his new lady friend so Miles and Daphne took the children skiing, ice skating and other winter activities in Austria.

At first, Dominic was a bit standoffish with Miles but the two girls took to him right away.  When Miles suggested they go to Disneyland in France after the Christmas holidays, it was obvious he had won them over.

On the ski lift going up, Dominic said to Miles, “I was quite prepared not to like you because I thought you would be like my dad. I don’t want to see my mom hurt again.”

“I’ll promise you one thing Dominic; I will never hurt your mom. Can you keep a secret?” Dominic nodded his head. “You are the man of the family, so if it’s alright with you, I’m going to ask your mom to marry me. Do I have your permission?”

With his chest puffed out and a big smile on his young face, Dominic proudly said, “Yes sir, Miles, you do, but I think its Mom you need to ask next.”

“Miles smiled, ruffled Dominic’s hair and said, “Yes, I know. I thought I would take her to Paris to ask her. I tell you Dominic, I’m scared half to death. What if she tells me no.”

Dominic smiled and said, “My mom is a smart lady, I don’t think she will say no. When do we get to meet your family Miles? Do you think they will like us?”

“Like you? In deed, she will; my mother will eat you children up. She’s been harping at me to get married and give her more grandchildren for the past ten years. So, if your mom says yes, I’ll give her you three. How about that. Ready-made grandchildren, ‘who could ask for anything more.” Miles sang as they stepped from the ski lift.

The second week in January, Miles called Daphne and asked her to meet him in Paris at the Ritz Hotel. The children were back at boarding school and Daphne was feeling rather lonely. Therefore, she was happy to accept Miles offer of a get away. They were sitting in the hotel restaurant and Miles was telling Daphne about Miranda’s shenanigans concerning the birthday invitation and the sinister hoax regarding Shane and Stacey’s young son. “I don’t know how Stacey found out, but she was livid. Shane had come to me for advice and we were both in Miranda’s flat when Stacey arrived. I have never seen a woman so angry. She gave us both a look of contempt that I shall never forget. When Miranda threatened to call security, Stacey slapped the mobile from her hand and questioned her about her ridiculous accusation concerning her son. Of course, Miranda wasn’t smart enough to keep her mouth shut. She blurted out the same accusation she told you. And in addition, she threatened to tell my mother. I didn’t see the knife until it appeared at Miranda’s throat. I started to go to Miranda’s aid, but Shane put his hand on my arm. I was stunned, when Stacey threaten to cut out her tongue and scar her pretty face if she persisted in maligning her children.”

“My goodness, Miles. It is difficult to equate that lovely young woman with this knife wielding warrior princess. At the same time, I admire her for protecting her children. I don’t think many men understand how far some women will go to protect their children.”

“Daphne, my love, I can assure you, there are two men and one woman who now appreciate how a mother tigers protects her cubs. Shane seemed to know, but I can tell you I was not at all sure that Miranda was going to survive this ordeal unscathed. When that bloody knife (pardon the pun) appeared at Miranda’s throat I was petrified and so was Miranda.” Miles was quiet for a while, and then took a swallow of his wine and said, “I fancy at last that Miranda has learned her lesson where Mrs. McLeod is concerned.”

Daphne wondered how Miles felt about Stacey, after all this. Far some months now, he had been very attentive and had not mentioned Stacey’s name in his sleep. Things were so good between them that she didn’t want to rock the boat. Miles had been wonderful with her children and in return, the children seemed quite fond of him.

It was a cold winter night in Paris with the moon shinning on the snow-covered ground making it look blue. Miles had suggested they take a walk after dinner. Daphne had noticed Miles was nervous far some reason. She wondered if the domestic atmosphere of squiring her children around had become too much for him. If that was so, then it was best to get it out in the open now. Daphne had known she was in love with Miles for sometime now. She had news for him, but she wasn’t at all sure she should tell him.

They had walked a few blocks in silence, then Daphne said, “I’m cold, Miles. Let’s go back to the hotel.”

“I’m sorry love; I didn’t realize we had walked so far. You’re right; we should go back to the hotel. I need to talk to you.”

Daphne didn’t ask why, she was afraid she already knew why. At the hotel, Miles asked the concierge to please have a bottle of chilled Don Perignon champagne sent to their room. Daphne smiled at him and asked, “Is this going to be a special occasion?”

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