Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (47 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Dinner was served around nine p.m. At the dinner table, Miles asked about Miranda. Daphne said, “Oh, sorry. I meant to tell you, Miranda has a migraine and won’t be joining us tonight.” 

Miles knew Miranda didn’t have migraines and was touched by Daphne’s discretion. He knew Miranda had been drinking since she saw Stacey in the restaurant. After dinner, the group dressed and went to the casinos. Miles and Daphne played roulette for a while, but neither had their heart in it.

“Do you want to hang around here or go back to the boat?” Miles asked. “I’m sure we can find better things there to do.”

By the time Daphne was finished in the loo, Miles was in bed with a magazine. As she crawled in the bed, she took the magazine from him and kissed him. His response was less that enthusiastic. Daphne tried again. This time Miles said, “I’m sorry, Daphne love, but I’m just not in the mood.”

Daphne sat back on the bed, with relief in her voice said, “To be honest Miles, neither am I.”

“Why the come on then, if you weren’t interested.”

“Do you want the truth, Miles or the standard egotistic reply?”

“I would like the truth, please.”

Daphne stood up, then walked to the liquor cabinet and poured them both a brandy. She came back and sat on the side of the bed. “Do you remember when we first met in Athens last spring?” Miles nodded his head and she continued, “I had been recently divorced because my husband of sixteen years had an affaire with a younger, sexier woman. He informed me that I was no longer vivacious or sensual. That he needed more than I could give. As you know my x-husband is a wealthy man. I was married at twenty-one. I had been a wife to him and a mother to our three children. I was thirty-six and I felt old and unattractive. When we met in Athens, you were very nice and complimentary. It was a boost to my fragile ego, so when you called and invited me on this cruise, I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Daphne, your husband is a twit and a liar. Female plumbing is different from ours. You can fake-it, we can’t, nor would I want a woman to do that. I’m a man pushing forty years old. I think I would know if a woman was faking to please. You are a lovely woman, warm and sensual. Don’t let his stupidity influence you. How did you two meet, your accent sounds more American than Greece.”

“That’s very astute of you Miles. Actually, I’m Greek-American from Virginia. My father was an Ambassador to Greece, so consequently I grew up in both worlds.”

“It’s beyond me how your husband let you go. I find you quite lovely and vivacious.”

Daphne smiled, leaned over and kissed his cheek and said, “Thank you, Miles. You’re a good man.” Neither had taken a sip of their brandy, now they clinked their glasses and took a sip. Out of the blue Daphne said, “Tell me about the young family you met in the restaurant today and why Miranda hates Doctor McLeod’s wife so much. She told me she and the handsome doctor were lovers for a couple of years, then all of a sudden he was married.”

“There’s not much I can add to that,” Miles said. “Miranda and Shane were never exclusive. When Shane met Stacey, he knew she was the one and only for him.”

“Stacey, her name is Stacey?” Miles nodded his head. “When did you know she was the one and only for you?” Daphne asked.

Miles had just taken a swallow of his brandy. He choked on it, glared at Daphne and asked, “Have you been listening to Miranda?”

“No, Miles, I’ve been listening to you; you talk in your sleep. But I will warn you, Miranda thinks Stacey’s little boy is your son. She is so sure of it, she is willing to bet a million to one.” 

Miles took his last swallow, handed his glass to Daphne for more. She refilled it, handed it to him and asked, “Have you and doctor McLeod’s wife had an affaire?”

“God, Daphne, I wish,” Miles said with longing. “If I was that fortunate I’d never let her go. I’ve been enthralled with her since before I knew she was married to Shane. For a while there it looked as if Miranda might break them apart.” Miles smiled to himself as he remembered the black eye and the tiny lesion Stacey had inflicted on Miranda. “Stacey is a Texas country girl, she takes no prisoners. She and Miranda got into it early one morning a year or so ago and Miranda had to have stitches. To answer your question, No, Stacey has no idea how I feel about her. She thinks of me as a friend of the family, nothing more.” 

Daphne leaned over to give him a sympathetic kiss, but it turned into more. After making love, Miles held her in his arms and said, “Daphne love, you can’t imagine how happy I am that you came on this cruise. Thank you for hearing me out, I’ve had no one to talk to about any of this except George my butler.”

With great surprise, she said, “Your butler, you talk to your butler about personal things.”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” Miles said with a smile. “George is more to me than just a butler. I studied engineering in college, then spent two years in the royal marines. I met George there and through a quirk of fate, he saved my life. Before we were shipped back to Briton, George was notified that his wife and child were killed in a home invasion robbery. They were all he had, and the bastard that did it only served two years. George, along with a lot of other people felt he should have paid the ultimate price. He didn’t ask for my help but he got it just the same. I owed him my life and he trusted me with his.”

“Are we talking about the mild mannered man who is your valet on this boat?”

Miles smiled a sinister smile and said, “Still water runs deep.”

“What happened to the man who killed his family?”

“It seems he disappeared. Nobody knows where the chap went.”



The McLeod’s, had been back from the French Riviera a few weeks when Shane ran into Miles at Cartier. They shook hands and Miles asked how the family were doing. “We are well but quite busy,” Shane said. “Stacey is studying for her Masters, while trying to keep an eye on three toddlers as well as trying to find time for me. I want to show my appreciation with more than words, so I’m looking for a Mother’s ring to give her. She is an amazing mother. How she manages the bairns, school and still finds time for me is beyond me.”

The manager of the store, brought Miles two small expensively wrapped gifts for his approval before putting them in a gift bag. Miles thanked him and asked Shane to join him for coffee. At the coffee shop, Miles asked, “Did your family enjoy their holiday in Menton?”

“Yes, the children had a wonderful time on the beach. The girls built sandcastles and when Nicky wasn’t carrying hands full of sand from the beach to the sea he was busy tromping through the girls’ sandcastles.”

“Shane, I never thought I would see the day when you would be such a family man. I must say I envy you.”

Shane smiled and said, “That was a very lovely woman you were with at the restaurant, Miles.”

“Yes, yes she is. She was just what I needed at the time.” Miles had set the gift bag on the table. He picked up one of the gifts, held it and said, “I hope she likes my gift of appreciation.”

“How could she not,” Shane said. “Knowing you, I’m sure it’s beautiful and expensive.”

“Miles sat thinking for a moment and then said in self defense, “Yes, well, women do expect beautiful, expensive things. The women I know do anyway.”

Shane sat in thoughtful silence for a few seconds, then against his better judgment said, “Miles, has it ever occurred to you that all the women you meet travel in the same exclusive circle. Step out and look around sometime, there is a world of lovely women out there just waiting for a man like yourself. Take Diane for instance, I don’t think your money interested her in the least. Her profession is primary in her life. Are you still seeing her? Sorry, I had strict orders I must ask you that the next time I saw you.”

Miles laughed, he knew Shane would never have asked such a personal question on his own. “Tell Stacey, I’m seeing Diane tonight and humbly asking her forgiveness for neglecting her, and I come bearing gifts,” he said, as he picked up one of the beautifully wrapped gift boxes.

Shane laughed and said, “I’ll be happy to inform my nosey wife.” Both men chortled as they finished their coffee.

“Why don’t we go back in Cartier and find a lovely gift for your wife.” Miles suggested. “I’ve never known a woman who didn’t love beautiful jewelry.”

Shane snorted a laugh and said, “How little you know my wife. She is very cost conscious. She tells me costume jewelry is quite good enough. That’s part of the reason I’m trying to slip this ‘Mother’s ring’ in on her.” Shane had his cup refilled and thought about his first notions about the ranch. “You saw the ranch Miles, so you know Stacey’s family live well above the poverty line, but yet they are not what you would call wealthy. Stacey grew up having to help like everyone else on the ranch. He parents and grandparents instilled in her responsibility and good work ethics. When she was in college, she sang in a country western club for spending money.”

Miles shook his head incredulously and asked, “How did you meet Stacey and are there anymore out there like her?”

“Honestly, Miles, I couldn’t tell you what is out there anymore. When I met Stacey, I looked no farther. She is everything I could ever want and more.” Shane sat for a few seconds with a smile on his face, and then said, “You asked how we met. I look back now and I see divine intervention at work. Stacey had fallen at the archaeology Site and hurt her head. I was on duty when she was admitted to the hospital. A short time later, we had a difference of opinion and she called me a ‘horse’s ass’ and left the hospital.” Miles couldn’t help but laugh. He could very well imagine that. “A few days later, we unexpectedly met at my aunt’s home in Yorkshire where Stacey’s car malfunctioned. It was there that we started seeing each other in a different light. While I was telling myself that she was too young for what I was feeling, she was thinking because I was mature and experienced that I could teach her about sex and no one she knew would be the wiser. After one night with her, I knew I was in love with her. It took a bit of talking to get her to agree to marry me, but in the end, she agreed. We were married in Scotland and kept it a secret and then remarried ten months later so our families could attend.”

Miles had sat and listened to Shane’s rendition of meeting Stacey with envy and asked, “Am I to understand, when you showed me Stacey’s photo you were already married.”

“Yes, I’m sorry about the subterfuge, but Miranda and I had acquaintances in common in Scotland and you know how hard it is for Miranda to keep a secret.”

Miles nodded his head in agreement. Shane looked at his watch and said, “The Mother’s ring should be finished by now. Would you fancy to come along and see it?”

The two men left the coffee shop and walked across the street to Cartier. The manager brought the ring for Shane’s approval. The ring was platinum with a green peridot stone nestled against two small perfect pearls. Both men were impressed with the simplicity and beauty of the ring. Shane said, “I’m going to ask Aunt Lora and Richard to baby-sit tonight so I can take Stacey out to dinner and surprise her with this beautiful Mothers ring.”

The last week in October, Stacey and Shane received an invitation to a surprise birthday party for Miles Strayhorn. The RSVP was to be sent to a Mrs. Longbow. Stacey showed the invitation to Shane and asked, “What in the world do you give to a man who has everything.”

Shane laughed at her and said, “I doubt if gifts will be required, sweetheart.”

Stacey didn’t feel right about the ambiguity of the gift giving so she called the number for Mrs. Longbow. When the woman answered the phone, she was a bit sharp with Stacey when she inquired about the gift giving. With a petulant voice, Mrs. Longbow informed Stacey that Mr. Strayhorn was registered at Harrods and she felt they would be able to answer any and all of her inquiries. Stacey lost her cool and told the woman she was a snooty bitch and hung up. When Shane arrived home and Stacey told him of her conversation with Mrs. Longbow, he almost fell off his chair laughing.

A few days later, Stacey and Annie made a trip to Harrods to look around. The sales clerk showed them the register and made suggestions. Everything was so very expensive. Stacey told Annie, “I don’t see anything here that I associate with Miles. Everything here he could buy for himself if he wanted. I want to give him something he would never think to buy for himself.” They walked around for a while and then Stacey saw a beautiful crystal covered cake plate. She bought it and then she and Annie went to lunch with a smile on their faces.

The night of the party, Stacey couldn’t go because all three of the children had the sniffles and were irritable. Aunt Lora and Richard had a previous engagement and Gracie was going to baby-sit. Matthew had a cold and had unintentionally shared it with his playmates. Neither Annie nor Stacey would leave their children so Shane and Hugh went to the party together. Shane didn’t want to go without Stacey. He felt his place was with her to help with the little ones. Stacey insisted he go if for no other reason but to deliver the gift for Miles. The gift was beautifully wrapped and the card on top stated it was, ‘For the man who has everything.’

George met them at the lift to take their coats. Hugh had only been there a couple of times before. He really didn’t know Miles that well. Miranda, he remembered from her time of dating Shane. Hugh had liked her well enough as she was friendly, confident and never showed a possessive nature, not that he remembered. The party was being catered and a bartender was on hand. Champagne was being served to the guest. As the waiter came their way, Shane and Hugh took a flute. They saw a few people they knew and talked small talk for a while.

At the hors d’oeuvres table, Shane and Hugh were sampling the caviar when an attractive woman in her late twenties joined them and introduced herself as Sandra Parker. She was surprised when neither of them recognized her name. They talked and chortled with people. Sandra flirted for a while and then said, “I see you both have on wedding rings, but your wives aren’t here. In case you’re looking I have a friend, that girl over there, Joann and I of course, would enjoy a good time.”

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