Righteous Obsession (12 page)

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Authors: Rose Riker

BOOK: Righteous Obsession
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“If Monsignor Russell doesn’t have any objections,
Mother, I’d be happy to.”

Caitlin looked at her father who shrugged and shook
his head.

The rest of the weekend went fast.   While there was
no further discussion about the Unforgiven concert there remained a lot of
tension bubbling underneath.  Monsignor Russell invited Father Michaels to say
the eleven o’clock Mass on Sunday.  He used his sermon to bring up the
Unforgiven concert. He urged the parishioners to show their disapproval of the
booking policies of the Target Center by participating in the picket being organized
by his mother and Mrs. Simpson.  “Unfortunately, it’s too late to stop this
particular concert, but we can show our repugnance for this pornography!  By
showing up to picket we’ll demonstrate to the Target Center and this demonic
band that their kind aren’t welcome in our city and that we won’t stand idly by
while they corrupt our children!”

Sitting next to her parents, Caitlin rolled her eyes. 
Dave sounded just like the Republican candidate who was running for president. 
It was obvious he wasn’t going to let the subject of the Unforgiven concert die
a peaceful death.  What she couldn’t understand was why he seemed so obsessed
to the point of ridiculousness with this particular concert?

“Mom did daddy and Dave have an argument about
something recently?” Caitlin asked her mother as they cleared the remains of
Sunday dinner from the table after Father Michaels had left.

Kathleen stopped in the middle of what she was doing
and looked at Caitlin in surprise.  “Why, no!  Whatever gave you that idea?”

“It just seemed to me that Dave was acting cold
towards daddy even before that fight about my going to see Unforgiven.  All
weekend it seemed as if he was trying to pick a fight with daddy no matter what
he said!”

“You’re imagining things, Caitlin.  Dave is angry at
your father because he refuses to see what going to this horrible concert may
lead to!”

“Well, Dave’s refuses to see that daddy and I are
entitled to form our own opinion about the Unforgiven concert.  He’s being very
unfair if he’s angry at daddy because he backed me up.”

Debbie and Diana walked slowly from the Catholic Youth
Center, where they’d eaten lunch, to the first floor classroom where their
religion class met.  The prospect of their last day of religion class had both
girls’ spirits soaring.  Debbie had removed her blazer and her full breasts,
made all the more noticeable by the ivory silk bra she wore underneath,
strained against her blouse.   Her hiked-up skirt exposed a great deal of her
well-toned thigh.

“It’s such a gorgeous day, Din let’s not hurry,”
Debbie urged.  “Just think – only one more day of school!”

“And today’s our last day for Father Chuckles!”  Diana

“And we’ll wish on a stack of good luck charms we
don’t get the dork next year!”

“Speaking of him, what are you trying to do with that
bra and your skirt, Deb?  When he sees you like that he’s going to cum right in

Debbie giggled.  “Wouldn’t that be something to see? 
Imagine how shocked Jonathan would be!”  She stretched sensuously.  “I had
another hot dream about Colin last night.  God!  I feel so sexy every time I
think about it!”

“Did you manage to find time to study for the final?”

“Study?  Come on, Din, who needs to study!  All you
have to do to get an ‘A’ is repeat everything he’s said for the last five

“That’s true,” Diana agreed.

“Sure it is! That’s what I’ve done on every test he’s
given so far and I’ve always gotten an ‘A’.  It’s a given!”

They walked into the classroom and seated themselves
just as the bell rang.  Father Michaels was already sitting behind his desk. 
After he led the students in a brief prayer, he motioned for them to seat
themselves.  “Before I pass out the exams, I’d like to tell you how much I’ve
enjoyed this class.  I was hoping to see you in class next year however; Bishop
Houlihan has other plans for me.”

Debbie felt Diana jab her in her back.

“His Grace has chosen me to do graduate study in Rome
next year.”

“That’s really an honor, Father,” Jonathan remarked. 
“What are you going to study?”

“Yes, I’m quite humbled by it.  I’ll be studying Canon

Debbie made a face and rolled her eyes.  She wished
Father Dork would just shut up and give them their exams.  The sooner he did,
the sooner she could get out of here!

“Excuse me,” Father Michaels apologized.  “I’m
reveling in my good fortune and wasting your exam time.”  He quickly passed out
the exams.  “Good luck, everyone!”  He sat down at his desk and tried to read
his breviary but could not concentrate on it.  He got up and moved to a place
where he could covertly watch Debbie.  He stared at her freely.  She was
chewing on the end of her pen while her abundant breasts pushed at the thin
material of her blouse.  The way she had her leg bent was causing her skirt to
ride up well above mid-thigh.  He felt uncomfortably warm, sweat gathering at
his hairline.  He walked quietly but quickly over to the ground-level windows
and opened one. He remained there until he cooled off sufficiently then
returned to his desk and remained until the bell rang.  The students were preparing
to leave and he called, “Have a joyous and safe summer!  All of you will be in
my prayers.  Please remember to turn in your textbooks before you leave.”

Debbie hurried to her locker with Diana barely able to
keep pace.  She opened it and tossed in her remaining textbooks.  “Can you
believe it, Din?  There is a God after all!”  She crowed.  “Come on, let’s blow
this Popsicle stand and celebrate!”

In the empty classroom Father Michaels gathered up the
exams and stowed them carefully in his book bag then gathered up the textbooks,
stacking them in neat piles on his desk.  Looking at the amount he’d collected
he realized he’d need help returning them to the storage room.  His attention
suddenly diverted to a loud, obvious, female squeal.  He walked over to the
open window.  He could see two pairs of slim legs – one pair definitely
belonging to Debbie.  The other, he assumed, belonged to her sluttish friend,
Diana Conrad.

“I hear Colin’s really well hung!”

“I’ll let you know!”  Debbie giggled.  God!  Din, you
won’t believe how wet I’m getting this very minute thinking about having
Colin’s cock inside me!”

“I do, Deb, because I’m like totally wet thinking about
Jake fucking me!”  Diana declared.  She giggled suddenly then said, “If your
mom found out the effect Colin was having on you she’d want to do more than
picket his concert!”

Debbie giggled too and declared, “She’d cut off his

The girl’s voices faded as they moved away from the
window.  Father Michaels frowned, biting his lower lip in frustration.  It was
obvious from the conversation he’d overheard that Colin’s evil influence was
taking greater and greater control of Debbie.  He didn’t know yet how he was
going to get rid of Colin, but he knew Colin was evil and he knew God wanted
him to put an end to Colin’s evil influence.  He decided to pray and God would
eventually reveal to him the best way he could send Colin to hell.

Chapter 10


Colin, Liam, and their bodyguards got off the shuttle
at Los Angeles International Airport.  They had been home the previous day and
were now meeting up with Mace and Jake for Unforgiven’s concert at the Whiskey
A Go Go.

While he’d been home Colin had listened to his
voicemails of the threatening calls several times and had come to the
conclusion that the voice did not belong to anybody he knew.  He couldn’t
recall the voice belonging to anyone who’d been in his home in the preceding
months.  He knew most of them since they worked for him on a semi-regular
basis.  He still didn’t know how this person had gotten his cell phone number,
leaving him feeling very vulnerable and he hated that.

“I hope Mace didn’t forget we were coming in today,”
Liam remarked as they walked into the terminal.

“He didn’t,” Colin said, pointing.

“Glad to see you guys made it,” Mace greeted them.

 “Where’s Jake?”  Liam asked.

“He had other plans if you get my drift.”

Colin shook his head in amazement.  “Christ!  His
stamina must be incredible!”

“My car’s outside in a no parking zone.  Let’s haul
ass before I get a ticket,” Mace said.

They walked outside.  It was so hot and steamy that
Colin felt as if he’d walked into an oven.  They all got into Mace’s red ‘65
Mustang convertible.

“You guys want to go anyplace special or you just want
to go straight to the hotel?”

“You can drop Liam and me off at this address, if you
don’t mind,” Colin replied, passing Mace a slip of paper with Alethea’s address
on it.

Mace glanced at it and remarked, “That’s up in the
hills.  Who do you know that lives up there?”

“A friend,” Colin said evasively.

Mace shrugged.  “I didn’t think you knew hardly
anybody in Los Angeles.”  After a fast ride, Mace was cruising along at eighty
miles per hour at least, Colin estimated, he turned into a road that twisted
and looped around as it climbed into the hills.  Colin was eternally thankful
that Alethea always picked him up when he came to Los Angeles otherwise he’d
never find his way to her home.  This city’s traffic and street patterns gave
him a throbbing headache!

Alethea’s street terminated in a dead end and her
house was the last one on the right side of the street.  Mace pulled into her
driveway and remarked, “Your friend really lives out in the boonies!”  He
glanced at the house, a medium-sized bungalow.  Compared to the other houses on
the street, her home was quite modest.  “Do they know you were coming because
it doesn’t look like anybody’s home?”

“Nobody is, but I have a key,” Colin replied, climbing
out of Mace’s car.

Liam followed him out, calling back to Mace, “I’m just
going to drop my stuff off and I’ll be back in a flash.”

“I can wait.”

“McGregor also got out, but was pulled aside by
Colin.  “Why don’t you take the night off, McGregor?”

“You know I can’t do that, Colin,” he replied

“Look, I haven’t seen my girlfriend in over a month
and I’m planning on spending some quality time if you get my drift.  That’s
going to be hard to do with you around.”

Mace watched Colin and McGregor talking in his
rearview mirror.  He assumed Colin was trying to convince McGregor to
disappear, but he wasn’t going for it.  This house must belong to the
mysterious lady that Jake had mentioned.

“Okay,” Colin said, trying another tack.  “I’m not
planning to leave here for the rest of the night.  There’s going to be nothing
for you to do.”

McGregor held up his hand in a surrender motion. 
“Okay!  It’s against my better judgment, but who am I to cramp your style with
your lady friend?  I hope Mr. Crowley doesn’t find out about this!”

“I won’t tell him if you don’t,” Colin promised then
added, “Thanks!  I owe you big time.  I’ll meet you at the club at noon

“I’ll be there.”

“Jesus!  I’m beginning to feel McGregor and I are
joined at the hip!”  Colin complained as he unlocked the front door.  The house
had a spacious living room, two large bedrooms with baths. It also contained a
medium-sized kitchen with a small laundry room attached.  Outside the kitchen
there was a patio, and a large swimming pool. The backyard was surrounded by a
high fence for privacy.

Liam followed Colin down the hall to the guest room
and ditched his bags while Colin dumped his in Alethea’s bedroom.  Liam stuck
his head in the door.  “I’m leaving, Colin.  I’ll probably be late and you
probably won’t be awake.”  He grinned suddenly.  “Or maybe you will be! 
Anyway, if I don’t see you later, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You’re going to party with Mace and Jake, huh?”

“I figured you might want to be alone with Alethea.”

Colin dug into his pocket, pulled out his key to
Alethea’s house and gave it to Liam.  “You’ll need this and these…”  With the
key he held out a couple of condoms.

“Colin…” Liam protested.

“Just in case, okay?”

“Okay, if it’ll ease your mind,” he conceded.

“It will.  Have a good time!”

“I’m sure Mace and Jake will see to that.”

His older brother smiled.  “That I can guarantee!”

After Liam had left, Colin went outside by the pool. 
A table with an umbrella and two chairs sat next to it.  While the temperature
seemed cooler in this part of the city, it was still hotter and stickier than
San Francisco.  He stared at the pool and, on impulse, shed his clothes and
dived into it.  He swam slowly from one end to the other, enjoying the
refreshing coolness of the water.

Alethea arrived home, carrying a bag of groceries and
her mail.  “Colin?”  She called as she came in the door.  He didn’t answer. 
She’d left work early not having gotten much done because all she could think
about was making love with Colin.  She’d gone grocery shopping for the special
dinner she was planning.  She glanced through her mail quickly.  There was a
letter from her parents she’d read later.  She laid it on top of the television
and left the groceries in the kitchen then went to find Colin.  She checked her
bedroom and saw his bag was there, but he wasn’t.  She glanced out the window
and saw he was swimming.  She also noticed he’d forgotten to take towels out
with him.

Colin was just emerging from the pool as she came
outside.  Alethea felt her heart speed up and her stomach tighten as she
watched.  He was, undoubtedly, the best lover she’d ever had.  He seemed to
have an almost intuitive understanding of women and he knew, with little
instruction from her, how to please her.  She always had an orgasm when they
made love and that hadn’t always been the case with other lovers.

“Hi!”  Colin called, his eyes lighting up when he saw

“Hi!”  Alethea replied, catching her breath.  She
offered him the towels.  “You forgot these.”

“Thanks!  I’d kiss you, but I seem to be a little wet.”

“I’ll take a rain check.”

Colin laughed and began drying himself.  “You’re home
early, aren’t you?  Not that I’m not happy to see you!”

“Yes.  I wasn’t getting much done.  I just couldn’t
seem to concentrate for some reason.”

“You’ve had that problem too, huh?  What do you
suppose is the cause of it?”  Colin asked as he picked up another towel and
blotted the water out of his hair, thoroughly soaking it in the process.

“I’d say we have an advanced case of prolonged sexual

“Good diagnosis,” he complimented Alethea as he pulled
her close and kissed her passionately.  His hand slid underneath her sweater,
searching for the closure on the front of her bra and undoing it.  “God!  I’ve
fantasized about doing this so much lately I can’t believe you’re actually
here!”  He mumbled as his hand stroked her soft breasts and his other hand
caressed her ass.

Alethea gasped as she felt him becoming erect and her
knees becoming weaker by the second.  Suddenly she remembered something and
started to giggle.  “I’ll bet we’ve given Mrs. Von Neumann more excitement than
she’s had in a long time!”

“Who in the hell is Mrs. Von Neumann?” Colin demanded,
stepping back.

“She’s this wealthy seventy-something lady who lives
across the road.  Her house sits up higher than anyone else’s on this road and
she has these binoculars …”

“Shit!”  Colin yelped, quickly fumbling for his
clothes.  He suddenly quit, shrugged and then started to laugh too.  “I guess
there’s no point in covering up now since she’s probably seen all there is to
see – not that there all that much!”  He added hastily.

“I wouldn’t say that!”  Alethea teased him, pinching
his rear end.

“Ouch!”  He grabbed her.  She squealed in mock fright
as he dangled her over the edge of the pool.  “I should toss you in, but I
think I’d rather kiss you instead!”  He held her close to him and gave her a
long, lingering kiss.

“I think I like this choice much better!”  She assured
him.  She glanced at her watch then sighed and loosened his arms from around
her.  “I’ve got to get my supper started.”

“We could send out for pizza.”

Alethea shook her head.  “I’m making my world-famous
Cajun spaghetti.”

“I definitely prefer that to take-out pizza.  Need any

“Yes, but you’d better get dressed first because I
wouldn’t want anything hot to splatter on something we’re going to be using
later,” She teased, touching his face.

“Good point!”  Colin grinned.  He quickly got dressed
and went into the kitchen.  “What can I do?”

Alethea took the sauce base out of the freezer and
dumped it into a pan to warm.  “You can chop up the onions, garlic, peppers and
mushrooms while I clean the shrimp.”

After all the ingredients, except the shrimp, were
dumped into the pan, Alethea turned the burner to low and covered the pan.  “I
hope you’re hungry.”

“Starving!”  Colin declared.  He was hungry, but not
just for Cajun spaghetti!

“Will Liam be here for supper?”

“No.  He figured we’d want some time alone so he’s
going clubbing with Mace and Jake.  They’ll probably have him thoroughly
corrupted by the tour’s end.  I gave him my key so we wouldn’t have to get up
to let him in, but he’ll most likely crash at Mace’s.”  Colin sat down at the
table and pushed his damp hair over his shoulder.

Alethea sat down opposite him.  “Colin, can I ask you
about something I’ve wondered about?”

Colin shrugged.  “Sure.”

“When I first met you I was really surprised how
attuned to women you were …”

“Because me being the lead guitarist in a hard rock
band, you thought I’d be a chauvinistic pig, right?”

“Frankly, yes, but after having met your mom I can see
that you’ve been greatly influenced by her.”  Alethea paused then continued,
“When we made love that first time, I was really surprised again because I’d
never had a lover before who was so sexually sensitive to my needs.”

“At one time I was the usual young male – interested
in sex only as a means for my sole gratification, but then when I was eighteen
I met this older woman.  Mom had a fit and we argued about it constantly and
continually until I blew a gasket and moved out!”  Colin had a pained
expression as he recalled that period ten years ago.

It was obvious to Alethea that it had been very
hurtful for him to have been at odds with Amanda.  She got up to check on the
sauce, stirred it then put the water for the spaghetti on to boil.

“Anyway,” Colin continued as she sat down again.  “She
taught me a lot about how a woman responds sexually.  Probably the most
important thing she taught me was that women were not just interchangeable
parts.  One thing doesn’t satisfy all in other words.”

“I think you had a good teacher,” She replied,
squeezing his hand.  She got up to add the spaghetti to the boiling water,
stirred it, and then reduced the heat.  She was curious as to the identity of
this mysterious woman, but she didn’t want to know anything more specific about
her.  She turned back to Colin.  “This is almost done.”  She dumped the shrimp
into the sauce.  “Five minutes more.”

“Why don’t I set the table,” Colin volunteered.  “We
can eat by the pool.”

“I’d like that.”

Colin set the table then came back in and got a bottle
of wine and two wine glasses.  He took them outside then returned.  “It’s all

Alethea handed him a plate.  “Help yourself.”

They took their food outside.  Colin opened the wine
and poured them each a glass.  He took a bite of his spaghetti, rolled his eyes
then stated, “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven!” He leaned back in his
chair.  “Do you suppose Mrs. Von What’s-her-face is still watching us?”

“I’d count on it!  She saw something interesting today
so she’s probably going to be training her binoculars over here on a regular

“Have you ever met her?”

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