Road to Redemption (13 page)

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Authors: Natalie Ann

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Road to Redemption
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Right on time, Jack stopped his truck in Cori’s driveway.  He pulled his jacket tighter around his chest trying to block the cold wind as he walked to her door. January had come in like a beast. Not so much snow, but plenty of cold wind.

He knocked once and let himself in since he had seen her at the window when he pulled up.  She was tugging on her long coat when he stopped her. “Let’s see.”

She dropped the jacket, stood in front of him and did a little twirl so he could see the whole dress. She was pretty much covered from head to toe in a long-sleeved deep eggplant-colored wrap dress that tied at the waist and properly covered her in the front. It hugged every curve on her body stopping at her knees. From the knees down she had on those black leather ice pick heeled boots she wore last month at Brooke’s party. 

“You look pretty.  Mild for you though,” he commented with a grin.

“You asked for pretty, you’re seeing pretty.” She put her long coat back on and started for the door, then stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Sexy is for later.”

His hands lingered on her hips a bit longer than necessary when he helped her into the truck. Leaning in, he placed his lips on hers, then started to slowly deepen the kiss when she responded. His hand wandered under her coat to her knee.

But when he started to slide it up further she stopped him with a quick slap on the hand. “Nope. You need to wait till later.” But she leaned in and gave him another kiss for good measure.




The restaurant was everything Jack had heard it to be and everything he hated about going out.  He was stuck in a suit and tie, in a room full of stuffy people with candlelight and soft music. The only good part was Cori sitting across from him.

“This is really nice,” Cori said politely. “Thanks, again.  I’ve heard a lot of people talking about this place.”

“You’re welcome.” He reached up to loosen the tie that he felt was choking him.

“You look so cute and so uncomfortable there,” she said with a grin.

He knew she was surprised when he told her to dress up. This restaurant was the complete opposite of his comfort zone. But he was trying, and she seemed to appreciate his efforts. Points for him.

“Can I start you off with a drink?” the waiter asked when he appeared at their table in his crisp white shirt and black tie.

“Oh, sorry, I haven’t looked at the wine list yet.” Cori picked up the list, then looked at Jack in a panic. 

He seemed to sense her dilemma. The wine list was written in French. He knew she preferred red wine and ordered a bottle off the menu for both of them.

“Thanks.  I didn’t know I would need to speak French to eat here,” she said in a teasing tone. “I’m afraid to look at the menu now.” But she picked it up just the same. It was written in English, only everything had fancy names. He saw her grimace.

“Would you like to know the appetizers we have on special tonight?” the waiter asked stiffly when he returned with their drinks.

“Sure,” Cori replied with a grin.

The waiter drew himself up and started. “We have a cuisse de grenouille sautéed in garlic butter topped with a lemon zest.  Then we have escargot in the shell with an herbed butter. And lastly we have soupe à l’oignon, perfect on a cold winter’s night.

Jack thought soup would be perfect on a night like this, so he ordered the soupe à l’oignon. 

Cori had a bit harder time deciding.  “I know what escargot is and I’m not adventurous enough to try it. I’ll take the cruise one.” She stopped and looked at Jack when he laughed, but shook her head and continued. “The one you said first.  That sounds good,” she replied with a smile to the waiter.

“And what would you like for your meal?” the waiter inquired.

Cori picked up the menu again to browse and looked at Jack. “Why can’t it say steak or chicken?” she asked in a mock whisper.

The waiter snorted at her indignantly.

“Guess it wouldn’t be a fancy French restaurant if it did.” Jack crinkled his eyes in a smile at Cori, then turned and sent the waiter a warning glare that had him standing up more stiffly, if even possible.

“True, I didn’t think of that.” She grinned back at Jack, oblivious to his interaction with the waiter on her behalf. She had been too busy trying to figure out the menu.

“Can we have a few more minutes?” Jack asked the waiter, hoping to give Cori a bit more time.

“Of course,” the waiter replied coolly, then turned to walk away.

“What are you in the mood for?” he asked, trying to help.

“Steak. Nice and rare with a big fat baked potato. I doubt I can get that here though,” she said on second thought.

When the waiter returned a few minutes later with their appetizers Jack saved the day and placed both of their dinner orders. 

After the waiter left, she asked, “What did you get me?”

“Steak and potato,” he said with a grin.

“Oh, it didn’t sound like that.”

“Fancy names. But that’s basically what you’ll get.”

“That works,” she said happily, then she glanced down at the appetizer in front of her and frowned.

Jack picked up his spoon and broke through the melted cheese on his French onion soup while he watched Cori with humor. She had no idea what she was about to eat.

“What are you smiling at?” she asked.

“You.” He smirked and then dropped his head to have a bite of soup in the guise of hiding his laughter.

“These are awfully weird looking chicken wings.” She frowned some more.

He smiled at her. “Those aren’t chicken wings.”

“What are they?” she asked curiously, poking it with her finger.

“Frog legs.”

“What?” she said with a shriek.

He tried to cover his laughter with a fake cough, but it didn’t work. She only wrinkled her nose at him and then sent him a bright smile when she saw his dimples flashing back at her.

“Oh well,” she said with a sigh.  Then picked up one serving and stood it on her plate to look at it more closely.  “Kind of bull legged, huh?  Bet he had trouble hopping on these babies.” She grinned and glanced slyly at him.

He refused to make eye contact and encourage her any more.

She placed them back on the plate and picked up her knife and fork, trying to figure out the best way to eat the little pieces of meat in front of her.  “Sorry, Kermit. But here goes. Hope Miss Piggy doesn’t come after me. I don’t think I can take her,” she said, slicing a small piece off and popping it in her mouth. “Mmm, not bad.”

Jack’s shoulders were shaking while he tried to control his laughter.  He raised his head and smiled, both of his dimples still there. She was a piece of work. “Enjoying them?” he asked.

“Actually, yes. They
taste like chicken. Want to try?” she asked sincerely.

“No, thank you.” But he caught her eying his soup coyly.

“How’s your soup?”

He was on to her. “Very good.”  He spooned up some more, with the cheese stretching from the bowl to his mouth.

She licked her lips. “It does look good.”

He smiled at her again.  She was too cute to resist. “Would you like to try some?”

“Yes, please.” She smiled back at him waiting for him to pass the spoon to her for a taste.  “It is good,” she agreed, then tucked back into her frog legs with more enthusiasm than he would have had.

“So,” Cori started, seeming content to relax and enjoy this time alone. “Now that you’ve seen me naked twice, think some of your shyness is gone? Dare you to have a conversation with me?”

His shocked face only made her laugh. She always seemed to shock him with her bluntness. “Come on, I’ll make it easy on you. I know how hard it is for you to carry on a conversation with me. We can play ask and answer. I ask, you answer. Then you ask and I answer. Easy, right?”

“I suppose,” he said with a twitch of his own lips. No use trying to pretend he didn’t have a difficult time carrying on a conversation with her. Though, thankfully it had improved the last few times they’d been together.  Or at least it seemed to have gotten easier for him.

“Good. I’ll start with an easy one,” she said, leaning forward and placing her elbows on the table, chin in her hands. A natural pose for her. “Full name?”

“Jackson Robert Reynolds,” he answered stiffly.

“Hmm, very dignified, especially for a doctor. But I like Jack better, suits you. OK, your turn.”

“Full name?”

“Very original,” she said with a snort. “Cortland Marie Summers.”

He choked on the wine he had been sipping. “Cortland? As in the apple?”

She smiled. “Yep. But don’t you dare call me that,” she warned, giving him a fierce look while suppressing her grin. “My turn again.  Parent’s occupation?”

“My father’s a Programmer, works for the State of North Carolina. My mother’s a CPA.”

“Ah, loner jobs.  Guess you come by that trait naturally then, huh?”

He didn’t bother to comment. She’d hit the nail on the head. His parents had jobs that kept them locked away by themselves in their offices. The same as when they were at home most of the time. He repeated her question, somewhat. “What subjects do your parents teach?” He remembered she told him they were teachers.

She huffed. “You’re not very good at this game.  My mom is an Art teacher, my dad History. Both at the high school level, same school, too.”

“OK, here’s one. And I know you can’t ask me this back.” She pointed a finger at him. “Your dog’s name and breed?”

“That’s two questions.”

“Sue me. Two parts of one question. Look past it.  Now answer me,” she demanded lightheartedly.

“Roxy, and she’s a boxer.”

Cori leaned back in her chair when the waiter delivered their meals. “I’m surprised. I pictured you more of a shepherd person. And definitely a male.  Hmm, interesting.”

He didn’t know why she thought that, but he let it go. Once the waiter had left, he picked up his fork and knife and cut into the small perfectly cooked rounded meat. She seemed to be enjoying hers as he watched her dig in.

“What kind is this?” she asked curiously, pointing her sharp knife at the same cut of meat Jack had.

“Filet mignon.”

“It’s really good.” She popped another bite into her mouth. “OK, your turn again.”

So much for eating in peace. But she seemed to be enjoying herself, so it was the least he could do. He had to think since he knew she didn’t have any pets. “Why do you eat so much candy all the time?”

She finished chewing and took a sip of wine. “I don’t know really. I’ve always had a sweet tooth.  But I think it all started in high school. We had a bunch of candy left over from Halloween and I was sneaking it to school. Eating it in class quickly, so no one could steal it from me. It became a habit, especially in college between classes. Now it’s a convenience.”

She took another bite of meat and sip of wine. “Besides, I get hungry a lot. I like to eat,” she said, polishing off the last bite of her filet mignon and tackling her potato.

She ate about as fast as she talked and moved, he realized. He shouldn’t have been surprised, as he had seen her eat before. But never in a setting like this.

“All set?” Jack asked her when the waiter made his way over a little while later.

“Yes, it was great. Thanks, again.”

“You sure you don’t want dessert? I know how much of a sweet tooth you have,” he asked with a smile.

“No, I’ll pass. My brain isn’t working enough to figure out what the desserts are. And I’m afraid what I might get if I pick one at random. I’m a pretty simple girl at the heart of things. But dinner was wonderful, so thanks again.” She leaned up to give him a quick kiss after he pulled her chair out for her.

Seated in his truck, he turned to her. “How about ice cream?”

“Really? That would be great. Yes, please,” she said with a bright smile and laugh.

Despite it being below zero with the wind chill, Jack pulled into a local chain restaurant and ran inside. Cori waited in the truck with the heater on full blast while he ordered two hot fudge sundaes to go. Hers with extra fudge and candy toppings.

The minute they walked in her front door, Jack shed his suit jacket and tie, and placed them over the back of the chair.  Cori had grabbed the bag holding their sundaes and sat neatly on the couch to dive in.

“Aren’t you even going to take your coat off,” he asked her.

“Oh. Yeah. That might help, huh?” She jumped up, tore it off fast, tossed it on the couch next to her and dove into her sugary dessert.

Watching her eat that sundae had been pure torture. She picked up the cherry and slowly put it between her lips, sucked it into her mouth, moaning in delight as it entered. He tried not to groan. 

Each spoonful of the sticky dessert caused another moan or groan of satisfaction while she took her time licking her lips, capturing every last drop, not leaving a morsel behind.  The fact that she ate it so slowly should have given him a warning that she was up to something, but his mind had lost the ability to function.

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