Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1 (11 page)

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Authors: Lena Matthews and Liz Andrews

BOOK: Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1
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It was only a few thrusts before he began to wonder why she hadn’t suggested this before. Watching her pleasure Greg while Jack pleasured her was downright the sexiest thing he’d ever experienced before. Sex with Liv had always been exciting, but this added a new dimension to their loving and he couldn’t help but wonder if the other two people in bed with him felt the same way.

Overcome with passion, he held tight to her rounded hips, using his grip on her as he plowed into her warm, willing pussy. She lifted her head off Greg’s cock and let out a husky groan. “Fuck, Jack, God, that feels so good.”

He couldn’t have agreed more, and by the way Greg wrapped his fingers in her hair and guided her back to his shaft, Jack was willing to bet the other man would agree.

“Keep your lips wrapped around me.”

Greg’s words amused Jack, but from the way Liv’s pussy clenched around Jack, he could tell they had an altogether different effect on her. Livvy was such a dirty girl.

“Don’t stop sucking until he fills your mouth with come.” Jack chose his words wisely, purposely talking filthy just to make her wetter. “That’s right, Liv. Keep it up, baby, and you’re going to make us both come.”

She moaned around Greg’s dick and the other man let out an appreciative groan. “Fuck.” Greg’s eyes rolled back.

“Feeling good?”

“God, yes. So good.”

The unfettered passion in Greg’s voice sent shivers racing down Jack’s spine and spurred Jack’s arousal even more. Closing his eyes, Jack dug his fingers into Liv’s hips and picked up his speed. He rocked into her again and again, pushing her down onto Greg with every thrust.

The arousing sounds of flesh smacking into flesh and moans and groans of pleasure filled the room. It was an aural, visceral feast that had his balls begging for release, but Jack refused to surrender to his body’s demand. At least not until Liv and Greg came first, and the way Liv’s pussy fluttered around him he knew it wouldn’t be long. “Suck him dry and come for me, Liv. I can’t last much longer.”

“Yes, baby, do it.” Greg thrust his hips up to the primal rhythm. “Drink me down. Yeah, like that. Yes. Fuck.”

Greg held her head still as he growled, and gave a series of stuttered thrusts, before pulling free and collapsing on the bed in front of her. Free to be as loud as she pleased now, Liv filled the room with heady, soul-shattering moans that had Jack pumping into her as if his very life depended on it.

“Jack, ohhh God.” Liv’s sex contracted around his cock as her orgasm rocked through her. Turning her head, she sent him a pleading look from passion-filled eyes. “Don’t stop…please…fuck…me harder, Jack.”

Jack couldn’t have stopped if he wanted. Closing his eyes, he did as she begged. He powered into her, holding her tight as she screamed out her release. The sweet sound drove him right over the edge. Gritting his teeth, he thrust into her one more time then exploded inside her, his body shaking from the force of his release.

Exhausted, he pulled his sated member from her clenching flesh and collapsed on the bed next to her. Without having to say a word, the three of them adjusted themselves on the bed so Liv lay between them. The bed, although not a king, provided just enough room for them each to lie on their backs without touching one another. Not that they stayed to themselves. Before Jack could regulate his breathing and calm his pounding heart, Liv’s small hand found his on the mattress and she locked their fingers together. He had no doubt her other hand was clasped tightly to Greg’s, and surprisingly the only thing that bothered him was it didn’t bother him. It felt strangely right, which was wrong, and altogether confusing.

Chapter Five

The sound of water running and the warmth from someone pressed against him woke Greg from a sound sleep. Cautious, he opened his eyes to see who was next to him. With a relieved sigh, he calmed his racing heart. It was Olivia, not Jack. It was one thing to get up close and personal with the other man when Olivia was between them, but quite a different story if she wasn’t.

Relieved, Greg settled back in the bed and pulled Olivia closer to him. He wasn’t sure when he’d fallen asleep, but from the darkness encasing the dimly lit room, he knew he hadn’t slept long. It was still night, or possibly early morning, and from the sounds of things the storm was still raging, although not as fiercely as before. To make matters even better, Jack was nowhere in sight. The night was looking up already.

With a slight smile, he tightened his hold on her. The soft curve of her buttocks felt heavenly pressed against him and brought back fond memories of nights when he wasn’t just pressed against her ass, but buried in it. The very thought caused his cock to rise with renewed vigor. By all rights, it should have been down for the count, but the memory combined with the feel of her soft, thick body against his was more than his libido could bear.

“I see you’re up.”

Unashamed at his reaction to her, Greg chuckled at the double entendre. He most definitely was. “Shouldn’t that be
you feel me up
, not see?”

Olivia laughed softly and glanced back over her shoulder. Licking her lips, she looked up at him from under her lashes. “It’s you who’s feeling me up.”

Greg moved his hand to cradle a rounded breast. His fingers moved on their own accord to roll and tease the tight bud of her nipple. “So true.” He pinched her pebbled peaks, giving her a little of the hardness he knew she craved. His actions were not in vain. Olivia let out a sexy, throaty little moan and shifted back against him, caressing his cock with the wiggling curve of her ass. His answering groan had her laughing and turning in his arms. “You’re insatiable tonight.”

“And you’re beautiful.”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “Doubtful.”

“I mean it.” The low lights coming from the lamps on the bedside table provided him with all the illumination he needed. Even with her hair wild and untamed around her shoulders, she was still completely enthralling. Leaning closer, he whispered, “You take my breath away.”

Although the light was dim at best, he could see her cheeks darken. “You certainly have a way with words.” She turned around and tilted her head up. He accepted her silent summons, pressing his lips against hers and dipping his tongue inside her mouth.

Olivia placed her around hand around his neck, pulling him in closer to deepen the kiss. It was an invitation he could not ignore. Their tongues rolled over each other’s, playful at first, then deepening into something far more meaningful and enjoyable. He felt the soft caress of her hand as she trailed it down from his neck, past his chest, to the thin line of hair that started just below his belly button. Before her quest could move even farther down, the door to the bathroom opened and Jack strolled into the bedroom.

“Hey, lookie here. I was beginning to wonder if you two lazy heads were planning on sleeping the entire night away.”

Reluctantly Greg pulled away from Olivia’s all too tempting lips and sat up. He glared over at the doorway at Jack, who was doing nothing to hide his amusement. The bastard. Greg wouldn’t have put it past him to have been outside the door the whole time just waiting to interrupt them. “You know, the thought had crossed my mind, with it being night and all.”

Jack crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow. “From the tent you pitched under the sheet, I’m willing to bet it’s not the only thing that crossed your mind.”

Amused, Greg leaned back against the headboard. He’d be damned if the other man’s sarcastic ways weren’t beginning to grow on him. “I’m a man of deep thoughts.”


“What time is it?” Olivia asked as she sat up, sheet held tightly to her breasts as if the two men hadn’t seen her nude countless times before, or shared her body only a short time ago. It was an action Greg couldn’t help but think was cute.

“A little after eleven.” Jack walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to Olivia. “Still enough minutes left in the day to be today and not tomorrow.”

Greg frowned. “That’s it?” It felt later.

“Yes.” Jack pulled one of Olivia’s hands from in front of her and brought it up to his mouth. He nibbled on her fingers teasingly. “How was your nap, Liv?”

“Good, what about yours?”

“I didn’t sleep a wink.” Jack shot a pointed look at Greg. “Someone in the room snores.”

Greg snorted instead of replying. As long as Olivia slept fine, that was all he was concerned about.

“Either of you hungry? I laid out stuff for sandwiches.”

“Aww.” Olivia flashed Jack a soft smile that had Greg frowning.

“Honey, he opened up a jar of peanut butter and jelly,” Greg protested. “Don’t be that impressed.” Lord knew he wasn’t.

“For your information, I opened up lunch meat and cut tomatoes. That’s right, Professor, be impressed.”

“I could eat.” Olivia looked expectantly at Greg. “What about you?”

“Uhh…” he hedged. He really preferred staying in bed, especially with Jack out of it.

“Come on,” Jack wheedled. “I have everything set up in the living room. I started a fire and everything. Doesn’t that sound romantic, Professor, doesn’t that put you in the mood for love?” Jack glanced down at the sheet then back up at Greg. “Or more in the mood?”

Greg looked down at Olivia who was looking so expectantly at him. “Fine.” It wasn’t as much fun as his other plan had been, but it would have to do.

“I thought you’d see it my way.” Jack grinned as he rose from the bed. He pulled back the covers and helped Olivia out of bed.

“I need to get dressed first,” Olivia said. She tried to bypass Jack, but he pulled her in his arms and danced her away.

“I think you look exceptional just the way you are.”

Wouldn’t you know it, another thing they could agree on.

“Yes, but I might get chilly.”

“It’s not cold at all.” Jack stepped back and held his arms out, pointing out his jeans only attire.

“I’m still putting something on.”

“Fine,” Jack grumbled. “But let’s aim for less is more.”

“I think that can be arranged.” Olivia reached for the jade silk robe she kept on the armchair next to her bed. The deep, rich color complemented her creamy complexion and fiery red hair. One of the reasons he’d bought it for her in the first place. As if sensing his stare, she turned around and looked at him with a smile gracing her well-kissed lips.

“You coming?” she asked as she tied the belt around her waist.

Greg glanced down at his crotch then back at her warily. “In a second.” Or ninety. Or however long it took for his erection to subside. It was one thing to be primed and ready when they were in the heat of the moment and quite another for him to just walk around hard as steel. It was stupid, he knew, but that didn't make it any better. He would have thought having Jack in the room would have been enough to douse his desire, but apparently his cock had become immune to the other man’s presence. After one joint session together, having him nearby seemed almost the norm.

“Okay.” Olivia slipped her arm into the crook of Jack’s arm. “But keep in mind we’re going for less is more. Right, Jack?”

“Uh, he could get as dressed as he likes. In fact, the more clothes he wears the better.”

“And here I thought you were just waiting for another opportunity to stare at my dick.”

“I’m ignoring you,” Jack replied in a sing-song tone as he pulled a laughing Olivia from the room. She wasn’t the only one laughing. So was Greg. Getting Jack’s goat was becoming a pastime he greatly enjoyed.

Greg waited a few more minutes for his erection to subside before slipping from the bed and redressing in the sweats he’d worn earlier.

He stopped by the bathroom to clean up then headed into the living room, where he discovered Olivia and Jack sitting next to one another laughing and talking softly as they munched on the food Jack had prepared.

Greg studied them silently for awhile, waiting for the jealousy that had reared its ugly head earlier this evening to come roaring back. To his surprise the emotion never came. It wasn’t as if he wanted to be Jack’s best buddy now, but he no longer wanted to rip the other man’s head off for sitting close to Olivia. It was something to think about, that was for sure.

Bypassing the duo, he slipped into the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He cracked it open and guzzled it half down before heading back into the living room. When he entered the room again Jack was nowhere to be found, but Olivia was standing in front of the window, peeking through the small opening not covered by plywood.

Greg joined her and pulled her stiff frame into his arms. She let out a little sigh and leaned back against him. He rested his cheek against the side of her head, and held on tight to her, hoping she could feel his love surrounding her. Despite the two of them being there with her, he could tell the storm was still getting to her. He could only pray their presence made it a bit more bearable. “Are you okay? Storm-wise, I mean.”

“Yes.” She paused then added as an afterthought, “Although it might have more to do with the fact it’s only raining now, and the sky isn’t screaming at me anymore.”

Greg straightened his head and frowned. “At you…personally?”

Olivia nodded. “Mother Nature has it in for me.”

“What a bitch,” Jack said, coming up next to them.

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