Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1 (13 page)

Read Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1 Online

Authors: Lena Matthews and Liz Andrews

BOOK: Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1
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Greg stroked his erection. “Right here.” With his free hand he reached for her. “Turn around and put both legs on the outside of mine.”

Biting her lip, Olivia held on to Jack and did as Greg commanded her. His legs were so thick she had to stand on her tiptoes to do as he ordered.

“Perfect.” With a little help from Jack, Greg positioned her so she straddled his legs with her back against his chest. “I want you to squat down a bit, but don’t sit all the way; ease down until you feel the head of my dick.”

Olivia’s stomach tightened. “Okay.” This was what she wanted. What she’d wanted for so long.

“Just like that, love. Go lower. Almost there.”

“You need some assistance back there?” Jack asked teasingly.

“Hell no,” Greg growled.

“Just trying to lend a hand, buddy.”

“You’re a real good bloke. Now keep your hands to yourself and shut up.”

Olivia bit back her laughter and tried to concentrate. Greg held tight to his cock, as Jack guided her down. Although this was at her request, Olivia tensed as the slick crown of his erection pressed against her rosette. Despite taking both men on separate occasions anally, she was still nervous. She had never tried anal with her on top.

“You’re trembling,” Jack said. “If you tense up, it’s going to hurt.”

Olivia was willing to bet it was going to hurt either way, but nevertheless, she tried to relax. “I’m ready.” Bracing herself on the balls of her feet, she began to press down, gasping as the tip of his shaft pushed inside her. The lubrication she’d applied was much appreciated but nothing could completely ease the burning sensation that accompanied backdoor loving. It was a given, but also a price she was willing to pay for the pleasure she’d receive in the end.

He was so deep. Instinctively she clenched around him, causing Greg to groan and tighten his hold on her. “Love.”

Olivia held Jack’s gaze as Greg’s cock began to fill her. He took his time, slowly impaling her with his thick shaft as Jack looked on with hungry eyes, neither saying anything until she was completely sheathed.

“Liv, are you okay?” Jack asked after a few seconds.

Dazed, she merely nodded her head. The ache was beginning to recede, replaced with pleasure and the desire for Greg to begin to move.

“Do you want to keep going?” Greg asked.

“I’ll kill you if you try to stop.”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Jack teased. “What do you think, Professor?”

“I think your mouth is supposed to be otherwise occupied.”

“So right you are.” Jack released his hold on her and sat down in front of them. “Hold still for a moment.”

“Easier said than done.”

“I bet.” Jack moved in close and inhaled deep. “Smells so good, tastes even better.”

Before she could come back with a snappy reply, he put his mouth on her. The second his tongue touched her engorged clit, Olivia lost all rhyme and reason. She instantly became helpless to do anything less than accept the pleasure her two men were doling out. Separately the men were phenomenal in bed, but together they were a force that could not be beat. As clichéd as it was, Olivia felt as if she were going to explode into a million pieces.

Her moans filled the room as Greg began to fuck her ass with deep, firm strokes, while Jack feasted from between her legs. Olivia wanted to meet Greg thrust for thrust, but with Jack’s head buried between her legs, she had little say in the matter. She could do nothing but hold herself open and accept their will as if it were her own.

She never knew being on top could put her in such a submissive position, forcing her to be at either man’s beck and call, but she couldn’t deny the pleasure she received from leaving everything up to them. She was theirs. Greg and Jack’s to do with as they chose, and even though they were acting out her fantasy, Olivia didn’t doubt for one second she was at their mercy.

The enticing aroma of sex permeated the air as she moved her hips in tandem with Greg’s thrusts. Yet no matter how fast she moved or how she shimmied, Jack kept pace with them, licking, nibbling, driving her mad with pleasure.

“Damn,” Greg growled as he entangled the fingers from one hand in her hair, and gripping her hip with the other. “You’re tight, love. Fucking this sweet arse is my own version of heaven.”

“Greg.” Her breath rushed from her throat as his cock powered deeper into her ass. Every muscle in her body screamed in protest. Every one except the most important one, her heart, and as usual she listened to her wisest of allies. “Don’t stop. Either of you. Ever. Please.”

“Not going to, love. Not until I fill this sweet, tight hole with my come.”

“Fuck.” Greg’s explicit words had her pussy gushing. Olivia writhed under Jack’s oral attention, which caused her to dance on the dick pumping her ass. It didn’t help that Jack purposely held tight to her knees, keeping her wide open for him, giving her no means of escape from his oral assault. When he sucked her engorged nub between his lips, she cried out and grasped his head in her hands, but that didn’t stop him from flicking his tongue in rapid succession over her clit. A move that drove her wild, especially when he added his fingers into the mix, first one and then two, pumping them inside her pussy while Greg’s cock filled her ass.

“So good, Olivia.” Greg’s voice washed over her senses.

Her body was as taut as a bow and she dug her hands into his hair to pull him closer. Pressure built to an unbearable height.

“Oh God,” she cried as her orgasm tore through her. Her body clenched around Greg as she came, dragging him into the river of ecstasy with her. She felt her release pour over Jack’s fingers and into his mouth where he greedily drank her up.

Digging his nails into her side, Greg pulled her down onto him, forcefully shoving every last inch of his cock inside her as he came, grinding against her, groaning her name.

Even though she’d just come, her body tightened, her pussy spasmed, and the most intense pleasure steamrolled over her like a fucking freight train. Jack held faithful to his task, tongue fucking her through the sharp bursts of exquisite pleasure, not stopping his siege on her until she came a second time, this one more painful and even more satisfying than the one before.

And as she trembled in the delicious aftermath, Jack rose to his feet in front of her. Panting, he frantically fisted his erection. The red, bulbous head peeked through his closed hand as he worked his shaft vigorously, and then with a loud groan he threw back his head and came. Wave after wave of warm jets of semen splashed over her breasts and belly, sending her soaring once more.

The raspy sounds of sated breaths filled the living room as everyone tried to gather themselves together. Olivia especially. She struggled for a moment as she attempted to stand, but her legs were as loose as her morals. She laughed at the thought and rolled her head until her face was pressed into Greg’s neck.

He let out a contented sigh and pressed a kiss against her temple. “You okay, love?”

“Never…better.” Still smiling, she glanced down the front of her body. She was soaked with sweat and semen. Her hair was a mess and she still had a dick buried in her ass. She was, without a doubt, a hot, fucking mess. “I’m going to need a shower.” Greg moved a bit, which made his cock shift inside her. The unexpected movement caused her to wince. “And then a bath.”

Jack leaned forward, grabbed the towel he’d been wearing and handed it to her. “Sore?”

“Oh yeah.” Grateful, Olivia accepted it with a smile and began to wipe away the evidence of their tryst. “Very sore.”

“But,” Greg questioned, “would you do it again?”

She didn’t even hesitate to answer. “In a heartbeat.”



Several hours later and after another bout of loving, Jack stood in front of the kitchen sink drinking a cup of coffee. It was a little past ten, but his bedmates still lay in the sex-dazed slumber cocoon of their own making. If this was going to keep up, Jack was going to buy stock in a condom company, because at this rate they’d be going through one large box a night.

And once again, he didn’t get freaked by the thought of
. The plural them, party of three. He could see this working, he really could, but only if Olivia got a bigger bed, and if Greg bought a pair of those snoring plugs. Either way, he was in it for the long haul, or until Greg gave up first. Olivia was it for Jack and he had no intention of going anywhere.

With a heavy sigh, he took a sip of the strong coffee he made and stared out the board-free window into the backyard. When he’d awoken forty minutes ago, he slipped outside to check the weather, pleased to see the storm clouds passing by. As quietly as possible, he’d taken down a few boards off the windows and cracked them open slightly to let in some fresh air.

The clean smell of grass and rain now mingled in the room, giving the kitchen a fresh, earthy scent, which was well needed to replace the stench of sex. It was funny, during the actual intercourse the scent was arousing, yet afterwards it was a bit tart. Jack chuckled at the thought and shook his head.

“What’s so funny?” a husky voice asked from behind him.

Jack turned around and spotted Greg strolling in, looking like death warmed over. “You okay, man?”

“Yes,” Greg grumbled as he stole Jack’s cup from his hand. “I am now, anyway.”

“Hey.” Jack yanked the cup back. “I might have to share my girl, might have to share her bed, but I draw the line at my coffee.”

“Selfish bastard,” Greg growled as he went in search of one of his own.

Holding tightly to his cup, Jack turned back to the window and stared outside silently. He waited until Greg joined him at the window before speaking again. “Looks as if the worst part is finally behind us.”

Greg nodded and brought the cup up to his lips. “Looks like.”

Jack waited until the other man took a drink before continuing. “I’m not talking about the weather.”

“Neither am I.”

“You do realize this is bound to get complicated,” he said after a few minutes of silence. “Two men, one woman. We’re bound to bump heads from time to time.”

“We wouldn’t be us if we didn’t.”

“True, but it was one thing to share her when we didn’t know each other.”

Greg snorted. “Jack, I’ve known everything about you since the moment you started seeing Olivia.”

Jack laughed. Of course he did. “Keep your friends close…”

“And your enemies even closer.”

The turn of phrase didn’t sit well with Jack. Not after everything they’d been through together in the last eighteen hours. Turning sidewise, he faced Greg head on. “I’m not your enemy.”

Greg eyed him shrewdly. “True, but you’re also not my friend.”

Jack grinned and slapped Greg on the shoulder. “Give me time, old man. I’ll grow on you. Like mold,” he added as an afterthought to liven up the conversation.

“How reassuring.”

Greg’s dry tone only made it all the more amusing to Jack, who couldn’t stop grinning now. “I’m just trying to help. Besides, sharing her is better than trying to make her choose.”

Greg glanced down at his coffee. “I see that now.”

He didn’t appear to be any happier with that revelation than Jack had been when he came to it. The most telling part though, was even after they figured it out, neither of them took off. They stuck around, which left only one alternative, since making her choose was a no-go. “The other option, of course, is you could walk away.”

Greg looked up and frowned. “Or you could.”

“Or not.” Jack eyed the other man and sighed. Greg wasn’t going to go; Jack wasn’t going to go. Neither one of them seemed all that disturbed about how things went last night, which left only one path, for things to keep going in this fashion. Since that was the case, it left Jack with just one thing to do. He held out his hand to Greg. “Frienemies.”

Greg looked down at his hand for a moment then took it. “Frienemies,” he said with a firm shake. They both let out a relieved sigh and released each other’s hand. Greg turned to lean against the sink and gave Jack a knowing look from between lowered eyelids. “But this doesn’t mean we’ll be taking long walks in the rain together or washing each other’s backs in the shower.”

Jack arched a brow. “I’ll try to keep my disappointment to a minimum.”

“See that you do.”

“Goodness.” Olivia walked into the room, with a smile as bright as the sunshine. “The storm is over.”

The two men shared a look before turning back to their woman.
woman. “Yes, love, it is.”

Olivia let out a thankful sigh. “Good. I’m glad that’s over. I wasn’t sure my heart could take it much longer.”

“Or your pussy and ass,” Jack teased.

Olivia walked over to him and plucked the coffee cup from his hand. “I think my pussy and ass are officially storm-proof. The three of us can weather any storm.”

“The three of you?” Greg asked. “You mean your pussy, your arse and you?

“No.” Olivia rotated her finger in a circle motion to include both men and herself. “I mean the three of us.”

“We’re an
now,” Jack teased. “What do you think of that, Professor?”

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