Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1 (15 page)

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Authors: Lena Matthews and Liz Andrews

BOOK: Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1
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Silence was something she could not do. Nia knew he was her husband and he’d seen parts of her body she’d never even seen, but this just seemed vulgar, for her to be spread open, exposed before him. “Eric…this is just…”

“Just the beginning.”

Sometimes you just have to come right out and ask the question.


Best of Both Worlds

© 2011 Liz Andrews


After months of exploring his bisexuality on his own, college student Chase Randolph is ready for a night out on the town—
the way “out”. He never expected Alex Landry to witness his first experimental sexual encounter, though. Chase has been attracted to his best friend and roommate forever, but one thing is sure: Alex is straight. So straight, he’s never caught on to Chase’s mixed tastes.

Alex assures Chase they will always be friends, but privately, his own reaction shocks him. An ex-jock isn’t supposed to fantasize about his roommate. Not supposed to need another man’s kiss so badly it makes him sweat. He was prepared to change direction after his football career ended before it began, but change

As Chase and Alex struggle to come to terms with the changes in their relationship, jealousy pushes friendship to the brink—of disaster…or love.

Warning: No heaving bosoms here, just two gorgeous guys, lots of muscles and some closet doors banging wide open.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Best of Both Worlds:

“Wha—” There was no way Chase could have heard correctly. Alex couldn’t have just declared he wanted to be fucked by Chase. Oh hell no. His friend was as straight as they came. And although he might want things to be different, that wasn’t going to change.

The two men stared at each other, caught in the moment, frozen in time. Alex reacted first, turning and exiting the gazebo, his cane thumping on the wooden steps as he made his way down.

“Alex, wait…” Finally moving, Chase followed his friend, but Alex continued to hobble across the yard as if he couldn’t hear him. “Damn it, we’ve been friends for too long for you to just leave like this.”

Chase’s long strides were beginning to catch up to the other man, but just when he thought he reached him, the French doors opened and Taylor walked out onto the patio. “Hey, Chase,” he called out, “what’s happening?”

Ignoring the younger man, Chase grabbed Alex’s arm. “Damn it, Alex, stop and talk to me.” Alex shook him off and kept walking.

“Everything okay here?” Taylor’s earlier jovial tone was now filled with concern.

Chase watched with dismay as Alex reached the French doors and opened them to enter the house, never once turning around to look at Chase. “Yeah, fine, everything is just fine.”

“No offense, man, but you are like the worst liar ever.”

Chase reached up to pinch at the bridge of his nose in a lame attempt to fight off the headache he could feel beginning to throb in his temples. “My friend, he…” How did he explain that Alex had thrown him the biggest curve ball in his life? “We were arguing.”

“Yeah, I kind of figured that one out.” Taylor snorted, walked over to a nearby seat and flopped onto the chaise lounge. “The dude looked majorly pissed, no doubt about it.”

Chase walked over to the table and chairs next to the lounger and took a seat as well. “If anyone should be pissed it’s me. First he interrupts a private conversation, practically starts a fight, and then decides to drop a bombshell on me.”

“Well, if the truth be told, I didn’t just come out here on a whim. Dmitri asked me to check on things after Alex said he was looking for you. When I ran into Oliver on my way out, well, I thought it might be prudent for there to be a third party around, just in case.”

“Just in case what?”

“No one would come back to our parties if they thought gay bashing was going on.”

Chase shook his head. “No, you’ve got it all wrong. Alex isn’t prejudiced.”

“Then what was that fight about? Because Oliver was pretty damned sure Alex wanted to take his head off.”

Even to himself Chase found it hard to explain. How was he going to explain it to someone else? “Alex wasn’t happy I was out in the gazebo with Oliver. In fact…” He released a heavy sigh before continuing. “He was jealous.”

Taylor cocked his head and quirked an eyebrow. “Jealous how, exactly?”

That was the question of the hour. “At first I thought he didn’t appreciate the fact I was making new friends. But…”

“But what?”

“I made an off-hand comment, and Alex said something that shocked the shit right out of me.”

“He wants you as much as you want him.”

For the second time that night Chase was stunned into silence.

Taylor chuckled. “Oh, come on, it’s pretty obvious there’s some majorly suppressed sexual tension between the two of you. Besides, although I didn’t specifically notice it, Andre mentioned Alex had been watching your every move all night.”

“I…” Chase’s mind was whirling. How was it possible he hadn’t noticed Alex’s attention? And after Alex’s comment in the gazebo, it suddenly shone a whole new light on their situation. Chase’s bedrock views were now skewed; he didn’t know what to believe anymore.

“You look like you’ve been hit with a ton of bricks. Didn’t you know he was interested in you?”

“Hell no, I didn’t know. He’s straight.” Chase continued to mouth what he’d always believed, even though the truth of the matter had been thrown back at him just moments before.

Taylor chuckled and shook his head. “Dude, both you and I know better than anyone that you can’t dictate who you become attracted to. Maybe he didn’t know you were what he wanted until that option was off the table.”

“That option was never on the table. We didn’t have that kind of relationship. We were truly just friends.”

“Okay, first, you
have that kind of relationship? Has something changed?” Chase flushed at Taylor’s instinctive observation, but didn’t answer as Taylor continued to speak. “And second, as far as being friends, haven’t you ever heard about friends who turn into lovers? Besides, you fell for him. Why is it so hard to believe he wouldn’t reciprocate?”

Taylor’s words had Chase thinking about his relationship with Alex in a whole new light. He ran a shaky hand through his hair. “Jesus, I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. Alex has always been a good friend, but once I accepted I liked men as much as women, he was…well, someone I knew I was attracted to. But I also knew he would never return those feelings and I was okay with that.”

“Never say never. Alex cares about you and it’s a lot more than pure friendship.”

“I know,” Chase whispered. Alex’s confession had shocked the hell out of him, but it was obvious things had changed.

“So, something did happen.”

Chase nodded. “After Oliver left, we argued and then…Alex blurted out he wanted me.”

“You need to talk to him.” Taylor sat up. “He’s probably totally confused right now—about a lot of things.”

—that explained how Chase was feeling as well. “I don’t know what to say to him.”

“How about being honest with him, tell him how you feel.”

“I always thought that would send him running immediately in the opposite direction.”

“Guess you don’t need to worry about that anymore.” Taylor stood and stretched. “And now that I’ve done my Dr. Phil impression for the night, I think I’m going back into the party.”

Chase stuck out his hand. “Thanks man. I appreciate the advice.”

“No problem.” Taylor took his hand, but instead of shaking it, he pulled Chase into his embrace and gave him a quick hug before releasing him. “You want me to give your goodbyes to the guys?”

“Yes, please.”

“Good luck, man.” Taylor walked through the French doors and back to the party.

“Thanks.” Chase didn’t bother to follow him inside. Instead walked around the outside of the house to the front. It was time to confront Alex.

It’s not the age. It’s the attitude—and a healthy dose of kink.


Birthday Girl

© 2012 Natasha Moore


Paolo’s Playhouse, Book 3

For Shannon, turning thirty means getting serious. Responsible.
She can’t help dreading the day she has to leave her spontaneous, crazy,
self-image behind. Then there are all those unfulfilled items on her to-do list, like that threesome she and her husband, Ty, used to fantasize about. It fell by the wayside, right along with their neglected bag of sex toys.

Her birthday dinner starts out like any other…then her present arrives at the table. Marc, an old college friend, whose edgy persona tickles her in all the right places. And that’s not all. Ty’s reserved a room at Paolo’s Playhouse—for all three of them.

By the time the playroom door closes behind them, Ty’s and Marc’s intimate touches and wicked whispers have roused her hormones to a fever pitch. But when kiss comes to nipple clamps, Shannon’s not sure she has the courage to step off the edge of fantasy and fall headlong into reality…

Warning: Two sexy men focused on pleasing one lucky woman. Wild, anything-goes loving complete with toys your mother never wanted you to know about. You’re welcome!


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Birthday Girl:

Was she really going to let Marc touch her the way she’d always dreamed about? Wouldn’t that be a betrayal to Tyler and their marriage? But this was Ty’s idea. Or rather, his gift to her because it had been

She took another sip of champagne and listened to them talk about other friends. Who was doing what. Where they’d ended up. Who was married. Who wasn’t. She tried to pay attention to their conversation, but her mind kept wandering to what the evening might hold. She kept watching the men on either side of her. Tyler’s hand now roamed up her arm, the long strokes almost seemed to be meant to gentle her, to calm her. Could he tell she was reacting to Marc?

But it wasn’t just Marc she was reacting to, of course. She’d been aroused by Tyler all evening, still was, always would be. But she was sandwiched between two incredible men, one light, one dark. One familiar, one a memory. Their musky scents mingled in the air surrounding her. The flickering candlelight shifted the shadows around them, making her feel even more unsettled. Her body began to tremble and she set the flute down on the table. No more champagne for her.

“I’m afraid we’ve been ignoring this beautiful woman between us,” Marc said suddenly. His dark gaze ran over her and her nipples prickled again beneath the thin blouse. “I’m sorry, Shannon, this is your night.” He leaned toward her, placed his large, hot hand over hers. “I’ve been monopolizing Ty’s attention.”

“Th-that’s all right,” she murmured. She glanced over at Tyler, guilt from her reaction heating her face. But how exactly was she supposed to react to a man who was going to be the other part of their threesome?

“No, it’s inexcusable.” Marc scooted closer to her, his thigh almost touching hers. “With such a delightful woman between us, how could we think about anything else?” He didn’t lift his hand from hers, instead he turned her hand over and began to stroke her palm and the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist as Tyler had been doing. As Ty continued to do on her other hand.

Her skin was so sensitive, each stroke sent shivers rippling through her body and collecting between her legs. Her beaded nipples felt as if they were poking holes through her blouse. She couldn’t move as the two hot male bodies pressed in on either side of her, their hands smoothly moving from her wrists to bare shoulders and back down again.

Tyler leaned in and kissed her cheek. “It’s okay, sweetheart.” He brushed his lips against her ear and whispered, “We’re going to make this so good for you.”

She was so hot. The heat from two large male bodies seeped into her. While her mind was still reeling with the ramifications of their hands on her, her body had no qualms enjoying every single stroke.

Marc leaned forward to look into her eyes as he brushed her long brown hair away from her face. “It’s great to see you again, Shannon. Did you know I used to want to touch you like this? Do you know many times I almost did?”

“No. Why didn’t you?” She would have let him.

“Because you were my friend. There were lots of hot women I wanted to touch, but I didn’t have to worry about losing their friendship.” He brushed his fingers lightly over her cheekbone. “But tonight, for a little while, I can live out one of my fantasies too.”

She shot another quick glance at Tyler. He didn’t seem to be upset to hear that Marc had been attracted to her. She recognized the unmistakable arousal in his eyes, though. Did the sight of Marc touching her turn him on? “What about you, Ty? What do you get out of this tonight?”

He leaned over and kissed her. “Are you kidding? I get to give my wife a gift I know she will enjoy. How often can a husband say that?”

Joyful laughter bubbled up, lightening her spirits. She kissed him back. “Okay, I’m in.”

Tyler and Marc looked at each other and it seemed as if they spoke silently across the table. “Great,” Ty said, his voice a little lower, a little slower. “Do you agree to give yourself over to us then? To let us give you pleasure for your birthday?”

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