Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1 (12 page)

Read Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1 Online

Authors: Lena Matthews and Liz Andrews

BOOK: Rock You Like a Hurricane: Stormy Weather, Book 1
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“Yes, she is.” Olivia pulled free of Greg’s embrace and turned to face the two men, turning her back toward the window. “But I’m learning to hold my own.”

Greg smiled. He didn’t doubt for a moment there would come a time when she would conquer her fear straight out.

“So.” Jack took a step closer to the window and peered out through same spot Olivia had. “It looks as if we have a few more hours before the storm lets up. Anything you want to do to wile away the remaining time?”

“You mean like other sexual positions?” Olivia asked, completely straight-faced. Jack turned around and looked over at Greg, his expression as startled as Greg figured his must be. Their shared look didn’t go unmissed by Olivia. “What?”

“Umm…” Jack cleared his throat then tried again. “I was thinking more along the lines of cards, or maybe watch a video or two since the electricity is back on.”

“Oh.” Heat suffused her cheeks. “Of course that’s what you meant. Yeah. Sure. You guys want to watch something?”

Olivia tried to brush past Greg, but he wasn’t going to let that fly. He grabbed hold of her hand, stopping her in her tracks. “Don’t run. Is there something you want?”

“Something you need?” Jack asked, joining in. “From us, love.”

She shook her head. “No, of course not. I just didn’t understand what you were referring to.”

“You want sex, honey?”

“With the two of us, again?”

“No, because that would be selfish of me.” This time when she pulled free of Greg’s hold on her, he allowed her to escape. Olivia didn’t go far, settling herself on the couch. “You guys have already given me more than I thought you ever would. Asking for more would flat out be selfish on my part.”

Greg looked over at Jack, who stared back at him with a brow raised. With everything that had gone down tonight, Greg felt a kinship with the other man, especially when it came to pleasing their woman. He knew without Jack having to say a word, they were both on the same page with this.

As one they joined Olivia on the couch, one on each side of her.

“Liv,” Jack started. “I don’t think it’s possible for you to be selfish. It’s just not in you.”

“You were thinking board games. I was thinking of different ways to get you two guys to fuck me. Yeah, I say that pretty much rates.”

“Only if you didn’t plan on either of us getting a nut.”

“Of course not. I want you to come.” She looked over at Greg. “Both of you, but I need to learn the boundaries. Figure out the polite way to go about this.”

Intrigued by her stalling, Greg pushed her robe free of her leg and placed his hand in its place. Hoping to calm her and remind her at the same time she was his, he trailed his fingers along her inner thigh and watched as her lower lip trembled and she fought to keep her gaze steady on him. “Just tell us what you want.”

“What do you two want?” Olivia plucked nervously at her robe tie.

“You,” they said in unison.

“You’re not going to always want to fuck me at the same time, right?” She looked back and forth between the two of them.

“That’s right.” Jack jumped into the conversation. “I don’t see this being the norm. I don’t want it to be. I agreed we can do some things together, but as a whole, I’m dating
. Not Greg.”

“Exactly,” Greg agreed wholeheartedly.

“But what about right now?”

“What about it? Are you willing to go again? The three of us?”

“Is that what you want?” Olivia looked down. This was so not his balls-to-the-wall woman. Reaching out to her, Greg tilted her chin up and forced her to meet his gaze head on.

What he read on her face floored him and all he could do was stare in rapt fascination at the look of intense arousal on Olivia’s face. There was no mistaking the gleam of excitement brimming in her eyes for anything less than it was. This wasn’t just going to be a one-time thing for Olivia. Her passions went deeper than that. Obviously they’d only begun to scratch the surface of her desires. “Do you want us both together again?”

“One in your pussy, maybe, and one in your ass?” Jack asked.

She opened her mouth then promptly closed it, along with her eyes, and shook her head.

No double penetration. Greg had to admit he felt disappointed that wasn’t her end goal.

“No. That’s not what I fantasize about.” The words were low, but heard nevertheless.

“Then tell us what it is you fantasize about.” Greg tried his best to make it a request and not a command, even though every nerve in his body wanted him to strip and bind her to the bed, and force every sordid thought out of her, just so he could make them all come true.

Olivia glanced from one man to the other. “You might think it’s dirty.”

“I can’t talk for the professor, but I personally think the dirtier the better. And just for the record, if you ever do decide you want to do the double penetration thing, I’m in like Flynn. You don’t ever have to worry about that one.”

“Okay.” She laughed. “One vote for double stuffed.”

Greg cleared his throat to garner her attention. When she looked his way, he raised his hand. “Make that two votes.”

“Okay, I get it.” She lay back against the couch, grinning ear from ear. “Since it’s obviously the popular choice, let’s just do that instead.”

Jack started shaking his head before she even finished her sentence. “No way you’re getting off that easily. Just say what it is you want.”

Olivia’s easy smile slipped away and she began to look a little nervous again.

“Just say it,” Greg ordered.

“Fine. I’ve had this fantasy for a while. It involves one of you fucking me in the ass while the other eats my pussy.”

“Wow,” was all Jack got out, but it was a mouthful more than what Greg did. He was in too much awe to say much of anything. Awe and arousal.

She’d had him at “in the ass”. Excitement hit him like a punch to his gut, stirring the passion he’d tried to put on the back burner not a good twenty minutes ago. He could see it now, in vivid color, and man, did he like what he imagined. Olivia stuffed full with his cock while Jack was on his knees in front of them, licking her clit. Oh yeah, this worked for Greg on so many levels.

“Greg, you haven’t said anything.”

“That’s because I just keep thinking about what a lucky bastard I am.”


“Yes, not just lucky to be in your life…” Greg looked over at Jack and grinned. “But lucky that, in the spirit of fairness, it’s my turn to actually be buried inside you. Which means…”

“Fuck,” Jack grumbled under his breath.

“Your sweet arse is mine.” And he couldn’t wait to slip balls deep inside it.


Before they went on to round two, they agreed a quick shower was in the cards for all of them. To her men’s dismay though, Olivia insisted the showers were to be separate. She wanted to make sure she was extra clean inside and out since they were going to have anal sex, and that was something she didn’t want or need an audience for.

When she was done showering, she slipped into her bedroom and lotioned up with her favorite fragrance then lay down on the bed to prepare her body a bit more. Although this was something that could have been a group activity, she didn’t want to get them too worked up and have the fun end too quickly. So while her men took turns showering, she used her plug to stretch her hole. By the time she received the knock on her bedroom door to let her know the guys were done and waiting for her, she’d already applied the lube to her anus and had used the toy for over twenty minutes. She was as ready as she possibly could be and more randy than she would have thought possible.

She eased from the bed, careful not to dislodge the plug, and slipped back on her robe. Nervously she padded barefoot into the living room, entering quietly enough that she didn’t disturb the two men who were talking with one another, giving her the opportunity to observe them without their knowledge.

Unlike her, neither one of them bothered to slip into anything. Instead they wore matching towels wrapped low around their waists. Her pussy moistened just from looking at them. Her two sexy men. They were like night and day, yet both beautiful in their own right. Without meaning to, she let out a soft moan of appreciation that caught their attention and caused them to look her way.

“Come here,” Jack commanded with a come-hither twist of his fingers.

Olivia licked her lips nervously as she silently obeyed. She tried her best to put a little extra swagger in her stroll but was hard pressed not to run over and jump giddily into the men’s arms and beg them to have their way with her. She couldn’t help it. The way they watched her with heat-filled gazes made her want to drop to her knees and take them both in her mouth again.

Not even in her wildest fantasies did she ever think it was possible to feel this passionate about a person, let alone two.

“Don’t the two of you look delicious.”

“Nothing compared to you,” Jack said, taking her into his arms. “I missed you.”

“Already?” she teased, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Always.” He covered her mouth with his. It was a welcome surprise she was far too happy to contribute to.

Olivia closed her eyes, parted her lips, and kissed him with all the hunger and love in her soul. Jack responded in kind, wrapping his arms around the small of her back and pulling her in to him. She became lost in his fresh minty taste, but not so gone she forgot the other man in the room. Greg made sure of that by slipping up behind her. He moved her hair to the side and kissed the tender flesh of her nape.

Reaching behind her, Olivia cupped Greg’s ass and pulled him in closer against her as his nimble fingers made short work of the belt of her robe.

Breaking the kiss, Jack eased his hands into the opening Greg had made by undoing her belt. He slid his hands past her sides and down to her ass. “What took you so long?” His drifting fingers found the answer before her lips could form them. “Good lord,” he growled as he tapped the base of the plug.

“What?” Greg asked.

“See for yourself.”

Greg took hold of the sleeves of the robe and pulled them down her arms and off her body, dropping the silk material to the floor as if it cost no more than the towels wrapped around their waists.

He went down to his knees behind her as Jack dug his fingers into her fleshy cheeks and spread her apart, giving Greg the answer to his question. His harsh intake of breath had her trembling.

Greg pressed his mouth against the seam of her ass, right above the plug. She gasped and tried to pull away, but was held still by both Greg and Jack’s hands.

“Going somewhere, love?” Greg took hold of the handle and twisted the toy inside her as he slowly withdrew it from her. He didn’t leave her empty for long. Greg pressed the tip of his tongue to her puckered hole, licking and nipping at her crinkled knot while she held on for dear life to Jack. She moaned and pressed back against him as he tortured her for several delicious seconds before rising to his feet again. “I hope you have more of that lube, ’cause you’re going to need it.”

“I do,” she answered, her voice little more than a husky whisper. “Robe pocket, next to the condoms.”


Out of the corner of her eye she saw him retrieve her robe and quickly rummage through it. When he found what he was looking for, he dropped the robe back to the floor and headed over to the couch. His actions were quick and jerky, not at all like the normally urbane man he usually was.

“Me thinks the professor is ready,” Jack teased.

“You might be right.” Hand in hand they joined Greg, who was sitting on the couch and stood in front of him while he slid on a condom.

“Aww,” she murmured, unable to keep the disappointment from her voice.

He looked up at her, but kept his hand busy. “What?”

“I wanted to do that…” She pouted.

“Maybe next time.” He poured a liberal amount of lube on his covered shaft and began to work it up and down his cock. “I’m already walking on a thin line as it is.”

“Fuck that,” Jack interrupted. “I’m calling dibs. I’m getting the back door next time.”

Next time
. The promise in the phrase made her pussy clench and offered her a sense of comfort. This would not be their last time together as a trio. It was just the beginning.

“Call it all you want, Jack.” Greg tossed the bottle to the side then gestured for Olivia to come to him. “This time is mine.”

“Don’t remind me. I’m jealous enough.”

Olivia couldn’t have that. She snagged his towel, pulling him to them. “No need for jealousy. There is more than enough of me to go around.”

“Not too far around,” Greg chastened, much to her amusement. “Just enough for two. Barely.”

Olivia laughed. “Two is more than enough.”

“It better be.” Jack pushed her hand aside and released the towel from around his waist. “’Cause we’re not sharing with anyone else.”

Her gaze dropped to his shaft, which appeared very happy to see her. She had a hot, hard cock in front of her, and one lubed and ready for her a few feet away. What more could any woman ask for? “You don’t have to.” She was a well-fulfilled woman. Licking her lips, she looked at Greg. “Where do you want me?”

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