Rodeo Reunion (21 page)

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Authors: Shannon Taylor Vannatter

BOOK: Rodeo Reunion
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“Okay, let's get back to you not loving Cody. You dated him, though.”

“Yes, a few years back. Mitch tried to fix us up. We went out twice, realized there was nothing there and became really good friends.”

His heart settled into a relieved, normal rhythm. “If you don't love Cody, then why were you so upset at the hospital? That was more than friend upset.”

“The last time I was at that hospital—” she closed her eyes “—was the night Dylan died.”

He pulled her against him again, offering his shoulder. “Then why have you kept me at bay? Until now.”

“After Dylan died, I made two rules.” She burrowed her face in his neck, sending shivers all through him. “Any man who would have a chance with me and Hunter had to have a nice safe job and be home every night.”

“And rodeo chaplain slash cowboy-church preacher isn't safe enough for you? I promise you I'm home every night.”

“But you're a stupid bronc rider.” Her voice quivered.

“Oh. Why didn't you say so? I'd have quit that nonsense for you.”

“I didn't want you to quit for me. And I didn't want you to stay in Aubrey for me. I want you to be you and I want you where God wants you.”

“So what if God sends me back to the circuit someday?” He cupped her cheek with his hand and turned her to face him.

“We'll work it out.”

“And you're okay with the bronc thing?”

“I learned a lesson lately. Cody got trampled and gored by a bull and lived. Annette Frasier got stung by a wasp and died. It doesn't matter if you're a stupid bronc rider—God's in control.”

“Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd just as soon hang up my spurs. I only rode broncs to meet the cowboys where they were. But I never enjoyed it. I'm not saying I'll never ride again. But I won't if I can help it. Maybe I'll try something a little less painful like team roping.”

“And you'll keep the house next door?”

“That depends.” He traced the corner of her lips with his thumb.


“You told me you don't love Cody. But you didn't tell me who you do love.”

“You.” Her gaze caressed his face.

And Slade wondered how he'd missed it before. She loved him.

“I love you,” she repeated.

“I love you. And I'll live next door until you marry me?”

Her breath caught.

He kissed her again and it was a long, long time before he came up for air.

* * *

Raquel and Hunter cuddled on the couch—with the photo album splayed open in their laps. They'd shared the story behind most of the photos—remembering Dylan together. She'd wanted this last night before she married Slade to be special for Hunter.

“And this one.” He pointed to a picture of him as a toddler leading a horse with Dylan. Both dressed in cowboy gear, Hunter adorable in his tiny jeans, boots and hat.

“That's how we discovered Aubrey. We visited a dude ranch here and Daddy took you horseback riding. You were three and I was so afraid you'd fall off—”

“You stayed huddled in our room the entire weekend.” Hunter giggled. “Can we go there again?”

“Maybe.” Raquel did a dramatic shudder. “But I'm kind of scared of horses.”

“They're just horses, Mom, not broncs.” Hunter rolled his eyes. “I bet Slade will take me to the dude ranch.”

“I know you like Slade.” Raquel squeezed her eyes closed. “But are you sure you're okay with me marrying him?”

“Slade's awesome.”

“He is.” Raquel's heart warmed. “And I wouldn't marry him if you didn't think so. But it will change things. It won't be just us. Slade will live here, too. We'll be a family.”

“Like we were with Daddy.”

“Yes, but Slade won't replace Daddy.”

“I know.” Hunter traced his fingers over the dude ranch picture. “I'm glad Slade and Daddy were friends. It's good to know Daddy liked Slade. It's kind of like he approves.”

“I think Daddy definitely approves. He thought a lot of Slade.”

“Will we stay here in Aubrey?”

“Do you want to?” Her heart stilled.

“Uh-huh. I like getting to have a dog and playing in the barn with the cat. And after tomorrow, we'll have three dogs.”

“Oh, boy.” Raquel rolled her eyes.

Hunter turned the page. “Can we look at the album with Slade sometimes?”

“I think that's a very good idea.” Her vision clouded. “Slade would enjoy seeing the pictures.”

“I'm gonna like having another man in the house.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yep, two against one. Slade will side with me.”

“You think so, huh?” She smacked him with a pillow and then tickled his neck. “We'll see about that.”

Hunter dissolved into giggles. Their last night alone filled with memories of Dylan, plans for the future with Slade, and lots of love and laughter. Perfect.

* * *

The camera flashed and flashed. Kendra took pictures of Raquel with Tori, and with bridesmaids Caitlyn and Lacie. With Hunter and with her parents and Brant.

“That's most of it. I've gotten all the shots like these with Brant already. We'll only have the couple shots and the families united to finish up after the ceremony.” Kendra headed into the sanctuary.

“Do I need any touch-ups?”

“Nope. You're beautifulest.” Brant chuckled. “See, you've got me tongue-tied.”

“See, he's just a big softy.” Tori hugged her. “I was just thinking, we'll be double in-laws and our kids will be double cousins.”

“I hadn't even thought about that.” But she had thought of one thing that could cloud this day. “Tori, go on back to the classroom with Caitlyn and Lacie. I'll be there in a minute.” Raquel waited until she and Brant were alone
in the newly completed lobby. “Are you and Slade okay? Everything squared away?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, when he first came to town, you didn't like him or trust him. You toned it down for Tori and you even agreed to be one of his groomsmen, but are y'all really okay now?”

“He did something that forced me to see the error of my ways.”


“He donated most of whatever he inherited from his and Tori's dad to the cowboy church. And he didn't even have to, because Garrett was willing to back the whole thing. I realized I had him all wrong and apologized. We're buds.”

She blew out a sigh. “I'm so glad.”

“Trust me, I wouldn't let just anybody marry my little sis.” He offered her his arm.

With no clouds on her horizon, Brant escorted her toward the classroom so she could check her appearance one more time before the ceremony.

Over the past few months, she'd met Slade's grandparents, he'd met her parents, and he had even insisted on meeting Dylan's dad and his new wife. It was heartwarming to see him happy again after losing Dylan's mom. All visits had gone well and all their loved ones had come for the wedding. Their families fit together seamlessly as if she and Slade were meant to be.

“Wait a minute.” Kendra came through the double doors from the sanctuary. “I forgot one more shot. You'll love it.”

Raquel was certain she'd love it, but right now she just wanted to marry Slade. “Where do you want me?”

“Brant, you go get Slade while I explain to Raquel. Do not bring him in here. Take him out through the side door and around, just outside the barn door.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Brant saluted and entered the sanctuary.

“We'll open the barn door.” Kendra framed the air with her hands. “I'll have you stand on one side of the door with Slade standing on the other. You won't be able to see each other.”

“Okay?” Raquel wasn't getting Kendra's artistic vision.

“Slade's right outside the door,” Brant called.

“Wow, y'all are fast.” Kendra cracked the door. “Okay, I'm gonna open the door, but, Slade, you stay behind the door.”


“Just trust me.” Kendra opened the door and peeked out. “You'll love it and you'll show your grandkids someday.”

“That part sounds good,” Slade said.

“Brant, hold the door open for me.” Kendra disappeared around the door. “I need you right here, Slade. Like this. Perfect—now stay right there. Don't even move a muscle.” Kendra popped back around the door and grabbed Raquel's arm. “And I need you right here, Raquel.”

She positioned Raquel with her back to the door, looking outside. “Okay, but I still don't get it.”

“You're together before the ceremony, but you still can't see each other. An iconic ‘last time we were together and single' shot—without breaking tradition.”

“Oh, I get it. It sounds lovely.” Raquel smiled.

“You'll love it.” Kendra stepped outside and fiddled with her camera.

“This is silly,” Slade grumbled from the other side of the door. “I'm not superstitious. I'm coming around there.”

“You better not.” Raquel mustered impending doom into her tone. “I'm not superstitious either. It's just a nice tradition.”

“Slade, look at the camera,” Kendra coaxed. “I promise, it's a great shot. You'll love it.”

“Oh, all right, but after you get the picture, I'm coming around this door.”

“Slade Walker, if you come around this door, I won't marry you.”

He huffed a sigh. “You win.”

“You may not get to see her, but I do.” Cody limped around the door with his cane, grinning like the big kid he was. “Ha ha.”

“I'm gonna yank a knot in your tail, Cody. Get back over here and quit looking at my woman.” Slade's laughter came through his tone.

“You sure about this guy, Raquel?” Cody grinned. “I can still light him up with a cattle prod for ya.”

“Will you two stop? I don't need anyone hog-tied or chapped or spurs sunk anywhere. All I need is this picture so I can get married. Shoo, Cody. Get out of my picture.”

“Oh, I see how it is.” Cody moped his way back to Slade's side of the door. “Some stupid bronc rider shows up and I'm out of your picture.”

“Okay, I need my bride and my groom to look at the camera. And smile.” Kendra's flash blinded Raquel. “Good. One more, just to make sure. You'll treasure this picture fifty years from now.” The flash went off again.

Cody limped around the door again, then jerked back. “Ouch. Stupid bronc rider.”

“Don't hurt him, Slade.” Raquel laughed. “They barely let him out of rehab to come today.”

“I didn't touch him,” Slade hollered. “He's over here jerking himself around, putting on a show.”

“It's a good thing I know y'all.” Kendra chuckled. “I'd be thinking the groomsman does drugs and he's hitting on the bride. That's a wrap. See y'all after the ceremony.”

“Get lost, Cody. Let me talk to my woman alone.”

“Are you gonna let him talk to me like that?” Cody limped around the door again.

“Get lost, Cody. Let me talk to my man alone.”

“You too?” Cody did a pretend sniff and hobbled away.

“How old is he?” Slade's voice came through the door.

“Twenty-nine going on eleven.” She laughed. “I really appreciate you asking him to be a groomsman.”

“He's growing on me, he's your friend, and he can't be in the bridal party, so I thought it was only right.”

“You being so sweet is one of the many reasons I'm here. Speaking of which, I'm not sure you realize, but you're kind of holding up my wedding.”

“So that's what's going on. It's like a rodeo reunion in there.” He chuckled. “But this won't take long. Turn around.”

“I don't want to see you before the wedding.”

“Trust me. Turn around. Put your cheek against the door facing outside, like we're dancing cheek to cheek.”

“Oh.” She turned around and pressed her cheek against the door.

“Now give me your hand.”

She reached around the edge of the door and he clasped her hand as if they were waltzing. “Do you know how to waltz?”

“I can Texas two-step. But I'd learn to waltz for you.”

Her insides warmed. “My very own waltzing rodeo chaplain slash cowboy preacher.”

“Just don't tell anybody. I have a reputation, you know.”

“I love you.”

“I love you. Ready to get this shindig started?”

“Past ready.” She sighed.

“Good. I'm looking forward to dancing through life with you.”

“See you in a few.”

“And for the rest of our lives.”

* * * * *

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