ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (88 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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Slowly Tessa bobbed her head, just enough for the tip of Lucas’s penis to hit the top of her mouth. Unfortunately, he stopped her before she could continue.

“Less teeth, babe. Just use your lips.” Lucas sounded strained, and Tessa liked that she finally had a one up on him. Taking his advice, though, she tried her best to keep her teeth tucked before taking on a few more inches, until he reached the base of her tongue. He didn’t try to push her head down, and for that she was grateful; it almost seemed like he needed something to ground himself as he pulled her hair roughly into a pony tail.

Jerking a little when Tessa finally took all of him in her mouth, Lucas sore roughly before lifting his hips a bit. She started a low, slow rhythm that allowed her to get used to the feeling of his head hitting the back of her throat, but as she became more comfortable, she started moving faster.

Bobbing her head up and down, Tessa pumped the base of Lucas’s penis before he yanked her head back. Coughing a little as air rushed her lungs, she shuddered lightly and he pushed her backwards to climb on top of her. It made her glad she had a queen sized bed. Lucas’s eyes flashed with desire and a dangerous glint as she smiled wickedly down at her, and Tessa wondered what she’d unleashed.

“My turn, babe.” Husky, the warning made Tessa’s eyes widen before she suddenly found herself completely naked. Lucas had a knack for taking off her clothes, but she couldn’t focus when he parted her thighs and the cold air from the room hit her core. Whimpering softly, she almost didn’t have time to breathe before that cold air was replaced with hot breath. Squirming, she felt the anticipation collect on her skin like sweat, making it tingle.

Lucas gave a big lick down her slit with all of his tongue, and Tessa bucked violently, clutching the sheets under her with a hoarse, loud moan. He took the sensitive bundle of nerves between his teeth and pulled gently, causing her to jerk. Licking over the insides of her folds, Lucas hummed in what Tessa guessed was appreciation before his finger twisted and turned, slipping into her with ease from how wet she was.

Pumping his hand, Lucas flicked and swirled his tongue, doing things Tessa had never known was possible. She was so close to exploding and it hadn’t even been ten seconds, not that she had a sense of time. Pushing against her inner walls, his finger quickly turned into two, and his pace became quicker- a little rougher.

“L- Lucas-s… Oh- God, m- make me cum-m… plea-se!” Spreading her legs wider, Tessa spouted her plea through stutters and small choking noises as Lucas became more ravenous. When he curled his fingers, her entire world came crashing down around her like waves, and her torso lifted upwards as she tightened almost painfully. Knots formed in her insides, and she could feel the contours of his fingers inside her channel.

“You cum so pretty, Tessa.” Growling out the praise, Lucas attacked Tessa’s mouth again before kicking his jeans off entirely and nestling between her hips. His thick, hard member flowed like silk over her wet folds, and she lifted her hips with a whimper. Gripping her hip with damp fingers, Lucas wasted no time plunging passed her entrance, and his groan mingled with her tortured cry.

Her one partner never made her feel so full- so stretched.

Burying her face in his shoulder, Tessa let out a shriek when Lucas pulled his hips away to thrust back into her. Her nails dug into his biceps, and his fingers were making bruises on her hip.

“Fuck- Tessa… Scream again.” Slamming into her, Lucas’s demand sounded deeply in her ear and Tessa gladly obliged. She felt too tight for her skin, and knew from the tightening in her abdomen that she was having a release of epic proportions.

“God- Harder! Harder L- Lucas!” Crying out loudly, Tessa wrapped her arms around Lucas’s shoulders to try to find purchase on his back as he whispered a smug ‘yes ma’am’ in her ear.

Then he proceeded to screw her brains out. His deep, hard thrusts made her eyes roll in her skull, and she bit his hot flesh to keep her scream muffled. Her own juices flowed out of her as she came so hard she couldn’t contain it. Lucas’s balls slapped against her anus, and it only heightened her pleasure. Tears even formed from her eyes at how incredible it felt.

Panting, sweaty and tired despite waking up only an hour ago, Tessa snuggled into Lucas’s side with a satisfied sigh.

“Nice way to wake up.” Mumbling, she wasn’t really expecting an answer but Lucas chuckled anyway.

“You better start taking birth control, babe, because I hate condoms and pulling out makes me feel like shit.”




Coach’s Daughter

Chapter One- The First Meeting


Violet Andrews finished her notes from the reading in her Lit class and sighed. It was dense reading and she hoped she had got the gist of it. She shook head and her curly black hair came out of the clip and swung down around her face. She decided to re-read some of the passages to make sure she understood the underlying points made. Then she had her African Lit class to work on. That paper needed more research and citations. Then she had her algebra class homework to plow through. She sighed again knowing it would be another late night.

              Violet put that out of her mind as she loaded her bag up with her books and tablet. For several hours during the afternoon she always gave herself some free time. Free time, for me time, she thought of it. She giggled to herself at her silliness. It was necessary though, or she would burn out fast. Violet was very methodical, even in her free time. She realized she was one of the last to leave the classroom, waving to the instructor as she walked out. There were only a few people in the hallway, and she was surprised that Mike McNeil was one of them.

              He was the new rookie quarterback and great things were expected of him for the University. His reputation, from what she had heard through the grape vine, was a history of parties and women. He did seem to have cleaned that up though, because he had been one of the few actually trying to pay attention in class. As she left the class he was thumbing through the class syllabus. He looked up from where he was leaning against the wall and saw her, he smiled. She gave him a hesitant one in return. He was a quite attractive man, she thought to herself.

              He was obviously strong, but also lean, as a quarterback should be. His red hair was short and his eyes were a bright green that could be enchanting if she let it be. His smile was bright, if tired looking. He was wearing a team jacket over a red t-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. He raised a hand in greeting.

              “Hey, Violet isn't it?” He asked. His voice was deep but soft, not the gravely one she would have expected.

              “Hi, yes I am Violet, your Mike, right?” She asked. Everyone in school knew who he was, but she was trying to be polite and get on with her day.

              “Is it me, or is the reading in this class thick enough to stand a fork up in?” He asked humorously. The image caused her to laugh and her smile widened.

              “That's good, and right on too. I knew Kierkegaard was dense but Jesus, this stuff is going to take awhile. I am glad I am not the only one to notice,” she told him. She realized she was bordering on flirting. She knew then she was tired. She did not have time for flirting. Not to mention, she never dated football players.

              “I think most of us were in shock when we got halfway through the syllabus. Professor Lighten starts a class off with a bang. Or a gut punch depending on your perspective. Fortunately I like reading, it just is not typically this sort,” He told her. She nodded.

              “It does help to enjoy the process anyway. I hope it goes good for you, I have to run,” she told him smiling, to take any sting of her abrupt departure away. Mike smiled and waved looking back down at his paper.

              “Hey Violet,” Mike called to her as she walked away. She turned with a questioning glance.

              “You should wear your hair down more often, it looks real nice,” he advised. She smiled nervously, blushing. She was glad she had such dark skin, most folks did not notice her blushing.

              “Thanks, Mike. I will consider it,” she called back with a smile, waving as she continued on her way. She felt a warm feeling with his gentle compliment. It was not at all the sort of compliment she would have expected from his reputation. She chided herself on believing rumors and abruptly decided it was good time to go the gym.

              Violet changed into her workout clothes and did her warm up stretching. She hardly glanced at herself in the mirror, but she was someone that got looks in the gym, even though she did not notice. She wore a forest green spandex top to her midriff and matching sweat pants. It never occurred to her that she was a sexy woman. Anyone else walking by noticed though. Her large breasts, plus her nicely rounded rear end were the stuff of some men's dreams. Her flat belly and darker African American skin color made her a young woman who stood out. Violet worked on the rowing machine and then the tread mill. She finished up with the elliptical. She did not exercise for the way it made her look though. Violet exercised because if she wanted to accomplish her goals in life she had to be healthy. In her mind it only made sense.

              She took a shower after her workout and got dressed. She put on her slacks, blouse, and pullover sweater. The weather had gotten cold earlier than usual this year and she did not like the cold wind that would crop up. Violet had always dressed in a way that some might call frumpy. It was just her tastes that dictated her choice of clothes. She was a scruff when it came to that and it did not bother her. It unknowingly kept people from noticing her figure though. It was also why, when exercising, she wore what she did then. It was a matter of utility and what was comfortable to do the work in. As she was putting her hair up she stopped and let it stay down swirling around her face. She blushed a little again, but decided to let her vanity have a moment. Mike had paid her a nice compliment and she felt a strange warmth inside due to that. As soon as she was out the door her mind was back on the next task she had to do. She did think about Mike here and there, and she did not realize she smiled every time.

Chapter Two- Growing Heat

Violet finished her homework and leaned back in her chair with a heavy sigh. She decided she needed a snack, and got up headed to the cabinet. Her dorm room did not have a lot of space, but her and her roommate kept their munchies in a little cabinet on top of the tiny fridge. It was times like these that she went for the junk food. She grabbed a bag of Ruffles, a little container of dip out of the fridge and a soda. Once she sat down she immediately started thinking about Mike. He came across well and every time she stopped work he would crop up in her mind. She smiled and munched her chips while going to the schools Facebook. She surprised herself by automatically looking up the Football team’s page. She dipped a chip in the ranch dip and scrolled down chiding herself.

              “He is a rookie quarterback girl, you don't need that,” she told herself aloud. Violet had grown up around football and knew better. It was like rock musician's children knew better than to date a musician. She saw his picture though and read through her bio. It was like what she wanted did not matter. He did not go on the site often. At least she could not see any posts from him beyond the first excited one about being on the team. That was understandable.

              The university was hard ass about who they tapped and he would have had to run a gauntlet to get on the team. So she understood his pride. She saw he was an English Major and was impressed. It was not her thing but her roommate was in that major and she saw how hard that was. It bothered her that she was actually attracted to him. Sure he was good looking, but from what she could see on line, despite any other faults the guy worked hard for what he wanted. She respected that. Shaking her head she went to Farmville. Her guilty pleasure. She clicked and ate her chips, pushing Mike out of her mind with the mindless game. Her roommate came got back as she was getting ready for bed.

              “Hey Violet, finished already?” Janey Nichols asked her as she took off her coat and sweater. She was a sweet blond girl, a little on the chunky side but she carried it well. They got along great.

              “Yeah, it is the beginning of the term, in another week I will be back to studying until two,” She told Janey. Janey grinned agreement.

              “Yeah I just spent the last couple of hours going over the syllabus requirements in the library. It is going to be a long term,” She responded. Janey went into the bathroom and Violet put on her oversized t-shirt she used to sleep in. She caught her reflection in the mirror and without thinking reached up and took her hair out of the bun she had tied it in. It fell down around her face and shoulders. She smiled slightly and then caught herself. Forget him girl, she told herself for the fourth time that day. Football players are not worth it! Janey came out in a long nighty and they traded stories of the day before calling it a night. Violet did not mention Mike. Her roommate knew she never dated football players.

              The next day as her math course was starting a shadow feel over her desk and she looked up startled. It was Mike McNeil.

              “Hey Violet, mind if I sit here?” He asked gesturing to the chair next to hers. She looked around and saw it was the last open desk. She smiled and gestured to it. He sat pulling his books out of his bag.

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