ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (90 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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              “Ah Violet, I so much wanted this to be somewhere more romantic. You deserve much more than this,” He told her huskily. She laughed softly, in a fey mood of passion.

              “This is fine because it is just us. Nothing else matters for now Mike. So shut up and kiss me again,” She told him laughing. They kissed and laughed and he began unbuttoning her blouse and she worked on his pants. She could feel his hardness and was impressed by his size. When he bent his head to her breasts she groaned and then shook with her need for his touch. She slid her hand over his now bare thighs and got almost the same reaction. As they moaned and explored each other her desire and need grew to never before he reached levels. His fingers fluttered over her wet flower of desire and she moaned out with a small orgasm. It only seemed to build her up for more and she took his stiff member in her hand. They kissed some more, completely naked and entwined. Moaning he lifted himself above her.

              “Are you ready Violet, oh I can't hold on anymore!” he told her through his gasping need.

              “Yes Mike, oh baby yes!” was her uncontrollable response. As his flaming shaft slid into her deeper and deeper she was gripping him tightly and crying out her pleasure as her orgasms reached a tsunami peak. Roaring through her without hindrance. Laying waste to any thoughts of not being in a relationship with this man. He had a passion that ignited desires in her that had to be together. She knew as they lay gasping back down together that he felt it two. It was meant to be. There was no stopping it. It turns out he agreed. They lay enjoying the afterglow for a long while.

              “So Violet, I know we should probably keep this on the down low for now, with your dad and my position, someday I would like people to know though,” he said.

              “Yes, I do too, but for now you are right. Let’s take that slow and see what we might be getting ourselves in for. Dad is one of the reasons I have never, before now, dated a football player,” she told him truthfully.

              'I figured and that is ok. Some people may think I am getting my position due to that, other than my skills. Once those are proven it won't be a problem,” He explained. She giggled.

              “Ok, but you have proven your skills to me!” They laughed and cuddled for some time more before they realized they had a drive to get back to her car and then home. They both had family engagements for Sunday night.

Chapter Four- Hiding the Flame


Violet got back to her dorm in the wee hours of the night. She moved silently when she realized Janey was home and asleep. Unusual for her on a Saturday night.  Violet undressed and climbed into bed and stretched out with a smile and a sigh. She had not felt so relaxed and at peace in a very long time. Visions of Mike danced in her head and she did not mind. Being in love was a wonderful thing she decided. Her dreams were filled with peace and Mike. When she awoke refreshed and happy she said a cheerful good morning to Janey and went to the bathroom. When she came out Janey was looking at her strangely.

              “So, look who got laid last night,” were Janey's first words. Violet was shocked and embarrassed because there was no way she could deny it. Not with Janey anyway.

              “How did you know?” she asked.

              “Ha, firstly you are not a morning person, at all. Secondly you are walking like your body alignment was readjusted. Good for you, who is the lucky guy?” she asked cheerfully. That put Violet on the spot. Janey knew every gossipy piece of information on the campus. Then again, Violet thought, she was a collector. She rarely spoke of it to anyone. She just liked to know things. Violet sighed. She would end up having to tell her or she would go snooping.

              “Ok, you cannot tell anyone, we are not saying anything yet. It was Mike McNeil,” she announced. Her friends jaw dropped for a second and then closed. Janey looked thoughtful.

              “I really should have guessed. You always seemed happier after you have seen him. I understand why you would not want to advertise right now. There would be all sorts of complications huh?” she asked.

              “Yeah, for now anyway. Eventually we’ll figure out how to let my father know...” Violet said.

              “I do, but now that the formalities are out of the way. Whoop!” Janey jumped up and came over and hugged her. Soon they were chatting away and Violet found herself as giggly as the fellow classmates she saw in the commons discussing their boyfriends. She had never been this way before yet it felt freeing and more than a little fun.

              Violet smoothed her dress while waiting for her father to come home. He had a surprise he had said and they were going to have dinner. She sat in the living room with the television on the news and the sound off. She had been texting and talking to Mike all day and he was as excited about them as she was. It seemed like both of them were in it to win it she thought. She smiled and got up going to look over her father’s trophies.

              He was quite the accomplished man and she knew that was where she got her drive from. Her mother had passed away when she was very young and her father had been very protective and wanting her to have anything and everything she wanted. It had been hard to keep her own identity separate from his desires to be a good father and his notoriety as a coach. Football was a religion in Texas, but she had managed to not become part of that flock. She had her own path, now though she had someone to travel it with. It would be a tap dance to support him without getting too sucked into the football scene, but she was confident she could do it. She saw the headlights of her dads SUV come up the drive and turned to face the doors. She smiled wondering what sort of surprise he could have for her.

              “When he came in he was with a beautiful blond woman closely followed by a young man she quickly recognized.

              It was Mike!

              “Hello darling, I am glad you could make it. This is Marcie McNeil, Mike’s mother and we wanted to talk to you both. You know Mike don't you honey? Good, please Mike, have a seat.” he said as a preamble. Mike and I exchanged nervous glances. Did Dad know? She wondered. No, she decided quickly. If he did he would not be smiling like he was. She imagined neither would Mrs. McNeil. She sat next to Mike and their parents had the floor in front of them.

              “Well you two. Marcie and I have been dating now for a while. Shortly after the university drafted you Mike,” Violets Father began.

              “Yes and it has been a wonderful time. Neither of us wanted to involve our children though unless we thought it was something that could last,” Marcie McNeil said smiling.

              “Now that we are secure in our relationship we wanted you two to be the first to know, we are engaged to be married!” her Father exclaimed with a grin.

              Violet froze and her mouth dropped in surprise. She did not dare look at Mike as she stared at her Father. Married, what the hell, she thought. She realized the two parents were becoming nervous with the lack of comment and she jumped to her feet with a smile. Mike quickly followed suite.

              “I am sorry you two, it is just such a surprise,” Violet said. She went over to Marcie.

              “I am glad Dad was able to find someone. You let me know if you need any help keeping him in line,” She joked reflexively. Marcie grinned and they hugged. Mike congratulated his coach and as Violet went to give her father a hug. Mike hugged his mother. As happy as she was for her Dad all she could think of was, Step siblings? What the hell!

              Both she and Mike managed to be pleasant and supporting through dinner. When it was over she expected drinks in the living room but she was surprised again.

              “Well kids, we have a college affair we have to get too. Oh hell, I did not plan this well, to nervous I guess. Honey could you give Mike a ride home. We are going to be late as it is,” he asked her.

              “Uh, sure dad. I could give him a ride home. No problem,” she answered. They walked them to the door with more congratulations and hugs. Then Violet and Mike were standing in the foyer staring at each other.

              “I..” Mike began.

              “I...” Violet repeated. Finally Mike threw his hands up.

              “Ok, what the fuck are we supposed to do,” Violet did not know why but it struck her as funny and she started laughing, after a moment so did he and they leaned against each other with their arms entwined. When they calmed down Violet could think a little better.

              “I guess we are going to have to be sneaky, really sneaky,” she told him.

              “What do you mean?” he asked.

              “Well do you want to stop what we have?” she asked bluntly.

              “Hell no,” he replied.

              “Good. That means a careful as we were going to be, we have to be more so. Like I said, sneaky,” Violet finished. He nodded.

              “This is going to be hard to do, do you think we can?” he asked generally worried.

              “See this face Mike, this is my determined face. We can do this” she told him fiercely. He nodded and gave a fierce grin in return.

              “Yes ma'am, we are going to do this. I don't know if it would be that big of a deal but, we are in Texas. People are a little intense about some things. It does not bother you does it. The stepbrother thing?” He asked. Violet thought a moment and shrugged.

              “Look at us, I am a black woman and you are about as white as you could be. It is obvious we are not related,” They both laughed about that one, he admitted she was right.

              “This all is sort of funny. I am betting in the future it won't be though,” He correctly pointed out, she thought.

              “Then we deal then. Do you want a ride home?” she asked him.

              “Sure, do you mind stopping at the school. I left books in the library. I had planned to get them earlier but then the family stuff turned into road trip here. I got no warning either,” He explained. She was fine with that and they went to the campus. The admin building parking lot was packed. Fortunately where they needed to go was the other side of the campus so when they got to the library there was not one there.

              They went in and he found his things. Then of course Violet decided she needed a source book for her psych class. She had to hunt, way back in the stacks before finding what she wanted. She thumbed through it making sure it had what she needed.

              'You know what Violet?” she glanced up.

              “What’s that?”

              “You’re beautiful. We are in the back of the library, the dusty area were few dare to tread. You are dressed to the nines in a beautiful dress, and your brow is furrowed as you look through a book. You...are...beautiful, and I love you,” he finished. That had never been said to Violet from a man she had dated. She could see he was serious too. She tossed the book over her shoulder and moved towards him. She threw her arms around him and he returned it. She groaned a happy groan.

              “I am so in love with you too Mr. Mike McNeil. I won't let anything stand in our way,” she told him with a rising passion. Her desire seemed to flame up from deep within and they kissed. He too seemed to feel it and they ran their hands up and down each other’s body. His shirt came quickly off and she felt her dress slip off of her shoulders. She did not pause. She had forgot they were in the public library at the University. They lowered to the ground and his lips found her breasts as soon as her bra was removed. She arched her back gasping with her hot need for him. She could not help herself and did not want to. His hand slid her dress all the way to her knees and then inserted under her panties to her needful place. She groaned and squealed softly as he worked magic with his hands driving her desires into a flaming lust. Like the last time, when her entered her it was a miraculous explosive need that turned into pleasure that filled them both to overflowing until they were spent and gasping in each other’s arms. As they lay there she was so comfortable she almost forgot were where they were.

              “Oh the book you are looking for is not over there,” A loud voice could be heard. They both scrambled to their feet putting their clothes back on. She knew the voice.

              “Really I took that class last year,” The voice said. It was her roommate Janey.

              “Janey,” she whispered to Mike. His eye brows went up as they gathered their things. He remembered her book, picked it up, and they went along the back of the stacks to the other end of the library. They waited there.

              “The whole school will know tomorrow that the coach is getting married and to who, we can't be seen,” Mike whispered unnecessarily. Violet nodded as they stood waiting. They heard the murmur of voices and then a louder one.

              “I'll be damned. It wasn't there last year. Well, sorry about that, glad you found it despite my help,” Janey told whoever she talking to. There was silence then and after a while they decided it would be safe to leave. They walked towards the front and Janey stepped in front of them.

              “Hello you two. You really need to be more careful. Violet here told me you guys were keeping everything hush and then I see you both in the library headed for the back stacks. I think you both owe me for deflecting trouble,” She told them. Her hair was loose and she was wearing sweats and a jacket. Violet sighed.

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