ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (91 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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              “I did come here for a book,” She began.

              “And stayed for the romance, sure the stacks are used for that all the time. You guys need some originality. Your clothes are a dead giveaway,” she informed them. Violet and Mike looked at each other and began adjusting their clothes.

              “You will not believe the night we have had. Oh by the way, Janey Nichols, this is Mike McNeil,” She told her friend.

              “Nice to meet you. Thanks for keeping our secret,” Mike said.

              “No problem. Violet need a good man and you will do, to be sure,” Janey returned.

              “Guess what Janey, our parents are getting married and it will be all over school tomorrow,” Janey covered her mouth to keep the giggles from getting her. Finally she got control while Mike and Violet stared at her.

              “Sorry, I know it is not as funny to you guys. But if you knew that, why were just doing what you were doing. You two like to live dangerously don't you. I never knew you were such a risk taker Violet Andrews. It seems like Mike is rubbing off on you, which is cool. I would suggest no more school rendezvouses. Unless that was a goodbye sort of thing?” she asked directly.

              “No,” Violet and Mike said at the same time. Janey smiled.

              “Good, don't let society dictate your happiness. It should be safe for you two to go now. Be careful for god’s sake. The stakes just got higher. It should be more fun that way,” She told them and disappeared down the aisle. Mike looked at Violet.

              “She is a little weird,” He told her.

              “Just a little?” Violet asked with a little giggle. They went back to her car and was able to get him home without incident.

              Along the drive they discussed some more what they should do.

              “I am glad you have Janey in you corner. Weird or not I bet she will be a big help. My friend Jack knows, sorry I had to tell someone, I was too happy. He will keep a secret though. Even more now,” he explained. Violet would have said something about him telling his friend, but she had told Janey. She understood. Sometimes you have to tell somebody. When they reached his home, they kissed quickly and promised to work on ways to keep their romance alive despite the hurdles. Then she went back to the dorm. She fully expected Janey to read her the riot act.

              “Hey sweety,” She heard Janey say as she walked in and hung up her coat.
I made a drink for you. Sounds like you could use it,” she said.

              “Thank you Janey, it has been a wild night. Dad and his Mom sat us on the couch. I felt sure they knew about us. Then they dropped the bomb!” she exclaimed and gulped her drink and gagged a bit. It was a little harsh but she could feel herself relax. Janey nodded. She was being more serious now.

              “How do you feel about it? Beyond your situation. Just as a daughter, are you happy for him?” she asked Violet. Violet smiled.

              “Yes I am. They seem good together as far as I can see. I hope it works out. I just don't want it messing up what I just found,” She heard a wine in her voice and Janey came over and put her arm around her. He voice was softer.

              “I know you do honey. I will help all I can. You two just need to curb yourselves around here from now on. Do you really love him Violet, does he love you?” was her question of concern. Violets voice trembled on the verge of tears. She nodded to both questions.

              “So much it is amazing Jayne. We both are so, well, he said it to me first. In the stacks. I almost tackled him!” she told her friend. Janey hugged her and shared her happy tears. They had a celebratory drink, Janey insisted and it helped Violet after the library scare. Soon after they decided to call it a night. A new week stated in the morning. Violet was surprised she was able to get some sleep.

Chapter Five- The Perfect Solution


The next few months were strange. Everyone on campus knew Mike's mother was marrying the coach. Everyone knew she was the coach’s daughter. So they would hear comments from people when they were talking in class like, is your sister helping you with your homework. They found that even going to have their usual dinners in the cafe or coffee was not a problem. Mike pointed it out to her a few weeks after the engagement was announced.

              “It is weird but this might have helped us keep things quiet,” He said while they walked across the quad. They were careful never to hold hands or stand to close.

“How do you mean?” Violet had asked.

              “No one expects us to date because we are going to be “related.” If this hadn't happened, everyone by now would say we are dating because we spend so much time together,” he said. She knew he was right. Of course it caused them problems because they had to come up with stories about where they were going separately and meet up somewhere different. The mystery was fun, making the arrangements were a little tedious. It turned out that his friend Jack was good at sneaky and had connected with Janey. They made a pretty impressive team.

              Violet was also going to football games now. She had rarely gone before except to support her dad. Now she went and sat next to Marcie and watched her son, Violets lover, play football. He had become the starting quarter back in record time and was making all the right moves. Violet did not show all of her excitement for him, but she could for Marcie and her Father. The more she got to know Marcie, she loved her. She was perfect for her dad and was a great mom to Mike. Violet just did not need her for her mom. Janey had suggested breaking them up, but both Mike and she had vetoed it. Their parents were so happy, they couldn't do that to them. No idea was too weird for Janey.

              By the time December came around Violet and Mike were about to explode. It was getting harder and harder to find alone time together. Then Mike suggested a family cabin. It was two hours away on the gulf coast. It had once belonged to his mom’s sister but since they passed Marcie had not wanted to go there. In fact, before she got her current job they had thought about selling it. Since they did not have to she had given the keys to Mike and told him it was his. Just don't do anything stupid. Then Jack and Janey had got imaginative.

              Classes were done in the beginning of December. So if they wanted some time together all they had to do was have Violet tell her dad she was going on a week long road trip with Janey, and Mike would tell his mom he was going with Jack someplace for a week. Then Violet and Jack could go to the cabin. To make sure there was no possibility it would not work, Janey and Jack were leaving town together for a week. They had become a couple while arranging hookup time for their friends. Violet had to admit it was perfect.

              Their long range plans were simple. Four years and they were out of college and they could take off. Violet could not leave earlier due to her degree. Mike had four years with Texas before he could go anywhere also. Once on their own they could do what they want. It was going to be a rough haul, but with the cabin they figured it would be much easier.

              The cabin was beautiful to Violet. A little rustic but the electricity worked and the kitchen was functional.  They had sleeping bags, food, beer and wine. They were set for the week. The view of the gulf was spectacular. They spent the evenings on the porch in blankets with wine, a radio. In the morning the sun rise was a thing to behold. Violet had never imagined romance like this outside of a novel. The sound of the ocean and salty air added an ambiance she absolutely adored. No homework, no phone calls, just her and Mike. She had dreamed about days like this since they had first got together.

              They took long walks on the beach. Mike admitted it was not something he had ever thought he would like, but with her, he never wanted to leave. It had made her cry with her happiness and she thought he might have shed a few tears as well. She did not mention it though. He was the quarterback on a division team, he had his male pride. That should stay intact she thought. He had nothing to worry about in the love making department that was for sure. The passion he ignited in her never got old or never any less. They seemed to be the spark that lit them mutually on fire.

              She came out of the bedroom into the living room with a little fire going in a tiny negligee top and bottom. She had saved it for the final night in the cabin this trip. It was a silky gray that clung to her breasts and rear end perfectly leaving the rest of her bare except for stockings and a garter. His jaw had about hit the floor and she thought he broke out in a sweat. She felt amazingly sexy when she was around him, never more than that moment. She had her hair down of course and he loved that too.

              She walked toward him, feeling a little nervous in such an outfit. She had never worn one before and Janey had helped her figure out how to wear it. He took her hand and led her to the blankets laid out in front of the fire. They knelt and he handed her a glass of wine and he took one himself.

              “A toast to the most amazing woman on the planet. You make me feel like I deserve the praise I get. I can never belief how lucky I am to be with you,” he toasted and they sipped. Violet felt tears.

              “To the most amazing man I the universe. You make me feel like the only woman I the world and is if I am a princess. I love you Mike,” she said.

              “I love you Violet,” he said.

              They snuggled and watched the fire for a while before their closeness, as always, ignited the inner fire. They kissed and Violet was amazed at the trail of tingling that ran to her toes when they did. He slipped the shoulder straps of her top off and she arched her back, ready for his hands and lips as she undid his trousers. This time she eased him backwards. She was going to come at him from the top. He grinned his appreciation.

              She kissed his powerful chest and neck. Working her way up to her lips. She could feel his hardness under her as it grew to his wondrous proportions, as if he was made just for her.

              Violet kept kissing and caressing his muscular body that she had come to know so well and realized she would never grow tired of this, or him. He was groaning and squirming under him as she was begging to squirm herself.

              “Ah, oh baby I can't hold out much longer!” he told her gasping.

              “A little more sweetheart, hold on, oh yeah baby, so big and ready for my. I am so wet for you, oh yes here we go!” she groaned out to him as she lifted her hops and he positioned himself. As soon as his tip entered her cavern she kissed his lips. As he was plunged into her, their eyes met as their tongues tangled. The explosion of their desire and true love seemed to grow again until when the force of it passed they were both gasping. She did not want to roll off of him. She could feel is now limp member inside her and she was comforted by that. They were together in love.

Chapter Six- Busted?

Violet received a text at seven in the morning and almost did not get it. Since she was up and making coffee anyway, she decided to at least see who it was. It was Janey, 911. She frowned and opened the text. The message read: We ran into your Dad and Mikes Mom. We think they know. You had better get home. Remember if you don't admit anything they can never be sure. That was it. She thought about calling her when her phone rang. She heard Mike’s phone rang in the bathroom. Her phone call was her dad. She hesitated but slid to answer.

              “Hello, Dad?” she asked.

              “This is Dad, were you coming home today?” he asked. There was a curious tone she could not place and it made her nervous.

              “Yeah, I was Dad what is up.” she asked.

              “Bring Mike, we need to talk,” he said and hung up. Her father had never hung up on her in his life. Mike ran out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

              “What the hell?” he was holding up his phone. She held up hers. He turned pale.

              “Dad says to bring you home with me, we need to talk,” she said. He gestured at his phone and nodded the same.

              They were dejected as they packed up and neatened the place up before leaving. They were hesitant but knew they had no choice. They held hands for most of the drive back. Reassuring themselves there was nothing that could split them up. They pulled into her Dad's driveway and looked at each other.

              “Ready, we don't know for sure they know, but if they do we stay strong. Right Violet?” she nodded determined. They got out and walked up the drive. They did not walk side by side but as if nothing was wrong. The last several months had made them good at that. They went in and both parents were waiting in the living room. Her Dad gestured them to a seat. They both looked mad.

              “Well, well, well...” her Dad began. She knew that was not a good sign. Mike did too, since he worked for the man.

              “I really can't believe you Mike, I really can't,” Marcie said. Violet's hope was dwindling. They both just stared at them for several of the most uncomfortable seconds Violet had ever felt. Then she noticed her dad’s shoulders beginning to shake. Then Marcie lips twitched and soon they both started laughing. Violet looked at Mike bemused.

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