ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (89 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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              “Thanks Violet. I have been on the waiting list for this class for two weeks. It is the only one that will fit my schedule and it is a requirement,” he explained. She knew what rookies workload was like and understood. Class started and to her surprise he did not pester her through the class beyond a soft clarification of something the teacher said once.

              They waved goodbye after the class and that was it. Except it seemed to make her think about him more. So by the next week having two classes together they had talked a little more and when the math class ended they were gathering their books and talking about the assignment. Like any other classmates. They walked out together chatting.

              “Hey, I was going to the commons to grab something to eat before this evening’s workout. Are you up for some coffee or something?” He asked casually. She answered as she would any classmate at the end of the day.

              “Sure I could use one,” She said, immediately surprised at herself afterward. As they walked across the campus she was confused with herself. Despite his casual approach he was obviously interested in her. She had just broke her rule about dating football players! She was even more surprised that she was not freaking out about it. As they entered the warm cafe she told herself it was just to grab a bite. Nothing more. She ordered a salad and a tea. Mike got a beef sandwich and a carbohydrate drink.

              “I have to load up when I can. I was warned about the schedule, but it is one of those things you don't know until you are in it, you know?” He asked her. She nodded and poured her light dressing on her salad.

              “I do. I have been around football players my whole life. Chow that stuff, you are going to need it!” She told him and they laughed.

              “You know football?” He asked after he swallowed a large bite. Violet could not help grinning.

              “A little, you don't recognize my name?” She asked.

              “Violet Andrews...oh shit! You are the coach’s daughter?” He asked. He definitely had not known. She laughed.

              “Yes, it is why I don't date football players,” she told him.

              “I get it, you know better!” They laughed and went back to eating. He opened up a little bit about his schedule and it was as grueling as she expected it would be. Her dad ran a tight ship. It was why she lived in the dorm. She loved her father but he was more regimented than she was and that was saying something.

              “I hope I do not sound like I am complaining. I am grateful for the shot I have and I always work for what I get. It was just...” He ended abruptly.

              “A bit more than the rumors hinted at?” She questioned. He nodded. Glad she understood.

              They finished up and he was off to training and as she watched him walk away she decided to hit the gym. She walked across campus and when she got there she saw him going into another entrance of the sporting complex surrounded by other football players and more than a few woman vying for attention. To her surprise he did not look interested. She got changed and went to work.

              She stayed longer than usual. She did not know why but she felt pent up energy and went through her usual routine several times. She kept smiling remembering her conversation with the quarterback. He was really a nice guy and it did not hurt that he was drop dead gorgeous. She felt a warmth deep inside that almost made her blush. She realized she was developing a crush on a football player. Crap she thought. Not good Violet, she told herself. Your life is complicated enough.

              She decided to forgo the usual shower because she did not want to walk back across campus with wet hair in the cold. She bundled up and started her walk. There were still a few students out and she said hi to those she knew. There were a few frat guys along the way who decided in their drunken state to hit on her.

              “Say baby, wanna have a good time?” They asked. Violet thought it was a little early to be hitting it that hard.

              “Not tonight guys. Thanks though,” she told them. She always figured being polite to jerks through them off and they went away. It did not work this time. They followed her.

              “Ah common baby, we could have a good time. Come on back to the house with us. We got some good beer and smoke,” they said walking up next to her. Violet began to get nervous wondering if any campus cops were around.

              “Look guys, I told you no. Don't you have better things to do than harass people for the hell of it.” That did not go over well. They began crowding in on her and she really began to get nervous then.

              “Leave her alone guys. I could hear her say no across the quad.” Violet heard. It was a voice she recognized. It was Mike. He was in workout clothes and looked tired, and annoyed with these jokers.

              “Who the hell do, oh hey Mike McNeil. We were just having some fun.” they explained to him. He was not buying it.

              “Go home and pass out guys. I have had a long day and you don't want to be the ones to end it.” they muttered a few things under their breath but left them alone. Violet and Mike watched them until they were out of sight. Violet sighed and realized she was shaking a little.

              “You ok?” he asked.

              “Yeah, they scared me a little is all. Thanks by the way. You may have just saved me.” she responded.

              “I am glad to help. Those guys are a pain in the ass. I heard they always wander around looking for trouble. Even at my worst I knew better than to do that. Idiots. Oh well, campus security probably already knows about them if I do.” he said.

              “Can I walk you back to your dorm? It is on the way to my car so it's no problem.” he asked. Normally it would have a no answer but she was a little freaked out by the drunks.

              “I would appreciate it Mike. Thanks. That had never happened to me before.” she told him.

              He was the perfect gentleman. Walked her back to her dorm and made sure she could get in before heading home. Before the doors shut she turned back.

              “Hey Mike?” she called out.

              “Yeah,” he turned back.

              “Thanks again, and you may want to let your hair down more often!” she joked as goodbye. He laughed with her and waved as she went in.

              She told Janey about the harassment and she was angry and worried. Not to mention she became a little impressed when Violet admitted who had save her.

              “Wow! Saved by the quarterback. I saw you guys having dinner didn't I? What’s going on with that, I thought you didn't date football players?” she asked.

              “I don't and we are not. We have two classes together and we were both headed to the gym so we stopped. Jeez Janey,” Violet said jokingly.

              “Ok, I won't tease. He is a pretty good looking guy though,” she added.

              Violet could not get around that fact. He was handsome, and nice, respectful, hard working... She stopped that train of thought. She knew deep down she was really falling for Mike McNeil and was not sure what to do about it. She would ask Janey, but already knew what her response would be. Since she was caught up on her homework she accepted the drink Janey got her and they had a relaxing night of catching up on gossip.

              “Thanks Janey,” Violet said as they both got into their beds for the night.

              “For what?” she responded sleepily.

              “For being here for me,” She told her.

              “Anytime sweetheart. What are friends for?” she answered rhetorically.

              Violet fell asleep quickly and dreamed of Mike. They were on a beach at the gulf coast in bathing suits, relaxing in the sand. In her dream they laughed and had a good time. She awoke just she was leaning in to accept a kiss from him. Awakening she realized why she had worked so hard at the gym. She had the hots for Mike and was becoming frustrated because of it. She knew it would be another hard visit to the gym.


Chapter Three- The Flame Burns Hotter


By the end of the third week both she and Mike were overloaded with work. Violet knew he looked forward to their coffees and little dinners together. Most people saw them and figured they were study buddies since nothing obvious was been done by either of them. Since that was the appearance they did not become a hot topic for gossip. Violet was glad. All she needed was a call from her Dad about fraternizing with the players. Violets biggest problem outside of her workload was the growing sexual frustration she was feeling around him. They got along great, joked, laughed, and did homework well together, and every time she was around him she got warm deep inside her. She wanted to blame him but she knew better. She had vowed to try and get that feeling out of her system and then blew it when he asked her out on an actual date.

              “I have got Saturday night off, how about going to that Italian restaurant out in Turnbill County?” Mike asked as they finished dinner in the cafe Thursday night. Without hesitation or thought she answered.

              “Sure, I will be coming back from a friends out that way. We could meet. What time were you thinking?” She asked. He seemed surprised but they set up a time and said goodbye for the night.

              “You are an idiot!” she told herself as she walked away from the cafe. She had not planned on it, but she went to the gym for another hard work out. It was becoming the only way to work off the stress of her reaction to Mike. She thought about canceling but did not want to do that to him, or herself she admitted. OK she decided. This once, this one football player and I will get it out of my system.  That was what she told herself.

              When Violet went into the restaurant she was a little nervous. She had seen his car in the parking lot so she knew he was there. It was a big older Chevy with a canopy, but she knew most players had very little money so his car was not an issue. She drove a beater too. Her dad had wanted to buy her one but she wanted to get her car on her own. She had told him maybe as a graduation gift. She quickly pushed thoughts of her dad out of her mind for the evening.

              She walked in and he was in the waiting area. He was dressed nice in a button down black shirt and slacks. Even his shoes looked good. They were old but kept up. He took her coat and his eyebrows went up. Violet had dressed up for the day and he very much approved.

              “She wore a red skirt to her knees with black stockings. A red camisole with a black blouse over it. Her hair she had only pulled up on the sides. She knew her chest was more obvious dressed this way but she had wanted to look good. She hoped she had not gone overboard.

              “Wow, you look great. I am glad I made an effort. Everyone here is going to be jealous of me.” he complimented. She blushed slightly and had another warm feeling she was getting used to being around him.

              “You are looking great too. I think I will be the one people are jealous of. She told him in return.

              There table was ready and he escorted her to her seat and held out the chair. He really knew how to be charming she thought. Since she had been working out so much she decided she could afford to eat something other than a salad and that obviously pleased him. He had ordered a bottle of wine and she decided to cut herself off aft her third glass because she could feel herself getting a healthy buzz.

              They laughed and talked about classes, football, other students, and generally she had the best date she had ever been on. They knew each other well enough that there was no usual awkwardness like usual first dates. Somewhere after the second glass of wine she had decided to just go with it and see what happened so by the end of it they were holding hands on the way out. They were both feeling very comfortable with each other. He walked her to the car and leaned down to kiss her. She leaned into it and sighed afterwards. The kiss was fantastic. He held her close and she returned the embrace. She really did not want the night to end. It seemed neither did he.

              “Maybe we could go somewhere and check out the stars. I hear there is a good vantage somewhere around here.” It was not as obvious a play as it might have been since he was taking an astronomy class.

              “Sure, sounds good to me,” she answered softly. Looking into his eyes she saw an answering desire to her feelings. He walked her to his car and they were off. They headed for high ground and at one point thought they may be lost but the road came to an end at a good place to park. It overlooked a good valley with clear sky's overhead. They put the tail gate down, and sat on the back arms around each other looking at the stars. He left the engine running so heat was blasted into the back and wafted out past them where they sat. It helped a little. He pointed out stars to her and talked about his class and his interest in astronomy. Soon though, their speaking ceased after the first kiss. The stars were forgotten. She could taste the wine on his breath, and it was wonderful to her.

              They faced each other more fully and his hands went under her coat and around her waist. She returned his embrace as their kissed became more passionate. She felt a lust like she had never felt, ignited for the passion burning through his caressing touch. By mutual consent they slid further back into the truck and he lifted the tail gate and shut the canopy. They took off their coats and spread them out and then resumed getting to know each other’s body.

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