ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance) (59 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MENAGE ROMANCE: Tapped and Taken by Two (Pregnancy Sports MMA UFC Fighter Romance) (Alpha Male Romance)
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“It’s the scent of desire. I can tell you want me. If only you could tell how much I want you right now.”

              She wrapped her arms around him, her body reacting to him like it never had to anything else in her life. She could feel a heat burn between her legs and she moaned out as Chris unzipped his jacket on her and reached a hand into her torn shirt, slowly groping one of her breasts in his large hand. 

              Soon enough she was in a mad rush to undress, with Chris yanking off her clothes quickly. She was nervous and excited all at the same time as she was left in her underwear. With skill, he unlatched her bra, exposing her bare chest. She blushed slightly but moaned, louder this time, as he leaned down, taking one of her perky breasts into his mouth. 

              Her hands ran down his back, her long nails traveling down his spine, making him shiver before her hands explored at will, finally finding his growing member.  She blushed harder, but took it in her hand, rubbing it to life. 

              Chris groaned into her ear as desire overwhelmed him. He had to have her. She could be the one. His
. He growled, biting her neck hard, leaving a mark as his fingers hooked into her panties, pulling them off and tossing them to the side. 

              Zoey quivered in anticipation as she felt him rubbing up against the warmth of her wetness. Her nails dug into his back slightly as he continued to tease her. All of a sudden he nudged himself inside of her, making her gasp out, as the tip of his cock crossed the threshold of her pussy, her nails digging in further, drawing thin red scratches. He groaned with the effort of inching himself into her tight folds. 

              Soon he was deep inside of her and she could feel the entire fullness of him inside of her like she had imagined before. The feeling was even better than she had thought it would be. He started to move slowly in and out of her and Zoey grabbed his shoulder and nudged him onto his back. She started grinding herself onto his hard cock. Quickly she was pounding it into her, and he was holding her hips, her breasts bounced with the effort. He leaned up, taking her breast into his mouth once more, making her moan even louder as he bounced her up and down on his massive dick. She moaned out, nearly screaming his name. 

              In a flourish of pleasure and with an exceptional deep plunge, Zoey was taken over the edge as her pussy quivered and tightened around him. Arthmael groaned, but kept moving, feeling himself getting closer as his balls tightened. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and forced his hips up to whip her over and lay her down on the hay. The movement was quick and forceful and Zoey screamed with surprise, but she found the landing to be soft and gentle.

In a split second he thrust himself back into her wet pussy and stared into her eyes greedily, ramming into her hard and making her body shake with every thrust. Zoey started moaning loudly and opened her legs wider to feel him drive his cock as deep as he could go. His cock soon swelled even larger as he lost control and let out his own deep groan from his own orgasm. He panted before pulling out and lying beside her, pulling her close, his arms wrapped around her, keeping her safe.

“Your scent is stronger than ever now, but it will soon drift away I think.”

Zoey’s mind was cloudy with the bliss of her orgasm. It had been way too long since she had experienced one of those.

“I only hope we aren’t too late.” He said, the two of them settling into silence.


Chapter 6

              After some time, Chris got up and grabbed their clothes.  He got dressed before handing Zoey hers. 

              “Put them back on before you get too cold,” he said.  “First though, rub them in the hay. It should mask the scent that is on them. It just might be enough now that it’s not pouring off you any more.” Zoey nodded, rubbing the musty smelling hay on her jeans before getting dressed as quickly as she could. She walked up to him and held his hand gently as he stared at the window into the night sky. It was a full moon. 

              “Is that why the werewolves are out? A full moon?” She asked, looking up at him. 

              “No. That’s just a myth you humans have.” He said, pulling her toward the door. “The lycan are like I am. They decide which form they want to take.”

He opened the door a crack to check to see if he could hear or smell anything out there. He stopped in his tracks, hearing a crashing noise coming from outside. 

              “What was that?” Zoey asked, clinging onto his arm. 

              “I don’t know… stay there.”  He looked around and then gently pushed her back and started taking off his clothes again so he could change forms. Just as he clenched his jaw, and the gust of wind passed by Zoey, a howl echoed through the night. Arthmael stopped and stood up. Outside the barn, a pack of wolves crept out from the edge of the forest toward the barn.

              A lone wolf led the pack. He had dark fur and even darker, almost black eyes. He walked up to the door, seemingly boasting with confidence as Arthmael stepped out and put his hand up to signal to Zoey to stay behind him. When the wolf with the black eyes was just a few feet away he transformed, turning into the man from the store. A few other wolves transformed, recreating the crew that had terrorized her and the small mini-mart earlier. Zoey gasped, and she wondered why his eyes were slightly different from the human-like eyes she had seen so far in these other wereshifting beings.

              “What do you want Leikos?” Arthmael growled, taking another step forward, standing his ground and making sure Zoey was shielded by his body. 

              “You have something I want.” The man who was just called Leikos chuckled, looking past Arthmael’s huge frame at Zoey with a sinister look in his eyes. Arthmael growled back, trying to assert his dominance over the smaller man. The pack of wolves tightened their circle, surrounding the couple even more.  If they wanted to leave the farm, they would have to fight their way out. 

              “She’s not leaving with you.” He uttered through gritted teeth as rage started to build inside of him. 

              “Oh… I think she will.” Leikos then grinned and turned back into his wolf form, quickly lunging forward. The change happened in a blink of an eye and Zoey was pushed back as Arthmael put up his human hands and caught the wolf around the neck while he gritted his teeth and shifted into his massive bear form. Liekos was tossed back as Arthmael finished his physical change, and then the two charged toward each other. The circle of wolves closed in around them and one in human form stepped over and grabbed Zoey by the arm.

“Don’t think about running away before we’re finished with your cuddly little teddy bear friend.” He said to her while he was watching the fight.

              Zoey watched in horror as the two creatures fought a bloody battle against each other. As fur and teeth blurred together, Zoey was afraid for Arthmael, but her survival instinct started to kick in as well. She knew what was going to happen if Leikos won, but she also wondered what was going to happen if Arthmael won. In the blur though, she couldn’t discern who was winning and she just prayed that Chris or Arthmael, or whoever it was that she just made love to, would make it out alive. She felt the grip on her arm tighten and turn clammy as a yelp was heard coming from the circle. Zoey assumed that there were some rules she didn’t understand that stopped the others from rushing the huge bear that obviously had the advantage over the quicker yet much smaller beast. 

              The wolf pack stayed in tight, allowing the alpha to fight his own battle as they watched on. Every now and a then, one of them would snap at a bear heel that got in range, or a paw as it was brought back to strike a blow, but none of them charged in to attack. Zoey wondered what was going to happen though if the wolf in the middle of the circle lost. Suddenly a larger yelp sounded throughout the farm. Arthmael’s huge paw had finally landed a flush blow to the head of Leikos sending him tumbling to the ground and quickly he pounced before he stopped rolling opening his powerful jaw to latch onto the wolf’s neck. The farmyard was deathly quiet and Arthmael was moments away from crushing the neck and the life of Leikos. The alpha tried to struggle, but he seemed too weary from the battle, and the dark black eyes started communicating a look of fear. 

“Arthmael stop! Don’t kill him!” With the alpha still in his mouth, he looked back at her. “He… he doesn’t deserve to die.” She whispered softly. She pretended that the alpha whimpering like an injured animal was too much for her to take, which in most circumstances would have been true. Secretly though, she wanted nothing more than to see the giant bear crush the wolf’s neck for what he and his group tried to do to her.

Zoey knew about the psychology of pack animals though. Once the alpha wolf was dead there was no telling what the rest of the pack was going to do. Most likely, they would all charge at the same time, and there was no way one bear could take on the whole pack at the same time. It would be chaos and carnage. More than likely, the one holding onto her arm would be at her neck the moment the pack no longer had an alpha to follow. Cut off the head and the body dies was mostly true with pack animals, but no one ever talks about how much the body violently flails and spasms before finally going cold and dead.  Arthmael seemed to sigh as he gently let the alpha go. He looked around at the circle of wolves and morphed back into his human form. Leikos howled and Zoey could hear an answer from wolves in the distance, and in an instant the wolf morphed back into human form.

“I submit then Arthmael. This human can be yours, but you can’t protect them all.”

“You know that you are hunting beyond your territory Leikos.”

“Our territory. We used to own wherever we walked. I never agreed to give the humans any land, and now we hide in the smallest corners of the forest because of the land the humans claim as their own. You should know Arthmael. You walk freely in our land. You can sometimes hear the sound of humans from your den the same as us. You and your kind have lived in harmony with us as long as our stories reach, and now you hide and sneak through life just like us.”

“I do what I must to survive the same as you, but the human female has nothing to do with your survival. You are only using her for your anger and revenge.”

“At least we still have a pack. What about you. You talk about survival. When was the last time you saw one of your own kind. How many years since you have even seen your own father?”

“Enough Leikos. Do you have anything new to say? I have won according to the laws. Is this going to be war? Will you signal the pack to attack? Or are we finished with our little disagreement over this human?”

Leikos said nothing but got up onto his feet. There were deep cuts on his neck where the teeth of the bear had sunk in. He bowed deeply and jumped back into wolf form before running away. The rest of the wolves had no choice but to follow suit, disappearing into the nearby forest. 

              Zoey took a deep breath. She rushed to his side and hugged his neck, burying her face into his chest. As she did, however, she found herself sticky with blood. He was badly hurt. 

              She pulled back and noticed the countless wounds on his body, many of them quite severe. She wondered how he was still standing. Chris looked at her with pain filled eyes, collapsing onto the ground and unconsciously morphing back into bear form. Her eyes went wide as she feared the worst. 

              “Chris! Arthmael! Hold on!” Working on pure adrenaline, she scavenged the farm looking for something that could help her. She was about to return empty handed when she found a kit in the back of the barn used for treating some of the larger animals. 

              She brought it back to the bear who was struggling to breathe, his body weak with loss of blood. Zoey worked fast, opening up the kit and pulling out the materials she needed: bandages, thread, needles, and various other instruments. She remained focused as she patched him up, wrapping bandages tightly around his more shallow wounds and stitching together the deeper ones. She worked methodically until every one of his injuries were accounted for. 

              She was now covered in his blood and a layer of her own sweat but as she looked down at him she sighed in relief.  He seemed to be breathing a little better now. The bear looked up at her for a moment, and walked into the barn. She followed him and sat down beside him, placing his large head on her lap.  Her fingers gently ran through his thick fur as she was petting his head. 

              “It’ll be okay. You’ll be fine.” She whispered, looking down at him, praying that her words would remain true. He seemed to nod his head and closed his eyes back up, falling asleep as he allowed exhaustion to overtake him. Soon enough he was slumbering, and his deep heavy breaths soothed Zoey as she rested her own head onto the rising and falling bulk that was keeping her warm. Zoey chuckled slightly, continuing to pet his head. 


Chapter 7

Eventually, Zoey fell asleep beside the bear.  It was warm near the large creature and she smiled in her sleep as she cuddled against his warmth.  Shortly after she fell asleep the sun appeared over the horizon, announcing the start of a new day. By the time it was at its highest point, the rays shined through the hole in the roof, making her hide her head from the sun.

              Nonetheless, soon it was too bright to keep sleeping, causing her to open her eyes and look around. At first, she was confused seeing the old farm house. She scrunched up her face, trying to remember what had happened when suddenly all of last night’s events came rushing back to her. Her eyes went wide and she sat up quickly, looking for Chris, but she was all alone. 

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